January 7, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E13 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO LAURA tect. Long Beach enjoys a more vital cultural will get them across the border. Often, it is KILLINGSWORTHÐGIFTED PER- climate because of her significant talents and not. For many, the story ends in robbery, vio- FORMER AND CIVIC LEADER efforts, and it is because of her lifetime of lence, rape or worse. achievement that we honor her today. Today, I am introducing the Alien Smuggler HON. STEPHEN HORN f Punishment Act, which increases the minimum penalties for criminals convicted of smuggling OF CALIFORNIA PROTECT OUR FLAG IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aliens into the United States. This legislation is designed to send the message that preying on Wednesday, January 6, 1999 HON. JO ANN EMERSON innocent victims and then escaping across the Mr. HORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay OF MISSOURI border will no longer be tolerated. tribute to one of the leading citizens of Long IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under current law, an alien smuggler can be Beach who is celebrating her 75th Birthday on sentenced to as little as 18 months in prison, January 24, 1999. A gifted performer and civic Wednesday, January 6, 1999 even if the criminal was armed. Under this bill, leader, Laura Killingsworth has achieved a re- Mrs. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today a judge will have stricter guidelines when sen- markable record of performance in scores of to introduce a constitutional amendment for tencing armed smugglers. This legislation will leading roles and making a significant con- the protection of our nation's flag. The flag is ensure that convicted alien smugglers, particu- tribution to the growth and administration of a revered symbol of America's great tradition larly those who carry guns, face penalties as many cultural arts organizations in Long of liberty and democratic government, and it stiff as those of convicted drug dealers and Beach and Southern California. ought to be protected from acts of desecration other violent criminals. Laura Killingsworth has delighted Southland that diminish us all. Mr. Speaker, efforts to stop the damage to audiences as guest soloist with the Long As you know, there have been several at- this nation caused by illegal immigration are Beach Symphony and as leading lady in most tempts to outlaw by statute the desecration of routinely thwarted by alien smugglers. These of the great musicals of our time. She has the flag. Both Congress and state legislatures criminals ignore our nation's laws and take ad- been a favorite because of her stunning voice, have passed such measures in recent years, vantage of those incapable of protecting them- presence, and ability to move audiences only to be overruled later by decisions of the selves. It is my hope that the Alien Smuggler whether in comedy or pathos. Laura has Supreme Court. It is clear that nothing short of Punishment Act will dramatically reduce the starred in the following: Auntie Mame; Ap- an amendment to the Constitution will ensure practice of alien smuggling. plause; Bittersweet; Camelot; Company; Guys that Old Glory has the complete and unquali- f & Dolls; Hello Dolly; I Do, I Do; The King and fied protection of the law. I; Kismet; Kiss Me Kate; A Little Night Music; The most common objection to this kind of THE QUALITY CHILD CARE FOR The Mikado, Naughty Marietta; Rose Marie; amendment is that it unduly infringes on the FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ACT, H.R. 28 Side By Side By Sondheim; 42nd Street; and freedom of speech. However, this objection the Song of Norway. Her most recent role was disregards the fact that our freedoms are not HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN as Sara Roosevelt in the musical ``Eleanor, a practiced beyond the bounds of common OF NEW YORK Love Story'', where she appeared to critical sense and reason. As is often the case, there IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES acclaim. are reasonable exceptions to the freedom of Laura's list of civic involvement leadership is speech, such as libel, obscenity, trademarks, Wednesday, January 6, 1999 as long as her performance repertoire. There and the like. Desecration of the flag is this Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- is hardly an arts organization in Long Beach kind of act, something that goes well beyond ducing the Quality Child Care for Federal Em- which has not benefitted from her leadership the legitimate exercising of a right. It is a whol- ployees Act, H.R. 28, which will improve the ability, sound ideas, and diplomatic skills. ly disgraceful and unacceptable form of be- quality of federal child care facilities through- Laura has served as President of the Long havior, an affront to the proud heritage and out our nation. Beach Symphony Association, the Long tradition of America. I was first introduced to the horrors of inad- Beach Symphony Guild, the Long Beach Civic Make no mistake, this constitutional amend- equate day care by former constituents, Mark Light Opera Association and its Board of ment should be at the very top of the agenda and Julie Fiedelholtz of Pembroke Pines, Flor- Trustees, the Long Beach Public Corporation of this Congress. We owe it to every citizen of ida. Mr. Fiedelholtz asked for my help after the for the Arts, and the Symphony Juniors of the this country, and particularly to those brave tragic death of his 3 month old son, Jeremy. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. She was men and women who have stood in harm's Left at a day care center for merely two hours, a Founding Member of the Mayor's Commu- way so that the flag and what it stands for little Jeremy died as a result of deplorable nity Arts Committee, the Long Beach Arts might endure. I urge this body to take a strong conditions, unqualified personnel and the bla- Committee, the Long Beach Regional Arts stand for what is right and ensure the protec- tant lack of respect for the laws intended to Council, Board Member of the Long Beach tion of our flag. protect our children. Although this horrifying Community Players and California State Uni- f situation did not take place in a federal center, versity, Long Beach's Fine Arts Affiliates, and clean, safe and quality conditions for our chil- the Opera Ring of the Long Beach Opera. In INTRODUCTION OF THE ALIEN dren need to be ensured in every child care addition to cultural arts organizations, Laura SMUGGLER PUNISHMENT ACT center throughout our nation. has contributed to the community at large as Because many of these child care facilities a Charter Member of the Long Beach Cancer HON. JAMES E. ROGAN are housed in federal buildings, state and local League, Member of the Junior League of Long OF CALIFORNIA authorities have little or no jurisdiction regard- Beach, and Member of the Mayor's Task IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing health, fire and safety codes. This Act Force for the Arts. would require all federal centers responsible Her outstanding record of accomplishment Wednesday, January 6, 1999 for maintaining these basic regulations. With has been recognized by the Assistance Mr. ROGAN. Mr. Speaker, on the streets, over one thousand federally owned or oper- League's Rick Racker ``Woman of the Year'' they are known as ``Coyotes.'' To law enforce- ated child care centers in the United States award. She was the first recipient of the ``Dis- ment officials they are known simply as smug- capable of accommodating 200,000 children, tinguished Arts Award'' from the Public Cor- glers. Every night along our 1000-mile borders this legislation is essential. poration for the Arts. with Mexico, hundreds of undocumented After conferring with representatives from Laura Killingsworth is the mother of two aliens are loaded into vans, trucks, car trunks, various federal agencies, I learned that many sons, Greg and Kim, and the wife of Edward and other concealed hiding spots. They all federal centers, such as the facilities operated Killingsworth, internationally acclaimed archi- hope that the few hundred dollars they paid by GSA, follow their own standards which in · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E14 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 7, 1999 most instances are higher than most states. I (III) use of ongoing staff development or extent possible, any entity sponsoring an eli- want to stress that it is not the intention of this training activities for the staff of the facil- gible child care center (as defined by the Ad- bill to lower federal agency standards, should ity, including related skills-based testing. ministrator) in an executive facility to com- (3) STATE.ÐThe term ``State'' has the ply with child care accreditation standards they be greater than the state or local regula- meaning given the term in section 658P of as identified in section 2(2)(A). tions. Instead, we are looking to raise the the Child Care and Development Block Grant (B) COMPLIANCE.ÐThe regulations shall re- standards of those federal centers across the Act (42 U.S.C. 9858n). quire that, not later than 5 years after the country whose standards fall below state and SEC. 3. PROVIDING QUALITY CHILD CARE IN FED- date of enactment of this ActÐ local codes and hold them accountable for fail- ERAL FACILITIES. (i) the entity shall comply, or make sub- ure to do so. This bill does not allow state or (a) DEFINITION.ÐIn this section: stantial progress (as determined by the Ad- local law enforcement officials to enter federal (1) ADMINISTRATOR.ÐThe term ``Adminis- ministrator) toward complying, with the standards; and facilities to perform checks of any kind unless trator'' means the Administrator of General Services.
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