PROFESSOR TLRA\S \10\ IE STAR A\ L\TERAIE“ \\ITH JEFF SMITHCADEA\Z.A. PAGE 12 STUDENT LIFE THE lA\DE PEA\ DE\T 1\E\\9PAAPER OF \\ASHI\GTOA\' LA\I\ ERS IT\ IN ST IOLIS Sl\(E lot VOLUME 128. NO. 2 \t'EDNESDAY. AUGUST 30. 2006 \\'\\‘\\'.STUDLIFE.COM Libraries institute new printing fee BY MANDY SILVER \ersit\ libraries. stiid that the to deal “lih e\orbitant print of \estertia\. Aug. 2‘). 'l feel Libraries had inttended to pro- that tht det ision should haye SENIOR NEWS EDITOR S ixersiti s peer f free printing institutions. on aieragc I been inadt Washington i'ni\erSity Lir ftlyr each stuadent bu un it arge S to 10 cents for braries mil institute printing could not afford to do The, black-and-white print jtibS. di fees beginnm Oct, 20, 2006, “1” arge patrons including t e l'niyersitt of mho pt‘s ofurertEHIHK back to The Libraries expect the new ngle page. I.‘ Chicago Northuestern fttiu the talus quo although that k -. ry Du kc and\ ande rtbil seems e|\ and “hiie print iobs and a30 “Befor elast spring. \«hen itei irom assuaging stu centfee per colorppg dents Iibran officials are cents per page concerned that printing trait “e mil nottbem rig a prof- tms oi in him be dittrted to dorm it “e reluctant]:l abandoned and department labs stillsup- the idea of a quota." said porting free printing. Mama Baker. “At best. we will break Miinnen. ssociate director cum on the cost of printing: eteryone is forced to be con atid tlien support for Arts iy met in theia llo f2003 toin we will certafinly reduce teh scientious paper usage has 8; Siiences Ltmptut mg tab \estigate the current printing magnitude of he losses to declined dramatically. s ntitipates a sple pro lem an propose a \iable theBLibraries." .ouAlthugh Iibrary' officials in users including students solution As an alternatne t 2001 nd 2003. met mth Student Union lea d outIside of ,Ar \ 8i library eadministrators have ers last spring to dis5 uss the ttho are technically seen the rinting new printing policy. the first printin gppruilcges to quadruple. Fm attributesutmhe ma munication to stu i p until .‘tltl-i printing at the F00.x surge in printing to Uniter- ents was received via entail . of libraries, sitty members' abuse of E Res in early august. Fox an per er ye’ r. said that the displays unfor and onlineyou errboth noted that “students "\\‘c e had r ids and tunatelt “had little effect. " “ ndS hme been uanhap-py about the been able to accommodate support e abecomer selec- plannedc them before." said Mnnnen. tsronicaiiy a\aiiable. student-s “i think arthesneu printing “It has been our policy that ha\(‘ Started to fee is egregious and o\ er he want printing ‘ y spending on irar collec nately the top ~it's too e\pensi\e. " and open for students, How- tions” said Foox “The library riaal from online reeerf ences. said jun ack Steinert ier. \'e are going to keep a buudgeet is not me h\austible; rthan photocopy select- Threlkeld. oCrezatorl of the wry close eye on the num i-lhl wucxs'tw minim rift VH' simply could nnortl gha ndle F acebook up \sish bers li/mar Michel/e Levy use: one of the computers in the library deszgnated for the \olume of ngton Unnerstty is could stillg 1'print for free. not alone in instituting fees which boasts 246 members as See PRINTING FEES. page 4 DH/Ifmg Olin Ubtary Will beg/n charging for limiting on Oct .70 SBhirleyBaker. deangof Uni- WU switches health Social Thought major merges provider, keeps with American Culture Studies IYBENSALES role of the Soiial front the 0mtid .“ SENIOR STAFF REPORTER Thaoughtr and Analysis (Sl\ phtomure Michael Mar» mandatory insurance aor is no similar to The Seeial Thought and American Culture Studies :naly'sis degree program has IAMCS) track programs sunh expanded options in the pro- at DAVID TABUR been particularly \ocal Glass explained that un merican (ul n immigration and t'ihnlt gram MANAGING EDITOR hl's iomplaints to the der a policy including the tureStudmies beginning this studoiest “A greater selection of tlniu-rsity \then filing an ability to opt out. some semester. en hopestthat thelaa-rg tldsst-s is (It-ft nitely' a plus." iris a'iict claim for his students uould be left un~ “We ytanted to raise the er prtwigram will alloysits ad saiti Marti riii'h-Sdutrr. “ I here \\ashiiigton l‘ni\ersity son he found the Inner- derinsured profile of ninterdisciplinary ministrators to hire a more . oppor unity for remained one of aindhs “ pie a lo I teaching th aI sic diverse faculty. thereby giyr breadth. more opportunity uiiiwisities in the nation people may be able to pro ences at \tashingttinc Uniyer mg I e udents more aca to pursue your interests and to it’qulll‘ ll\ sliidt‘r‘ii\ to overlapped and could not duce an insurance card" stty." said J Bl wen. di demic option more fit-\ibility " purihase health li’lhlii’di’ltt‘ be used together said Glass, “But if the pole rector of the Social Thought It will alloty better itior Wayne ilt Ids, director of this year. dt'\piit’ a i hange iealth insurance consti- icy limit on that is Sitwtio dination and tollabordtion iti AMt‘S. s this nierg in protidci lot thi- :ooo tutes the mayor component or “2.000. that doesn't the teaching of \Ut ial \tlt ill natural rnoyi that benefits .‘tltIT siliool \ear Nearly of the 9tudent Health tee \en ttner a compii ate " he said “IN arel getting both programs all other \t hools .illott «to a bill that “ill total soon appendectomy in this day one roof' American Culture more pt-eopi in\ olt ed See SOCIAL THOUGHT. page 4 for this year At sthools dndd res" nd bringing in ”tort pethiplo- that do not prmide insurr The insurance policy r__—__ opt out oi illt'il’ Iilll\t'r\1 ante. iomparable lees usu proi ided by the [Innersity ' pan all\ total betueen Sioo prondes $300. WHAT ARE THOSE CRAZYENGINEERSUP TONOW? Ihis \t at, thi-l ill\t‘[sil\ and 3:00 nual «mera ge \\lli use thei “lhere is no reason e\piained that the an insiiriiiitt that l or any other parent opt-out policy “as e\a pro should hate to p Stititl tried as part of the study for health toxerage that is ut ultimately deemed the interior to our oixn." said Idikin fltdnldll ‘Apersonmightproduce spring :tioi Attording to the [‘HIV an insurante card today." \iost \tl\ltt5 h ill rt \ersiiy's “eh sit t‘. the UH' said (.ylass inaiiitht \dillt‘. though siu dergraduatc population situation innis may li\I\\ tturthast toiiipriws months down the mu optit lidI pitti: ption dtug and '.t‘tItI all of a sudden 'hey don‘t iotttagt lot an tption liztditian‘s estimation. ha\e adequate insurant .' iii in of "'4‘ .‘ Illl plan t’\tt\s iost oi According ti thr t: ~,A.‘~ \\ lit }‘T|’\ .t‘it \‘Atixltl.I\ in Jilit\\ this number ot stu oi the will study tip! 1,. siiit‘titttn a' a i. t. A.l¥‘ L1 minis totah [Till.it)iis ul polities at other schools 1 tilltll lune a signft \ttitidtng to fit \iari part of the student popu .tvr of \tudxnt 'aIi-i'i uninsured or under insured Lidss als'i v\pidir‘itd that [fir \mt of an insur .ir tDttiii \ L) signiiint antiy - \ i 7 z” :e': : .: I 'e 1’.‘" :1?! ‘2.’ 'r-:.': ..‘,'." , ’ : '1'? 'A' 1&3;ij monk favorites new discoUmS TABLEOFCONTENIS I‘EWSROOKE’HW Old 9 ~ F”L: I“: l, tausutssriiout “”75 9 tutti us laws-:5 .: avian: 'e Sim/x: . OITHEWEB nvm' ’ "r" " "T 2 Civil!" I ‘E htn’. yr; her: E:‘:I' Venn Er‘ve' W.e‘S‘JiC‘I‘! COP WEDNESC" locusr 30, m STLDENr LIFE warning: omazcaa Construction begins on $13 mil- 042 W5 Building lion orthopaedic center Saint tours MO 63130-4899 News (3142 935 5995 The “ashmgtnn lrtwrs I\t Dena Ur (314 93 5—6713 lhnpaedII Surgerr and Farms levrshHospItal has! Fair 1314;935-5938 begun buIldIng a stateI" hr art er email eon studlrler/Jrn In (hes rrhcld The IIWImsquareh{not lat‘lllh Mixers Teachers’ genders may matter mm radrnlmu scrntes Thtnten or uIIl urntuallt relocate § in the classroom and upand orthopaedit surgrn near Barnes lruIsh wanna-t 33!:th “est (trunn Hospital minimum Milton; iustInmom'm Da» ineutonrrmersial stud\ b\ a Suarthmore Col- lege prolessrir suggr Is that boys learn more frrom Serial-um: MandyStlve' men and girls learrn mrire frrom women The New research shows ADHD mfmmu: nail-swam Ings h\ asswratr prnfes«or of emnomIrs Thomas WCMWMmatang Dee ha\e met murh resistance. mainh from r WWW: [rm Futts medicine under-prescribed llht‘ single- sex I duration. uhlc h he doc he saw HM hers genders do affect students attitudes and atademtc pcrfnrma nte SAT score decrease highest in 51 years E g “E? Ellen Lo Jamiea“Reed. Eliza bath Kaufman KatehEhrl mnummm Barrera! Manager: Andrew O'Dell Advertising Manager: Sara Judd Atlmos all past research has shown that atten- tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Is overdr- gttt2006 Washington UniversnyStu agnosee.cl Buut anew study by Washiington University researchers has found that almost half of kids with nmarshyootn “dert publicatron is hemalls and 50 carts Subscnnronpt berpurcnased tot arr-9.9.”? $80on bycallll'lg (314i 935am Student Life ts “publicationa at WUSMI and does notrreoessanly representmnewtioleat '97‘. in part.
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