June 13, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E899 at the foot of the Brandenburg Gate, he made Lindley (deceased), Cinda Lindley and Kerrie Angry over a third-strike call, Alomar, the a speech that would reverberate across the Lindley. And also blessed with four great- Baltimore Orioles star second baseman, spit world and through time. grandchildren: Lindley Thompson, Nic Thomp- at umpire John Hirschbeck. Alomar claimed He spoke directly to Gorbachev and said, in son, Alycia Guyer and Eric Guyer. that the umpire had uttered a racial slur. part, ‘‘Behind me stands a wall that encircles Mr. Lindley taught vocational education in Hirschbeck was furious at Alomar’s comments, the free sectors of this city, part of a vast sys- Piedmont and later in Oxford. He moved to and other umpires were outraged by the inci- tem of barriers that divides the entire continent Montgomery in 1964 as State Supervisor of dent. of Europe . Standing before the Branden- Vocational Education (VICA) and later was in- However, Judge Ludwig stayed above the burg Gate, every man is a German, separated ducted into the Alabama Educational Hall of fray. from his fellow men. Every man is a Berliner, Fame. ‘‘These umpires are the best, and without forced to look upon a scar . in the West Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing them, the harm to baseball will be irrep- today, we see a free world that has achieved the life and achievements of James Cecil arable,’’ he ruled. ‘‘The game of baseball oc- a level of prosperity and well-being unprece- Lindley and wishing him a happy 100th birth- cupies a special place in this country and it dented in all human history. In the Communist day. belongs to the millions of fans.’’ world, we see failure, technological back- f Jeremy Heep, the judge’s law clerk in the wardness, declining standards of health, even mid-1990s and now a partner at the Pepper 2016 PORT CITIES WOMAN OF THE want of the most basic kind—too little food. Hamilton firm, said his former boss epitomized YEAR Even today, the Soviet Union still cannot feed a true public servant. itself. After these four decades, then, there ‘‘He was a wonderful judge in his own right, stands before the entire world one great and HON. RICHARD M. NOLAN but in addition to that, he used the inherent inescapable conclusion: Freedom leads to OF MINNESOTA prestige that came with the robe to influence prosperity. Freedom replaces the ancient IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES society in a good way. It was a wonderful hatreds among the nations with comity and Monday, June 13, 2016 thing to watch,’’ Heep said. ‘‘He would quietly go behind the scenes, peace. Freedom is the victor . There is Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pick up the phone, and call people. He would one sign the Soviets can make that would be recognize June Kreutzkampf of Duluth, Min- further very good causes—promoting juvenile unmistakable, that would advance dramatically nesota for her service to her hometown. June justice, improving mental health services in the cause of freedom and peace. General is the 2016 recipient of the Woman of The Pennsylvania, and getting the bar to improve Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if Year Award given out at the annual Port Cities indigent representation.’’ you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and luncheon which celebrates the cities of Duluth, An educator as well as a jurist, Judge Lud- Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin together wig held faculty positions at Hahnemann Uni- Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open known as the Twin Ports. versity, Temple Law School, Villanova Law this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!’’ June is an active volunteer at many organi- School, and the University of Pennsylvania. The borders between East and West Ger- zations in the Duluth region. She is a board Among his many honors was the Justice many were finally reopened in November 1989 member of the Duluth Public Library, a mem- William J. Brennan Jr. Distinguished Jurist and the official demolition of the Berlin Wall ber of St. Luke’s volunteer service guild, and Award from the Philadelphia Bar Association began on June 13, 1990, exactly 3 years and a teacher at the University for Seniors, just to in 2005. 1 day following President Reagan’s speech. name a few. In addition, June also serves as Born in Philadelphia, he was the son of The June 12, 1987 speech given by President a lay minister at First United Methodist Church Henry and Ruth Viener Ludwig. He graduated Reagan will be remembered forever as a win and an Election Judge. from Germantown Friends School in 1945 and for freedom. The Twin Ports communities are thankful for earned degrees from Harvard College and And that’s just the way it is. June’s hard work and dedication. Throughout Harvard Law School. A Korean War veteran, f decades of service to others, June has shown he was honorably discharged with the rank of that she exemplifies what makes the Twin IN HONOR OF THE 100TH BIRTH- captain from the Army Judge Advocate Gen- Ports the great community that it is today. I DAY OF JAMES CECIL LINDLEY eral’s Corps, after which he took up private ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing practice in Doylestown. In 1968, Judge Ludwig 2016’s Port Cities Woman of the Year: June was elected to Bucks County Court and HON. MIKE ROGERS Kreutzkampf. OF ALABAMA served until 1985. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1995, he founded the Doylestown Histor- A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO JUDGE ical Society, of which he served as chair until Monday, June 13, 2016 EDMUND V. LUDWIG 2011. Tina Mazaheri, the society’s founding Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I secretary, who served with him on its board of ask for the House’s attention today to recog- HON. TED POE directors, said the judge wanted to ensure that nize the birthday of James Cecil Lindley. He OF TEXAS future generations would have the means to will turn 100 on July 20th. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enjoy the town and its history. Mr. Lindley was born on July 20, 1916, in Judge Ludwig helped establish social serv- Randolph County, Alabama to James Pierce Monday, June 13, 2016 ice programs, and served on the boards of Lindley and Lettie Lipham Lindley. He at- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today groups focused on youth and juvenile justice, tended school at New Home and Randolph to honor the memory of Judge Edmund V. mental health, alternatives to incarceration, County High. For college, he attended Snead Ludwig of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, a retired support for women, and rights for the disabled. College, Jacksonville State University and ob- U.S. District Court judge and prominent figure In 1971, he cofounded TODAY Inc., a residen- tained a Master’s Degree at the University of in the legal, cultural, and historic life of Bucks tial drug treatment program, and served on its Alabama. County who died on May 17, 2016, three days board until 1985. Mr. Lindley did his basic training for the short of his 88th birthday. Part of his effectiveness lay in his tenacious Army in June of 1942 in Miami, Florida. He In June 1985, on the recommendation of pursuit of any project he tackled. Ultimately, then went to Air Force training at Fort Logan, U.S. Senators, John Heinz III and Arlen Spec- though, Judge Ludwig ‘‘was always about Colorado and later Peterson Field in Colorado ter, President Ronald Reagan nominated Lud- making sure that people who needed help got Springs, Colorado. wig to fill the seat vacated by Judge Raymond help, and about recognizing those who gave He served in the 5th Air Force with the 20th Broderick. The Senate confirmed the appoint- the help, but not himself,’’ Mazaheri said. mapping squadron. During World War II, he ment, and Judge Ludwig took the bench on An avid reader, Judge Ludwig enjoyed served in the Philippines. Mr. Lindley was dis- Oct. 17, 1985. He became a senior judge on Shakespeare, poetry, and historical fiction. He charged after World War II at Camp Shelby in May 20, 1997, and gradually reduced his delighted in telling jokes and exploring the art October 1945. workload until retiring a couple of years ago. of the pun. He played and watched tennis, Mr. Lindley married Audrey Cofield and had In 1996, Judge Ludwig ordered Major and loved to eat out at local restaurants with two children: Don and Doyle (deceased). He League Baseball umpires to work through the family and friends. also has a daughter-in-law, Sheila Ponder World Series after they threatened to boycott He was married to Elizabeth Serkin for 18 Lindley. He was blessed with four grand- games in the wake of the Roberto Alomar spit- years before they divorced. They had four chil- children: Tracy Lindley, James Robert (Rob) ting incident. dren. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:07 Jun 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13JN8.033 E13JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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