7Z~TOR~A ~ C Terrace 1927-1977 _/ 5O Golden Years " ~'~I M~ TERRACE AS IT LOOKED to the early pioneers who arrived in the area. (E.T, Kenney colleclion) . II il Ikeena Auto //*\\ NiL. 'I ..- . M,taIShop Ltd. :"l !/ I X\ "I Fifty years ago this weeki ' '""" I . :I I IIl" I I I I I M IlIE :I theED~SeleN:~o:ss !~r~h:~ ~me~t:aSin~Pwe?!'2m~dtrhe~re~- , Terra0enew Mazda I IIIL;I I lqAI I I-\\1M Golden Ann'versa y • : ; ~: Terrace becoming in .... , . ~ ! prices start at \\l// eorporated,as a village on Miss Mallott recurneu! s" 'oo '. December Zg, 1927 we .will Monday and took up .her: 3,~7"~ I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, lW7 TERRACE, S.C. I REALTYWORLD ' publish the highlights from (luties on_the puolic SChOOl O.0O391A • • staff on "Luesnay morning.' - - exactly fifty years ago. The In her absence Mrs. Win. I theTertaeeHerald-datedilerald began publishing" Vanderlip supplied for her. jolliffe refuses Aprison. many yearspreviously, with CEDAR POLES ARE a lucrative industnj streetthe first on July issue !1, .ttlng 1908. the SEVERALBEING HAULEDCAMPS. TO to serve on '~ The cedar poles a nd pilinl I are beginning to move now Iona Campsgnolo, M.P. The installation would BOARD OF TRADE FOR in real earnest. Just Skeena, responding .~ a require from 50 to X00 acres TERRACE IS NOW recently M. Dalquist was " PROPOSED . put on as foreman in charge Committees, I ~ requestTerrace from Mu~icinal the Dislzict Councilof of|and.The establishment of the. Citizens interested in of operations at Senkpiel's ' ; I for information in reaards to maximum securit~ forming a Terrace Board of camp and this week F.M. • .... -,-,-~--,- ...,-- the construction ° of. a penitentiary would result in'- Trade are requested to meet Burke returned to town with .. ~...JM o^. z...~ v^u.~m~.,.. ,h~ ^~h:.,. ho,d. nnintooc "~hnlrmnn .~h-ron m~ ~. L,.,.~.~, ..W.~,.U mnximarn securitv nrison- the soending of between m• Prog ress.... Hall on Frida y the b|g• truck and ha s started..... mayor..,^~ ~too~,d.,lt,ahlnt,b.~tuuiu,,..uw~o.u ~.qidthntb~didov,,xzv ~, ,,,~ nntfp.p.i ,, .......... [.:.BtffffS...... and , ............ Alderman Dave servea.......... on one Mills has- mdicatod. that , althoughr , $500,000- and $600,000 f01~ • • uar r u • , m .,I,,,.w,, o-,.,,~,.,,,e~ ........ : ....... .- .......... that ..... N~ mor a s • -- " e?men.T~.s'~:~neYf~Staos t ~ha,ul~ing,t°skflki~J:P°~r~e last Monday night's District thmcommttteewouldwork Maroney,accepted the e_ t.lstm..,pna.luoara she has. not ~cetved a local good.s and servmes on r" • _ ........... ,._, .... t,.... _ - "' ~ -- of Terrace Mupicipal as the load would be ex- appointment and the mayor ot /roswes tot ~.ne. pas~ written reply as yet from an annum nares. hn~lmporumc h~,m gtnrt~.d muvemem~ in town-for tiltU, cam,.,,..,P~,,,,,a roans o,a nave im,~,.n,~,~d ueen Councilmeeting when,newly cessxve• espectally' at the wdl'take" " up ~e slack by .Nvoye a r s as _the .aele !g ate . Attorney General .Francm" Construction of such a •-:- -~-:.-----_-_--~ ......... ,-,,,:,v,~.* ...... -- .... ,.----- elected alderman Vic beainning of the year when repmcing Mr. aouixte, from the uis;ric~ ot rox co ner quenes sne suites venitentiary would result in a~Onsgi~ne~a~m~er~s~e~ an~..Wno~reenhece~saryuu~ Jolliffe, declined to 'accent m~t planning and'*pnblic Two other committees Terrace will remain on in a letter to the mayor cna.c ~federal grant, in lieu ef ......... '~-^ ~ '~---aee commg ...... .'~_~_ a-,~intments to two of t~e works projects are being were formed by Mayor the Board as the -.sne nas. received througn r taxes, to the municipal .~ ~ ~-ad;~is"~fine :,-~-~^~i!.i~i:~,:-~:~-&'~:.~ntrb;:Pa;~s:and Librm'y replace JoIliffe:on :the" ':Sharon-Biggs~.Al!/~Cc pt ' side;able exnerience"~n .. PP ". 'Y" :million:; .- . ~,:i-, • " " nor m 'other . .:. ,, '.......... • .:<:Commzttee,-However, when •commtttee. .. .. .the appomtment..... ....... J • . ~-~,~ such° ~,th ~,~:,~,~,~' mgn~:a-c°.ntraet.w.i~ ~,_o.::~ Rowland tirade the' am "In regard: to the. second " The four.th committee zs hospital ad.mml..s.#ra.#.ion .These jobs would carry . A max.].mum security t,?.-,o .,?-: .... ,,...:.-.e.,w ~poonertonauloucmspmes:" __...:~.~._.._, ~..;r¢,, ~,,,,,,;,tmont to the the Industrml Develonment ma~rers ann Wilt vnus With them a oavroll m a pnsonotm|snamreusuauy mongh .~m~.c~nb~a s° = those ~at w~! come ~i ~c~i~ne~oserve on'ei'~er ~'reetiun" Committee Mr. and Tourist Promotion provide continuity to the neighbourhoo~ -of $2.5 carries . an _maximum ~]~., ........ h;,,,, ;s situated ~ew rmzelton..Tna~ s an~ei committee Jolliffe said that this will.be Committee which wdl be Board's work. million, enroumem oz zw inmates. Hotsprings could become park Ru rt and Terrace will be ams haulin to: this committee ope ' , " P • ' • • pe number of te g , . deahn• Don Ph|lh.... s, the Mmmter Mr Phillips did bring the in Terrace He adds that he ........the centre Of activity for a the statio n ,from other and:• _twocommittecs, ............. one., ,~._ ^,.^_g . ~ u, ..... ;~P D .... l,,-ment matter• to the attention• of the thinks• the area• has potent|al. to ume to come. out men smaller camps -close in. wsm psa.nm$ u.u tqc umc~ v. ,.,.~,,,.,..,. .---..,-v ' ..... e thereng are man other things• vath• pubhc" works. However, * acti ng on a re q uest from lVlimster of. Recreatmn and and opmesthatcertamlyth.. Y Altogether it looks like this the mayor felt that this $465,000 for br,dges Cyril Shelford, M.L.A. .Conservation,. Sam Raw.If, Terrac~e.K!timatarea needs which Terrace is par- will be the biggest shippinl I ~.^..,.~ ~......... ;t.oo ¢.... .... ~t~,~,,n has taken a look at inaicafing mat ne leels [nat anything mat can oe anne ticularlyinterested in and in year in the history of th.~ ~.u.,,, ~,~ ,,. ................ " ....... ' a further assessment of the for them to assist in their Which other points can give more efficiency and speed of Skoglund Hotsprings with a place. Construction of three new Ansha Contracting Co. Ltd. possible view of purchase by situation should be made by economic recovery. valuable assmtance. Let the While hundreds ofi action. Rowland stated that in bridges on the Yellowhead of Surrey, in the amount of his department. another government agency The Minister of Economic meeting next Friday night thousands of feet of ~olesi Highway between Terrace $302,163. Total cost of the because the area could use a Development urged his be the biggest this town has and thousands of ties will be i two out of three cases the aldermen on one of the and Prince Rupert will start three bridges located at However, Mr. Phillips park and these are basically fellow minister to give seen for a long time. shipped from New Hazelton: Andersite Creek, Basalt states that following a subsidized by Mr. Bawlf's further consideration to WORKING SEVEN SISTER committees also served on in mid-February and be that will he only a portion of ! completed before the end of Creek and Breccia Creek review of the situation with department. purchasing this establish- GROUP the cedar that will go out of! the second. This required ment and with capitalization two meetings to deal with June, Highways Minister will be $465,000. including the B.C. Development The D.M. Mining Com- this district. A greater part: Alex Fraser and Cyril M. engineering and materials. Corporation their In a letter to Mr. Bawlf, over the longer period of pany which has an option on of the output will go into the i matters coming up. He was Mr. Phillips says that the time it could be justified. of the opinion that with one Shelford, M.L.A. announced assessment of the Hot- • the Seven Sisters group of rivers close to the camps: jointly. The contractor will em- springs does not show that it Hotsprings was an economic Council took no action on claims on the. mountain of and then be driven down to i committee handling both enterprise but that was the letter except to receive departments a better result The contracts for the ploy fourteen men on the would be a viable economic same name and owned by Cedarvale where the projects was awarded to project. enterprise. before the hotels were built and file. Steve Young of Cedarvale, Hanson Co.' has a larg would be achieved. formerly of Telkwa, have a boom and piling gr number of men doing road The number of cars o: work which will enable the piles and ties from th operator to get supplies in will run into the that Construction down 75 percent and ore out at an early date. At numerous points This is one of the most lower Skeena betwee City Building Inspector cat.egory where permit ruined the Mills Memorial rOmising prospects on the Hazelton and Reran W.J. Graham in his final value was nearly double Hospital expansion and wer river and there is Terrace) there will report to Council for 1976 that set last year. In 1977 renovation project. every reason to believe that large output of poles shows that it has not been a therewere XLpermits issued Industrial permits this early in the spring or spite of there being n good construction year in for a total permit value of year reached a perm!t value sum/her the Seven Sisters the poles will be got Terrace. $734,000 as compared to six of $477,000, below the 1975 group will be among the this season. Other m, Dwelling units aredown to permits in 1975 at a total figure of $656,000. shipping properties from the transportation than a permit value of $999,000 permit value of $404,000.
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