GOD-GOO COMMERCIAl. DIRECTORY, 1916. GOD-GOO 375 Goddard Edwin,sewing machine sgt. 398A, Brockley rd.BrockleySE Goldberg Lesh & Sop hie (Misses), girls' school, 103 Honor Oak Goman William John, chndlr.'s shp. 306 Woolwich rd. Chsrlton SE GoddardHarry Thos. Wm. insur. sgt. 205 Hollydale rd. Peckham SE park, Fonst Hill SE Gamer Frederick, plumber, 26 Invicta road, Blsckheath SE! Goddard Henry, newsagent, 8 Momy road, Tollington park N Goldberg Betty (Mrs.), hairdresser, <W & 171H, Batterses Park road, <fflmer Willia.m Henry, decorator,35 Montpelier vale, BlackheathSK Goddllrd Herbert, fishmonger, 88 Brockley rise, Forest Hill SE South Lambeth SW -T N 1323 Lee Oreen Goddard Hrbrt.Hy. confctnr. 5 Bank bldngs. Mitcham la.StrthmSW Goldberg Harry, hairdresser, 91> Stockwell road SW !fflmm Amelis Whitmore (Mrs.), baker, 122 Wandsworth Bridge Goddllrd Jsmes, upholsterer, 4 Railron road, Herne Hill, SE GoldbergJsph.furrier,351Finchley rd.Hmpstd NW-TN 4233Hmptd road, Fnlham SW Goddard JSB. Godfrey, artfcl. teeth m a. 197 Longley rd. Tooting SW Goldberg Leona (Mrs.), loan ofllce, 238 Stockwell road SW Gomm George. Powerrff'nul P.H. 11 Chapel street, Woolwich SE Goddard H. fancy draper, 17 High road, Lee SE Goldberg Leonard, grocer, 22 Upper Clapron road NE Gomme Richard Cecil, baker & post office, 8 High st. Clapham SW GOOdllrd John. tobacoonist, 6 Waterloo street, Camberwell SE Goldberg Myer, tailor, lA, Greyhound lane, Stresthsm SW Gompers Henri R. ladies' outfitter, 136 High street, Lewisham SE- Goddard John Edward, nurseryman, 3 Sydenham park SE Goldberg Reginna (Mrs.), fur dealer, 16 StrJke Newington road N T N-1197 Lee Green Goddard Joseph Henry, bricklayer, 35 Nightingale pi. Woolwich SE Goldberg Solomon, china & glass dealer, 89 High st. Wandsworth SW Gompers Henrl R.. mantle warehouse, 48 Rye IR.ne, Pockham SE Goddard Lily Maud (Mrs.), stationer, 70Brookwood rd.WndswthSW Goldhy Oharles H. beer retailer, 45 Cornwall road. Brixton SW Gompers Henri Ralph, mantle maker, :no Upper Tooting road SW Goddard Richard, dairy, 95 Dslling roarl, Hammersm1th W Golden K. & L. (Millses), steam laundry, 116 & 129 Lordship lane & Gonsalves Victor Pascal, physn. & surgn. 211 Queen's rd.BttrseaS \'f Goddard Richard, hairdresser, 187 Rushmore road, Low. OlapronNE 36.!., Forest Hill road, East Dulwich SH & 43 Balham hill SW- & 6 Prince of Wales mansions, Prince of Wales road,BatterseaSW Goddard Samuel, confectioner, 175 Hill street, Peckham SE 'l' N 145 Syrlenham Gooch Davi.J., a.ssist. insur. supt. .'il Beeoholme rd. Up. Clapton NE Goddard Walter, confectioner, 340 Ooldharbour lane, Brixton SW Golden Dome Electric Theatre, 130 Streatham High road SW Gooch Ernest Frank, ticket writer, 1 Frederick pl. Plumstead SE Goddard Waiter George, plumber, 2 Morden grove, Lewisham SE Golden John Will!am, insumnce agent, 130 Trevelyan road,TtllgSW Gooch George Frederick, stationer, 66 High street, Eltham SE Goddard Wm.builder,346&348 High st.LwshmSE-TN 547LeeGreen !ffllder Henry, restaurant, 67 High street, Peckham SE Gooch Hsrriet (Miss), confectioner, 31 Fonthill rd. Finsbury Pk N Goddard-Fenwick Evelyn Saville (Miss), teacher of music, 42 Golders Green Hippodrome, North End road, Hampstead NW Gooch Henry, painter & decorator, 115 Dnlwich rd. Herne HUI SE Fonlser road, Upper Tooting SW Golders Green Permanent Building Society, 17A, The Parade, North Gooch John, manufacturing confectioner. Douglas & Gooch Goddsn Edward & Son, grocers, & post office, 75 Powerscroft road, End road, Hampstead NW-T N 282 Finchley Good Bros. greengrocers, 174 Norwood road, Norwood SH Lower Olapton NE Gold far Isaao, prmter, 63 Oarysfort road, Stoke Newington N Good, Good & Co. solicirors, 15 Bla.ckheath road, Greenwich SE- Goddsn Edwln, grocer, 115 Sal kirk road, Tooting SW Goldfinch Ada & Lilisn (Misses),confrs.1000ldhill st.Stk.NewingtnN T N 1182 New Cross Godden Elizal)eth (MiBB), florist, 7 Ahney Park termce, Oazenove Goldfinch Arthur, furniture dealer, 59 Plumstead rd. Plumstea.d SE Good Charles, chandler's shop, 81 Picton street, Oambcrwell SE road, Btamford Hill N - Goldfinch John, greengrocer, 49 Vicarage road, Plumstead SE Good Emily Florence (Miss), dres~maker, 94 Peckham Park rd SE Godden Gmce (Miss), stationer, 12 Eton road, Plnmstead SE Goldfinch J n. Philip, builder, 98A, Old Woolwich rd. Greenwi eh SE Good George Arthur, confeotnr. 63A, Dartmonth rd. Forest Hill SE Goddsn Henry, station master, Sydenham Hill stn. (S.E.&C.Ry.) SE Goldfinch John P. builder, 50 Walnut Tree roarl, Greenwich SE Good Htrbert Edwin, confectioner, 32 Replinghsm rd. WndswthSW- Godden William, apartments, 261 Norwood road, Herne Hill SE Goldhill Samuel, h~irdresser, 156 Northcote road, Battersea SW Good Herbert Wm. confectioner,222 Norwood rd.We.N<ll'Wood SE Godden Willia.m Jsmes, bootma. 55A, Bloomfield rd. Plumstead SE Golding Brothers, corn deale~, 101 Landor road, Stockwell SW; 27 Good Jonas Albt. Thos. solicitor, 42 Ea.rlsthorpe rd. Sydenhsm EE GoddiD'Is,chemists, 94 Lordship lane, East Dnlwich SE; 220 Hither Tulse hill SW (T N 691Brixton) & 35 Abbeville rd.Olapham SW- Good Sidney, confectioner, 384A, High road, Lee SE Green lane, Lewisham SE & 296 & 298 Streatham High road SW T N 193 Battersea Good Will ism, beer retailer, 6 Pitman street, Oa.mberwell SE Godelman Stephen, hairdresser, 565 Finchley road, Hampstead NW Bros. window blind makers, IS Leahurst rd. Lewisham BB Good Will ism, paper hanger, 38 Ponsard road, College Park NW -T N 3079 Hampstead Golding Albert, a.sst. insur. Rupt. 42 Winchendon road, Fnlham SW Good Willism Hy. estate agent, 7 Bedgemoor pi. Oamberwell SK Godiree & Oo. lronmongers,l75Lewisham rd SE-TN 1031LeeGreen GoldingAnn(Mrs. ),chandler's shop,49Montague rd.HackneyWickNE Goodacre William, boot maker, !!7 Battersea. Park road SW • Godfrey Bros. greengrocers, 4 Chsrlwood road, Putney SW Golding Arthnr, newsagent, 32 Canterbury road, Kilburn NW Goodale Arthur, greengrocer, 28 Horton streetr LewiE<bam SE Oodlrsy Henry & Co. tailors, 166 Stamford hill N Golding David, basket manufacturer, 346 Coldhsrbourla..Bri:rlonSW Gooda.ll & Co. antique dealers, 11 South side, Olsvham CommonS \V Godfrey & Co. Ltd. musica.J instrument dealers, 31 Plumstead road, Golding Frederick, hairdresser, 3fiD, Rye lane, Peckham SE Goodsll & Gooda.Jl, physicians & surgeons, 1 Annsndale road, Plnmstead SE (T N 234 Woolwich) & pianoforte manufacturers, Golding Henry Thomll.8, confectioner, 157 Bslham hill, Balham SW Greenwich (T N 1003 Greenwich) & 80 Vanhrngh park (T N 933 (() Blenheim road, Upper Hollowsy N-T N 2823 North Golding Henry William, stationer, 156 Battersea Bridge road SW Greenwich) Godfrsy Alice (Miss J, news vendor, 115 Hamilton rd. We. Norwd SE Golding John Wm. stationer, 273 New King's road, Fulham SW Goodsll H.A.& Co.Ltd.brush mSB.lOOH,BlackBtock rd.Finsbury Pk N Uodfrey Annie (Miss), laundry, 3 Ohatterton rd. Finsbnry Park N Golding Joseph, ooutmctor, 1 Hainanlt street, New Eltham SE Goodall B. & Oo. clothiers, 31D Brockley road BE Godfrey Arth. Will ism, butcher,24 7Goldhswk rd .Shepherd's Bush W Golding J osph. Hy. electrlca.l enginr.l Garnba.m st. Stke.N ewngtn N Goodall 8. & Son, builders, 83, 85 & 910, Dynevor road, Stok& Godfrey Carolina (Miss), dressma. 192 Elthorne rd. Hornsey RiseN -T N 2ll5 Dalston Newington N-T N 373 Dalston Godfrey Outhbert Geo. tobacconist, 17 Culmore road, Balham SW Goldman R. & M. hair dressers, 31 Northcote road, Battersea SW Goodall Annie (MiBil), corn dlr. 36 Greyhound rd. Hammersmith W Godfrey Edwin, greengrocer, 74 London road, Lower Clspton NE Gold man Henry, builder,Seymonr villa, Boscombe road, Shepherd's Goodall Fmnk Richard, estate agent, 4 !5trestham High road SW GodfreyEdwinAJfd, pawnbro.l Bexhillter.Merton rd.WandswthSW Bush W-T N 157 Hammersmith -TN's 3 & 9 Strestham. • Godfrey Florooce (MiBB), llrtlool, ~ Marmora road, East Dulwich SE Goldman Isaac, dn.sng. gwn. mfr. 61 Glensrm rd.Low.Olspton NE Goodsll George Bainbridge M.B. physician & surgeon, Vanbrngb Godfrey Frederick, butcher, 1C8 Green lanes, Stoke Newington N Goldmsn Maurice, artificial teeth ma. 31 Northcote rd.Battersea SW park, Blackheath SE-T N 1003 Greenwich Godfrey George ThomSB, builder, 14 Boundaries road, Balbsm SW Goldner SidnPy, tailor, 71 Gibbon road, Peckha.m SE Goodall John E. pharmacist, 4A, Filmer road, ll'ulham SW GodfreJ Gi!orge Fred, tailor, 80 Clive road, Dulwich SE Goldner Theo, druggist, 97 Shacklewe!llanP, Hackney NE Goodall John Edward, chemist, 60 Lower Richmond rd. PntneySW Godfrey Harry Willism, builder, 186 Tulse hill SE Goldner William, tailor, 192 Rye lane, Peckham SE Good ban Harry, oonfectnr. 112 Goldhawk road, Shepherd's Bush W Godfrey James, beer retailer, 27 Lower Park road, Peckham SE QQldridge & Oo. printers, 68 High street, Hampstead NW Goodban Sidney, chins dealer, 66 & 129 High street, Clapham SW GodfreJ JOI'Ieph, grocer, 2M Munster road, Fnlham SW Golds Herbert Fmnci.B, estate agent, 2 Englewood road, Balham SW -T N 1067 Battersea GodfreyLucy(MiBB),chndlr.'s sh.lOKirkland pi. Tunnelav.GrnwchSE -T N 1507 Battersea Goodbonrne Wm. motor car garage,9 & 11 Oaxton rd.Shphrd'!!.BshW Godfrey Mark, leather & grindery dealer, lOO High st. Tooting SW Golds John, grocer, 37 Chapel street, Woolwich SE Goodchild & Pelly, physicisns&surgeons,Sidney ho.Highgate rdNW Godfrey Minnie (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Stansfield rd. Stockwell SW Goldsack Sarsh (Mrs.), shirt & collar dr!m-.22 Furley st.Peckham SE Goodchild Arthnr, architect, 19 Gun ton road, Upper Ola.pton NE Godfrey (MiSil), apartments, 19 Disraeli road, Putney SW Goldsbrough Giles Forward ll.D. physician & surgeon, 126 Goodchild Benj. Ohas. cha.ndler·s shop, 12 Roan st, Greenwich SE Godfrey M. (Mrs.), british produce dealer, see Fuller & Godfrey Herne hill SE-T N 1422 Brixton Goodchild George, furniture dealer, 89 Falcon road, Battersea SW Godfrey Robert, apartments, 20 New End square, Hampstead NE Goldscbmidt & Howland, auctioneers, 15 Heath Bt. Hampstead NW GQodchild Henry, hair dresser, 131 South Lambeth road SW Godfrey Robert Charles, oonfectioner, 54 Marsh hill, Romerton NE -TA" Holvgo" ; T N 6240 Hampstead Goodchild Henry Oharles, chandler's shop, 4 Melins termce, llel!na.
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