:...a ' t X Zr ^ 6 / 't^A6B’hPmRTY-TW0 \ t ■' ^ W EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4,'l967 Arcrage Daily Net Press Run r. For the Week Ended . , ThS Westlnr" -/■V November 30, IS67~ V ‘ Fanaaal at JB. S. Waatkor Bataa About Town 12,682 ' Fair, pioMw tealgW. iAw ULN Member o f the Audit Meapt S-lt aama niral araaa. Fadr, f^¥h#'CoiipI«« Club o f tho Second wanwir FHdajr. R ^ ' 46-M. XlbiixTegatlonal Chutph will bowl M&nthe»ter-^A City of rU^ge Charm ,:.»t the Oommiinlty Y Saturday DOUBLE S&H GREEH STAMPS WITH AtL CASH ; taiKht from 7:30 to 10 o’clock, Any VOL. LXXVII, NO. 56 Vouplea In the church are invited. (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS)V MANCHESTER, CONN., -raURSDAt, 1>ECEMBER 6, 1957 . Thoae attending ehoul|d wear bowl- SALES THIS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5! ICIaaolfled AdvartUliig a* Paga BS) PRICE FIVE tENTB ing ehoea. soft soled slippers or heavy socks.’Those planning to at- j tend should contact either Mrs. Harry Rylander Jr. or Mrs, James O h! Brakes? Irvtae, •fiBr on e etncl a .11 . ^December _ Los Angeles, De-:. 5 (ffi)—The Lakota Council. No. 01. D e^ee judge read the police report of Pocahontas, will meet tonight merry Christmas for everybody begins concerning a man before him^ at 7:30 in Odd Fellows Hall. Mem­ on a.recklesa driving change:' bers are asked to attend, as new of- right here! We've gifts for Mom, for Dad, for Sis "Driving 93 n.fles an hour fleers for the coming year will be Of Bid to Clean , fled from officers . nominated. A social hour and re­ and Brother . , home gifts to make the chased about a mile . ." freshments aill follow the meet­ “Why didn’t you atop?" ing. Atlantic City, N. J., Dec.Tconventlon expuUlon move, if onlyyOOO of th* AFL-CJIO’i 15 million Municipal Judge Thomaj- L. whole family happy . gifts for all good friends Hoffs would quit as Teamsters Christmas wouldn't b« Christmos 5 (JP) — AFL-CIO president members. Griffith Jr. asked yesterday. president-elect. The Manchester Garden Club and relatives, too. Come in, shop with ease. without Sonto Clous: and he will be George Meany told the open­ All flve unions have been under "I couldn’t, your honor," re­ will hold another workshop meet­ ing session of the federation’ti In thq past Meany had said Hof- nre in congressional investigations, plied Ramon Butler, 23. "t- here at Hole's this Thursday^ evening fa’s ouster from any sort of post with the ..Teamsters and Hoffa ing Friday at 10 a.m. at the home convention today there would didn’t have any brakes." o f Mrs. Rohert H. Smith. 131 Hart­ STORE HOURS: from 7 to 9 and Saturday afternoon 2 In the Teamatera was the prime especially being charged before "Five days and $50," aaid ford Rd. The club viill hold its an­ be no deals in thejfederation’s requisite to the trucking union’a the Senate rackets Inveatigating the judge. H.A> r.’s w it.r RE OPEN to 5:30. Plan to bring the kiddies— drive' to eliminate labor cor­ staying ■ In the federation. The committee with misusing union nual sale of Christmas Greens in ON THE NIGHTS THAT ARF. Center Church House Dec. 13 from they'll enjoy o chat with Santa. ruption. Teamsters, already under AFL- funds and powers. t CIRCLED IN THE ABOVE CALENDAR; CIO suapension, have one tenth of Meany announced last night 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., under the di­ PLl'S ALL DAY MONDAY Meany flatly denied reports the rection of Mrs. Charles Lesper- AFL-CIO high command la In any the AFL-CIO’s is million mem­ that the AFL-CIO Executive First Bom a re Gas Heater. ance. general chairman and Mrs. \ way willing to water down ita bers. The United Textile’ Workers Council had suapinded the Textile Frank Bickmore, co-chairman. A cleanup demanda on the , Team- Union was suspended last night. • group (UTW) and voted to push sale of Christmas cookies and a aters and other AFL-CIO unions ^ Five Unions’ Under Fire for expulsion of both the UTW and Distillery Workers because Sites Selected Flame Used morning coffee hour Is planned. accused of corrupt leadership. However, the AFL-CIO leaders Lo'*'est Prices GIFT UMBRELLAS There had been some apeculation both had failed, he said, to carry p r appeared determined to push con­ out in good faith reform programs The Motherhood of Mary Meany wap now willing to let, vention expulsion action against they had pledged. ^ - On East G>ast Mothers Circle will meet this eve­ *1 98 T. *8.98 James R. Horfa remain in a subor­ the Teamsters, Bakery, Laundry, Still on UTW PayroU Up Oxygen ning at 6:30 at the home of Mrs. Anywhere dinate position in the Teamsters Distillery and Textile Workers The AFL-CIO boss said the UTW I All the newest fahric.s ami handlc.s. Union and escape an AFL-CIO Unions.’ They comprise'about 1,806- Washington, Dec. 5 (fl>) — Four Vincent Pppeleski, 112 Helaine HALE’S OWN RR.AND G IF T had obtained the resignations of Rd., tor its Christmas party. Co- Plain colors, prints and plaids. •.ast Coast Air Force Bases have Stam ford, D ec. 6 (jP)— FIt « •MERfCRY two top UTW officers, Anthony hosteasea will be Mrs. Edward Valente as president and Lloyd been selected for construction of persons were found dead of Goss and Mra John Termeulen. H O SIE R Y Klenert as secretary-treasurer, but the first taunting sites for the aaphyxiation today in their Members are reminded to bring I..\CE TRI3I.MED federation auditors had discovered Bomarc. < the .nation’s newest mis­ dollar gifts for the grab bag. ELECTRIC tenement apartment. GOLD MYL.AR STRIPED . Full fashioned sheer dark both a'UU have continued on the sile designedto knock down enemy A friend cMling to take Jeffrow T. J. SpeUacy Dies; UTW pavroU. SPIN RAYON scam n.vlons with reinforced ■fdtopjbefs Green to work walked Into tba Emanuel Churchmen will hold Similarly, he said the Distillery The Aif^ Force reportedly feel* apartment and found th* bodies their annual smorgasbord Friday BLANKETS heel and toe for extra wear. Workers group < had gotten rid of TAI l ECLOTHS and NAPKINS Newest winter shades. shout 16 such sites would provide' of Green, hie wife and three oth­ evening In Luther hall. Hugo Carl­ With a TWO year guarantee certain leaders but.they had taken antiaircraft coverage for the East ers sprawled about th* place. son is in charge of the program .................................................. $*.»* Political Power 77 over the union agmn O avoid any and Weaf Coasts and the nation’! Th* other three were indentlfied which will feautre the High School Twin Bed S ir e ___ $ 1 7 . 9 5 secret ballot election of new- offi- S9v70 .................................................. g.s.flg northern boundary. The Bomarc Mr. and Mrs. Leroy 8pat.ee and Round Table Singers, under the di­ cera. Speaking of the UTW, Meany can cover a wide c rea and travels said that whereas the AFL-CIO 8-month-old eon, Leroy. AU rection of G. Albert Pearson. Full Bed Sire pr. Hartford, Dec. 6 —Thomas 'J. faster than sound, 'ere Negroes. ............................... $7.M -thought the union had launched Single Control . J ] g 9 5 SpeUacy,’77,- state insurance com­ However, although it is dfsigned Orebn’s brothsr, . 20-yeer-oId Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid 6.1" R O U N D ........................................ *5.9* missioner, four times mayor of genuine reforms-they found out In recient days "’further financial Ir­ to^IntSrcept enemy bomberi as far WllUaimNt^ Green o f Garnet, 8. Society wUl meet tonight at 7:30, \ Full Bed Sire Hdrtford, and alnce-1907 a power in away as 300 miles and as high up C., was uteen to Stamford hos­ and the Youtji Council tomorrow NAPKINS .................................... S9c ea. state Democratic pc^!cs, died regularities have been carried on Diinl Control . J 2 2 9 5 right to the present moment—it is as nearly 12 mile.*, the Boiharc pital but watt responding to treat­ at 7:30 p.m. The annual Christmas You will love these for your own uae shortly after 7 a.m. this morning would not be effective against bal­ ment. N. sale and social of the Aid Society at the Hotel Commodore, New the most brazen thing I’ve ever Colors: Green. lOse, blue and and for gifts. ■\'ellow, aqua, pink, white, seen in my life.’’ , listic missiles. These long range Det, Ctept. WilUam J. Lynch will open at 6 p.m. Friday. The coral. green and pecan. York. He had been attending sea- rockets fly ;at a p ^ a of up to said the five appiurantly died Church Council will also have a alons of the National Assn, of In­ "There was no finesse at all and Ue robbing is still going on,’’ 15,000 miles an h lur and trav/el as from insufficient {nesting Friday evening. surance Commiiaioners at the high as 600 or 700 miles. He said flames from an unvent- hotel. Meany added. Meany said it may seem ridicu­ Plans to build the first Bomarc *d gaa hot water heatci:^ had used Manchester Lodge, No. 73 AF His death was discovered by lous to base expulsion proceedings launching sites were announced up oxygen in the room. \ •hd AM, will hold a special meet­ Deputy State Insurance Oommli- against the Teamsters on the basis last night by the Air Force.
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