1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 5529 In removing it, he dramatized, to my mind, can. They fought with an unrelenting cour­ it should also end there. They voted in the the coming of age of both this country and age in the economic, political, and mmtary United States with an eye to the effect on the Irish in it. He was the symbol of the battles of the country. They would not give the freedom of Ireland, and in so doing they immigrant--a symbol not exclusively reserved an inch. They were despised and rejected broadened the scope of American polltical for the Irish. and discriminated against, but they did not thinking. I think that Leonard Patrick O'Connor make this an occasion for wa111ng, but only Wibberley in a summation of his book, "The fought the harder. "The slums did not hold them. The mines Coming of the Green," tells us the Irish con­ "They did not desert their faith, once so did not break them. They were not lost tribution not only to America, but to the unpopular, in order to gain acceptance. Nor building roads and canals in the wilderness. world: did they forget their homeland, for though They were not defeated at the foot of Marye's "The Irish immigrants did what every for­ they believed that freedom began with the Heights. eign group must do to win the name Ameri- American coastline, they saw no reason why "It was a grand battle, indeed." H.R. 8280. An act for the relief of Mrs. jected by the House last week twists HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Annette M. Rasor and Dr. Robert W. Rasor; logic as well as arms. H.R. 8470. An act for the relief of War­ He says that failure to vote the pay WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1964 ren A. Jeffers and Francis H. Leik; and H .R. 8930. An act for the relief of certain raise Will "jeopardize increases in mili­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. employees of the Bureau of Indian Affiairs. tary pay which I have recommended to keep Armed Forces pay generally in line The Chaplain, Rev.Bernard Braskamp, The message also announced that the D.D., offered the following prayer: with nonmilitary salary." Senate had passed bills of the following This line of reasoning leaves me con­ Psalm 145: 9: The Lord is good to all: titles, in which the concurrence of the House is requested: fused. and His tender mercies are over all His It seems to say that we must raise the works. S. 309. An act for the relief of Lt. Col. pay of civilian Federal employees so that Almighty God, as we daily meditate Henry H. Allport, Army of the United States, upon Thy goodness, may we have a retired; we can vote a second pay raise for the greater faith in the sovereignty of Thy S. 353. An act for the relief of Benjamin A. Armed Forces so that the Armed Forces divine love which is redeeming in its Ramelb; pay will be kept in line with the pay of S. 476. An act for the relief of Zenon the civilian employees which the Presi­ purpose and power. Zubieta; May we be emancipated from all self­ dent wants us to increase. S. 1030. An act for the relief of Sister This is not the only assault on logic ish and sordid desires to have the good Aurora Martin Gelado (also known as Sister things of life for our own satisfaction contained in the President's remarkable Nieve); and statement. and security instead of sharing them S. 1999. An act for the relief of Francisco with the poor and needy. Navarro-Paz. He indicates we will economize by Inspire the soul of humanity to be spending more, that we will get a better lifted out of the fret and jar of life into class of "managers" by raising the pay that free and peaceful atmosphere where SUBCOMM!TrEE ON MINES AND of the managers we now have, and re­ all shall be striving for justice and right­ MINING OF THE COMMITTEE ON lieve Members of Congress of the em­ eousness, for truth and love. INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS barrassment of voting a $5 million pay Grant that we may be obedient to Thy increase for themselves by voting a $540 moral and spiritual laws which are a Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Speaker, I ask million pay raise for everyone else. command and a .challenge to our better unanimous consent that the Subcom­ If this be logic, it must at least be self, and sending us down upon our knees mittee on Mines and Mining of the Com­ admitted that it carries a high price tag in reverence and bidding us to rise and mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs be for the taxpayers. go forward, never again to doubt or be permitted to sit during general debate afraid. today. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to CALL OF THE HOUSE the request of the gentleman from Colo­ Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, I make rado? the point of order that a quorum is not THE JOURNAL There was no objection. present. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ The SPEAKER.. Evidently a quorum terday was read and approved. SUBCOMMI'ITEE ON NASA OVER­ is not present. SIGHT OF THE COMMITTEE ON Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. A message in writing from the Presi­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ dent of the United States was communi­ unanimous consent that the Subcom­ lowing Members failed to answer to their cated to the House by Mr. Ratchford, one mittee on NASA Oversight of the Com­ of his secretaries. names: mittee on Science and Astronautics be [Roll No. 71] permitted to sit during general debate Bass Halpern Minshall MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE today. Blatnik Harvey, Mich. Mosher The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Buckley Hemphlll Murray A message from the Senate by Mr. Carey Hoffman O'Brien, Dl. the request of the gentleman from Okla­ Clawson, Del Jarman Olsen, Mont. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced homa? Colmer Johnson, Pa. Powell that the Senate had passed without There was no objection. CUrtis Jones, Ala. Rains amendment bills of the House of the Davis, Tenn. Karsten Roberts, Ala. Dowdy Karth Rogers, Tex. following titles: Edwards Kee Rooney, N.Y. H.R. 1759. An act for the relief of Rebecca FEDERAL EMPLOYEE PAY RAISE Fallon Lankford Roosevelt K. Clayton; Finnegan Lloyd Roybal H.R. 2189. An act for the relief of Morris Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Forrester Mcintire Schadeberg unanimous consent to address the House Fulton, Tenn. Macdonald Stephens Aronow and other employees of the Post Gray - Martin, Calif. Willis Office Department; for 1 minute and to revise and extend Hagan, Ga. Martin, Mass. H .R. 2724. An act for the relief of Davey my remarks. Ellen Snider Siegel; The SPEAKER. Is there objection The SPEAKER. On this rollcall 383 H.R. 4681. An act for the relief of CWO Members have answered to their names, James A. McQuaig; to the request of the gentleman from H .R. 5584. An act for the relief of Capt. Michigan? a quorum. Ransom C. Aplin; There was no objection? By unanimous consent, further pro­ H.R. 6748. An act for the relief of the J.D. Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, the ceedings under the call were dispensed Wallace & Co., Inc.; President's plug for the pay raise bill re- with. 5530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 18 THE CHICAGO DELEGATION Funds which have beeri appropriated addition, initial and supplemental allo­ Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, to accomplish the Federal assistance de­ cations in the amount of $16,051,000 I ask unanimous consent to address the termined eligible under this authority were made for eight disasters occurring House for 1 minute and to revise and ex- .are specifically appropriated to the Pres­ in 1962. A total of $29,676,000 was allo­ tend my remarks. · ident for purposes of disaster relief. cated from the President's disaster fund The SPEAKER. Is there objection LYNDON B. JOHNSON. in 1963. The allocations provided for to the request of the gentleman from THE WHITE HOUSE, March 18, 1964. performing protective work essential for Illinois? the preservation of life and property Federal assistance in major peace­ performing emergency health and sani~ There was no objection. time disasters is a coordinated operation tation measures, clearing debris and Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, under Public Law 875, 81st Congress, as wreckage, and making emergency re­ the Chicago delegation under the guid­ amended. Public Law 875, popularly pairs and temporary replacement of es­ ance and inspiration of our beloved ToM known as the Federal Disaster Act, gives sential public facilities of States and lo­ O'BRIEN has made a reputation in this the President broad powers to supple­ cal governments damaged or destroyed House for sympathetic understanding of ment the efforts and available resources in such major disasters, including provi­ the problems of our colleagues from of States and local governments in sions for temporary housing or emer­ other areas and, understanding their carrying out their responsibilities to al­ gency shelter. problems, always we have cooperated. leviate suffering and damage resulting In the spring widespread fiooding in Mr. Speaker, I am now speaking for !rom major disasters. the Appalachian area affected Georgia, the solid delegation from Chicago.
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