~Keep the Whole World Singing

~Keep the Whole World Singing

~ KEEP THE WHOLE WORLD SINGING THEIR 3RD RECORDING "UNFORGETTABLE" • You'll Never Go Wrong With A Song • Sound of Music Medley • You Made Me Love You • Alley Cat • Unforgettable • YOIII' Mother Should Know Medley • Atlanta's Jumpin' (This Joint. Is Jumpin') • There Goes My Heart • Ida/Ain'! She Sweet • Nice Work If You Cau Get It • America Medley ..ONE Mm.'!ENT IN Tlt\m" "GONNA BUILD A MOUNTAIN" • M)' H... m Stuud Still • I'm GonnJ lluill'!,\ ~loumJin ·111).,m·{ ~k:m A Thin;: (1(1\,\in'[ GOlTh:,t SI\inj!l • O,igindl Di.\id:mJ One St~p • Sonn)' lIo)"ID~I\I\)' Bu)' • WI!<:n Sunn)' Gets llIu.: • Guin' QuI Of~l)' H... ~odICllft T;J.l¢~I)' Eyt'.• Off Of \'ou • EWI) Ixxly Sl~plAI<'\m&r's RaClime ll:md • Sw,,-.:t A<kliJ!<: • II Take; TiIlI<: • On BlUa<.lwJ)' • Kiss ~l,· 0".,· ~Iort.' Tim", • Wh ...n Tho.' Roo, Red Rot-in C1H~., Ik*" Hob Bobbin' ,\long • LeI 'EmTol\' • ~!IXKI Indil;u • (kt HJPPY • L:uT)' Gatlin ~"~h:)' -Illll~... n [;!dyn·,·... [>00<' Enough • My Link' SHwr l...:KI)' Dyin' TooJ)',\lI The lJ(lll.lln Ca1iIIHlliJ • you·,·... Lust Th,tt LUI'in' F,...·lin· • From TIl.' fi,..,t H"lIoTu Ttk' I.a,( Goudh)" • ,\n)' Tim" • \'00'''''' N",bI,-".ly Till S(Hlk'bo.-..J)' 1.01"; You • [Wi,h ,\11 ~1)'Childl ... n Wac IJJbi,;:s Again • On" ~lom-,:n( In Tim... • Kal:lJn~lOO AlIlIIlIsical armlH:('lIlellfs In' Creg \folk • R~pris..': rill Go!ln~ Build A ~lountain Namc _ Address _ City State Zip Code _ E-mail Address _ "Unforgcttablc" __ CD/s @ $15 ea, __ Cassetle/s @ $10 ea. $ _ "One Momelliin Time" CD/s @ $15 ca. Casscttc/s @ SID ca. $ _ "Golllla Build A Mountain" __CD/s@$I5ca. __Cassc!tc/s@$lOea,$, _ Subtotal $ _ Mail check or money order (US funds) to: Exc,\I.IBUI{ 1609 Stoncpine COllrt • Hudson, WI 54016 Postage + Handling $ 2.00 E-nulil address: Excalibnr@excalibul'-nel.com '1'0131$ _ T UJHARMON~R . : , . .. ." . May/Juno 2000 VOLUME LX tWMBER 3 SORRY, PROFESSOR HILL. Only three of the 1950 champion Buffalo Bills accepted the call to Broadway. Find out why Dick Grapes said, "No, thanks." 20 --------Features-------­ I What will 21st Century Music Man revival abig barbershop sound like? Broadway success Must we choose between preservation and And kind words about the newest nOll' evolution? Three big names respond Sodety quartet, The Hawkeye Four DrlRRll FUNN GARl'STAMM Barbershop ...Tokyo style The rest of the story Barbershop arrives in Japan, and Music Man creator Meredith Willson they're bringing it back to America was writing about people he knew REED SA\If9:)'l GARl' STrUB! AND OMl' ROBJ.\'SO.V -------Departments------- 2 10 THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE HARMONY HOW-TO Don't wait for a death to show you Be a great chorus singer whaes really important 25 4 CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES LET'S HARMONIZE Keep a lv/elcxly Ringing Memorial, a 10­ Stewardship of our style chorus benefit show 5 27 LETTERS STAY TUNED Images with impact and NY chorus steals Florida show Brooks Brothers booster Society and SAl chapters team up 6 32 ~-,,- TEMPO THE TAG National exposure via posters and Limestone Quarry television Society for the Preservation and Encouragement ~ of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America May/JUlie 2000 • The HARMONIZER 1 Here's to T "NEW CHOICES EHARMONl~R •,,• •• "I • for ON STAGE May/June 2000 Volume LX Number 3 HARMONY" SPEBsaSA Vision Statement The Society is to be an ever-growing fraternity of barbershop-style singers, *NOW STARRING * leading Ihe cause of encouraging vocal music in our schools and communities. HarmonymElFoundation Your clearinghouse for all charitable activities, including SingAmerica, SingCanada, Hearlspring, the Heritage Hall Museum, the endowment program and memorial giving, may be reached at BOO·8l6·SING, ext. 8447 HEADQUARTERS OFFICE STAFF SPEBSQSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECtJTTVE DIRECTOR SOCIETY PRE SlOE/IT DARRH FIr-." (8543) CHlU; WAlSOS O[RECTOR OF MuS!(; EOOCATlOH & SER'fICES 184McCalJCourt'Co!umbus,OH43235 D~. GREG LrxE l85~9) SOCIETY EXECUTIVE VICE PIlESIDElrT ROGfR lE\m OF:RECTOR OF l!IAHeE & AOwtllSTflATlON 2012512MileRood-BattkCred:).1l49014 FIlA'); S,,:-T\RULJ, CPA, CAE (8450) SOCIETY TREASURER H,IJIlJOUY FOOm>AT1Oll EXECUTIVE O;RECTOR KL\' Ft.n(llfll DIRECTOR OF EXlERlIAL AffAIRS -12-11 2IstAH~. W,#I00' Stanle %\98199 GARY S1A\I\I, CAE lS-l-l6) SOCIETY l'-l.UEOIATE PAST PREStoEm' MAlIAG!NG DJlECTOIl Of MEI.!BER SERVICES EOWALSCIll: Ev NoW (SHS) 6VisULane' M~ll'i1k,NY 11747 PUBUC RELATlONS DJlEClOR SoclETY EXECUllVE Dt/lECTOA I BOARD SECRETARY Red Striped 8m", Ln.'CIl (85H) DARR\1.Fu\"" EVEIilS MAlIAGER I STAFF COUNSEL f_ro.9iriQ JOH." $cH.\UOER (8444) SOCIETY BOARD MEMBERS Boaters UBRARtA», OLD SOIlGS liBRARY W.W:'>"E8OO10\1OI Authentic, unlined. Tmt BARR (S5-H) 4S-t6GIt'nbrook lane-Palm Harbor, FL 33569 PUBllCATlO~IS EOIlOR l)o"Ot.-\lL\L\." LOll\' ~lw (8567) 916Tangbl"ood Dri\-C -Shore\-jew, 1\ IN MuSIC $PEClAUST I QUARTET DEVELOP/WiT B!lLCortr JI~1 l>eBFSH\.\; (8566) SOl SbtmL3I1<'.ApI.I014·Almnuna, VA2231..\ C&J I QUARTET REGISTRY I HC-DC D<:-'cmCooK L~"ll>IEITR (8551) 6019N. Iklmonl Wa)'- Pm:er,CO 80134 MAlIAGER OF MeOlA PROOUCTlOU & SeRVICES GEl'ECOORTS 1827 D.:.\lt'r Avt'nue· Cirn:lnI13li, OH 45206 Ru~s FOR!s (8586) BooCQ\ DEVEloP/.~Em DiRECTOR 557SKa.)'ak WayNE -Sakm. 01{ 97303 L'R~\' GllHO\.'Se-' (8..\..\3) EARLllAGs MAJU.GER OF hlFORUAlJON SVSTELlS 1217 StrJt ford Driv¢ -H. ichJrdson, TX 75000-291 3 &OTT HOGE (8435) HA\"KH.\\\\l£ll: MUSlC PU8UCATIOtIS EDITOR ..\..\-672 Kahin.mi PlJct'ii6- Kan<'O~, HI967..\..\ JOE LILES (8553) AImJt:R Mwx-IJill MERCHA/lOiSE OPElVJlOlIS MAJU.GER 4518in:hwoodRood.l\looforu,NY 11763 NA'\n' TKOR." (8..\37) fu"Prpu. MuSIC SPECIAUST /VOOTH OUTREACH 456..\ E.3:\.1Rl.\:ill- PortStanley, ON N5L IA7 iTuxedos B~lSl(:o; BILL RMlllfIGll (8560) 522 N. Jackson Slrw- Rellevilk.IL62220 00 PUBLIC RELAT10NS SPEClAUST $89 R£m S"'L\U'50S (8592) MEJ.!8ERSH!P SPEClAUST P.-\lRICI.: KnL\' (S..\59) AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS ASSISTANT TO THE EXECUTIVE DiRECTOR AUSTRAUAlI ASSOC. OF /.lEN BARBERSHOP SUIGERS (AAI.I8S) k-ffi Wardum, ~t DEE VESf_\"IC1.: (S5..\2) 51 Rct>'.ni:t r$..d: • Sfcinofi;:1J I\SW 2150 • Austr.& MUSIC SPEctAUST / CHORUS DIRECTOR DEVELOP/.~EliT BARBERSHOP "f GERMANY (BinG!) KIRK YOI.JSG (8541 ) B~g;l Ka)'~~, I'rc;..'dmt Ev,.a!J.;tr. 28' D-591H K2m..'TI • G..'TII\!Ily HARMONIZER STAFF BRITISH ASSQClATIOtl OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (BABS) • Chris T"1Ihron. Clu'mun 3 & 4 Button Blazers Lo::us MAY (EOlTox), RITo SA\ll'SOS (AsslSlA."r EOllOJt), "3m..~,,~ !\rurM'f\)I,I.,;/1 Rood, rollifOl."(, N.Ytlli HGJ lOT. UK 13m.." LYl'("lf (Co,,-nuBumG EDITOR) DlJTCH ASSOCIATlOtl OF BARBERSHOP SlN<lERS (DABS) Kru)t, I'ro.."'&:nt In 10 SpotUte Colors H.WIO'l,11LR@SPlD>QS..\.OJtG k-.run Cdlrnlu F13 • lJ>.<t~ 3-402 HD, The N~ Featherlite IRISH ASSOCIATION OF BARBERSHOP SIIIGERS (lABS) $8500 ~ko.."'(),.1·. SOCIETY HEADQUARTERS Eit!'o: Pte..'..-I..'[I! Au-~J;("J, Fully lined SPEBSQSA l)nrnr«, Co. Mwh • IrdJ...,j tlEW ZEALAND ASSOC. OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (tUABS) 6315 HarmOll)" LaIk'" KeJXlShJ, WI 53143-5199 D.l\iJ B!tollin~ Pre>iJ..'lll. AND ON THE PROGRAM 262-653-$440' SOO-S76-SING (746..\) I Ori>..<a Cl&'roI ' 1Jn.u!ncJo.:Jows • \\'cllintro (I}t • New Ze~ * * E.xc'l:uti\"~) SOCIETY OF NORDIC BARBERSHOP SINGERS (SNOBS) Fa.\: 262-6S4---l()..\S (Music, Malktling. ThJ.)~ Fa.x 262--654·5552 (Memb.."fShip, Ham"tOfl)" Mark~lpJat~, Ikn£l Pn.",:Jrol '* Vests '* Hats '* Trousers R)"J\". 25f., S-191 63 • Sc&n.\ru.. Swtl!tn Cool"intionS-, Accounting. Han1lOny FoundJtion) SOUTHERN PART OF AFRICA TONSORIAL SINGERS (SPATS) Etons C&T Sets etc. E·mail {nam~):g:spdlsqsa_org Gkn B&oo, Pr"";,),.'lll '* '* '* (Example: Jack Sing~r '" j,ingt'r@sfX'bsqs:l.Org) Ba2Hl • Pioo.-r~ll • RqW& of &v1l Am..'.1 See It ALL In Kansas CIty or on Hours: 6 a.m.. 5 p.m. (cenlml T1me) ....onday. Friday the Web...harmonyonsta!le.com The Hum.-:n.i..ff (USPS Nll. 5717N) (lSSN (\.111·1849) un!()lkifN m~nu«rir15or :!.-It"'.,",. i. the .-ifici.l1 publication of the &xicty f,'r Ihe Pre!Crv:l\ion Pll$tm3.!(er: ~nJ olJJrt')5 dUHge. to Nillll;.ll offices I.'f 7h: and En'l)tlla~..emem of B.u~r Shop Ou.mel Singing in tvner­ H.1nllLtli.-..'f. 79.30 Sh~li<bn It",...!. KCl\{>;ha, W;-.;.m,in 53 IH lea, Inc. (SPEB....'QS!\). I( ill'ubl~h~ in the lIloJ\lluofJ~llU' allcait lhin)" d.lj"S h:-fore lhe n"~t rubliation .LI". A ponion SAXON UNIFORM NETWORK al)'. ~hldl. ~Ial", Jull', s.:rlcln~... r ~n;l Nowmhcr ~( ,930 of eJeh membe,·s Juei i.I :lIlOC3IN 10 cu,'er (he IllJi:Jljne'~ 1596 La Vista Road Shcrid.llllt"...I, KCll'Jlha, Wi;con,in 531H. run,nipliol\ pIke. SUh;clir1i{'fl rlke lclnOfl"rncmhel"$ i, 51l Pfrl,>.liClIi ~Ioli;.e r.liJ 3( Keno:;b. Wi;cvn;in, 3lW 31 y".lfII 0\" $3-SO per i>:!ue; {"reign !urucrirtioIl5;l'" 53 I yeJlly 01 Atlanta, GA 30329 aJJiJi<:.'1I3111Uililll; offi,e.!-- E..lil"fi,,1 ~nd a,lwni'illg ofl1ce; 'Ire $51""'r is;..... {U.S. (unili unlj·). 011.\.'\) hj' Ihe Sco.:kry (llf the :01 rhe &--.:k1r he",Jqmltel1'. A,kerti!in~ r.ne! ",'ail.,He uf'-'Il Pr<'5o:'1",HKJn :lnJ EnC''''.If''b''-'ll1en! ofl\lfl>cr Shor Qn_llul 1-800-HUXEDO • fax 801-730-3295 '6.Jue!t.

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