COMPUTING R ESEARCH N EWS The News Journal of the Computing Research Association January 1993 Vol. 5/No. 1 Membership of Congress changes significantly BY Fred W. Weingarten also was re-elected. He has proven to be attention on high-technology, the seniority for chair of that subcommit- CRA Staff an effective and well-informed chair, committee possibly will attract more tee. His attitude toward science and Although incumbents fared better in but given the turnover in the House members. But it will never have the technology is not well-known. and his rising political star, he may not attraction or political power of the the November elections than was Senate expected, the membership of Congress remain active in R&D policy. Boucher Energy and Commerce Committee, the has changed significantly. Congress has also served on the Energy and Com- Ways and Means Committee or the The Senate is stable because there 118 new members, and some key merce Subcommittee on Telecommuni- Appropriations Committee, which also was less turn-over and science is under members were defeated or retired, so cations and Finance, where he ex- will have openings. Unless they have the Commerce Committee, which is a there will be quite a bit of change in the pressed a great deal of interest in specific interests and expertise in plum. Vice President-elect Al Gore will membership of committees and stimulating the creation of a broadband, science and technology, members with be replaced as chair of the science subcommittees concerned with digital national information infrastruc- seniority and influence tend to gravitate subcommittee. Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D- research. ture. This interest has been reflected in toward those major committees, WV) is the next-ranking member on his ongoing scrutiny of the National particularly if they have an opportunity the subcommittee and reportedly is House of Representatives Science Foundation’s management of to chair a subcommittee. ready to take over as chair. His interests Rep. George Brown (D-CA), chair the National Research and Education Rep. Bob Traxler (D-MI), chair of are described as “more technology than of the House Committee on Science, Network (NREN). House Appropriations VA, HUD and science,” but he is seen as open-minded Space and Technology, who narrowly Actions taken this year by Independent Agencies Subcommittee, and informed. Rockefeller was a strong won a race many expected him to lose, Boucher’s subcommittee will be retired this year and Rep. Bill Green (R- supporter and a cosponsor of the most likely will continue to chair the particularly critical for the computing NY), the ranking minority member of HPCC Act. He most likely will science committee. For many years he research community. The subcommittee that subcommittee, lost his seat. introduce some form of the digital has been considered one of the most will consider NSF’s reauthorization, a Although that subcommittee made infrastructure bill introduced last fall by knowledgeable members of the House process that will help define the large cuts in NSF’s budget request, Gore and cosponsored by Rockefeller. on science policy. His calls for priority agency’s mission and organization for Traxler and Green were considered to His subcommittee also will consider setting, increased accountability and the next several years. The subcommit- be understanding friends of research. NSF reauthorization. demonstrated social benefit from tee will continue its oversight of the Rep. Louis Stokes (D-OH) is next in Continued on page 5 research investments have alarmed High-Performance Computing and some members of the basic research Communications Act and conduct community. However, the community hearings on the future of US R&D Inside CRN considers him a strong congressional policy, as a follow up to the full PAGE 2: CS community reacts PAGE 6: Workshop attendees committee’s Task Force Report on the supporter of science and his warnings to NRC report tackle CS research problems an attempt to improve science policy. Health of the US Research Enterprise Brown also has led, with mixed success, released last year [November CRN, PAGE 3: Women, childcare PAGE 7: SIGACT trying to get the fight against “pork” in science Page 1]. and conferences children more excited about CS appropriations. The House science committee PAGE 4: Commission on NSF PAGE 8: Professional Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA), chair often has a heavy turnover in members issues report to NSB Opportunities of the House Science, Space and because it is not viewed as a “major” PAGE 4: NSF committee has PAGE 12: FCRC ’93 will be Technology Subcommittee on Science committee. This year, with all the directoratewide responsibility held in May News Analysis How will S&T policy fare in new administration? PAID Non-Profit US Postage Organization Permit No. 3778 BY Fred W. Weingarten emphasized and restructured over the funding, that support is thin, at best. Washington, DC Time-Sensitive Material CRA Staff next few years, both for reasons detailed Science policy-makers have said that Political transitions, particularly ones in recent issues of CRN and because the computing research community reflecting a major political shift, are science and technology was a serious needs to prepare a careful case explain- times when great hopes—and fears— focus for the Clinton/Gore campaign. ing the nature of research and the are raised about possible changes in all The research community will be benefits to the nation, then communi- areas of public policy, ranging from the responsible for helping create public and cate it in clear and understandable most fundamental, such as national political support for S&T initiatives, terms to the public and the politicians. and actively participating in the prosperity and security, to the most Consensus arcane. This transition has been no political debate so a well-informed and different. Because President-elect Bill sensible set of policies is developed. S&T policy will emphasize Clinton’s campaign emphasized change, Let’s look at four dimensions of this consensus, which also is expected to be expectations seem to be even higher. responsibility. the basic style of the new administra- tion. S&T policy is not an area in which (Some reports estimated that the Little Public and political support Rock transition office received nearly politicians like to spend political capital 30,000 letters per day after the elec- Any major policy initiative requires to resolve conflicts, and politicians tion.) broad public support and the under- seldom are effective when they do try. Most of these hopes and expecta- standing and support of the political On most science and technology issues, tions diminish as the new president leadership. Nearly one-quarter of politicians want experts to identify areas starts focusing on hard priorities, Congress is new this year. These new where there is agreement in the deciding where to expend political members did not vote for the High- community. They have too many other capital and where to wait for a better Performance Computing and Commu- things to fight about, and they under- opportunity or a better idea of the real nications Act, nor were they party to stand that they lack the necessary cost of some proposed programs. the “agreement” made in 1987 to expertise to make a judgment call. Although Democrats control Congress double the research budget of the (Political controversy does exist—there and the White House, political power National Science Foundation. Few of have been debates over the Strategic still is diffuse, and there are many the new members, even if they were Defense Initiative and floor fights over conflicting pressures. In the past, active in local politics, have any S&T funding for the supercollider.) science and technology (S&T) policy policy experience. The High-Performance Computing almost immediately was relegated to the The public, in general, has a poor and Communications Act passed back seat in transition politics. and simplistic understanding of science unanimously in the House and Senate. and technology and how it is linked to It was clear that, if unanimity did not This past history should be a warning economic growth. Although the public exist, the bill would not have been to the research community. There is good seems to accept that the government taken to the floor. reason to expect that S&T policy will be CRA NW Ave. 1875 Connecticut Suite 718 DC 20009 Washington, should support some level of R&D Continued on page 5 COMPUTING R ESEARCH N EWS January 1993 Opinions Computing Research Association CS community reacts to NRC report Board Officers John R. Rice Effective CS researchers must compute for the future Chair BY Rob Kling disciplined skill in social analysis, computing, such as networking and Purdue University The National computer scientists’ claims about the microcomputing, changed the distribu- Peter Freeman Research usability and social value of specific tion of applications. While they support Vice Chair Council’s Comput- technologies is mere opinion, and bears traditional numerical computation, Georgia Institute of Technology ing the Future: A an exceptional risk of being self-serving albeit in newer formats such as spread- Gregory R. Andrews Broader Agenda for opinion. sheets, they also have expanded the Secretary Computer Science Computer scientists who do not diversity of non-numerical computa- University of Arizona and Engineering is have refined social analytical skills have tions. These modes of computing have sometimes conceived and promoted made digitally represented text and Michael R. Garey a welcome report technologies that were far less useful or graphics accessible to tens of millions of Treasurer that argues that academic computer far more costly than they claimed. people. AT&T Bell Laboratories scientists must acknowledge the driving forces behind the generally good federal Effective CS practitioners who “com- None of these advances are Board Members support for the discipline.
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