Countering Kernel Rootkits with Lightweight Hook Protection ZhiWang XuxianJiang WeidongCui PengNing NC State University NC State University Microsoft Research NC State University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT stealing private information, escalating privileges of malicious pro- Kernel rootkits have posed serious security threats due to their stealthy cesses, and disabling defense mechanisms. manner. To hide their presence and activities, many rootkits hi- Given the serious security threats, there has been a long line of jack control flows by modifying control data or hooks in the kernel research on rootkit defense. Specifically, prior research efforts can space. A critical step towards eliminating rootkits is to protect such be roughly classified into three categories. In the first category, hooks from being hijacked. However, it remains a challenge be- systems such as Panorama [33], HookFinder [32], K-Tracer [15], cause there exist a large number of widely-scattered kernel hooks and PoKeR [24] focus on analyzing rootkit behaviors. Systems and many of them could be dynamically allocated from kernel heap in the second category are primarily designed for detecting rootk- and co-located together with other kernel data. In addition, there is its based on certain symptoms exhibited by rootkit infection. Ex- a lack of flexible commodity hardware support, leading to the so- amples are Copilot [20], SBCFI [21], and VMwatcher [13]. In called protection granularity gap – kernel hook protection requires the third category, systems such as SecVisor [26], Patagonix [16], byte-level granularity but commodity hardware only provides page- and NICKLE [23] have been developed to preserve kernel code level protection. integrity by preventing malicious rootkit code from executing. Un- To address the above challenges, in this paper, we present Hook- fortunately, they can be bypassed by return-oriented rootkits [11], Safe, a hypervisor-based lightweight system that can protect thou- which will first subvert kernel control flow (i.e., by hijacking func- sands of kernel hooks in a guest OS from being hijacked. One tion pointers or return addresses on the stack) and then launch the key observation behind our approach is that a kernel hook, once attack by only utilizing legitimate kernel code snippets. initialized, may be frequently “read”-accessed, but rarely “write”- In light of the above threat, it becomes evident that, in addition to accessed. As such, we can relocate those kernel hooks to a ded- the preservation of kernel code integrity, it is also equally important icated page-aligned memory space and then regulate accesses to to safeguard relevant kernel control data so that we can preserve the them with hardware-based page-level protection. We have devel- kernel control flow integrity and thus block rootkit infection in the oped a prototype of HookSafe and used it to protect more than first place. In this paper, we consider kernel data as control data 5, 900 kernel hooks in a Linux guest. Our experiments with nine if it is loaded to processor program counter at some point in ker- real-world rootkits show that HookSafe can effectively defeat their nel execution. There are two main types of kernel control data: attempts to hijack kernel hooks. We also show that HookSafe achieves return addresses and function pointers. In prior research, there ex- such a large-scale protection with a small overhead (e.g., around ist extensive studies [1, 2, 9] on how to effectively protect return 6% slowdown in performance benchmarks). addresses some of which [1, 9] have been deployed in real-world Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.6 [Operating Sys- applications. In this work, our primary focus is to protect those tem]: Security and protection – Invasive software function pointers. Note that function pointers are typically hijacked or “hooked” by rootkits. For ease of presentation, we use the term General Terms Security function pointers and kernel hooks interchangeably. Keywords Malware Protection, Rootkits, Virtual Machines To safeguard a kernel hook, an intuitive approach [18] is to lever- age hardware-based page-level protection so that any write-access 1. INTRODUCTION to the memory page with the kernel hook can be monitored and ver- Kernel rootkits are considered one of the most stealthy com- ified. This approach will work well if (1) there exist only a very lim- puter malware and pose significant security threats [28]. By di- ited number of kernel hooks for protection and (2) these hooks are rectly subverting operating system (OS) kernels, such rootkits can not co-located together with frequently modified memory data. Un- not only hide their presence but also tamper with OS functional- fortunately, in a commodity OS kernel such as Linux and Windows, ities to launch various attacks such as opening system backdoors, it is not uncommon that there exist thousands of kernel hooks and these kernel hooks can be widely scattered across the kernel space. Further, many of them might be dynamically allocated from kernel heap and are co-located together with other writable kernel data in Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for the same physical memory frames. If this intuitive approach is de- personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are ployed, it has to trap all writes to memory pages containing kernel not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies hooks, even those not targeting at kernel hooks. Consequently, it bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to will introduce significant performance overhead, particularly from republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. frequent unnecessary page faults that are caused by write-accesses CCS’09, November 9–13, 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA. to irrelevant data. In fact, our investigation with a recent Linux sys- Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-352-5/09/11 ...$10.00. tem indicates that about 1% of kernel memory writes may cause 14 such unnecessary page faults. 12 To address the above challenges, in this paper, we present Hook- Safe, a hypervisor-based lightweight system that is able to effi- 10 ciently protect thousands of kernel hooks in a guest OS from be- 8 ing hijacked. Our approach recognizes a fundamental challenge, 6 namely the protection granularity gap, that hardware provides page- # of Pages level protection but kernel hook protection requires byte-level gran- 4 ularity. To tackle this challenge, we observe that these kernel hooks, once initialized, rarely change their values. This observation in- 2 spires us to relocate kernel hooks to a dedicated page-aligned mem- 0 ory space and then introduce a thin hook indirection layer to reg- ulate accesses to them with hardware-based page-level protection. 1−50 50−100 100−150 150−200 200−250 250−300 300−350 350−400 400−450 450−500 500−550 By doing so, we avoid the unnecessary page faults caused by trap- Hooks Per Page ping writes to irrelevant data. We have implemented a prototype of HookSafe based on the lat- 5 881 est Xen hypervisor [7] (version 3.3.0) and used it to protect more Figure 1: Distribution of , kernel hooks in a running than 5, 900 kernel hooks in a Ubuntu 8.04 Linux system. Our ex- Ubuntu system periments with nine real-world rootkits show that HookSafe can ef- fectively defeat their attempts to hijack kernel hooks that are being 5 881 protected. We also show that HookSafe achieves such a large-scale analysis with , Linux kernel hooks (we describe how we ob- protection with only 6% slowdown in performance benchmarks [6, tain these hooks in Section 5) indicates that they are scattered across 41 29]. To the best of our knowledge, HookSafe is the first system that physical pages and some of them are located in dynamic kernel is proposed to enable large-scale hook protection with low perfor- heap. In Figure 1 we show the histogram of the number of kernel 14 mance overhead. hooks in a single memory page. We can see that pages contain 50 The rest of the paper is structured as follows. We first discuss less than hooks. In the worst case, one hook is allocated in a 4 096 4 092 the problem space HookSafe aims to address in Section 2. Then page ( , bytes) along with other , bytes of dynamic data. we present our system design and implementation in Section 3 and As a result, writes to these physical pages would trigger frequent Section 4. We show our evaluation results with real-world rootkits unnecessary page faults if one marked them as write-protected. and performance benchmarks in Section 5. After discussing limi- To quantify these unnecessary page faults, we recorded all kernel tations of our HookSafe prototype in Section 6, we describe related memory write operations in the Ubuntu server. Based on the col- 100 work in Section 7. Finally, we conclude our paper in Section 8. lected log, within a randomly-selected period of seconds, we found that there are in total 700, 970, 160 kernel memory writes. Among these writes, there is no single write to the set of 5, 881 2. PROBLEM OVERVIEW kernel hooks for protection, while the number of writes to the 41 Kernel rootkits can be roughly classified into two categories: memory pages that contain protected hooks is 6,479,417. In other Kernel Object Hooking (KOH) and Dynamic Kernel Object Ma- words, about 1% of kernel memory writes would cause unneces- nipulation (DKOM). KOH rootkits hijack kernel control flow while sary page faults and thus introduce expensive switches between a DKOM rootkits do not hijack the control flow but instead subvert VM and a hypervisor.
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