JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 Karachi Vol 2, Issue 5 SMIU CHRONICLE A Print Media Lab Publication Department of Media & Communication Studies SMI Varsity VC inaugurates Festival of Arts and Ideas By Abdul Bari introduce our younger genera- among the great ancient civi- tion their cultural and moral val- lizations of the world includ- KARACHI: Vice Chancellor SMI ues, which they have lost due to ing Chinese, Greek, Egyptian University, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali the influence of other cultures.” and Babylonian civilizations. Shaikh inaugurated Festival of Arts Talking about the objective of As the Indus Valley Civiliza- and Ideas on December 8, 2017. the festival he said, “we have orga- tion was one of the most devel- 40 sessions were held and at- nized this festival at the place from oped eras of the human his- tracted good audiences. tory, it should also inspire the They included lectures by inter- young people of the modern national and national speakers, Related stories inside times to make Pakistan a devel- panel discussions, screening of oped country in every field of life. documentaries, photography and He said that innovative ideas painting exhibitions as well as sing- where founder of Pakistan Quaid- channel through deep thinking ing and quiz competitions. Shah i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had and that festival would help stu- Latif’s seven heroines were depict- received his early education since dents to think out of the box and ed in tableaus during four days. this festival is a part of the celebra- to be innovative and creative. He While addressing the inaugu- tions in connection with the 70th also shared the purpose of screen- ration ceremony, Dr. Muham- years of Pakistan’s independence.” ing classic movies to make youth mad Ali Shaikh who also presid- Dr. Shaikh further said the as well as to enable them to par- SMIU, KARACHI: VC SMIU, Dr. Shaikh cuts the ribbon to inaugurate Festival of Arts ed the event said, “We have to Indus Valley Civilization was ticipate in various forms of art. and Ideas, 2017. — Muhammad Nasir Rafi /SMIU Reception in honor of International Media Conference’s delegation held Foundation stone of new campus unveiled By Staff Reporter About the new campus, Dr Shaikh said it would be complet- KARACHI: The Sindh Madressatul ed in three phases. The federal Islam University (SMIU) formally government had approved Rs1.57 got the foundation stone laid on billion for the first phase which December 25, 2017 by Governor would be completed in three years. Muhammad Zubair on its new cam- He said during the first phase, pus in the Education City, Malir. infrastructure would be made, The new campus is a part hostels for 200 girls and as many of the designated site for the boys; 35 staff residences, gym, Education City established sports facilities, a building hous- by the Sindh government. ing the vice chancellor’s secretariat On the occasion, Governor and other offices would be made. INNER COURTYARD, SMIU: Sindh Madressatul Islam University hosts a reception in the honor of the delegation of International Zubair said he was proud to have The total cost of the project is Media Conference, on Januray 8 at inner courtyard of Main Building of the university. Journalists of more than 24 countries along with visited the mausoleum of Quaid- Rs 12 billion. He said the HEC senior journalists of Pakistan attended the reception. Report on Page 10 e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had funded the project. While the and unveiled the foundation Sindh government and Feder- stone for the new campus of an al government had owned it and institution, which was alma ma- both had chipped in accordingly. SMIU organizes first International Conference ter of the founder of the nation He said former President Asif Ali on Computing & Related Technologies By Staff Reporter ty on December 28 and 29, 2017 the country participated in the in collaboration with Higher Ed- conference. The aim of this con- KARACHI: The first-ever interna- ucation Commission of Pakistan ference was to provide an oppor- tional conference on information at Marriot. tunity for participants to discuss technology was organized by the Some nine experts from abroad recent advancements in the field Sindh Madressatul Islam Universi- and several others from across of Computer Science and Related Technology and analyze challeng- es faced by the community in the 21st century.The target audience included Computer Scientist, In- formation Technology Research- MALIR: Governor Sindh, Muhammmad Zubair laid the foundation stone of SMIU’s er, graduate and undergraduate new Malir campus. — Muhammad Nasir Rafi /SMIU students, Computer and Infor- mation Technology Professionals. "It is indeed great honour for me Zardari and former Chief Minister The Conference covered the top- to be in this ceremony when the of Sindh, Syed Qaim Ali Shah had ics including Computer architec- Sindh Madressatul Islam Universi- supported for the cause immensely. ture and design, Artificial intelli- ty is beginning construction of its Besides, he added, Chief Minister gence, Pattern recognition, Human new campus. It is one huge occa- Syed Murad Ali Shah had allotted computer interaction, Computer sion that the Prime Minister is pre- 10 acres of land in Hawkesbay area. networking, Software engineer- siding over a function for another Ghulam Raza Bhatti, member ing, Data management, DataC mega project of the Islamia College operation and planning, HEC, said KARACHI: MoU signing between SMIU and one of Romanian universities is under- University and I am here on his way. Continued on Page 10 behalf doing the same in SMIU.” Continued on Page 10 02 SMIU CHRONICLE | JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 FESTIVAL OF ARTS & IDEAS’ NEWS SMIU's 4-day Festival of ‘Dual faces’ scores first position Arts and Ideas starts By Staff Reporter nology Karachi and SMIU's M. Azeem Khan got second and third with film fair KARACHI: The documentary com- positons respectively for their doc- By Usama Arain petition was held at Shahnawaz umentaries on Heritage of Sindh. Bhutto Auditorium of on Decem- Ahmed Shah said documen- KARACHI: The 4-Day Festival of Arts and Ideas started at Sindh ber 8, 2017. tary films have been produced Madressatul University on December 7, 2017 with screen- Students belonging to differ- on several ideas but still there ing of three classic films, Ben Hur (1959), The Bridge on the ent universities participated in new ideas needed for produc- River Kwai (1957) and The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964). the documentary competition. ing quality documentaries. The film Bun-Hur was just a follow up of the film "The Fall of the -Ro Some 10 documentaries were short- Speaking on the occasion an- man Empire." While the film The Bridge on the River Kwai was based listed and presented out of total 22. other panelist, Anjum Rizvi said on World War II and America's prisoners of war and Japan's role in it. Dual faces, a documentary film crazy ideas have always attract- The event was held at the Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto of Auditorium and produced by SMIU's Zahid Ab- ed much in the world. Dean of SIR SHAHNAWAZ BHUTTO AUDITI- was presided by Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh, Vice Chancellor of SMIU. bas secured first position, while the Business Administration ORIUM,SMIU: A group of participants, The program was attended by students, their family mem- Bhawish Raj, a student of Nation- faculty, SMIU, Dr. Parvez Can- organizers and jury of documentary com- bers, faculty and staff of the university in a large number. al University of Sciences & Tech- nar also spoke on the occasion. petition of Festival of Arts and Ideas. Italian professor delivers lecture on SMIU organizes lecture on spirituality in South Asia oceanic exquisitness of China By Abdul Basit By Usama Khatri the color of yellow temperamental difference between eastern and KARACHI: Prof. Thomas Dahn- KARACHI: Dr. Weimin Del- western. She show the graphical hardt of Ca’ Foscari University of croix-Tang, a professor with Uni- culture perfect impression of the Venice, Italy delivered an insightful versity of Sanya, Hainan, China, tropical geographical island. She lecture on the topic ‘Contacts be- presented her essay on the dou- also discussed about the gate way tween Hindu and Muslim Sufi spir- ble-sidedness of the oceanic cul- of China 200BC-200AD from the ituality in South Asia’ held on De- ture of China’s tropical island mainline which travelled to China. cember 8, 2017 at inner courtyard Hainan on December 10, 2017. She also discussed about during Festival of Arts and Ideas. She said located in between the border lands. In the book Dr. Dahnhardt said that many the South China Sea, the eastern of Anazaldua’s speaks about centuries have passed since the and western, marine and con- the hybridity that articu- expanding forces of Islam brought tinental, indigenous and Hak- lates simultaneously Hain- the first Muslims to the land of riv- INNER COURTYARD OF SMIU: Prof. Dr. Thomas Dahnhardt of Ca’ Foscari University ka cultures met and interacted. an Island as a borderland. er Indus between the 7th and 8th of Venice, Italy spoke diligently on the topic ‘Contacts between Hindu and Muslim Sufi In a session on women and gender She suggested shared experience century AD. Ever since coming in spirituality in South Asia.’ issues in Pakistan. She addressed of hybridity. There is no industry contact between the pre-existing Pakistani expertise culture. or close to marine. As the liter- culture and environment of an- acknowledgment and assimilation however, made the fact clear We can have friendly rela- ature is concerned more about cient India and the dynamic ener- led to the emergence of extreme- that Sufism is considered an tions with Karachi and San- ocean land and sea.
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