PRINCIPAL’S PIECE 20 MARCH 2013 Dear Parents and Caregivers, Congratulations to all those who competed at the Methven Show. This year in the Mount Hutt College tent, we had displays of photos of the past decades as well as folders of old school photos. Students, parents and grandparents enjoyed looking through the photos with many past pupils being able to tell a story about the memories these photos brought back. The photos traced the history of the College from when it was Methven District High School, then Methven School and now Mount Hutt College. During the weekend there was also a reunion of the classes of 1967 to 1969. I talked to a few of the people who were attending the reunion, they were enjoying catching up with past class mates. Well done to those who organised the reunion and the Methven Show. Our new Librarian, Mrs Louise Sandlant started at the College at the beginning of the week. We welcome her to our College community. I thank Gill James for her work in the Library over the last four years and wish her well in her new position working at the Ashburton YMCA in their 16 plus programme. Te whakatauki- Each week we have a focus that is linked to our College values which are summarised in our word PRIDE. The broad focus for term one is about being He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He Tangata! He work ready. Things like being on time to class, having your equipment, tangata! completing set work and homework to the best of the student’s ability and being respectful to the rights of all to learn. It is about maintaining positive routines now What is the most important thing in the world? that will bring success later. Please take the time to discuss the homework It is people! It is people! It is entries in your child’s diary. people! As part of the weekly focus we have a Maori phrase for each week and they are explained at our Monday morning assemblies. This week is kōrero mai (speak to me), and last week was ka heare tatōu (let’s go). I thank the teachers who are organising this as it is not an area of strength of mine but I am enjoying the challenge of this learning. John Schreurs Principal BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTION 2013 Mount Hutt College and Lauriston School Are you interested in our schools’ future and student achievement? Are you an organised, strategic thinker with integrity? We need you..... Please think seriously about becoming a Member of, the Mount Hutt College and Lauriston School Board of Trustees. Nominations close 16th May 2013. Information packs can be picked up at both schools or emailed/posted to you. Please contact Evonne Lumsden at [email protected] UPCOMING EVENTS Otago University Junior Maths Comp 20 March National Schools’ Triathlon & Open Water Swim 20/21 March School Social (Where’s Wally) 21 March Mufti Day (Sports Gear theme) 22 March Yr 9/10 Dodge Ball Competition 21/22 March Sth Island Secondary Schools Mt Bike Champs 23/24 March Yr 7/8 6 A Side Hockey Tournament 25 March Aoraki Secondary Schools Swimming 27 March Easter Holidays 29 March – 2 April Winter Uniform Purchase Day 3 April Arrival of UCE Thai Student Group 3 April Year 13 PE Camp 8 – 10 April TERM DATES Term 1 Ends 19 April Term 2 6 May – 12 July Term 3 29 July – 27 September Term 4 14 October – 12 December Performance Award Recipients A & P SHOW CONGRATULATIONS to Sam Peek, Harry Pooler, Joe Todd and Max Goodwin for winning the Top Team competition at the Methven A&P show. NATIONAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT (NCEA) Years 11-13 students have been issued with 2013 information about school procedures. Please check with your daughter/son that they understand this information. Especially important are the implications of unjustified absence on the day an assessment is taking place. If your daughter/son is ill when they have an assessment please ring the school and speak with or leave a message for Mrs Canham (NZQA Principal's Nominee). Any requests for extensions due to legitimate absence must be made in advance - students should discuss with their subject teacher to begin with. Illness on the day an assignment is due is not normally grounds for an extension as the work should have been completed prior to this day ready for submission at the time of the deadline. All senior students should now have signed off their Authenticity Forms (Year 11 require parent signature as well). These are required before students can receive any credits for 2013. Students in Years 12 and 13 will already have their Learner Log-ins and passwords for the NZQA website and should regularly monitor the information showing here. NEW ERO PARENT BOOKLET How is my child doing? Questions to ask at school. This booklet is part of our on-going commitment to provide support for parents wanting to know how their child is progressing. It has proved to be a very popular publication with schools, parents and the wider education sector. The booklet includes questions parents can ask teachers in primary and secondary school about their child’s learning and wellbeing at school, as well as other useful information. The booklet is also available on our website: www.ero.govt.nz. WINTER UNIFORM With Term 2 rapidly approaching, now is the time to ensure your child/ren have the correct winter uniform. Girls Winter . Regulation kilt to be worn mid calf length. (Worn in Terms 2 & 3) . Long sleeved white shirt to be worn tucked in. Jersey – regulation black with red/white trim and/or Vest – regulation black with red/white trim. Black knee high socks or tights. Black leather shoes. Blazer – black with school crest – compulsory in Years 11-13 – Optional for any other year. School tie – compulsory in Years 9-13. Jacket – any plain black waterproof jacket (not to be worn in class). Scarf – plain black or white. Not worn inside. (Optional item) Boys Winter . Regulation black trousers (compulsory for Yr 11-13 students in winter). (Worn in Terms 2 & 3) . Black shorts (Yr 7-10). Long sleeved white shirt to be worn tucked in. Jersey – regulation black with red/white trim and/or vest – regulation black with red/white trim. Socks - Black with red/white trim or black ankle socks with trousers. Black leather shoes. Blazer – black with school crest – compulsory from Year 11-13 – Optional for any other year. School tie – compulsory from Year 9-13. Jacket – any plain black waterproof jacket (not to be worn in class). Scarf – plain black or white. Not worn inside. After Easter (Wednesday, 3 April) the College will hold a uniform sale day, whereby the winter uniform will be available for purchase. Important note regarding blazers: We have some new and some second hand blazers for sale now. If your child requires a blazer this year, please send them into the office so we can fit them correctly. Any new blazers ordered will take approximately six weeks. HOST FAMILIES – STUDENTS FROM THAILAND Information about the students you are hosting has been sent to families for the group of 15-20 students from Thailand arranged by Universal Cultural Exchange (UCE). Further details about their programme including the farewell party will be sent out by Caron Chandler who is co-ordinating their visit. SPORTS NEWS Basketball Last week was the first game for the MHC Year 9/10 boys in the Ashcoll Wednesday night basketball competition. The boys were up against a tough team – Sloths, an Ashcoll Year 9 team with lots of experience. This competition is fast and furious, 12 minute running clock halves, no half time (just change ends), fouls are 1 point to team being fouled, if shooting two points are given and possession at side – so no going to the line. The boys got better and better as the game went on and Wayne the coach had lots of good advice for the boys. The final score was 50-34 to the Sloths but looking at the red faces at the end of the game showed the boys had worked hard. They have all said they will come back next week so that’s a positive start! MHC Top Achieving Swimmers Aoraki Secondary Schools Mt Biking Champs Cross Country U14 Boys Joe Todhunter 3rd U15 Boys Michael Breading 5th st U19 Girls Alice Todhunter 1 Down Hill Yr 7/8 Boys Jordan Charteris 1st U14 Boys Joe Todhunter 1st U15 Boys Michael Breading 1st Caleb Burgess 2nd U17 Boys Gareth Burgess 1st William Todhunter 3rd Robert Todhunter 4th Callum Smith 6th Jake Spillman 8th U19 Girls Alice Todhunter 1st Canterbury Primary Sports Triathlon Results 10 Yr Boys Josh Sheridan 3rd 11 Yr Boys Harry Hood 11th, Ben Baker 22nd 11 Yr Girls Ellie Boekholt 34th Aoraki Secondary Schools Athletics U14 Girls Aimee Elliot 1st in 1500m, 1st in 3000m Chloe Te Moanui 2nd in Shotput, 3rd in Discus U15 Girls Assina Dalglish 1st in 3000m, 2nd in 1500m, 2nd in High Jump Juliette Lewis 3rd in 800m Mount Hutt College 3rd in Relay U16 Girls Dakota Johansen 2nd in Shotput U14 Boys Dallas McLeod 1st in Discus, 2nd in Shotput Darren Cavill 1st in Long Jump, 2nd in Triple Jump Harry Fielding 3rd in Javelin U15 Boys Declan O’Neill 1st in 400m, 1st in 800m Michael Breading 3rd in Triple Jump U15 Boys Tyler Blackburn 3rd in 400m Cameron McLeod 3rd in Shotput William Todhunter 3rd in High Jump U19 Boys Kenji Boekholt 2nd in 1500m Henry Dewhirst 2nd in Triple Jump COMMUNITY NEWS Porkpie Charity Run 2013 Over Easter, Irene and Greg Anderson “Team Snowfed” in their 1980 yellow Mini, along with 46 other Minis from all over the country will be taking part in the Porkpie Charity Run.
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