~3IT"r 7[0 Telephone No. : +91-172-2638061 Fax No. : +91-172-2638135 ~ ~ CfiI4')(>l'a """""""""'"~ 31"T"«1 ~ ;r{-o 24 - 25, ::Rct== - 31 -cr, q 41 Cl '< 0 I, crcrr "QC:l'- '51 (>l Cl I "j, q ~ Cl c'i G1 d1:>11 (>l 4 c:fiffuT ~. ~ - 160030 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Northern Regional Office, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & Bays No. 24 - 25. Sector 31-A, CLIMATE CHANGE Dakshin Marg. Chandigarh - 160030 F. No. 25-242/2014-ROC- Vol. IV Dated: .01.2020 To Shri C.D Singh, IFS - Chairman Add!. Director General (Central) Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Northern Regional Office, Chandigarh 2 Shri Som Datt Sharma Member Secretary Dy. Inspector General of Forests (Central) 3 Shri Satish Kumar Sharma -Non official member House no. 2342, Sector 35-C, Chandigrh- 160035 4 Shri Gaurav Gaur -Non official member Assistant Professor, Centre for Social Work Punjab University, North Campus, Sector 14, Chandigarh UT- 160014 5 Shri Neeraj Gupta, -Non official member 1002, Sector I1-C, Chandigarh- 1600 II 6 Shri R.K. Mishra, IFS, Nodal Officer-cum-Add!. Pl'. Chief -Special invitee Conservator of Forests (Fe), Government of Punjab, Forest Department Forest Complex, Sector-68 SAS Nagar Mohal i-160062, Punjab 7 Shri Vinod Bhatia, IFS, Nodal Officer-cum- Chief -Special invitee Conservator of Forests (Fe), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana. 134009 8 The Nodal Officer (FC) -Special invitee 0/0 Pro Chief Conservator of Forests Van Bhawan, Near Gumat Jammu, J &K 9 The Regional Wildlife Warden & Nodal Officer (FC) -Special invitee Department of Wildlife Protection Ladakh, U.T 8 Special Secretary to the Government of Puruab, -Special invitee Revenue Department (e-mail: [email protected]) 9 Special Secretary to the Government of Haryana, -Special invitee Revenue Department .. (e.mail: [email protected]) Sub: NOTICE for 29th 'Regional Empowered Committee' Meeting on 22.01.2020 at 10:30 hrs in the Conference Hall of NRO, Chandigarh-reg. Sir, In continuation to this office letter of even no. dated 09th January, 2020, it is intimated that proposals for diversion of forest land for non-forestry purpose of the Haryana state and Punjab state, will be discussed and consideredin the said REC meeting. The list of proposals proposed to be discussed and brief fact sheet of those proposals are enclosed herewith for ready reference to all the members of the committee. 2. The date, time and venue of the meeting will remain unchanged. Y~urs fa~ully, ~~'\P ~\C'- (K.Z. Bhutia, IFS) DIGF(Central)-cum- Member, REC Copy to: 1. The Deputy Director General of Forest (FC) Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi 110003 for information please. 2. The Nodal Officer-cum-Add!. Pro Chief Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Punjab, Forest Department Forest Complex, Sector-68, SAS Nagar Mohali-160062, Punjab with a request to direct all the User Agencies to attend the meeting and present their case if they so desire. 3. Nodal Officer-cum-Chief Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana. 134009 with a request to direct all the User Agencies to attend the meeting and present their case if they so desire. tl List of item in the agenda for 29th REC meeting of the NRO. Chandigarh to be held on 22.01.2020 STATE:HARYANA Online 1 Forest Agenda propo::>al no. I la11d Ilem FIle No. Nal'ne of the proposal pt'opose No, d to be I I I I I diverted FP/HRllrrig/395 Diversion of 4.0721 ha of forest land in favour 5512019 S.D.O Saraswati Haritage Sub Division no. 2, 9-HRB076/20 19­ Jagadhari for construction of Somb Saraswati CHA 4.0721 Barriage on River Somb, Tehsil Balaspur, under Forest Division and District Yamunanagar, Haryana Diversion of 7.0759 ha of forest land in favour of Project Director, NHAI, PTU-Rewari at 9-HRCl 0 I/20 19­ FP/HR/Road/3 39 Gurugram for construction of proposed Rewari /. r:H/\ 7.0759 ha 598/2019 Byepass of NH I 1, underl'orest division and District Rewari, Haryana Diversion of 32.903 ha (2.789 ha in Jind Division 30.114 ha in Sonipat forest) of forest FP/HR/Road/375 land in favour of Project Director, NHAI, PIU, 9-HRC I04/20 19­ 73/2019 Rohtak for rehabilitation and llpgradatioll to 4 3 CHA 30.1 14 ha laning of Jind-Gohana-Sonipat road, kl11. 0 to 78.ID7 (W I J.J2 A), L1IILkJ f'UII.;;::,[ divi:-.iull dlld ni"lrir'l SnnipM. H~rY:1n~ FP/HIURoad/35 1f[Diversion or 58.54 ha (5.76 ha in Kurukshl.:Lra 22/2018 I Division, 5.74 ha in Kaithal Divisil)1I 2.44 hR in Karnlll, 17.4 ha in .lind Oivision, 0.29 ha in ({olUtk Divn., 6.89 ha in Bhiwani L>ivl1. and and 14.02 hn in Mahcndl.:rgarh Division) or 9-HRCI17/2019­ f'url.:Sl lunu in f~wour 0'· Pro.il.:<';{ Dircdor, 4 I ellA NIIAI, PIU, Hhiwani rnr l;unslrul.:[inn of 58.54 i:l11~II(;ri lo Nanwul fi)ur lalll: wilh p"vl.:d shvuklur cOllliguraliOIl ill till.: Srau llrlillryana U1HJur HllHratlll(lln pflriyojna, lIndt.;!' Forcsl I)ivi~ioll anu Ilislril.:ts Klli'llkslJc;(r[l, Knilhal, I<anlal, .lind Rohl!lk, I1hiw;1I1i (Illd Milhc;IHj~q~arll, IlurYlllla 1--=-----1= ­ ._-­ :lulJIltc of CA silc Ii))" uiVl'l'siUIl or ()J'lJ 1111 ur r()I'C~1 IUlld ill rilvulII' (lr I~Xl"c;II1 iw 1~Ilj.\illl,;l.:l, 1't1IJip;Jl Will",!' Su/'vicc I livi::i(III, lrrignlioll 9-11I{(;o'/12017­ FPII fRJR,nur!/21 Ik·p:ll'll1ll.lIIl, Pfliliput for rurnncJulitlg &,Iflning of ('11/\ 9. 143 ha la/nOlo Mllin UI'flin No. '.1 in I'nnirlll RIJ G750(1 III IO/IM:! 1.8:J{. IIlldl'r l;lH't'sl niviHIOIl lIlHI i:lIril.:1 PUllifllll. IllIl'VlllHI l=-o _..L. ~ . IProposal for modification in no. of felling of ! I Itrees to be felled in approved proposal: . Diversion of 69.713 1 ha (46.2094 ha in I Sonipat Division + 6.4025 in Rohtak Division I and 17.1 01 ha in Jhajjar Division) of forest 9-HRC 129/20 18­ FPIHR/Road/3 22 land in favour of Project Director, NHAI, PIU, I I 6 CHA 50/2018) Rohtak for rehabilation and upgradation to 4­ lane configuration & strengthening of UP/haryana Border-Sonipt-Rohtak-Jhajjar (from Km. 0 to 80.250) Section of new NH334 B in the state of Haryana, under Forest Division and District Sonipat, Rohtak and Jhaljar, Haryana (online proposal no. o. - Proposal for modification in no. of felling of trees to be felled in approved proposal: i) Diversion of 17.559 ha of forest land in favour FPIHRlRoad/328 of Project Director, NHAI, PIU, Rohtak for 9-HRCI16/2018­ 40/2018) & rehabilitation and upgradation to 2 lane with 7 CHA paved shoulder for Jind-Gohana-Sonipat road from designe chainage KM. 0 to 29.580 ofNI! 352 1\, under forest division and Districl .find, Haryana. Any other issues with the permission of the chair. =J Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change Northern Regional Office, Chandigarh. FACT SHEET OF THE PROPOSAL 1. a) File No. 9-HRB076/20 19-CHA b) Online Proposal No. FP/HRlIrrig/39555/20 19 c) Date of receipt 08.08.2019 2 Name of the proposal Diversion of 4.0721 ha of forest land in favour S.D.O Saraswati Haritage Sub Division no. 2, Jagadhari for construction of Somb Saraswati Barriage on River Somb, Tehsil Balaspur, under Forest Division and District Yamunanagar, Haryana 3 Name of the User Agency S.D.O Saraswati Haritage Sub Division no. 2, Jagadhari 4 Location Somb Saraswati Barriage on River Somb i) Name of the Porcst Division Yamullanngnr ii) District Yamunallagar iii)State J-laryalla 5 Particuhu"s of Forest i) Forest Area involved 4.072 J ha ii) Lega I status Strip protected Forest iii) Vegetation density 0.2 iv) Map of project site Attached (p-I 8/c) v) Layout plan orihe project site Attached (p-19-97/c) vi) KMI, file of rrojed site LJpluaueu vii) DUPS map of projcct :;ite Attached (p-20/c) and uploaded (j Hem wi~c hl'CHk-uJl of the fOl'est lll'e~l Area calculation is givcn at p- tOl/c. involved and arca cakulation !\rea =4.0721 11a 5 Totall'lumher of tJ·ccs to bc fclled 294 Ircc and 2500 plants i) Abstract ol'lrcL::) I\U;H;hed tP-27ic) ii) FJllllllCl'fltioJl List AU.ached (p-28-3 O/c) 8 Violation of Ad No 9 Wlwthcl' arclI is si~niJicllnt fonn wildlih' N.A point of view/comments of CWLW HI C()mJl(~nslltory Affon.'station i. I'lnnlnliOlll'ill: (CA lind Addl CA) MlllltJlwali RIo' ii. An::n/Nu. urpJU\lI~ 1(\ btl rlnilled iii, Adell <:A 1'lonf'lllkHI iv. ~iiu Mup v, 1< MI.11klllf<..'A sit, vi. 1)(II'S mAp orCA sit~ vii. <':OI!lprL:hl:lI:Jiv~ Si,;h~nll' viii. ~il~' ~Jtlill\hilil'y ~lJ,'lill"'llti,; i~. TalllllllllUlIlI1 fur ('.A. 'C Tlillil fllnQlI/ltlur I\Jdl. (',i\, .\i. Tol/ll IIl1llll!lil 1'01' NI1V XII. Whether amount of CA & NPV No Realized from user agency 11 FRA certificate Not provided and uplaoded 12 Site Inspection Report ofDFO Attached (p-31/c) 13 Recommendation of iv.
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