Motor [11 MAY, 1966.] Vehicles. 4285 Sir Percy Byrnes and Mr. Todd for believe that the time is coming when their very kind remarks. I shall look manufacturers of motor cars will at Upper Houses of Parliament soon include seat belts as a standard around the world, but I am sure that fitting. I shall find none to equal the Victorian Legislative Council. I greatly ap­ Mr. LOVEGROvE.-They are not all preciate the remarks that have been safe. made, which come as a complete sur­ Mr. RYLAH.-The Deputy Leader prise to me. I thank honorable of the Opposition is prepared to members. " can" anything the Government The motion was agreed to. says. The House adjourned at 1.28 a.m. (Thursday) . GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES TO MUNICIPALITIES. LIBRARIES. Mr. WILKES (N orthcote) asked 1£tgi,alatiut Asstmbly. the Chief Secretary- l. What maximum grants and/or subsi­ Wednesday, May 11, 1966. dies are available to municipalities in re­ spect of free library service with regard to metropolitan municipal libraries, country municipal libraries, children's libraries. The DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr. regional library development. and rural Christie) took the chair at 2.19 p.m., library establishment. respectively, and and read the prayer. when they were last increased:? 2. In each of the above categories­ (a) what is the basis of the grant; MOTOR VEHICLES. (b) what are the conditions of the grant; and (c) when the last increase or variation USE OF SEAT BELTS. in the basis or conditions was made? Sir HERBERT HYLAND (Gipps­ land South) asked the Acting Mr. MANSON (Acting Chief Sec­ Premier- retary) .-As the answers include a number of statistics, I seek leave of Whether, in view of the statement by the Chief of the Victoria Police Traffic Branch, the House for their incorporation in Superintendent G. McCulloch, as reported Hansard without being read. in the Sun: News-Pictorial newspaper on 10th May instant, that there was no doubt Leave was granted, and the that seat belts could save the lives of many answers were as follows:- motorists, he will reconsider making seat belts compulsory equipment in all new l. motor vehicles? - 1965-66. Last Mr. RYLAH (Acting Premier and Increased. Treasurer) .-The answer is- Consideration has previously been given $ to the question of making it compulsory for Municipal Libary Subsidy motor vehicles to be fitted with seat belts. (Metropolitan and Country) 900,892 1964-65 However, because of the obvious difficulty in compelling motorists to use them, the Country Library Grant- proposal has not been proceeded with. (a) Municipally controlled 14,000 .. The Government has, of course, made it (b) Non-municipally con- compulsory for all new vehicles to be fitted trolled .. .. 4,000 .. with seat belt anchorages. Children's Libra.ry Grant .. 10,000 1954-55 I should like to add to the pre­ pared answer two comments of my Rura.l Municipalities and own. First, I have been most Regional Library Centre Development Grant .. 40,000 1960-61 interested in the extent to which the public itself is accepting seat belts Total .. 968,892 and is using them. Secondly, I 4286 Grants and Subsidies [ASSEMBLY. ] to Municipalities. 2. (1) Municipal Library Subsidy. (3) Children's Library Grant.-For the purpose of distribution of this grant (a) Basis.-The Government and the libraries receive consideration depending on municipality contribute on a $1 for $1 basis. whether the library is a municipal library (b) Conditions.-This subsidy is made or a non-municipal library. annually to municipalities operating libraries in accordance with Board standards and A. Municipal. subject to the following:- (a) Basis.-All councils operating chil­ (i) Subsidy to metropolitan councils is dren's libraries within their municipal restricted to a maximum of library according to Board standards share 40 cents per head of the municipal equally. population and to a maximum of (b) Conditions.-The library must have 50 cents per head for country been operating for at least one full year. councils. (c) Last variation.-1948-49. (ii) Notwithstanding the ceiling fourteen municipal libraries have been B. Non-municipal. granted a subsidy not less than when the ceiling was imposed in (a) Basis.-All the same as for non­ 1961-62, provided they continued to municipal country free libraries (see (2) contribute the same amount. (b) above). (iii) Subsidy to all councils, except those (b) Conditions.-All the same as for non­ to which the ceiling applies, is municipal country free libraries (see (2) subject to a levy of 3 cents in the (b) above). $1 in respect of the central (c) Last variation.-All the same as for cataloguing service provided by the non-municipal country free libraries (see Board. (2) (b) above). (c) Last variation.-1962-63. (4) Rural Municipalities and Regional Library Centre Development Grant.-In the (2) Country Library Grant.-These are years in which new non-metropolitan muni­ divided into two groups- cipalities establish libraries the grant may be divided into two parts; Rural Municipal A. Councils directly operating municipal Library Establishment Grant and Regional libraries. Library Development Grant. (a) Basis.-The amount of money pro­ A. Rural Municipal Library Establishment vided by Parliament is distributed equally. Grant. (b) Conditions.-That the municipality is (a) Basis.-Varies according to the num­ in receipt of a municipal library subsidy and ber of municipalities establishing libraries has been in operation for at least one full in anyone year. The present basis is year. 10 cents per head of population. (b) Conditions.-Allocated, once only, to (c) Last variation.-1948-49. non-metropolitan municipalities in the first year of municipal library establishment. B. Non-municipal libraries in respect of some financial aid from councils. (c) Variations or increases.-There have been no variations or increases in the basis (a) Basis.~(i) $1 for $1 contributed to for some years. the library by the local council for the calendar year; and B. Regional Library Development Grant. (ii) $1 for $1 received as donation from The remainder of this grant is allocated any source (other than the council) but to those municipalities operating regional excluding readers' subscriptions. libraries. It is paid to the central munici­ pality of a group. (b) Conditions.-(i) Each year the maxi­ mum grant is calculated having regard to (a) Basis.-The grant is generally con­ the number of applications, the amount of sidered as follows:- contributions received from municipal (1) The grant is a variable amount up councils and the amount of donations to $4,000. In each case the grant received from any other source; is allocated to a region on its individual merits. (ii) the minimum grant is $6; (2) New groups are given priority in (iii) unless the council makes some con­ allocating the larger grants and the tribution (minimum $6) no grant is amounts received each year are payable. variable, the policy being to make available these larger grants on a (c) Last variation.-I948-49. rotation basis. Mr. Manson. Electoral. [11 MAy, 1966.] Electoral. 4287 (3) The grant is not guaranteed annually (c) Variations or increases.-There have and, in fact, it has been necessary been no variations or increases in the basis on several occasions to omit certain and conditions of this grant. groups from sharing it in order that individual grants should re­ main at a reasonably high figure. ELECTORAL. (b) Conditions.-(i) The Councils com­ NEW SUNSHINE ELECTORATE: POLLING prising the regional groups must be eligible as individual councils for municipal library BOOTHS: ENROLMENTS. grant. Mr. LOVEGROVE (Fitzroy) asked (ii) There must be a form of agreement the Chief Secretary- existing between councils of the regional 1. Where the polling booths in the new group covering such items as- Legislative Assembly electorate of Sunshine will be situated? (1) Degree of pooling of financial re­ sources. 2. What was the electoral population of the proposed electorate at 30th April last? (2) Control of central fund into which pooled moneys are paid. Mr. MANSON (Acting Chief Sec­ (3) Degree of pooling of book resources. retary) .-The answers are- (4) Location of central or headquarters (1) Certain administrative arrangements library. regarding the electorates created under the recent redistribution such as prescription of (5) Representation on Regional Library subdivisions and appointment of returning Committee. officers and polling places have not yet been completed. (6) Functions and powers of Regional Library Committee. Subject to availability of buildings, how­ ever, it is anticipated that the following (iii) The general standard of service of polling places will be used in the Sunshine the Regional Library Service must be ap­ Electoral District at the next general elec­ proved by the Board. tions:- Proposed Subdivision. Official Name of Polling Place. Probable Location of Polling Place. Brooklyn Altona North State School Brooklyn State School Kingsville Kingsville .. Church of England Hall, Somer- ville-road Kingsville South Congregational Hall, Francis-street Kingsville West Methodist Hall, Ormond-road Yarraville West State School Sunshine Braybrook .. State School Sunshine Town Hall Sunshine Central State School Tottenham North Technical School (2) 25,230 (estimate). NEW DEER PARK ELECTORATE: Mr. MANSON (Acting Chief Sec­ POLLING BOOTHS: ENROLMENTS. retary) .-The answers are- Mr. LOVEGROVE (Fitzroy) asked (1) Certain administrative arrangements regarding the electorates created under the the Chief Secretary- recent redistribution such as prescriptions of subdivisions and appointment of returning 1. Where the polling booths in the new officers and polling places have not yet Legislative Assembly electorate of Deer Park been completed. are situated? Subject to availability of buildings, how­ 2. What was the electoral population of ever, it is anticipated that the following the proposed electorate at 30th April last? polling places will be used in the Deer Park 4288 Fire [ASSEMBLY.] Fighting.
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