^ NEW DEALERS Airport Fire Causes $700,000 Damage FALL OF BLUM TO STAND PAT FORECAST FROM LERIDA AND GANDESj ON B IU “AS IS” ^ FISCE PLANS ent Of Passiiig Bu- FALL TO SPANISH REBS^ Exidumge Control, Franc De- reaus Measure, Refuse To Talnation Expected To Make More Changes; Bring On “ PtabHc Safety” PRESS ON BARCELONA House Takes' Day Off. Cabinet; Senate Ban Seen Franco'$ Offensiye Enters A. P. Writer Describes WadiingtOD, April 4— (A P )—Ad- Peris. April 4.—(A P)—The Cabi-, Decisire Stage; Pfamt T# ndnlatratloa leadert, confident their net, with Preaident Albert Lebrun timely eompromiae bad staved off a presidtngj today gave formal ap- Scenes at The Front Cut Government ForciiV^ poeitble defeat, refused today to ‘proval to Premier Leon Blum'e make further concession# to House sweeping financial pTofoeals, which opponents of the fiercely-fought gov. financiers Interpreted to include s In Two; Loyalist$ Fa! h emment reorganization bill. At an In War-Scarred Spain unusual Sunday conference they measure of foreign exchange con- trol and revaluation of the franc. A Fierce Connter-Atticfc. won Preaident Roosevelt's tacit ap- Parliament's approval, however, proval of two ameRdmenta, which By ROBERT OKIN Avanced> carefully up to toe line. As bad been hastily advanced when a was considered highly doubtful. With (Sovernment Troopa In East- duak descended armored earn and Reflecting a widespread feeling that ern Spain, April 4.— (A P I -‘The coalition of Republicans and dls- the Socialist premier's program ****,No. 1 hangar at toe munlclpai airport In Bllami, Fia., de- freah oontlngenU of troops arrived Hendaye, France, at tha aentlng Democrata appeared to be nf*whi?r “ **“ “ **** “ ^®*ted at $700,000. Smoke Is shown pouring from the wreckage Spanish governroent'a beat troops and prepared to hold toe line west of woiild lead to his Waterloo toe frano of what were said to be some of toe naUon'a finest private planes. wro-Mge fought atubbornly today to a^em Spanish Frontier, April 4,-*. getting the upper hand. strengthened in official dealinga on toe Ebro river and toe road above Repreaentatlve Sam Raybiiin of toe relentlessly advancing insurgent Cherts. (AP) — Insurseiit Crenend toe Bourse. It closed at 32.24 to .tide along two main roads to toe Texas, Democratic fioor leader, said toe dollar, as compared with PYl- a. Earlier I visited toe aection de- Franco’s general offensiva that as far aa he knew the admin fending toe Oandesa-Tarragona day's offlelal closing of 83.71. Laat night I watched government tered its decisive phase iatratlon forces expected to "stand Moat important of toe proposals road. Government ftoreea were at pat" on two other controversial troops, who have been fighting day Mora la Neuva. 11 mUea west of with massed armies si were: LABORITE CREATES SCENE INTEREST IS KEEN and night for 30 daya, move up again provisions—substitution of a single Centralization of all dealinga In Falaet, which Is only 13 miles from down the main highway dvil service administrator and crea- to toe heights on toe Tortosa road toe sea. Barcelona and the Ebro foreign exchange'in toe Bank of about halfway between Oandesa and tion of an auditor-general France with a requirement that doc- IN TOBACCO MART Cupped in a valley by distant to the sea after having The House chieftains expressed umentary evidence must be produced Tortosa (hence about 13 miles from mountains and hllla, Mora te Neuva IN BRITISH PARLIAMENT toe Sea.) two immediate obJeettveB, the belief that their original modi- of toe neceaalty for any purchase or P****^ul, with only an occasion- fications would sap enough of the sale of foreign currencies before From toe open air dlvlaloa head- al artillery shell booming into in- rida and Gandesa. quarters In a little gully near tbs ' opponents' strength to mUke ap- authorization is given; financial ex- surgent tines from government bat- In the foui^h week of the proval of the biU posaible within a perts said tola would be virtual ex- Buying Is Brisk In Hartford line. I heard toe thunder of artil- teries. Hardly a rifle shot was beard Slaps Face Of Coosenratiye lery—government guns ftrl^ , in- fensive and the 21st month re# dasrs. change control, a thing succesziVa TAYLOR QUITS POST for several hours. Coughlin Oonoedee People's Front governments thus Burgent shells bursting—on toe plne- The road to Tarragona, in excel- the Spanish civil war, ths Even Rev. (diaries E. CtougbUn, far have avoided. Member Before Opening As Second Priming Is Put oovered ridge, accompanied by toe lent condition in this part, was al- surgent legions drove into tenor chatter of macbine-gunS. Michigan radio priest who repeated- See Franc Devaluation IN U S. STEEL CO most empty. Oocastonal supply vital stronghold of the _ ly has aasailed the measure, con- Revaluation of toe gold stock of Up For Sale Today. A long file of troopa personally ceded It now would paM. toe Bank of France at Ita "actual Debate On F oreip Af- led by toe division commander ad- (OMtlaiied M Page Twe) ihent militia. They were In order to gain time to rally value,” which experts said could paignihg to cut Spain in their supporters, the House leaders open toe way to a new devaluation and capture the seat of fairs, Then Apologizes. Hartford. April 4.—(A P)—With deferred resumption of the tern- of toe franc. To Remab As Director Aft- government, Barcelona, pestuotu debate until tomorrow. An “extraordinary tax” on capi- interest In toe 1937 Shadegrown That gave legislators a relatively tal holdings, such #s bank accounts, crop heightened by toe low point of STUDY BEING MADE General Garcia Valiao’s peaceful day to act on an adminis- er 11 Years As Chainnao stocks and bonds. London, April 4.—(A P )—Eman- manufacturers’ stocks, buying of LATE NEWS varrese corpa and the I tration bill enlaiging the lending A two-year moratorium on public uel Shlnwell, a Lsborlte member of Black Arrow division authority of the Reconstruction Fi- debt pa}rments; this w#s considered the wrapper for some of to* coun- Parliament, strode across toe floor Of The Big Corporadoo against the village of Ch nance corporation. The measure Is one of toe boldest measures pro- try’s highest priced and best known OF MILITARY DEFT. designed to extend greater credit posed. of toe House of Commons today and about six miles above Toi „ cigar brands moved rapidly at a .FLASHES! to bualneaa and industry. Financial circles said toe slapped toe face of Commander very acUve opening of to* market which looks down on the Hi strengthening of toe franc showed Hobokfo, N. J., April 4—(AP) Foes of the reorganization bill, Robert Tatton Bower, e Conserva- here today. Iterronean, after having in the meantime, w4ii revlzing belief toe Soclaliat premier soon Capitalization changes to pave the Some two score or more buyers, NO CHANGE IN POUCT. State'$ Legi$latiTe Coimdl tive member, JiiM before toe open- ed southeast from Gandi their strategy in view of the com- would fall and his government ing of foreign affaire debate. way for possible financing were up ’ lepresenting leading manufacturen London, April 4,— (AP)— Prime promise proposals. Father Coughlin would be replaced by a “public safe- yesterday. .The House was thrown into up- for approval today by stockholders and leaf tobacco houses from many Mlnlater Cbamberlaln today bluntly advised his hearers against —niiing ty" cabinet with vride support in roar by the almost unprecedented parts of toe country, attended toe refused oppoeltion demuids thht he To Make Report On Reor- Advance oa Ttnrrnlnae any more telegraphic proteats to ParUanrant. of toe United States Steel Corp. sale carrlwl on simultaneouely lb scene. Cabinet ministers Indig- Shareholders of “big steel’’ had alter hla forelga policy or permit Gen. Juan Tague'efMoorieb legators, who racelved more than The Blum proposals were. listed nantly shouted at iUilnweU: - j the warehousea of 16 local padcara. “ • IeteBtlwi. after entering Mrtda laat 130,900 o f them last week. ' ih detail by an official summary, but toe capital revamping measures for Known to toa'XMde aa.ihe aecond faim tion In May Meeting oyt!” The Laborite resumed hS] conaideration at toeir annual meet- The Honee ef Oousmoos agafai b ^ , threw out advance guard* ea TO Watch Oonfereaoe toe m m ier announced he would eat after administering the re- priming, toe tobacco la toe bulk of came a wordy battieground aa enp- Parliament to vote one brief ing, held aa usual In a room in toe poaa to Barcekma, 80 ndlae to 'IThe mesaagea have had their sounding slap. to* crop grown under tent In toe pbrtere of Chambertatn’s poUey of aaat. while mopping up toe lest salutary effect," be said, propoting bill giving toe government powers drab weather-stained bank building Connectlcut.valIey last summer. Hartford. Aprfl 4.—(AP)—Dell- A remark by Bower to which in toe shadows of toe Hoboken seeking separate pacts- as opposed ter resistance within Lerida Instead that every congressional until July 1, 1938. to "take toe Shlnwell apparenUy took exception Upward ^ 20,000 bales, or to oolleotive European eerortly •_ nlto propoaala for toe reorgantxa- measures It Judges Indispensable dockside which baa been toe corpor- around 0,500,000 pounds, <a tola On either side of these two male district send a delegation to Wash- sounded like “Go to Poland.’' #1- clashed with toe Labor and Ubi»al Uon of to* atate’e Military Depart- Unes of attack, toe wings of (SenarSt ington to urge Oongressmen to op- toough what was meant was not ation's “home" office since Ita found.
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