.Er.I- -: .•I Er.I ••••• . - Er.I - - -=IJ1.•. ~ DIVA BLASTOFF AT BlEO'S WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 HOUSTON'SPAC/pm PARTY HEADOUARTERS ~11'''TIDE1\ ~ f~ , I 1M awl (}fJ/l, ~ fTJ FRi"DiY P' J I I hI October 15th, 7pm ~M/ ~ (76 ~ Ir-tlMn THE WOLF PACK 1 Hosts aAUf~, t I Grey Party WEEKEND KICKOFF A HOWLING good time guaranteed as we play Follow-the-Leader in our hoe, WAREHOUSE PARTY! CLOTHES CHECK AVAILABLE! Cuw~ SUNDAY October 17th WESTHEIMER STREET ~ v FAIR T·DANCE Doors open 5pm ~ p.g·)~~~~~~1 NO COVER (;J~I 5Jo 7pm Caged Heatl Men Behind Bars Our PROUDLY SERVING 18 & UP ON WEDNESDAYS Shameless Male Strippers Dance for Your Pleasure! @ @ Always: THE LOWEST REGULAR ~ o e DRINK PRICES IN TOWNI THE UPTOWN NIGHTCLUB. 2912 McKINNEY AT THE SPLIT 90 Cent Well, $1.50 longnecksl DALLAS. TEXAS. 214.855.5465 $2 Call & $1 Schnapps! $1 WELL ALL NIGHT • 18-20 $6 • 21 & OVER $5 710 Pacific Street· Houston, TX 77006 • 713/523-0213 :lNI 03110NnH 3"1~ 3H.L S\JO!POPOJd IU9A3 IOJ:>edSpuo 'u~sao '00''''10::> "V ~hpu.~. ((@ SNOIIJnamld S13'o'HJIV'-l'o'IHINAJ ~ ,(8 p.uosuods (L8LG) SHJV-OG~ (V l G) XllHIV 110:) ste~:)q JO::l 'AiPOX8 JOU 8C1AOW '118M '" 'jl J8C1W8W8J nOA SO paWJO~ad 8C111!M IOJ!snw S!Yl nws 'wn!JO~lpnv UlIJOj:)W S66l 'V(; ~ 2(; 'zz J8qOPO zo; GlIVZIM 3:Hl so NOll:)nOO~d038V1S )"lln:lv SlN3S3~d ~l~OH:) ~~~~:)~ll~nl~Hl SA.TUR.DA.Y KREWE OF OLYMPUS CAR WASH lOAM - 4PM VOLUME 19, NUMBER 32 OCTOBER 15 - OCTOBER 21, 1993 • • • •• CHABLIS LEE LOVE 14 SPECIAL REPORT Looking at the Five Gay Candidates for Houston City Council PRESENTS 21 MEDICAL UPDATE AZT Revisited by Wayne Bockman, M.D. 25 VI EWPOINT Racism in the Lesbian / Gay Community by Michael Crawford 29 MOVIES Jeremy Irons and John Lone in M. Butterf/y Reviewed by Jeff Mackey ONE STEP 35 CURRENT EVENTS 41 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 49 BACKSTAGE Shadow/ands HasSouthwest Premiere at Dallas' Theatre Three Tomorrow CLOSER 53 TRIVIA 59 STARSCOPE Venus in Libra Heralds a 32-Day Period of Hope, Beauty and Happiness BENEFITING COLT 41S'. 69 SPORTS Houston TennisClub to Hold 13th Annual Houtex Tournament November 12-14 GENERAL CHARITIES 68 TEXAS NEWS SanAntonio Caucus Considers Action Against Officials InResendez Case 73 TEXAS TEA Kristian Kline Wins Mr. Gay Texas / USAin San Antonio R1BEYE STEAKS 82 CLASSIFIED WITH BAKED POTATO 91 OBITUARIES AND SALAD BAR 93 GUIDE 5PMTO 8PM TWT (This Week in T9xos)is published by Texos Weekly Times Newspaper Co ..at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas. Texos 75219 ad 811Westheimer in Houston Texes n0C>6. ~nIons expressed by cdurnnists are not necessaily those of TWT Of of its staff. Publicotionof the nome or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or orgonizotion. Sl.iJscription rates: $69 per year, $40 per half year. Bock issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1993 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news. TUESD.A.Y article or feature, copy or photograph non TWT is specifically prdlibited by federal statute. !t.S.I.C.S.S. THIS lNEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE COCKTAIL PARTY • 7PM Texas' Leading Gay 8<Lesbian Publication Since 1975· Weekly Circulation: 20,000 I ~W~ffi i HOUSTON OFFICE -. DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GelLMAN 811Westheimer. Suite 106 3300 Reogan Street EDITOR Houston. Texas 77006 Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT FRIDAY Dallas Fax (214)520·TWIT COMPTROLLffi (713) 527·9111 Lone Star Male Revue 6pm - 20m (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES SATURDAY ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue. Chris Potterson Car Wash 100m - 4pm ASSISTANTEDITORBob Dineen • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller Lane Star Male Revue 10pm - 20m CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSHugh Callaway. Nancy Ford. Lydia Godfrey. PhilJohnson, Jeff Mockey. Dan Medina STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSMike Beck. Cory Birdwell. Graham. Rex Martin. Shawn Northcutt SUNDAY TUESDAY Eight Ball Tournament Spm Boy Toy Dancers Spm - 10m NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520TWIT Advertising rates are available on request Irom the salesperson In your nearest city. Boy Toy dancers Spm - 9pm R.S.I.C.S.S.Reception 7pm Austin - Rex Martin (512) 443·7568 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston/Galveston - SIeve Nally (713) 527·911I • San Antonio - Paul Briner (210) 614·1348 Rlbeye Steaks Spm - 8pm WEDNESDAY Variety Show 9pm Male Strip Contest 10:30pm CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Bob Dineen • Houston Brkln Keever MONDAY TWT© 1993 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company THURSDAY SHANERUFFP. RESIDENITCEO I DIRECTOR Boy Toy Dancers Spm - 1am Video Classics 9pm ROYKLAUSI CO-DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. A SEAT AT THE TABLE A seat at the table. A voice in the debate. A vote when it counts. This year's city elections in Houston provide a unique opportunity for gays and lesbians to achieve all three. Five gay men endorsed by the Houston Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus are running for City Council seats. Along with two gay mayoral candidates, these men represent an unprecedented wave of gay and lesbian activism in Houston politics, and a new opportunity to represent ourselves at last. There has been no better time for us to come together and make adifference with ourvotes. Brian Bradley (Pos. 4), Rob Bridges (Pos. 3), Ray Hill (Pos. 2) and Gary Van Ooteghem (Pos. 1) are running at large. They'll be on every ballot. Gene Harrington is running in District D, which includes the Montrose area and a significant concentration of the gay vote. These are not the first candidates from our community. I was endorsed for City Council last year and ran a strong race in District C. Current candidates Hill and Van Ooteghem have run before for other offices. What is different this year is the impact of sheer numbers. This is an unmistakable statement that "it's our turn." These candidates will be screened by a multitude of groups, questioned at dozens of can- didate forums and interviewed by the media. They will talk about crime and potholes and gar- bage pickup, but they'll also talk about discrimination and domestic partnership ordinances and AIDS funding. Win or lose, they will shake up the status quo and decide the outcome of races. Better yet, their diversity of backgrounds and their divergent positions on city issues like zoning make labeling them single-issue candidates impossible. "Take 5" is the name, and theme, of a fund-raiser planned for the five City Council can- didates. With just a few weeks to campaign, every day and every dollar is precious. With so many of our own running, everyone must contribute. The candidates will be looking to generally the same pool of donors. That means one good way to get money into all the campaigns is one big [oint fund-raiser. Of course, that also has the makings of a great party/rally/community event. "Take 5" is just that-with friends, entertainment, food and drinks. It will be held at the Lovett Inn on Sunday, October 24 from 3-6 p.m. For more information, call (713)523-6109. BRIAN BRADLEY Brian Bradley is an AIDS activist per- haps best known for the lawsuit he brought on behalf of HIV-positive persons against the health care industry. That suit is currently at the federal 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, just one step short of being heard by the United States Supreme Court. Also in the area of HIV, Bradley is one of only 10 people in the United States writing policy forthe Ryan White Emergency Care Act, a fund that totals $880 million. Serv- ing as a member of the National Advisory Committee on housing for HIV-positive people, he brings a strong voice to the committee for providing adequate accom- modations forthe HIV-positive community. Bradley is a registered nurse by profes- PAGE 12 TWT OCTOBER 15 - OCTOBER 21 1993 sion. He spends a lot of his time with and sexual orientation in the Federation's JR's Bar & Grill organizations such as the Texas Human official employment nondiscrimination Rights Foundation and the Houston Gay policy. & Lesbian Political Caucus, trying to move "This race is about speaking for ourselves, 1993 TOP TEN COSTUMES & CHARACTERS forward the cause of gay and lesbian and shattering the stereotypes that hold rights. us back as individuals and as a commu- 10. Tammy Faye, Leona and Zsa Zsa "I think we're saying to the gay and lesbian nity.lnstead of complaining about what we (They're ugly and refuse to go away.) community that this is our time, we want can't do, we are expanding the definition to speak for ourselves, we know our Issues of what we can do. We can run, we can win 9. Chelsea Clinton better than anyone else ••• I'd like for HIV· and we cclh serve our city as well as or bet· 8. Ugly Wanda (from the Fox TV show In Living Color) positive people to know that they have a ter than any sitting elected official." 7. David Koresh (or any ofthe Mount Carmel Family Players) voice that is speaking for them and an ear that's willing to listen to them." 6. Beavis and Butthead 5. Gays in the Military 4. Queer Barney 3. Joey Buttafucco and his teenage love thang Amy Fisher 2. The Bumblebee Girl (from the music video "No Rain" by Blind Melons) ... and the Number One Costume/Character 1.
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