SOCIETY FOR THE SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF MORMON LIFE NEWSLETTER Vol. 15, No. 1 Spring 1994 Michael E. Nielsen, Editor In This Issue Internationalization of Mormonism SSSML in Raleigh 1 (presentations by Cardell Jacobson, Tim Heaton, Business Meeting Minutes 1 Dale Lebaron & Trina Hope; John Jarvis; Lynn Election of Officers 2 Payne, Rene Doris & Kris Goodman; Rex Cooper Name Change of SSSML 2 & Jim Smithson). Editor's Comment 2 Announcements & Conferences 3 The Glenn M. Vernon Memorial Lecture Recent Publications 3 was prepared by David Knowlton. "Debating Reference Letters 8 Religion: Postmodernism and the Study of Mormonism" Due to a family emergency, David SSSML In Raleigh was unable to deliver the address. Bonnie Mitchell Our annual meeting was held October 28- pinch-hitted admirably. David's presence was 31, 1993, in Raleigh, NC. This year, SSSML co- missed. sponsored with SSSR three paper sessions, the business meeting, and at least 14 additional The SSSML Business Session (Minutes in papers concerned Mormon studies or were this issue of the newsletter). delivered by members of SSSML. To help place these numbers in perspective, consider the fact In addition to SSSML co-sponsored that the Association for the Social Scientific sessions, many papers other dealt with Mormon Study of Jewry sponsored one session, and RRA topics or were delivered by members of SSSML. itself sponsored 12 sessions. Clearly, Mormon Topics ranged from feminism to church growth, studies made their presence known in Raleigh! and attribution to regional studies. Presenters Despite the difficulties encountered with the included Rob Lively; Marie Cornwall; Debra hotel over accommodations, the meetings were a Kaufman; Martha Beck; Larry Iannaccone, Daniel success. The sessions co-sponsored by SSSML Olson & Rodney Stark; Kay Smith; Perry and the names of presenters follow. (Space does Cunningham; Lawrence Young; Cardell Jacobson not allow inclusion of titles, but they are & Jeffrey Chin; Larry Jensen, Margean Cary & available in the SSSR/RRA program.) Janet Jensen; Laga Van Beek & Marie Cornwall; Daniel Stout; Larry Jensen & Janet Jensen; Kendall Reflections on Mormon Studies White Jr. & Daryl White. (presentations by Armand Mauss; Lawrence Young; Rex Cooper; and Steve Epperson). Business Meeting Minutes 1 Officers of SSSML were nominated. Dues for the 1993 year would be waived. Perry Cunningham was nominated for President We need to increase dues payments, possibly by at last year's meeting, but was not voted in during encouraging the payment of more than one year at the year because no mailings went out from the a time. organization. Larry Young was nominated President-Elect; Lynn Payne was nominated Election of Officers Secretary/Treasurer. The Board of Directors President-Elect Perry Cunningham began includes Merlin Brinkerhoff, Marie Cornwall, his two year term of office as President. and Kendall White. It was moved and seconded Nominations for other officers and Council that, if elected, these officers serve terms until members included: Larry Young as President-Elect, November 1995. Lynn Payne as Secretary-Treasurer, and Merlin Discussion regarding changing the name Brinkerhoff, Marie Cornwall, and Kendall White as of SSSML centered on the diversity of our Council members. An election ballot (Ballot A) is membership, and the desire that our name reflect enclosed with this newsletter. Please vote for your that diversity. After considering a number of favorite candidate by either checking the box next alternatives, Mormon Studies Association and to the person's name, or by writing in another name Association for the Study of Mormon Life were in the space provided. The new officers and council selected for a vote of the membership. members will serve a two year term of office Larry Young was thanked for his years of ending in November 1995. service as newsletter editor. Michael Nielsen was appointed to succeed Larry in a three year term. Change Name of SSSML The newsletter will be published twice yearly Because many of our members are affiliated (spring and autumn). with disciplines other than sociology, a motion was The Society's relationship with Sunstone made and seconded at the business meeting to was discussed. Because Sunstone poses change the name of our organization. Among our scheduling conflicts with other meetings, and membership are scholars in sociology, because it currently is not feasible for some of anthropology, criminal justice, family studies, our officers to be involved with Sunstone, the history, psychology, religion, social work, women's Society would focus its efforts on meeting jointly studies, and others. Therefore, it was proposed at with SSSML. the Business Meeting that the name of our SSSML was listed accidentally on the organization be changed to either the Mormon SSSR-RRA program cover, which caused some Studies Association (MSA) or the Association for unwarranted concern by one SSSR member. It the Study of Mormon Life (ASML). Please use the was noted that two people attended the Raleigh enclosed Ballot B to mark your preference meetings because of this error, and that SSSR regarding this proposed name change. Results will leaders wish to continue the relationship with be announced in the next issue of the newsletter. SSSML. The frequency of the Vernon lecture was discussed. By holding the lecture every other Editor's Comment year, rather than yearly, it was thought that the As a relatively young investigator of lecture would be seen as more important. Other religious behavior, I have benefitted from past reasons for less frequency included an improved editions of the SSSML newsletter. In particular, I ability to provide financial support for the have enjoyed reading the contributions that many speaker, and that the speaker pool may be of you have made to the newsletter. Past editions limited. SSSML members are encouraged to always have included something--from summaries nominate a presenter, who could be announced at of data, to commentaries, to the bibliography--that the next meeting (Use Ballot C). has been useful and informative to me. The 2 newsletter serves a vital link in keeping our theme, "Religion Approaching the members aware of developments in the field, and Millenium: What Organizational Forms I am committed to making it valuable and Will It Take?" suggest many possibilities interesting to you. My primary goals for the for SSSML members. And, as always, newsletter are that it be an effective presentations that diverge from these clearinghouse of information, and that it themese are welcome. To participate on the strengthens the sense of community among our SSSML program, contact Perry membership. Cunningham, Research Information In order to achieve these goals, however, Division, 18th Floor, 50 E. South Temple, your contributions are needed! If you have Salt Lake City, UT 84150. published or read something that might be of interest to your colleagues, please send the Dialogue Special Issue citation to me. Research notes, comments on "The Mormon Church in the 21st Century" Mormon studies or scientific studies of religion will be the subject of a special issue of (general or specific), book reviews, and graphic Dialogue to be edited by Armand Mauss. or tabular summaries of data are especially The issue promises to be a lively discussion welcome. Send notices of upcoming conferences of directions that the church may take as it or meetings that other members might be begins the next millennia. What do you interested in. The newsletter also may be a useful believe Mormonism will be like in the next tool for requesting information from your century? Contact Armand if you are colleagues or for arranging for collaboration interested in submitting work for this among our members. (In my opinion, there is a exciting issue: great, but untapped, potential for Armand Mauss interdisciplinary work in our organization.) Department of Sociology Do you have other ideas for the P.O. Box 2061 C.S. newsletter? Tell me! We will publish two issues Washington State Univ. (Spring and Autumn) yearly, but (need I state the Pullman, WA 99165-2061 obvious?) your input will be accepted anytime. Please send your information, ideas, suggestions, Science and Religion in Modern Western comments, and errata to : Thought Michael Nielsen York University will host this Department of Psychology interdisciplinary conference emphasizing Landrum Box 8041 the relationship between the philosophy of Georgia Southern University science and religion, May 18-19. Contact: Statesboro GA 30460-8041 Bernard Lightman (912) 681-5344 S932 Ross e-mail: [email protected] Office of the Dean of Arts 4700 Keele Street North York, Ontario Announcements M3J 1P3 SSSML to Meet in Albuquerque e-mail: [email protected] The 1994 meeting of SSSML, SSSR, and RRA will be November 4-6 in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico. We plan to Religion in Context hold three to four sessions. The SSSR The University of Haifa will hold a theme for the conference, "Religion and conference devoted to the study of religion Social Justice," and the RRA conference in all disciplines. A preliminary outline of 3 topics includes presentations representing Smith, Jr. Independence, MO: Herald history, philosophy, sociology, Publishing House, 1991. archeology, Judaic studies, anthropology, Epperson, Steven, Mormons and Jews: Early psychology, and political science. To be Mormon Theologies of Israel. Salt Lake held June 27-30, 1994. Contact: City: Signature Books, 1992. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi Foster, Lawrence, Women, Family, and Utopia: Psychology, University of Haifa Communal Experiments of the Shakers, the fax 972-4-240966 Oneida Community, and the Mormons. e-mail: Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1991. [email protected] Gillespie, L. Kay, The Unforgiven: Utah's Executed Men. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1991. Recent Publications Hanks, Maxine, ed., Women and Authority: Re- Because the newsletter did not appear for emerging Mormon Feminism. Salt Lake some time, we have a backlog of publications to City: Signature Books, 1992. report.
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