. 1 finanrlal <f ^ommenria INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City Section VOL. 105 SATURDAY, JULY 21 1917 NO. 2717 Week ending July 14. Clearings at— Inc. or PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1917. 1916- Dec. 1915. 1914. Terms of Subscription—Payable ia Advance Chicago 504,136,685 386,823,566 30.3 306,636,617 312,488,477 iliM One Year $10 00 + Cincinnati 42,349,875 37,396,0.50 + 13.2 29,572,200 29,621,200 iFot Six Months 6 00 Cleveland Subscription (including postage) 13 00 85,267,361 47,866,270 + 78.1 36,465,109 28,968,860 European Detroit 55,246,121 44,634,673 European Subscription six months (including postage).... 7 60 + 23.8 34,632,292 28,494,382 Milwaukee 30,722,136 19,805,094 Annual Subscription in London (including postage) £2 14®, + 55.1 15,898,073 17,503,411 Indianapolis 15,569,368 11,713,783 32.9 Six Months Sub.scription in London (including postage) £1 lls> + 10,424,441 10,716,717 Columbus 10,902,100 11,198,400 —2.6 Canadian Suurtciiption (including postage) $11 60 7,262,200 7,-546,700 Toledo 12,364,208 12,841,995 —3.7 7,675,368 7,846,025 SuiscHption includes following Supplements— Peoria 3,000,000 4,000,000 —25.0 2,689,097 3,294,927 Grand Rapids... 4,585,922 4,088,939 + 12.2 3,383,939 3,352,828 5ANK AND QUOTATION (monthly) I RAILWAY AND INDUSTEIAL (3 times yearly) Evansville 3,336,125 1,793,775 + 8.6 1,254,852 1,572,196 Railway E.-kRN'i,NGs (monthly) I'Ilectric Bailway (3 times yearly) Dayton 4,493,525 3,662,088 . 22.7 2,402,213 (semi-annually) Baakees' + 2,489,749 3TATE AKD CITY | Conveniion (yearly) Springfield, 111.. 2,039,178 1,670,814 + 22.1 1,226,493 1,268,372 Terms ot Advertisio^ Per Inch Space Fort Wayne 1,503,271 1,670,219 —10.0 1,259,213 1,346,404 — Youngstown 4.383,443 2,774,474 + 58 2,033,924 1,499,159 transient matter per inch space (14 agate lines) 84 2® Akron 6,907,000 4,556,000 + 51 2,758,T)00 1,861,000 (S C Two Months times) 22 ffi© Rockford 1,625,413 1,076,429 + 51.0 924,785 981,409 Three Months (13 times).... 29 ®ffl Lexington 651,875 778,157 —16.3 663,373 638,991 gtannmg^tandinff Business cardsrards /^ gts Montlis (26 times). 50 00 Quincy 1,038,471 915,876 + 13.4 610,843 680,508 (. Twelve Months (52 times) 8*? ffl® Bloomington 1,129,845 921,437 + 22.6 703,041 589,186 :;hicago Office—39 South La Salle Street, Telephone Majestic 7396. Canton 3,747,6.34 2, 821, .533 + 32.8 2,482,426 2,024,370 Decatur 920,213 701,638 + 31.2 508,497 540,679 IjONDON Office—Edwards & Smith, 1 Drapers' Gardens, Et, G. Mansfield 969,463 648,233 + 49.5 598,948 526,647 WIL,I.IAIW: B. DANA COMPANY, Pabllsliers^ South Bend .• 1,340,071 1,075,913 + 24.6 848,865 754,908 Jackson 1,000,000 950,000 5.3 689,493 700,000 Front. Pine and Depeyster Sts., New Yorko + Springfield, O... 1,399,.576 1,349,368 + 3.7 820,847 906,084 Lima 614,911 13.8 567,657 575,442 PubUshed every Saturday morning by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY. 700,000 + Danville 840,000 810,734 3.6 501,676 524,430 Jacob Seibert Jr., President and Treaa.; George S. Dana and Arnold G. Dana, + Owensboro 542,9.39 388,990 + 39.6 309,774 336,101 Vioe-Preqidents: Arnold G. Dana, Seo. Addreases of al l, Office of the Company. ~ Lansing 1,100,000 1,136,193 —3.2 731,153 573,237 Jack.sonville, 111. 366,853 348,207 + 5.3 187,340 342,443 CLEARING HOUSE RETUNS. Ann Arbor 350,324 259,852 + 35.1 222,967 194,115 The following table, made up by telegraph, &c., indicates that the total bank Adrian 117,411 63,182 + 85.8 85,425 58,357 clearings of all the clearing houses of the United States for the week ending to-day Tot. Mid. West 804,646,406 611,356,793 +31.6 477,118,677 470,729,778 have been 36,230,158.508, against §6,243,476,588 last week and 54,387,946,271 the corresponding weelv last year. San Francisco 99,837,304 71,579,181 + 39.5 53,676,2.50 53,222,767 Los Angeles 31,733,000 25,221,818 + 25.8 23,388,478 23,970,196 Clearings—Returns by Telegraph. Per Seattle 25,104,881 15,303,569 + 64.0 12,564,104 14,279,527 Week ending July 21. 1917. 1916. Cent. Portland 16,441,949 11,661,584 + 41.0 10,063,714 10,969,428 Salt Lake City.. 13,273,627 7,873,843 + 68.6 5,113.261 6,315,578 New York 83,138,062,269 $2,106,807,964 + 48 9 Spokane 5,200,000 5,035,746 + 3.3 4,099,000 4,090,884 1,890,122 2,236,971 Cliicago . _ 438,203,756 351,861,380 + 24.5 T.acoma 3,244,558 2,506,246 + 29.4 Philadelphia __ . 265,970,854 200,239,423 + 32 8 Oakland 5,702,249 4,888,516 + 16.6 3,738,632 3,305,120 2,172,572 Boston _ _ _ . _ 223,520,651 159,298,124 + 40 3 San Diego 2,497,300 2.267,136 + 10.1 2,373,482 Kansas City _ . 122,342,160 72,533,587 + 08 7 Sacramento 3,693,423 2,768,625 + 33.5 2,126,907 2,166,636 St. Louis.- - 109,529,618 86,606,300 + 26 5 Pasadena 1,148,301 953,672 + 20.4 975,657 918,637 San Francisco 87,086,389 56,290,964 + 54.7 Stockton 1,963,690 1.399,118 + 40.3 897,890 1,020,240 Pittsburgh 61,949,312 51,738,763 + 19.7 Fresno 1,3-50,000 1,268,041 + 6-5 931,651 968,972 Detroit _ . 50,678,974 41,058,580 + 23 4 San Jose 950,000 867,914 + 9-5 615,076 744,158 Baltimore 36,123,257 35,156,681 + 2.7 North Yakima.- 643,195 366,671 + 75.6 323,000 345,000 New Orleans 33,256,469 20,223,223 + 64.4 Reno 600.000 405,637 + 47.9 277,386 286,929 Long Beach 746,981 6 32,306 + 18.1 588,283 578,861 Seven cities, five days . 54,566,723,709 $3,181,814,989 + 43 5 Total Pacific- 214,130,458 154,999,623 + 38.1 123,642,893 127,592,476 Other cities, five dans - 651,439,872 485,274,618 + 34 2 Kansas City 143.019,337 84,753 163 + 68.7 64,371,968 55,002,681 • Total all cities , five days $5,218,163,581 $3,667,089,607 + 42 3 Minneapolis 26,941,921 25,567 ,926 + 5.4 19,547,180 22,990,377 All cities, one day 1,011,994,927 720,856,664 + 40 4 Omalia 31,972,723 21,343 285 + 49.8 17,599,316 15,202,642 St. Paul 14,820,210 15,991 ,349 —7.3 13,660,798 12,761,941 Total all cities for week S6,230. 158,508 4S,387,946,271 + 42.0 Denver 15,022,620 11,947 ,117 + 25.7 10,344,891 7,489,152 St. Joseph 14,060,983 9,500 917 + 48.0 5,738,619 5,657,537 The full details for the week covered by the above will be given next Saturday. Des Moines 7,852,722 6,297 644 + 24.7 5,101,516 5,119,963 We cannot furnish them to-day, clearings being made up by tlft clearing houses Sioux City 6,455,634 4,355 ,457 + 4S.9 3,478,910 3,264,874 at noon on Saturday, and hence in the above the last day of the week has to be in Wichita ._ 6,303,395 4,930 ,200 + 27.9 3,444,938 3,620,198 all cases estimated, as we go to press Friday night. Duluth 4,529,888 4,916 ,705 —7.9 2,865,598 4,068,377 laDetailed figures for the week ending July 14 follow: Lincoln 4,025,439 3,006 381 + 33.9 2,4-59,874 2,2.50,708 Topeka 3,395,577 1,821 ,807 + 86.4 1,659,756 1,761,343 24.5 1,600,578 Week ending July 14. Davenport 2,131,637 1,712 675 + 1,339,285 Clearings at— Colorado Springs 891,508 1,252 216 —28.8 873,261 672,670 24.2 Inc. or Cedar Rapids. 2,337,963 1,881 ,083 + 1,861,930 1,931,183 Pueblo 647,977 687 ,016 —5.7 391,879 568,361 1917. 1916. De:. 1915. 1914. Fargo 1,805,214 1,325 ,747 + 36.2 1,288,093 1,062,770 Waterloo 2,780,461 1,960 .682 + 41.8 1,541,224 1,571,185 S S % S $ 1 ,-558 980 51.3 1,171,417 1,373,330 New York 3,728,627,649 2,952,474,164 + 26.3 1,902,861,262 1,725,294,168 Helena 2,.357,490 + Aberdeen 992 ,203; 10.3 '640,470 .551 ,463 Philadelphia 315,711,472 254,872,737 + 16.0 168,801,777 162,321,856 1,104,779 + 486 0-55 44.0 363,062 385,304 Fremont j Pittsburgh 78,083,651 68,955,702 + 13.2 51,927,822 52,179,410 700,684 + Hastings 404,817 274 47.2 197,9.54 221,352 Baltimore 46,445,820 47,091,447 —1.4 34,412,032 39,465,900 347 + Billings 784 ,1581 60.3 595.086 463,612 Buffalo 21,398,702 16,716,009 + 18.0 12,741,129 12,932,990 1,257,153 + Albany.
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