A QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON CHROMOTHERAPY BYBYBY SAMINA TAZAYYEN YOUSUF AZEEMI Physics Department University of Balochistan QuettaQuetta,, Pakistan A QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON CHROMOTHERAPY A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BALOCHISTAN , QUETTA By Samina Tazayyen Yousuf Azeemi Physics Department University Of Balochistan Quetta II CERTIFICATE I certify that thesis entitled, “A QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON CHROMOTHERAPY” is prepared and written by me and I have not submitted this dissertation at any other university. Samina Tazayyen Yousuf Azeemi Physics Department University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan Supervisor Professor Syed Mohsin Raza Meritorious Professor and Dean Faculty of Science, University Of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan. Co-supervisor Professor Masoom Yasinzai Director, Institute of Bio-chemistry University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan. III Certificate This is certified that Mrs Samina Tazayyen Yousuf Azeemi D/O Muhammad Yousuf (late), who was registered in PhD in the research project entitled as “A QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON CHROMOTHERAPY” in the Department of Physics, University of Balochistan, is now qualified to submit her thesis for the requirements of the degree of Ph.D in Physics. Prof. Syed Mohsin Raza Prof. Masoom Yasinzai (Supervisor and Dean) Co -supervisor and Director Faculty of Sciences Institute of Bio-chemistry Department of Physics, University of Balochistan University Of Balochistan, Quetta. Quetta. Prof. A shfaq Ahmed Chairman Department Of Physics University Of Balochistan, Quetta. IV DDEEDDIICCAATTEEDD TTOO KKHHAAWWAAJJAA SSHHAAMMSSUUDDDDIINN AAZZEEEEMMII,, SSppiirriittuuaall SScchhoollaarr aanndd aauutthhoorr ooff 3355 bbooookkss oonn MMeettaapphhyyssiiccss iinncclluuddiinngg CCoolloouurr TThheerraappyy,, PPaarraappssyycchhoollooggyy,, QQaallaannddeerr CCoonnsscciioouussnneessss aanndd ‘‘AArrtt && SScciieennccee ooff SSuuffii MMeeddiittaattiioonn’’,, pprreesseenntteedd iinn sscciieennttiiffiicc mmaannnneerr eennccoouurraaggeedd mmee ttoo eexxpplloorree tthhee rreeaallmmss ooff LLiigghhtt aanndd CCoolloouurr.. V Acknowledgements I express my sincere regards and gratitude to my supervisors Dr.Syed Mohsin Raza (Tamgha-e-Imtiaz and Izaz-e- Fazilat) and co-supervisor Dr. Masoom Yasinzai for their guidance, help, encouragement and constructive remarks which made it possible for me to complete my research work and thesis. I am grateful and offer sincere regards to Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Chairman Physics Department, Members Board of Advanced Studies and administration of the University of Balochistan for granting me all favour, appreciations and maximum support to complete my research work and prepare PhD dissertation. I am thankful to Dr. Shakeel Baber, Director CASVAB, Mr. Saleem from Merck, Mr. Saleem, Assistant Professor Mathematics, Mr. Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, Director PCSIR and Dr. Iqbal Tareen, Head of Dermatology Department for providing me research facilities and invaluable technical support. VI AND WHAT SO EVER HE HATH CREATED FOR YOU IN THE EARTH OF DIVERSE HUES, LO! THERE IS INDEED A PORTENT FOR PEOPLE WHO TAKE HEED. (Al Quran, Nahal:13) VII Chapters Contents Page List of Abbreviations List of Tables List of Figures Abstract 1. Introduction 3 1.1. Physical Medicine 5 1.2. Chemical Medicine 5 1.3. Energy Medicine 6 2. Background Information 2.1. Physics of Light and Colour 8 2.2. How do we see Colour 11 2.3. Doctrine of Chromotherapy 13 2.4. Properties of Colours 18 3. Literature Review 3.1. Ancient observation chromotherapy 22 3.2. 19th Century Ideas and Practices 24 3.3. 20th Century Scientific Emergence 27 3.4. Understanding Chakra and Color Ray Frequency 29 3.5. Approaches to Chromotherapy for new researchers 31 3.6. Color Psychology and Medicine 34 3.7. T Metaphysical View 36 3.8. Colour Medicine 37 3.9. Variation in influences of Light 41 3.10. Colour, Brain and effects of Light 43 VIII 4. Theory presented 4.1. A new conjecture of Charge Quantization in Chromotized Water Samples 50 4.2. Sample preparation 51 4.3. Results and Discussion 51 4.4. Fractional Charge Quantization (Proof of the Conjecture) 60 4.4.1. Recurrence Relation 63 4.4.2. The Generating Function of R 64 4.4.3. The Eigen Function 65 4.4.4. Probability Function 66 4.4.5. Theoretical Energy Values 66 4.5. Discussion 66 5. Application of Chromotherapy 5.1. Colours as Catalysts in Enzymatic Reactions. 71 5.1.1. Materials and Methods for Chromotization of Enzymes Solution. 73 5.1.2. Glucose Oxidase. 74 5.1.3. Cholesterol(esterase + oxidase) 75 5.1.4. Lipase 76 5.1.5. Super Oxide Dismutase 76 5.1.6. Results and Discussion 78 5.2. Treatment of cutaneous Leishmaniasis by Chromotherapy 85 5.2.1. Geography and Epidemiology 85 5.2.2. Signs and Symptoms 86 5.2.3. Conventional Treatment 87 5.2.4. Patient’s Case History 88 5.2.5. Materials and Methods 89 IX 5.2.6. Results 89 5.2.7. Discussion 90 5.3. Effect of chromotherapy on L.Tropica 5.3.1. Materials and methods 93 5.3.2. Results 94 5.3.3. Discussion 95 6. Conclusion 98 7. Suggestions for Future Work. 102 X List of Abbreviations & Symbols ATP Adesonine Triphosphate C Velocity Of Light CACW Chrome Absorbed Charge Water DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid dBq.m B Quantum Mechanical Dipole Moment E Energy ECG Electrocardiogram EM Electro Magnetic EMF Electromagnetic Field EMG Electromyography E BoB Zero Point Energy F.N.A.C Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology FTIR Fourier Transform Infra Red H Plank’s Constant K Propagation Vector L.tropica Leishmania Tropica LLLT Low Level Laser Therapy M Magnetic Quantum Number Nm Nanometers Q Charge Quantization R Radial Function R Bohr’s Radius RNA Ribonucleic Acid SOD Superoxide Dismutase W Watt Y-P Yeast-Peptone Α Alpha Constant Β Beta Constant Γ Gamma Constant Θ Angle Λ Wavelength Ν Frequency Σ Summation Τ Relaxation Time Ψ Energy Eigen Function Ћ h/2π Ф Azimuth Angle XI List of Tables Table.1. Dominant wavelength of colours. 103 Table.2. Energy calculations in distilled chromotized water samples. 104 Table.3. Resonance energy of hydration spheres. 106 Table.4. Theoretical calculations of relaxation time. 107 XII List of Figures Fig. A. Hydration spheres. 113 Fig. 1. Comparison of absorbance in blue chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in ultraviolet region. 114 Fig. 2. Comparison of absorbance in green chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in ultraviolet region. 115 Fig. 3. Comparison of absorbance in orange chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in ultraviolet region. 116 Fig. 4. Comparison of absorbance in purple chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in ultraviolet region. 117 Fig. 5. Comparison of absorbance in red chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in ultraviolet region. 118 Fig. 6. Comparison of absorbance in yellow chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in ultraviolet region. 119 Fig. 7. Comparison of absorbance in blue chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in visible region. 120 Fig. 8. Comparison of absorbance in green chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in visible region. 121 Fig. 9. Comparison of absorbance in orange chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in visible region. 122 Fig. 10. Comparison of absorbance in purple chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in visible region. 123 Fig. 11. Comparison of absorbance in red chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in visible region. 124 Fig. 12. Comparison of absorbance in yellow chromotized distilled water sample for three different exposure times in visible region. 125 Fig. 13. Curve of probability density. 126 Fig . 14. Behavior of theoretical energy at particular angles. 127 Fig .15.A Shape of Eigen function.128 Fig. 15.B. Semi-log plot of Eigen function. 128 Fig. 16. Absorbance pattern of different wavelengths in glucose-oxidase.129 Fig. 16. A Comparison of absorbance in Glucose oxidase.130 Fig. 17. Absorbance pattern of different wavelengths in cholesterol. (oxidase+esterase). 131 XIII Fig. 17. A Comparison of absorbance in cholesterol (oxidase+esterase).132 Fig. 18. Absorbance pattern of different wavelengths in Lipase. 133 Fig. 18.A Comparison of absorbance in Lipase. 134 Fig. 19. Absorbance pattern of different wavelengths in super oxide dismutase. 135 Fig B1-B3 Leishmaniasis lesion before & after chromotherapy. 136 Fig C-1 L.Tropica irradiated with incandescent light.137 Fig C-2 L.Tropica irradiated with 590 nm ( yellow light). 138 Fig C-3 L.Tropica irradiated with 644 nm (red light). 139 Fig C-4 L.Tropica irradiated with 485 nm( blue light). 140 Fig C-5 L.Tropica irradiated with 538 nm(green light). 141 Fig C-6 L.Tropica irradiated with 610 nm (orange light). 142 Fig C-7 L.Tropica irradiated with 464 nm (purple light). 143 Fig C-8 L.Tropica irradiated with 400 nm (violet light). 144 Fig C-9 Absorbance pattern of different wavelengths in L.Tropica in visible region. 145 Fig D-1 FTIR Spectroscopy of untreated water sample.146 Fig D-2 FTIR Spectroscopy of blue (485 nm) chromotized water sample. 147 Fig D-3 FTIR Spectroscopy of green (538 nm) chromotized water sample.148 Fig D-4 FTIR Spectroscopy of orange (610 nm) chromotized water sample.149 Fig D-5 FTIR Spectroscopy of purple (464 nm) chromotized water sample.150 Fig D-6 FTIR Spectroscopy of red (644 nm) chromotized water sample. 151 Fig D-7 FTIR Spectroscopy of yellow (590) chromotized water sample. 152 Fig. E. Human Body: Conglomeration of Colours.153 XIV Abstract We suggest a new phenomenon of ‘charge quantization’, .i.e., hQ due to absorption of photon energies in water molecules. When water molecules absorb photon energies at different wavelengths in the visible region, they become charged. We infer that the absorbed photon energies in water molecules are the manifest of quantum mechanical behavior i.e. , the quantum mechanical dipole moment leads to the phenomena of ‘charge quantization’.
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