_ Ccmnission -xhibit No . 3005 rD"f01 la .. 1.711.41 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIT~Dot. 11%26/63 DL 44-1639 DJo/gm- Mrs . CORINNE BURGESS, 813 N . Rai .-road Avenue, HAROLD ANTON SWANSON, 9'21 North PL't:zt-Ugh, Dallas, Morgan City, Louisiana, advised ahe is the clerk at the New- Texas, on November 26, 1963, adrise.d SA REddRY J, OLIVER port Motel, owned and operated by PETE GUARISCO at Morgan that he usually 3716 coffee daily at the Mayflower Coffee City, Louisiana . She stated that on November 14, 1963 at Shop located at Ervay and Elm Streets, Dallas . He always, about 1 ;00 PM a man came into the motel and said he was ails in the first section of this coffee shop where the way to Dallas, Texas, He did not 1nd1eate Item w:citress is PANDA (LND) . Abeat on his Mrs . BURGESS he was an nix or seven months ago, where he had come . This man told years . he was having coffee at the Mayfl~wsr C:offos Shop and old friend of PETE GUARISCO and he had not seen him in rv'. sitting next to a man reading a N,,_w Y-k Times news- she remembered the date because a he told Mrs . BURGESS said a luncheon in the Nub r :per . This man was reading atout t~ WI- r fe in the may that Mr . GUARIBCD was at ace South and became very angry at government officials Club i-, Morgan City . She said she was busy and did net o-r their He appeared to be very friendly and participation in the racial matter . He " speci- recalI he man's name . She described the ficilly was very angry at Preal&- :;.t EENNEIIY and Atteraey asked about the growth of Morg'sn City . General KENNEDY . This man made many complexioned, age 50, height 5 8,, , weight 200 d-rogat,:ry statements man as dark but temples of his head were about the KEYNEDYs, tut he c,~uxt reo .rll the exact statements lb. ., color of hair unknown, ether than he believsS that the nan stated thr.t the KRIPiEDY9 bald . should be shot . This man contl"ed after making this state- the picture of JACK ment and stated that they could be shot easily with a rifle . Mrs . BURGESS said she saw felt that Eq has seen this man in the television and in the newspaper . She the coffee ahop about once a month RUBY on the motel on November 14, 1963 since this statement was made, but ke has not now seen him th :' .s man who appeared at is about six weeks . IIfl bell-s t-t the waitress WANDA was JACK RUBY . will know who the man is and stated hw seams to recall that she on one occasion called him P.M1'IK . He Stated he has seen a phstagraph of JACK RUBY on television, and he resembles t :.i~ min very much . He stated the reasra he wanted to bring this to the attention of the FBI was that he thought t.hl. man might be RUBY since RUBY now claims that he k111nd OSVALD because he thought so much of KENNEDY, acd if lw is the m .an he talked to, this could sat be true . Fe d.sc-lbt-d this man in a white male;,:bout 40-48, 5'9^, 2010 p'" unda, dark hair, but could not top of head as he .,vay~ wire s hat . This man was always well drezsed 1n a lvuaiy~sa suit . WANDA CATINA, wtitr,aas, Ms~ytC:a+cnr Cs.tfea Shop, Brvay and Elm Streets, DIIIaa, Texas, a :a ??,ovem44r 27, 1963, advised SA HENRY J . OLIVER that she ksoca JACK RUBY when she sees him and stated he does not fr6q-t the X-;,yflowsr Coffee Shop . She knows nothing about tLt' background or activities o1 RUBY and only kmowa him as shw has aeon him several times in Some of the clubs . She adviaaI ttt :a is A man who daily frequents the coffee shop . who is a1w~ys complaining about the integration situation . She stated this man fits the description of the person referred + .o by SWANSON and un- doubtedly is the same man . See dcas rot Louisiana NO 44-2064 know this man's D 11/26/63 er Morgan City . Fit,# name and cannot furnish any further identifying information 11/26/63 A . LYNN /bal D .,. dirlat.d by SA LELAND COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 3005 COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 3005-Continued . r'D40) (w ., b0) 001 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 2 Dar. November 26, 1963 Il, 44-1639 about his . She stated Ohs bas has-d LA . mtke many general remarks to the effect be does not IItkw tntegrttion but stated she definitely had sever heard hint make any state . Mrs . NONA GRAY, 211 Argo, San Antonio, Wents about shooting Prealdeat gSYST'DY or ary"ine else . Texas, who is RUBT . employed as a waitress at tho,Chuck Wagon Restaurant at This man Is definitely not identical with Joeke's of Texas Department Store, San Antonio, furnished tFe following information : L'rs . GRAY said that in about. 1955 she married a man by the narlo of PAXTON HAROLD GRAY and that sometime before - they were married ehe learned that PAXTON HAROLD GRAY was acquainted with a man known to her as BEN RUBY, whom she understood was connected with a private bottle club in Dallas, Texas, which -a" ,.s known as the University Club . Mrs . GRAY stated that she had seen on television pictures of JACK RUBY, also known as JACK RUBENSTEIN, the alleged killer of LEE HARVEY OSWALD . Mrs . GRAY said that PAXTON HAROLD GRAY got~a divorce from her in the State of Indiana in 1958 or 1959;' and she believes that he is at this time living in Dallas, Texas, where he is an independent oil operator and she also believes that he has remarried his former wife, EUNICE . Mrs . GRAY said she had no further information as to the extent of association by PAXTON HAROLD GRAY and the individual known to bar as BEN RUBY nor was she certain that the individual known to her as BEN RUBY is identical with JACK RUBY, the alleged killer of LEE HARVEY OSWALD but that she thought that they resembled each other . 11/24/63 ., San Antonio . Texas Fil .0 SA 44-748 SAS HAROLD LEO FABRIZ & JOHN RUSSELL GRAHAM/dte 11/26/63 6y Dar. dicr.red J / COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 3005-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 3005-Continued.
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