Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System Environmental Impact Assessment Report 5. Air Quality Impact 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 Overview This section presents the assessment of potential air quality impacts associated with the construction and operation phases of the project, which has been conducted in accordance with the criteria and guidelines as stated in section 1 of Annex 4 and Annex 12 of the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) as well as the requirements given in Clause 3.4.3 and Section I of Appendix A of the EIA Study Brief (ESB- 250/2012). 5.1.2 Air Quality Legislations, Standards and Guidelines The assessment is carried out following the relevant criteria and standards as specified in the following legislation and guidelines for evaluating air quality impacts: ° Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap. 499.S16), EIAO-TM, Annexes 4 and 12; ° Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) (Cap. 311): ° Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation; ° Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Cement Works (Concrete Batching Plant) BPM 3/2 (93); ° Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Tar and Bitumen Works (Asphaltic Concrete Plant) BPM 15 (94); and ° Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Mineral Works (Stone Crushing Plants) BPM 11/1 (95). Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process The criteria and guidelines for evaluating air quality impacts are set out in Section 1 of Annex 4 and Annex 12 respectively of the EIAO-TM. Section 1 of Annex 4 stipulates the criteria for evaluating air quality impacts. This includes meeting the Air Quality Objectives (AQOs) and other standards established under the APCO, as well as meeting the hourly Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) concentration of 500 µg/m 3. Annex 12 provides the guidelines for conducting air quality assessments under the EIA process, including determination of Air Sensitive Receivers (ASRs), assessment methodology as well as impact prediction and assessment. Air Pollution Control Ordinance Air Quality Objectives The principal legislation for the management of air quality is the APCO. It specifies AQOs which stipulate the statutory limits of air pollutants and the maximum allowable numbers of exceedance over specific periods. The AQOs are listed in Table 5.1.1. 308875/ENL/ENL/03/07/D May 2014 P:\Hong Kong\ENL\PROJECTS\308875 3rd runway\03 Deliverables\07 Final EIA Report\Ch 5 - Air Quality.doc 5-1 Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System Environmental Impact Assessment Report Table 5.1.1 Air Quality Objectives Pollutant Averaging Time AQO concentration Allowable exceedances (µg/m³) Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2) 10 minute 500 3 24 hour 125 3 Respirable Suspended Particulates 24 hour 100 9 (PM ) 10 Annual 50 0 Fine Suspended Particulates (PM 2.5 ) 24 hour 75 9 Annual 35 0 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2) 1 hour 200 18 Annual 40 0 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 1 hour 30,000 0 8 hour 10,000 0 Ozone (O 3) 8 hour 160 9 Lead Annual 0.5 0 Specified Processes Under the APCO, a number of major stationary air pollution sources are classified as Specified Processes, which are subject to stringent emission control. A licence is required for the operation of these processes under the APCO. Three of the Specified Processes, namely, Cement Works (Concrete Batching Plant), Tar and Bitumen Works (Asphaltic Concrete Plant) and Mineral Works (Stone Crushing Plants), which involve particulate matter emissions, would be relevant to this project as concrete and asphalt batching plants as well as stone crushing plant would be used during the construction phase (see Section 5.2.3 ). The relevant requirements of the three Specified Processes are described in Sections to . Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation The Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation enacted under the APCO defines notifiable and regulatory works activities that are subject to construction dust control, as listed below: Notifiable Works: 1. Site formation 2. Reclamation 3. Demolition of a building 4. Work carried out in any part of a tunnel that is within 100 m of any exit to the open air 5. Construction of the foundation of a building 6. Construction of the superstructure of a building 7. Road construction work Regulatory Works: 308875/ENL/ENL/03/07/D May 2014 P:\Hong Kong\ENL\PROJECTS\308875 3rd runway\03 Deliverables\07 Final EIA Report\Ch 5 - Air Quality.doc 5-2 Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System Environmental Impact Assessment Report 1. Renovation carried out on the outer surface of the external wall or the upper surface of the roof of a building 2. Road opening or resurfacing work 3. Slope stabilisation work 4. Any work involving any of the following activities: a. Stockpiling of dusty materials b. Loading, unloading or transfer of dusty materials c. Transfer of dusty materials using a belt conveyor system d. Use of vehicles e. Pneumatic or power-driven drilling, cutting and polishing f. Debris handling g. Excavation or earth moving h. Concrete production i. Site clearance j. Blasting Notifiable works require that advance notice of activities shall be given to EPD. The Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation also requires the works contractor to ensure that both notifiable works and regulatory works are conducted in accordance with the Schedule of the Regulation, which provides dust control and suppression measures. The project includes land formation, site formation, demolition of building structures, construction of the foundation of buildings, construction of the superstructure of buildings and road construction work; and is therefore notifiable. The project also includes: stockpiling of dusty materials; loading, unloading or transfer of dusty materials; use of vehicles; excavation or earth moving, and; site clearance and is therefore regulatory. Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Cement Works (Concrete Batching Plant) BPM 3/2 (93) This Guidance Note lists the minimum requirements for meeting the best practicable means for Cement Works (Concrete Batching Plant) in which the total silo capacity exceeds 50 tonnes and in which cement is handled or argillaceous and calcareous materials are used in the production of cement clinker, and works in which cement clinker is ground. The Guidance Note includes: emission limits; fugitive emission control recommendations; monitoring requirements; commissioning details, and; operation and maintenance provisions. The concentration limits for air pollutant emissions as stipulated for this Specified Process are reproduced in Table 5.1.2. Table 5.1.2: Concentration Limit for Emission from Cement Work Air Pollutant Concentration Limit (mg/m 3)* Particulates 50 *Note: (a) The air pollutant concentration is expressed at reference conditions of 0°C temperature, 101.325 kPa pressure, and without correction for water vapour content. Introduction of diluted air to achieve the emission concentration limit shall not be permitted. (b) The concentration limit may be updated during future application of the Specified Process Licence. 308875/ENL/ENL/03/07/D May 2014 P:\Hong Kong\ENL\PROJECTS\308875 3rd runway\03 Deliverables\07 Final EIA Report\Ch 5 - Air Quality.doc 5-3 Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System Environmental Impact Assessment Report Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Tar and Bitumen Works (Asphaltic Concrete Plant) BPM 15 (94) This Guidance Note lists the minimum requirements for meeting the best practicable means for Tar and Bitumen Works (Asphaltic Concrete Plant) in which the processing capacity exceeds 250 kg per hour and in which: (a) gas tar or coal tar or bitumen is distilled or is heated in any manufacturing process; or (b) any product of the distillation of gas tar or coal tar or bitumen is distilled or heated in any process involving the evolution of any noxious or offensive gas. The Guidance Note includes: emission limits; chimney design requirements, fugitive emission control recommendations; monitoring requirements; commissioning details, and; operation and maintenance provisions. The concentration limits for air pollutant emissions as stipulated for this Specified Process are reproduced in Table 5.1.3. Table 5.1.3: Concentration Limit for Emission from Tar and Bitumen Works Air Pollutant Concentration Limit (mg/m 3)* Bitumen fumes 5 (not applicable to the vents of bitumen decanters) Particulates 50 *Notes: (a) For combustion gases, the concentration limits are expressed at dry, 0°C temperature, 101.325 kPa pressure and 3% oxygen content conditions. (b) For non-combustion gases, the concentration limits are expressed at 0°C temperature, 101.325 kPa pressure conditions, and without correction for water vapour or oxygen content. The introduction of dilution air to achieve the emission limits is not permitted. (c) The concentration limits may be updated during future application of the Specified Process Licence. Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Mineral Works (Stone Crushing Plants) BPM 11/1 (95) This Guidance Note lists the minimum requirements for meeting the best practicable means for Mineral Works (Stone Crushing Plants) in which the processing capacity exceeds 5,000 tonnes per annum, and in which stones are subject to any size reduction or grading by a process giving rise to dust, not being any works described in any other specified process. The Guidance Note includes: emission limits; fugitive emission control recommendations; monitoring requirements; commissioning details, and; operation and maintenance provisions.
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