TOURW AT. (X7TOBBR 11,1981' ! V. iKattrirPBtor Evpttitm ■Wii Bb a Life Saver October:, 18-Donate at the Bloodmobile The Manchester Rod and Gun Tha Snal meeUng of tha Ital­ 4S^ron(le having articles to di^ Rev. Bteapbim ItryJewsU of a t ' club will hold its annual fall olsan- ian Night committee of the nata to Senior « r l ' Scout Troop John’e church will be Inj ctourga o f . A bout Town up Sunday, Oct. 14. The offiosra Knighta of Columbus will be held Thrse’s rummage sale, to b e . held the 11 o’clock service Sunday at ' -hope for a good attendance as tonight at eight o’clock at the K. at the South Methodist church at Our Savloir's . church, Hartford. Avangu Dally Nat Prsas S m Mrs. W. E. austAfion of 8 Au­ there Is much to be done in prep­ of C. home. nine o’clock Saturday night, may The p a ^ r , R4v. ’Iheodore Kolak-' tumn street left from Bradley aration for ladles* night, October leave them at the church tomor­ owski, will be abaent on a apaak- Field Monday for El Pa«), Texae, 30. A spaghetti luncheon will be King David Lodge, No. 81 I. O. row evening. ing tour, and is achedulad to sPaak : to join her husband, Flist Lt. w . served. O. F., will meet in Odd Fellows hall is Irvington, N. J. Only oao Maaa,' Ctaar, eeelMr E. OusUfson, M. D.. who U eU- tomororw avening. Deputy Grand Group C of the Center Congre­ at 8:80, wilt be oald at S t John'a 1 0 ^ 0 8 dlmlnlahlng Wliida. N 4it tioned at Fort BHm . They wU Helen Davidson Lodge, No. 98, Master Clarence AaplnwEdl and his' gational chiurch, Mrs. Ford Croa- church Sunday, An Important' lata toalfht Saturday fair, eoetar. Daughters of Scotia, will hold Ita edllM AaSH reside at 3315 Hueco street, El staff will conduct the Installation by leader, will hold a regular meeting of the Lutnia choir w ill: Sunday outlook fair. Paeo. monthly meeting tomorrow eve­ ceremony, A \ social period with meeting Tueaday evening at eight follow aid all members are re-.) iet< City of VOiago Charm ning at 7:45 in the Masoillc Tem­ refreshments -will -follow In the o’clock In the Robbins room of the queeter to be present Mias Stsftte : I M is . Joseph Falkowskl is chair­ ple. banquet hall. church. s Koaak will presMe. man of a committes from the Cor­ COtoarifM AivNOriag an Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1951 nerstone club of Bt. Bridget's VOL. LXXL Na* 11 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRIC B n v B church, which will conduct a Mili­ tary Wnist for the benefit of the I school fund, Monday evening, Oct. 29, at 8:16. Here’s How To Get Your Bowles lo bidhi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bradley of See Senate I Vernon street will have as their guests of Columbus Day, tomor­ row, Mrs. Lillian Thompson of Set to Vote lS!„'^rjdRedsMop Up on Air New I Cranston, R. I., Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Welch and Florence McDon­ nell of Providence ?■ Mrs. Dorothy 1 McNanley and Beverly Thompeon Heartbreak of Johnstown, R. I., and Helen I Montague of Pawtucket Washington, Oct. 12—<iP) U. S, 8th Army Headquar­ Sunset Rebeksh Lodge, Vfo. 39, — Tha 18,299,266,098 foreign ters, Korea, Oct. 12— {iT)— will meet Monday evening at T:45. Bloody bayoneta of Ameri- On Truce Talk SAVE ON PINEHURST FARM The "Brothers’ Night program" aid bin passed by the House « | n 4 iiid French infantrymen scheduled for Monday night will yesterday appears set for FRESH F O W L Lb. 4 5 c be postponed to the next meeting. speedy handling in the today cleared the Reds o ff the I TTie lodge has accepted an Invita­ Senate. last peak of Heartbreak tion to attend the Joint installa­ Ridge, climaxing .the longest 43rd to Join Ike in Europe SAVE ON PINEHURST SLICED Tl^th Congressional leaders tion of G. Fred Barnes Encamp­ and most costly hill battle of Say T h re e Pindiorat Conncctirat ment, No. 8, and Midian Encamp- dumping for final adjourn- the Korean war. Fam Fmh ROBART BACON Lb. I ment of East Hartford at 8:30 p. For Your Food Dollars— Shop At mant not Ipter than a week F A R M (14 to 16 Ib- Hen) I m., Monday. from tomorrow, the.Senate Fierce fighting continued RaCom or Mississippi. U. S. Planes appropriations committee on- the northern slope below The 61st annual session-of the the crest. U. S. 8th Army of­ TWdCEW .^67« I Grand Temple, Pythian Sisters of started hearings on the WONDERFUL VALUE . THE BEST QUALITY ficers referred to it as “mop­ More of Thooc Lonre Connecticut, will open Tue.sday, measure even before the K illed Boy PINEHURST FARM FRESH LARGE Oct. 16 at 0 a. m. in Grange hail. House voted. ping up.” . Natlro CopoiM Pierce street, Plainvllle. Memorial Adminiatratloa Uoutenanti pre­ The Allies captured two other nearby peaks in the eastern services for departed brotliers and dicted a clear track In tha Senate. Munsan, Korea, Saturday, OMMrtty Style VlMiniret FRYING CHICKENS $1.89 sisters, will be held with the Grand Hale’s Self Serve and Meat Dept. Korean mountains. Republican oppoaltion to the big Cheater Bowlea, former governor of Ootmectlcnt, waa aworn In Oct. 13— </P)— Hopes of re­ Lodge, K.‘ of P., in the Baptist bUl melted laat night at the end Bag Red MIO ■.Swta y M at Lk. 69c church^ 11 a. m. Mrs. Bthelccn la Waahingtoa as V. 8. ambaaeador to India, to anooerd l« y Hender- In a blazing air battle' over suming the Korean truce H A L E ’S e( a nina-hour Houee aeaslon dur­ aan, who retired. John Slmmonn (rig h t), chief o f protocol o f the Did you know that people are coming from all over town Lewis is representative from Me- ing which ovety propoaal to chop Northeastern Korea U. S. F-86 talks were 8i)aken today by a I mortal Temple. Past Grand Chiefs State Deparhneat, admlaiatered the oath ae George C. McGhee (cen­ Lb. MEAT DEPARTMENT the funds waa defeated. Sabre Jet pllotii reported they shot Communist charge that three iM iiSfiartt 42c for PInehurst FRESHLY CHOPPED LEAN Mrs. Florence Herron and Mr. and DICED FRUIT ter), neelatant aecretory of etato, watched. (NEA Telephoto). down one Red Jet and damaged I Mrs. Horace Peckham of this town New-Red Aid American planes strafed Both COFFEE The money la Intended to help six. The Fifth Air Force said the will attend the banquet and Insta!- Sabres were outnumbered 100 to the Kaesong and Pnnmunjom Spa>^ Hibo . • M ore — More — More non-Cbmmunlat natlona build up GROUND BEEF .h 84c I latlons at the Hotel Burritt, New Fresh Ground 32. It said no American Jets were areas, kilting one Korean boy We sell reRular Hamburg at 71c lb. and grind Utility Yes, this week in spite of adverse market conditions their military and economic Pork Shoulders . Britain Tuesday evening. muBoles to reeiat Sovlat aggrea- lost in the 20-minute fight. and wounding another- we are ready with MORE Fresh Pork Roasts, MORE Pork Butts and Loins Round Ground to order for 94c lb. aion. Fed Plan on Italy Along the western front C8il- The Reds declared in a Loyal Circle of Kings Daughters Tender Lamb Legs and Chops, MORE “U. S. Choice** nese Reds hurled three attacks at It Inchidea IS1S.7S7A06 appro­ broadcast from Peiping early I will hold its fall rummage sale lb. Beef Steaks, and all the other good things you’ve learned priated in prevloua y tk n but not the United Nations Une. Two Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 9:30 in Cen- were beaten back. today: to expect to find in Hale’s Meat Department. ^ yat Ment on the vaat aid program. I ter Church house. Mrs. Emil O f thia carryover, approximately The third forced elements of the "Observers here (in Kae­ SNO W W H IT E Leaves Big 3 Cold BIRDS E Y E Kottke and Mrs. David Mullen $868J)00,000 la in European mili­ U. S. First Cavalry Division to song) believe that this new H s a v iii are co-chairman of the committee, llia a v M i, j f r e n c h FRIES CAULIFLOWER tary aid fUnda. withdraw. The pullback was in serious provocation created, members of which will be at the For Cake, Cookies Super Saver No, 7 AU the money would be avail- the Yonchon sector, rougldy 25 ; 29c EACH church Monday evening to receive Waehtagteai. Oct 1»-<F)—The sky handed the note to charges by the American aide gives' 2 FOR 45c ahte for oxpondlturo during tho d'affaires for the Big Three pow­ mllea northeast of PanmunJom ■ ■ e iiB tW y A articles for the sale. TOP QUALITY yoaV ending next June 80, but not State department gave aotloe to­ rise to deep misgivings as to Mfaaaito*^^ day that regardleea of Buedaa ers without discussion or com­ where Red and U. N. liaison offi­ an of It la expected to be spent cers were reported near agreement whether, the American aide ohjec^ona the West faitende to ment. HEINZ KOSHER C U D A H Y ’S during that period. The Russian communication waa on reopening truce talks. still has the slightest sin­ DBS MOINES OR WhOo only |4S;000,000 below the go ahead with plaas to levlae Uie Itallaa peace treaty.
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