Blog Export: Please God No, http://pleasegodno.com/ Friday, August 10. 2007 Mormons are completely fucking retarded. Mormons... Dumb. Joseph Smith was the only one of Jesus' disciples to get shot in the face with a gun. Of all religions, I would have to say the Mormonism is the most delusionally retarded. The fact that we have a presidential candidate that believes this crap is almost as offensive as our current president that believes this crap. I have respect for most people's religious views. Catholics, Baptists, Jews, and even Pastafarians. But Mormonism is just outright ridiculous. One of the scariest things about Mormons, is that they have the capacity to believe anything... No matter how insanely and comically unsensical. "(The book of Mormon) was done in a space of three months, using scribes while Smith translated (from golden plates) from behind a curtain." If the level of sophistication required to brainwash millions of people into a religion was displayed by Smith, we all have the capacity to start a religion. After all, there must be a group of people in the world that would tithe to a religion that was rooted in a story of a guy like me, sitting in my bathroom with a black light, reading my wall splattered feces like a Rorschach Inkblot Test. Just as logical, and just as ridiculous. Posted by TK (Admin) at 00:40 Complete friggin retards. At least christianity is based on multiple accounts, but this is completely mormonic, i mean moronic. This dude Smith finds these gold plates only he can read (Clue 1 that he's a con). Then, God says "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife, so stock up on ones own before thy wife section at thy supermarket runeth out." Clearly, this guy couldn't get a date, so this was a massive attempt to stock up on all of the dumb woman he could find at one time. Freaks. BTW, this is considered a CULT and not officially recognized as a religion by the Catholic or Christian community. The reason = no factual truth behind their doctrine. One mans word is equal to an opinion (Joseph Smith) and warrants a dictatorship or a cult. Hence Waco, TX. Anonymous on Jan 7 2009, 14:04 Catholics are fucktards too.They say they are what they are but then fuck mass people, use birth control( that's supposed to be a sin), go to strip joints, and give birth to multiple kids before they graduate highschool. Hypocrits! Anonymous on Feb 22 2009, 20:57 look all catholics are retarted remeber the ten commandments. only the high preist could go behind a curtain to see them. also people back in jesus' time were not as educated as we are now so jesus could of done a magic trick and the world would be like holy fuck its the son of god praise him. all religions can be washed away by a dose of common sense and a bit of science Anonymous on Apr 17 2009, 00:51 Actually, no religion is based on evidence. They are all untrue and fucking retarted. Anonymous on Apr 25 2009, 22:14 haha I google "are mormons retarded" and this is what I got. Hilarious Anonymous on May 23 2009, 16:41 hey I just have a comment, I am not a mormon, but I find it so interesting that so many people bash this church, I mean if it a hoax and fake, then the people in it are the dumb ones, why waste your time bashing on it? Obviously there is something to it if so many people feel entitled to talk bad about it and "try" to prove its false, because as much studing and searching I have done, there is not true hard facts or evidence any of it is false, only alot of this bull shit, and theories, why don't you get your facts straight before wasting your time on pulling others down. Anonymous on Jun 12 2009, 01:12 For one, Kristy has half a point in that there seems to be a lot of bashing by many with a somewhat questionable understanding of the concept of religion. Although I feel that she is rather hypocritical herself in that she was compelled to sit here and bash the people who have posted comments. When an idea is presented to someone, it is only natural to question it and express their own opinion. It is not a waste of time because to question is the only way to truly learn. Question teachers, question authority, question me, question yourself, otherwise you will only gain a half understanding of someone else's point of view and nothing more. The way I see it, if I answer the door and have to deal with some random stranger at my doorstep trying to preach to me and handing me some lame pamphlet, then I have every right to log on and talk about how rediculous it is. I mean seriously, way to copy the Jahovah's Witnesses. At least 3 quarters of Jahovah's Witnesses where smart enough to leave the faith when the world didn't end in 1925. They changed it to 1975 and even more left when that one was proved wrong as well. Page 1 / 70 Blog Export: Please God No, http://pleasegodno.com/ For any one to say that their way is the only way is in itself ignorant. It is the belief itself that the individual holds that makes such things relevant in their lives. I feel that Jesus Christ and Sidhartha Gautama had many of the same ideals, though Jesus had the misfortune of having his teachings twisted and contradicted by a bunch of degenerate Romans as a means to gain power and denounce the pagan traditions that where previously practiced in Rome, while Sidhartha's teachings where kept intact by his followers in that their culture was left undisturbed for thousands of years of peace without the need for the power struggles that plagues the birthplace of Catholicism even today. And as far as Joseph Smith is concerned: he was an eccentric and a racist who had already been convicted of fraud prior to the founding of the church. His claims about the Native Americans where ignorant and prejudiced. Jerusilum is located in the middle east, therefore even if they did come to America, they would be tan skinned as well, Jesus had tan skin and so did the ancestors of every human being that ever lived. Polygamy is chauvinistic. If a man can have multiple wives, then a woman should be able to have multiple husbands. And his obvious ignorance of geology and history is actually really kind of funny, it's also pretty sad. At least L. Ron Hubbard had an imaginative scam, even if it was just as moronic. Anonymous on Jun 19 2009, 06:50 I'm agnostic theist but I don't mind Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism that much. Not too sure about Hinduism. However, Mormonism, Scientology, Islam, and Shintoism are the most retarded religions. Why people believe those 4, I have no idea. Anonymous on Jul 13 2009, 02:16 every religion is retarded, but mormonism, evangelical-pentecostal, and scientology just take the cake made of retarded fetus'. I have respect for those who can question their faith and accept that their holy doctorines are a tad exaggerated, but I have zero respect or tolerance for the people in these religions, or any fundementalist of any religion. Anonymous on Jul 26 2009, 16:33 Smith translated from a hat not from behind a curtain. You respect Pastafarianism beliefs? Hahaha! I'm a Pastafarian and I don't respect the beliefs. I repect the religion. No-one actually believes in the FSM, it's just a comical way of being an atheist. That's why I am one. But anyway, nice piece. I agree with you; Mormons are FUCKING RETARDED. I actually googled "Mormons are fucking retarded" and got this haha! Anonymous on Aug 13 2009, 22:27 Why bash the mormons? Because they're a bunch iof fascist wads. While I think anyone is free to believe whatever they want, this bunch of kooks has taken it upon themselves to quietly co-opt the Boy Scouts, as well as get involved in the Proposition 8 battle in California. I say screw 'em - they want to play politics, they lose their tax-exempt status. Asswipes. Anonymous on Sep 22 2009, 19:53 you are callinf us retarted when we have the savoir so before you point fingers saying there retarted look in the mirror and point to yourself Anonymous on Jun 3 2010, 18:51 Anonymous, look how your religion was created you idiot. FUCK MORMONS, WIERD GULLABLE BASTARDS! Anonymous on Jun 8 2010, 09:02 Fuck the Mormons. They are just a very large cult that changes its doctrine according to political pressure. Perhaps "their" God can't make up his mind. Examples being. ..poligamy and African American men holding the priesthood. Fuck them for not knowing how to differentiate between matters of church and state with their involvement in prop 8. Fuck you all brainwashed cult members. May the real God have mercy on you Anonymous on Jun 17 2010, 15:20 im an atheist, but i think you guys are going too far with all this. everybody believes what they believe. theres no right or wrong thing about that. the only thing that is wrong is when ya'll write stuff like all that. 'fuck the mormons' 'FUCK MORMONS, WIERD GULLABLE BASTARDS!' **S T E R E O T Y P I N G.
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