DOCUMEtT RESUME ED 138 12.1 FL 00849 TITLE A Glossary of Agricultural Terms. Spanish-Inglish, English-Spanish. Program and Training...,Journal Reprint Series, No. 9. INSTITUTIO American Univ., Washington, D.C. American Language Center. PUB DITE 60 NOTE- 105p. AVAILABLEFROM Information Collection and Exchange, Office of 1. Multilateral and Special Programs, ACTION, 806 Connecticut Ave., M.N. Washington, D.C. 20525. (Contributions accepted). DRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$6.01 Plus Postage. ESCRIPTORS *Agricultural Education; Agricultural Personnel; Agriculture; *Glossaries; *Instructional Materials; Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; *Spanish; *Vocabulary; Volunteers; Word Lists fIDENTIFIERS ACTION; Peace Corps iBSTRACT This bilingual glossary is part of the Peace Corps Program and Training Journal Reprint Series, which is an attempt-to provide technical.Support to Peace Corps volunteers and to share its material on "intermediate technology" with other participants in the international developmeut community. The glossary, consist f an English-Spanish section, followed by a Spanish-English sect pn. It represents.an attemptto fill one of the needs of Spanish-saking agriculturists receiving training under the program Of the International Cooperation Admlnistration. The list iS based largely '.on suggestions made by experts engaged in the training of foreign agricultural specialists both abroad and,in the United States. (Author/AM) 0 * Documents acquire4 by ERIC include many informal Unpublished * materia4s not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of Marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affectS the quality * * of:the microfiche and hardtopy reproductions ERIC makes available .* * v:ia the ERIC _Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made-from the original. *********************************************************************** S DEPARTMENT OF 14\EALTN. EDUCATION A WELFRE NATIONAL INSTITUTOF ECIMCATION THIS DOCUMENTHAS (iEE , OUCE0 EXACTLy AS REPRO. THE PERSON OP RECEIVD FROM ATING IT POINTSORGANIZATIO ORIGIN- . STATED 00 NOTOF VIEW ORcPINIONS SENT OFFICIAL NECESSARILY REPRE- NATIONAL 1NSTIUTE OF EDUCATION POSITIONOR POLIC ACTION viNt A GLOSSARrOF A RICULTURALTERMS iPAN1SHNGLISH ENGLISH-SPANISH 46' THE A ICAN LANGUAGECENTER THEAMERICAN UNIVERSITY WAIHINGTON,D.C. PROGRA1,8tTRAININ JOURNAL REPRINTSE-IIES UMBER9 2 PEACE CORPS REPRINT SERIES This vOlume, part of the,Program and Traininq JournalReprint Seri is integral to Pease Corps effortS to- providetechnicalsUpportto its Volunteers and to share its materialon "intemediate tec*logy" with other participants.in the international dev4cpment commUnity. Success- ful intermediate teChnologies designed for/use in developingcOuntrieS utilize low cost, locally available resoutces.andprovide new methods and approaches that are relevant to the needs.of theusers-. Each. Reprin, concentrating on a specific topic, is Intended tocontribute to PCVs' abil- ity to respond creatively to challengesAn thefield. By deSign, many of the volumes chosen for reprinting raisegtestions. The purpose of this approach is two-fold: first, working With.these materials, PMTS. will raise additional questions that are crucial tounderstanding appro- priate aPproaches to larger problems of "intermediate technologY". Second, while supplementing,-testing., and modifying thesematerials, Volunteers will continue to develop new techniaues and strategies.These questions, developments and adaptations will4rOvidea framework for future manuals addressing larger problems of change, Questióning, developiWand adapting teChnigueS and_strategiesare as crucial-to the Peace Corps as are cultural sensitivity and the transfer-__ of skills. Recognizing this, Peace Corps has establishedan Information Collection and Exchange Systent-that, in various ways,IncludihcCthe Reprint Series and Manual Series, shares suphcontributions as broallY as possible. Materials.that you prepare ;aria submit'to the Information Collection and Exchange will becomea part of this System, a permanent contribution to the Peace Corps world-- the unteers, staff, local' development workers, and community residents 'trive,,__ claily to consider alternatives, articUlate goals, and fulfill !1; 4±nise of thefuture. The Reprints and 1anuals are availableu cruest. Contiibutions 1 k to the Information Collection and Exchange .submitted to the Peace Corps country office cr directly to ICE, Offi 'f Multilateral and . Special Programs, ACTI N, 806. Connecticut Ave. 7,Twashington, D.C. 20525. Those who benefit frdfri yourcontributi wila thank vbu, just as we thank those whos work made the initial ipts, manuals and other aspects of the i formation exchangeposs Jnformation Coxjnn and'Exchange -Office of Multilateral cial Programs A QLoSSARY of AGR CULTURAL TERMS 4 : English-Spanisht Spanish-English ,Compiled by The Ameirican language.Center The American University Washington, . 4- for. The I,Aterfrational coopqration Administration 1960 Reprinted by peace CorPis June 1965: ProgrOm &.Training Journal Rcprint Seties :A March 1976 4 NOTE This bilingual glossary is d modest attempt to fillone of the needs of Sponish-spenking agriculturists receiming training under theprogram of the International Cooperation Administration. The list isnot complete in any sense. It is Lased largely on suggesIions mode by experts engaged in the training of foreign agricultural specialists both abroad and in the United 'States. Thanks are due to many people in different countries for contributing items and for corrections in the Spanish of the original version. Special recognition should,go to.Mr. L. Lopez Escoriaza of the Spanish Transla- tion Section of FAO in Pome, and to,Mr. Samuel Molinari, of the Organi- zation of American States, in Washington. JOHN J. McAULIFFE Director, The American University Language .Center - a Part I -ENGLISH-SPANISH /4 1 4, 6 0 -7, A.GENCY: agenda :- ABACA: ab.wa AGRARIAN STRUCTURES:estrurt agra- , construcciones rurales ABANDONED FARM: (Ini:a'Abani ftti, .AGGRFGATE: agregado ABORTION: aborto 11 I AA,GREGATION: agregaciOn (ABRADE:,.raer kV} " AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS:prpoductos ABSCESS :`absceso. agroquimicos 1. s. ABSENVE OWNER: absent' 4 AGRICULTURAL CREDIT: credito agrario ABSORBENT COTTON:f aIgodOn a sai?enitelif AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER:Ittgeniero agri- ABSORPTION: abscirc16'n" cola ; .ACARICIDE: acaricida AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH:nvestigaciones , agronOmicas;investigación AcCELERATOR: acelerador 4 - AGRICULTURE:agticultura 'ACCESSORY: aditamento - AGRICULTURIST:, ingeniero agrOnomo XtOLIMATION: adirnataciOn AGROBIOLOGY: agrobiologla ; ACETATE: acetatO AGRONOMIST: ,agrcinomo ACID: ,(s).acido, (a) icido, AIRPLANE: avión ACIDITY: a4dez AIR SURVEY: reconocimiento aéreo ACID SOILS: '7:ue1os acidos, ALBUMEN: albürnina ACORN: bellota ALEURONE:aleurana . ACRE: acxe, 4046.87 metros CuadradOs ALEURONE LAYER: capa aleuronifera ACREAGE: superficie en acres, acreaje Al,FALFA: alfalfa ADOLESCENS:$ adolescente!' ALFALFA FIELD: alfalfar ADSAKE BEAN: frijol arroz, poroto arroz ALFALFA.LEAF MEAL: harina de hojas de ADSORPTION: adsorciOn alf4fa ADULT: adulto ALKALF tcaIi AEDES: aedes' ALKALINE: alcalino AERATE: airear, ventilar ALKALIN : alcalinidad AERATION: aereación :ALLELOM RPH: ale'lomOrfo AERIAL DUSTING:' espolvOreo akeo ALLOPOLYPLOID: AERIAL SEEDING: siembra aerea ALLOY,: aleaci.69 AERIAL SPRAYING:'p'ulverizaciOti area, ,as- ALLUVIAL: aluyial persiOn aerea AEROBIC: aerObio ALLUVIALSOIL:- aluvión AgROLOGr. roIogii ALMOND:. almendra AEROSOL SPRAY: aspersión-a base de aerosol ALTITUDE: altitud AFTER6rATHi,s-egun4 siega' ALUMINUM: aluminio AGAR: 'agar-agar. ,AI.VEOLE:alvi.!crIo AGAVE: agave ALVEOLUSI:alveoli) AMENDMEti currectivo ANTHRAX: rintiax AMINO ACI6:. aminoadido ANTIBIOTIC: antibletico AMMONIA: amoniaco ./.0TINEURITIC: antineuritico AMMON-NITRATE: nitrato &rico ANTISCORBUTIC FACT6R: factor antiescorl bUticot 'AMORTIZATION:. aMortización ANTISE13TIC: antiseptico AM.PHIDIPLOID: anfidiploide ANTITOXIN: antitoxina ANAEROBIC:. anaerobio ANUS: ano ANALOGUE: amilogo . APATITE: apatite ANALYSIS, - analisis APHICIDE: aficida ANALYTICAL BALANCE: equilibrio analitico; balanza de precisiOn APHID: 5fido ANALYZE' analizar. APOGAMY: apogamia ANAPHASE.. anafase \APOMIXIS: apomixia ANDROMONOEyOUS: andromonoico APPARENT DENSITY: densidad eperente ANEUPLOID: aneuploide APPARENT SPECIF'IC GRAVITY: peso espe- cifico 'aparente ANEMQMET`ER: anemOmetro APPENDIX: apendice ANGULAR LEAF:SPOT: mancha angular de la hofe APPETITE; apetito ANIMAL: animal " .APPETIZINGapetecible ANIMAL FEED: alimento'para animales, APPLE: manzana ANIMAL FOODS: alimentos de origen" animal APPLE TREE: manzano ANIMAL HEALTH: higiene arymal,sarlidad APPLICATION:, aplicaciO, animal APPLICATOR: aplicado4 ,, 'ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: '.ganaderia, zootecnia . APPLY: aplicer ANIMAL INDUSTRY: kanaderia, producciOn petier.ia APPRAISAL: avalUo St, , . ' ANIMAL PROM/CT:. producto animal . APRICOT: albaricoque, damasco ANimAL PRODUCTION:zootecriia, producciOn .,, AQUATIC: actuitico pecuaria --,, . q ARABLE: arable, cultivable ANIMAL PROTEIN FACTOR: sioctore pqtei- na' animal _ AREA: are, extension, superficie ANIMAh RESEARCH: ,investtaciones Pecua- ARMYWORM: Avsano cortador, orugamilitar rias ARRACACHA: arracacha (Arracacia xdhthorr- ANOPFIES' ofeles hiza); aPio ANOiHAL:. anttal ARROWRAS,S: hierba de flech ARTpRIOI saiteriola
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