Novi Sad J. Math. Vol. 39, No. 2, 2009, 103-109 SOME REMARKS ON sn-METRIZABLE SPACES1 Xun Ge2, Jinjin Li3 Abstract. This paper shows that sn-metrizable spaces can not be characterized as sequence-covering, compact, σ-images of metric spaces or sn-open, ¼, σ-images of metric spaces. Also, a space with a locally countable sn-network need not to be an sn-metrizable space. These results correct some errors on sn-metrizable spaces. AMS Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation (2000): 54C05, 54E35, 54E40 Key words and phrases: sn-metrizable space, sequence-covering mapping, sn-network, sn-open mapping, compact-mapping, ¼-mapping, σ-mapping 1. Introduction sn-metrizable spaces are a class of important generalized metric spaces be- tween g-metrizable spaces and @-spaces [9]. To characterize sn-metrizable spaces by certain images of metric spaces is an interesting question, and many \nice" characterizations of sn-metrizable spaces have been obtained [3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 24]. In the past years, the following results were given. Proposition 1. Let X be a space. (1) X is an sn-metrizable space i® X is a sequence-covering, compact, σ- image of a metric space [21, Theorem 3.2]. (2) X is an sn-metrizable space i® X is an sn-open, ¼, σ-image of a metric space [14, Theorem 2.7]. (3) If X has a locally countable sn-network, then X is an sn-metrizable space [21, Theorem 4.3]. Unfortunately, Proposition 1.1 is not true. In this paper, we give some ex- amples to show that sn-metrizable spaces can not be characterized as sequence- covering, compact, σ-images of metric spaces or sn-open, ¼, σ-images of metric spaces, and a space with a locally countable sn-network need not to be an sn-metrizable space. These results correct Proposition 1.1. Throughout this paper, all spaces are assumed to be regular T1 and all mappings are continuous and onto. N denotes the set of all natural numbers and !1 denotes the ¯rst uncountable ordinal. fxng denotes a sequence, where the n-th term is xn. Let X be a space and P ½ X. A sequence fxng converging 1This project is supported by NSFC(No. 10971185 and 10971186) 2College of Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhangjiagang 215600, P. R. China, e-mail: [email protected] 3Department of Mathematics, Zhangzhou Teachers College, Zhangzhou 363000, P. R. China, e-mail: [email protected] 104 X. Ge, J. Li S to x in X is eventually in P if fxn : n > kg fxg ½ P for some k 2 N; it is frequently in P if fxnk g is eventually in P for some subsequence fxnk g of fxng. Let P be a family of subsets of X and x 2 X. Then (P)x denotes the subfamily fP 2 P : x 2 P g of P. For terms which are not de¯ned here, we refer to [4]. 2. De¯nitions and Remarks De¯nition 2.1. [5]. Let X be a space. (1) P ½ X is called a sequential neighborhood of x in X, if each sequence fxng converging to x is eventually in P . (2) A subset U of X is called sequentially open if U is a sequential neigh- borhood of each of its points. (3) X is called a sequential space if each sequential open subset of X is open in X. T (4) X is called a k-space if for each A ½ X, A is closed in X i® A K is closed in K for each compact subset K of X. Remark 2.1. (1) P is a sequential neighborhood of x i® each sequence fxng converging to x is frequently in P . (2) The intersection of ¯nite many sequential neighborhoods of x is a se- quential neighborhood of x. (3) Sequential spaces =) k-spaces. De¯nition 2.2. Let P be a cover of a space X. (1) P is called a network for X [1], if whenever x 2 U with U open in X, there is P 2 P such that x 2 P ½ U. (2) P is called a k-network of X [22], if whenever K ½ USwith K compact in X and U open in X, there is a ¯nite F ½ P such that K ½ fF : F 2 Fg ½ U. (3) P is called a cs-network of X [13], if each convergent sequence S con- verging to a point x 2 U with U open in X, then S is eventually in P ½ U for some P 2 P. S De¯nition 2.3. Let P = fPx : x 2 Xg be a cover of a space X, where Px ½ (P)x. P is called an sn-network for X [9], if for each x 2 X, the following hold. (1) Px is a network at x in X, i.e., whenever x 2 U with U open in X, there is P 2 Px such that x 2 P ½ U.T (2) U; V 2 Px, then W ½ U V for some W 2 Px. (3) Each element of Px is a sequential neighborhood of x. Here, we call Px is an sn-network at x in X for each x 2 X. De¯nition 2.4. Let X be a space. (1) X is called an sn-metrizable space [9] if X has a σ-locally ¯nite sn- network. (2) X is called sn-¯rst countable [9], if for each x 2 X, there is a countable sn-network at x in X. (3) X is called sn-second countable [7], if X has a countable sn-network. Some remarks on sn-metrizable spaces 105 (4) X is called an @-space [22], if X has a σ-locally ¯nite k-network. (5) X is called an @0-space [22], if X has a countable k-network. Remark 2.2. The following implications hold. sn-second countable space=)sn-metrizable space=)sn-¯rst countable space + + @0-space =)@-space De¯nition 2.5. Let X be a set and d be a non-negative real valued function de¯ned on X £ X such that d(x; y) = 0 i® x = y, and d(x; y) = d(y; x) for all x; y 2 X. d is abbreviated to be called a d-function on X. De¯nition 2.6. Let d be a d-function on a space X. For each x 2 X; n 2 N, put Sn(x) = fy 2 X : d(x; y) < 1=ng. A space (X,d) isT called a symmetric space [23], if F ½ X is closed in X i® for each x 62 F , Sn(x) F = ; for some n 2 N. De¯nition 2.7. [23]. Let (X; d) be a symmetric space. (1) A sequence fxng in X is called Cauchy if for any " > 0, there is k 2 N such that d(xn; xm) < " for all n; m > k. (2) X is called a Cauchy symmetric space if each convergent sequence in X is Cauchy. De¯nition 2.8. Let f : X ¡! Y be a mapping. (1) f is called a 1-sequence-covering mapping [19], if for each y 2 Y there is ¡1 x 2 f (y) such that whenever fyng is a sequence converging to y in Y , there ¡1 is a sequence fxng converging to x in X with each xn 2 f (yn). (2) f is called a sequence-covering mapping [19], if whenever fyng is a con- vergent sequence in Y , there is a convergent sequence fxng in X with each ¡1 xn 2 f (yn). (3) f is called a sequentially-quotient mapping [2], if whenever S is a con- vergent sequence in Y , there exists a convergent sequence L in X such that f(L) is a subsequence of S. (4) f is called an sn-open mapping [14] if there is an sn-network P = fPy : y 2 Y g of Y satisfying the condition: for each y 2 Y , there is x 2 f ¡1(y) such that whenever U is a neighborhood of x, P ½ f(U) for some P 2 Py. (5) f is called a σ-mapping [20], if there is a base B of X such that f(B) is σ-locally-¯nite in Y . (6) f is called a quotient mapping [4] if U is open in Y i® f ¡1(U) is open in X. (7) f is called a compact mapping [19] if f ¡1(y) is a compact subset of X for each y 2 Y . (8) f is called a ¼-mapping if X is a metric space with a metric d and for each y 2 U with U open in Y , d(f ¡1(y);X ¡ f ¡1(U)) > 0. Remark 2.3. (1) \sn-open mapping" in De¯nition 2.8(4) is called \almost sn- open mapping" in [12]. By [12, Proposition 2.13], a mapping f from a metric space is an sn-open mapping i® f is a 1-sequence-covering mappings. (2) Quotient maps preserve sequential spaces [5]. 106 X. Ge, J. Li (3) Quotient mappings from sequential spaces are sequentially-quotient [2]. (4) Sequentially-quotient mappings onto sequential spaces are quotient [2]. (5) Each compact mapping from a metric space is a ¼-mapping [12, Remark 1.4(1)]. 3. The Main Results Lemma 3.1. [11, Theorem 2.7]. A space X is sn-second countable i® X is a sequentially-quotient, compact image of a separable metric space.
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