University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 4-15-1958 Montana Kaimin, April 15, 1958 Associated Students of Montana State University Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "Montana Kaimin, April 15, 1958" (1958). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 3430. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/3430 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Dlnme LVH Z400 No. 82 Montana State University, Missoula, Montana Tuesday, April 15, 1958 [atrix Table Banquet Honors Iniversity, Missoula Women State Board Gives Order The outstanding woman of each class was honored Sunday ening at the 27th annual Matrix Table Honor Banquet held To Cut MSUFaculty Size the Lodge. The banquet was sponsored by the Kappa Chap- ByBv PATRICIAPATRIfTTA SCOTT uj biennium would , be $1,024,000.” t of Theta Sigma Phi, women’s journalism honorary on United Press Staff Correspondent After the discussion on MSU [impus, and attended by more than 450 Montana women. HELENA (IP)—The State Board of Education—in an economy salaries, the Board of Education Those honored for outstanding service to the University and approved salary increases at the move—last night ordered dismissal of approximately 18 other five units. |gh scholastic achievement were --------------------------------------------- ------ teachers of the faculty of Montana State University. Dr. McFarland was the only arbara Wiliams, Laurel, fresh the Russian people hope one day ■an; Ina Jeanne Morris, Missoula, Dr. Carl McFarland was told to cut his faculty from a 10-1 president presenting a budget to have American and English which called for no academic |phomore; Marlene Kolstad, Bil­ newspapers sold on the streets. student-faculty ratio to a 15-1 ratio to bring the student-faculty ags, junior; and Mikell Peck, raises. Today, there are only enough Rus­ ratio “into line” with other university units. At the same time MSC Raise aker, senior. sians who speak English to keep I Also honored at the annual af- he was told to use the resultant ----------------——-------------------------------- Dr. R. R. Renne, president of the papers in the largest libraries. saving to increase faculty salaries Montana State College, presented lir were three Missoula women: Toastmistress for the evening after determination of fall quarter Irs. Lucille Jameson Armsby, Mrs. by approximately four per cent. enrollment: a budget calling for an 8.1 per was Mrs. Alice Maxwell, a mem­ cent increase in salaries. line Bailey and Mrs. William ber of the MSU Theta Sigma Phi McFarland told the board, “I “We are not asking for spe­ fishy. They were cited for their chapter, who is now national pres­ can’t do that. I don’t think there cial consideration.” Board member Boynton G. Paige ag years of faithful and devoted ident of the fraternity. is anything more I can say.” He asked for “more time” but of Philipsburg said he had deter­ ■rvice to the young people of Previously he had asked .the Popham told him, “we think it mined increases in MSC salaries leir community. board to approve his retaining the is important enough to take this would bring the salaries of asso­ I Guest speaker at the dinner was Parachute Jump present 305 faculty members at action this year.” ciate and assistant professors at Jessie M. Bierman, M.D., an present salaries. The board in its Hall then advised McFarland he the college equal to those' at the jmna of MSU and professor of Results in Injury action rescinded the approval. could hire more teachers next fall University . |aternal and child health at the if enrollment proved such action Dr. L. O. Brockman, Northern aiversity of California since 1947. It was understood that the teachers whose services would be necessary, although admittedly Montana College president, asked iDr. Bierman, who has served To Charles Smith “that, is not the best system.” for and was granted a 10 per cent Ith the World Health Organiza- terminated would be those with Charles Smith, Craig Hall, is in “ annual tenure” (or first year The raise in the student-faculty salary increment for his staff. Dr. pn and other governmental agen­ the infirmary with a fractured pel­ MSU) status, ratio—with the resultant saving to James E. Short, Western Montana ts, spoke on experiences she has College of Education president, vis after a parachute jump Sun­ McFarland’s alternative would be used for increasing salaries— ^countered in her travels, which day. would bring the University “into was granted eight per cent elude trips behind the Iron Cur- be to hire several first year teach­ raises. Smith, an ex-paratrooper, said line” with all other units except in. ers and not hire additional faculty Other Units last night that he jumped with the being contemplated for next year’s that at Butte. The School of Mines lOne unusual experience she had intention of landing in a field has an 8-1 ratio. The School of Mines faculty at Russia took place at a banquet staff. across the highway from the Mis­ Told he could fire part of his Butte, under a schedule presented aere she flattered 12 Georgian Presidents’ Salaries by President Edwin G. Koch, was by giving a toast to their soula County Airport. He said faculty last night by telegram, he did not drift quite as far as The action came at 6:15—two McFarland said, “I just don’t granted an average raise of slight­ Indsome looks instead of the ly less than 10 per cent, lual toasts to peace. As a re- he expected and narrowly missed hours and 55 minutes after the know how to do it and I don’t a high tension wire as he came in board went into executive session want to fool you by saying I t The board spent several hours ard for this, she was asked to for the landing. Ince by each of the men. “ to consider university presidents’ can do it.” discussing salary increases for IDr. Bierman also told of how After he had jockeyed past the salaries” for the coming fiscal year. Earlier McFarland said he did Eastern Montana College at Bil­ wire he did not have time to set Board member Earl Hall, Great not think the four per cent, ap­ lings. President Herbert L. Steele himself for the landing and Falls, read the motion. Dr. Hall proximately one-half the average said “ we are just in line with what Iantes Make News “smacked into the ground.” He salary increases granted the other the Legislature expects us to do” said he did not have a chance to also read a second motion some four units, was what the legisla­ in bringing up Eastern salaries. roll. few minutes later. That motion, ture had in mind. Steele said that some of his faculty also adopted unanimously by the “ What the legislature said was may have been “ discriminated Truman Calls Smith reported he was comfort­ 11 members present, raised Mc­ able and his doctor said he ex­ 15 per cent the first year and 10 against” in the past. Farland’s and Montana State Col- per cent the second.” The University faculty salaries pected him “to be up and around ege President R. R. Renne’s sala­ For Tax Cut soon.” at present are considered about ries from $15,000 each to $16,000 Compiled from UP Compiled from UP Wires Smith served with the army for each. four per cent higher than those at three years and made 25 jumps The board had earlier approved the other five university units. Former President Truman called Following the reading of the the Democratic-controlled Con- while in the service. by a 4-3 vote the MSU salary motion and its adoption the in­ schedule with the request that the ass yesterday in Washington to terchange between McFarland are the recession” with a five school appear in October after re­ Spring Enrollment Turk to Discuss and several board members was appraising enrollment figures, lion dollar tax cut and a punctuated by long silences. ,200,000,000 increase in govern- with a recommendation at that Shows 6% Boost ;nt spending. ‘Snobbism’ in Art Pacing the floor of the governor’s time for salaries. rhe former Fair Deal President Rudy Turk of the art department reception room slowly, McFarland Budget Delayed From Last Year d the tax savings should go to will discuss the different concepts said, “It may break the thing in Earlier in its meeting, the Board Enrollment for spring quarter is ddle and low-income groups, of art’s place in our society and so many pieces that I won’t be of Education delayed approval of up six per cent over a year ago e stepped-up spending would be culture at the Liberal Arts Club responsible for what happens.” a proposed budget of 11% million as 2,721 students were registered ad for defense, foreign aid, pub- this afternoon at 4 p.m. in LA 104. “Under present circumstances dollars for the six University of at the end of the first week of works and education programs, His speech, entitled “Snobbism . nothing else can be done,” Montana units and their stations, classes. also recommended higher social and Art,” will deal with the for­ board member Clarence Popham divisions and services.
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