E1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 28, 2000 method validation at several other government been a champion of soccer in the United nications Division. In 1998, she was promoted agencies. In addition, because ICCVAM al- States. Major League Soccer is now the fast- to acting captain, where she served ten ready exists, passage of H.R. 4281 will not re- est growing American sport, and its popularity months as the commander in charge of the 4 quire any additional budget expenditures. in Kansas City is a credit to Mr. Hunt and his p.m. until midnight tour before her retirement In conclusion, I would like to say that H.R. commitment to its success. Mr. Hunt's great in September of 1999. 4281 provides a win-win situation for all admiration for his players was noted after the Among the hobbies she enjoys are reading, groups and individuals involved with toxicology game when he stated proudly that, ``These are traveling and writing poetry. A true family per- testing. For chemical and product manufactur- pages of a memory book that these players son, she is devoted to her eighty-eight year ers, who are required to test their products for will never forget.'' old father and takes great pride in her two safety before bringing them to the market, the The Wizards weekly youth programs have nieces, Shelly and Krystal, and her great bill offers them a centralized body to ensure given thousands of children in the Kansas City nieces and nephews. Ms. Oliver is now enjoy- that new test methods are scientifically valid area the opportunity to meet and interact with ing a well-deserved retirement where she con- and acceptable for regulatory use before they the athletes they admire. Young athletes re- tinues to be active as a member of the Board spend large sums of money on conducting the ceive fundamental training by a member of the of Directors of the North End Nursery. tests for government approval. For animal pro- Wizards. These programs provide positive re- Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues join me tection organizations, this legislation promotes inforcement for youth on and off the field. in commending Ms. Oliver for her outstanding an improved forum in which alternatives to Since the inception of these programs in 1995, professional achievements and her service to animal testing can be scientifically validated Kansas City youth soccer has doubled in play- the community. Let us extend our congratula- for regulatory use. From a broader standpoint, er participation among our youth. tions as she receives the Women of influence the tests approved by ICCVAM will provide Mr. Speaker, please join me in saluting the Award and our very best wishes for continued Federal agencies with adequate data to pro- Kansas City Wizards for the winning example health and happiness. tect human and environmental health and they've provided to the young athletes of Kan- f safety, a development which benefits all Amer- sas City, and for their inspired Major League IN HONOR OF THE VASCULAR icans. Soccer championship season and U.S. Na- ANOMALIES PROGRAM AT NEW Mr. Speaker, I ask all my colleagues in the tional Team success. The Wizards embody YORK UNIVERSITY MEDICAL House of Representatives to join me in sup- the principles of teamwork essential for suc- CENTER ON VASCULAR ANOMA- porting H.R. 4281. Let us ensure that ICCVAM cess. I ask the House to join me in Congratu- LIES FAMILY DAY continues its important work on behalf of the lating the Kansas City Wizards, Major League Federal Government, animal rights activists, Soccer's 2000 champions and their owner, Mr. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY and regulated industries across the United Lamar Hunt. OF NEW YORK States. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f CONGRATULATIONS, GLORIA JEAN Thursday, October 26, 2000 SALUTE TO THE KANSAS CITY OLIVER A WOMAN OF INFLUENCE Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, WIZARDS today I honor the Vascular Anomalies Pro- HON. DONALD M. PAYNE gram at New York University Medical Center HON. KAREN McCARTHY OF NEW JERSEY which will celebrate Vascular Anomalies Fam- OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ily Day on October 29, 2000. The Vascular IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 26, 2000 Anomalies Program at NYU is an exceptional Thursday, October 26, 2000 medical program that serves a notable role as- Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to call sisting my constituents with their medical Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I to the attention of my colleagues here in the needs. rise today to offer my congratulations to the U.S. House of Representatives the accom- The Vascular Anomalies Program began at Kansas City Wizards and owner Lamar Hunt plishments of a person who has truly made a NYU in the 1980s as a subsidiary of the Insti- for their 1±0 win over the Chicago Fire in difference in her community, Ms. Gloria Jean tute for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at NYU Major League Soccer's 2000 championship Oliver. Retired as a captain from the East Or- Medical Center in order to better assist pa- game on Sunday, October 15. The Wizards ange Police Department, Ms. Oliver has been tients with vascular anomalies such as are a testament to the perseverance of hard selected as one of the recipients of the hemangiomas, lymphatic malformations, ve- work and determination in athletics. Their drive presitigous YWCA ``Women of Influence'' nous vascular malformations, and and resolve produced the best season in the awards. She will be honored at a special arteriovenous malformations. The medical Kansas City Wizard's six year history. luncheon in New Jersey on November 4, team assembled to serve in the Vascular Goalkeeper Tony Meola and veteran players 2000. Anomalies Program consists of physicians Uche Okafor, Mo Johnston, and Preki capped Born in Glenridge and educated in the East specializing in plastic surgery dermatology, ra- their stellar season with Major League Soc- Orange school system, Ms. Oliver attended diology, hematology, psychology, ophthal- cer's ultimate glory, giving loyal Kansas City Upsala College and received a bachelor of mology, otolaryngology, and gynecology. fans their first Major League Soccer title. The arts degree in Social Science. With the skills and guidance of these med- Wizards' fluid teamwork and appreciation for In 1969, she distinguished herself by be- ical professionals, the NYU Vascular Anoma- the game were best exemplified by the unself- coming the first female to be hired by the East lies program addresses the numerous medical ish style of play that spearheaded their drive Orange Police Department after placing first and psychological issues confronting its pa- towards the trophy. By foregoing individual on the New Jersey Civil Service exam. After tients. The needs of its patients sometimes re- statistics, the players came together under breaking this barrier, she spent her first dec- quire the program to coordinate the participa- one common goal and achieved it in cham- ade as a detective in the Juvenile Aide Bureau tion of numerous physicians in order to imple- pionship fashion. while also taking on an assignment in the rape ment a successful plan of care. In addition to their Major League Soccer squad. She continued to be a pioneer in her The physicians in the Vascular Anomalies championship trophy, seven proud Wizards field, becoming a founding member of the Program meet twice every month with patients players were selected to join the U.S. National Afro-American police organization with the for- to discuss their concerns. the program which team for an October 25 exhibition match mation of the East Orange Kinsmen, Inc. She is funded by the National Foundation for Fa- against Mexico Rookie defender Nick Garcia was the first recording secretary of the organi- cial Reconstruction, recently met with federal joined fellow defender Brandon Prideaux, zation, which was dedicated to serving the elected officials involved in health care issues midfielders Kerry Zavagnin, Matt McKeon, local community. to discuss facial deformities in children. Chris Henderson and Chris Klein, and goal- After a promotion to sergeant in 1979, Ms. This week, the Vascular Anomalies Program keeper Tony Meola in Los Angeles to lead the Oliver supervised the robbery squad. In 1986, will celebrate Vascular Anomalies Family Day United States to a 2±0 win over the Mexican while assigned to the Patrol Division, Gloria to salute the network for parents who support national team. Congratulations to the Wizard was promoted to lieutenant and was in charge each other through the challenges of raising a Members and to the entire U.S. national team of the ``Safe Neighborhoods Division.'' She child with a facial deformity. I congratulate the for an inspiring victory. commanded the 4 p.m. until midnight tour of NYU Vascular Anomalies Program on this The MLS trophy has special meaning for the Patrol Division, was the Record's Bureau special day and applaud the valuable work of Wizards' owner Lamar Hunt, who has long supervisor and was in charge of the Commu- this exceptional program. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 01:44 Oct 29, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27OC8.009 pfrm04 PsN: E28PT1.
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