INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg Qualifications and Connections 2 Contents Contents Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg 3 General secondary school / Intermediate secondary school with focus on vocational orientation (Hauptschule / Werkrealschule) 6 Intermediate secondary school (Realschule) 9 Higher academic secondary school (allgemein bildendes Gymnasium) 12 Joint secondary school (Gemeinschaftsschule) 15 Special needs education and advisory centre (Sonderpädagogisches Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum – SBBZ) 18 Vocational schools (Berufliche Schulen) 21 Inclusion 25 General information 26 Admission procedure 27 Addresses 29 Publishing information 31 Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg 3 Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg (see page 4-5) All paths are open. focus on vocational orientation (Werkreal- academic secondary school (allgemein Our chart (see page 4-5) illustrates the schule), or an intermediate secondary bildendes Gymnasium). numerous educational pathways. The most school (Realschule) or at a higher academic • When a student completes year 10 at a joint important fact is that each qualification offers secondary school (Gymnasium) by success- secondary school (Gemeinschaftsschule) the possibility of a further connection. Apart fully completing year 9 and thus attaining or higher vocational secondary school from the general, intermediate, higher acade- access to year 10. (berufliches Gymnasium) and has gained mic and joint secondary schools (Hauptschule, • at a joint secondary school (Gemeinschafts- access to the higher secondary level (Ober- Realschule, Gymnasium, Gemeinschafts- schule), providing that at the end of year stufe) of a higher academic secondary schule), the vocational schools, which offer 9 the level M or E has been attained and the school (Gymnasium), higher vocational a wide selection of courses, represent an student would have been given access to secondary school (berufliches Gymnasium), important stepping-stone on the route to year 10. or a joint secondary school (Gemeinschafts- further qualifications. If, for example, a young • by completing vocational training in the schule). person has attained a general or intermediate Dual System • When a student has completed year 10 at an secondary school-leaving certificate (Haupt- • in vocational preparation courses. intermediate secondary school (Realschu- schule, Realschule, Gemeinschaftsschule), the le) and – with the necessary qualifications vocational schools allow him or her to enter in The intermediate secondary school-leaving - gained access to the higher secondary level to an apprenticeship in the dual system or to certificate (Der mittlere Bildungsabschluss) (Oberstufe) of either a higher academic pursue further education and eventually attain There are various possibilities to achieve this secondary school (allgemein bildendes a university entrance qualification. Therefore, qualification, which offers numerous career Gymnasium), an advanced secondary school the school system in Baden-Württemberg is prospects: (Aufbaugymnasium), a higher vocational never a one-way street, but consistently takes • at a joint secondary school (Gemeinschafts- secondary school (berufliches Gymnasium) the development of each individual student schule) by completing year 10. or the higher secondary level (gymnasiale into consideration, so that students are neither • at an intermediate secondary school Oberstufe) of a joint secondary school undertaxed nor overburdened. (Realschule) by completing year 10. (Gemeinschaftsschule). • at an intermediate secondary school with • When a student has completed year 10 of The general secondary school-leaving focus on vocational orientation (Werkreal- an intermediate secondary school with focus certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) schule) by completing year 10. on vocational orientation (Werkrealschule) This certificate provides access to either further • at a higher academic secondary school and with the necessary qualifications has secondary education or a vocational career. It (allgemein bildendes Gymnasium) by gained access to the higher secondary level can be attained completing year 10 and gaining access to of a higher academic secondary school • at the end of year 9 at a general secondary years 11 and 12 (Oberstufe). (Oberstufe an einem allgemein bildenden school (Hauptschule) or at the end of year 9 • with a successful general secondary school- Gymnasium) or the higher secondary level or 10 at an intermediate secondary school leaving certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) (gymnasiale Oberstufe) of a joint secondary with focus on vocational orientation and the subsequent opportunities for further school (Gemeinschaftsschule) (Werkrealschule). education at vocational schools. • When a student qualifies for the university • at an intermediate secondary school • by means of the Dual System. entrance certificate (Hochschulreife) through (Realschule) at the end of year 9 by an advanced vocational school (Berufskol- sitting the general secondary school exam University entrance qualification leg), or through a higher vocational sec- (Hauptschulabschluss). (Hochschulreife) ondary school (berufliches Gymnasium). • at a joint secondary school (Gemeinschafts- The general university entrance qualification • When a student has successfully schule) at the end of year 9 or year 10 by and the qualification for universities of applied completed vocational training at a specific sitting the general secondary school exam sciences (Fachhochschulreife) provide students advanced vocational school (BKFH) or a (Hauptschulabschluss). with the foundation for either studying at a uni- higher vocational school for general An equivalent to the general secondary school- versity or gaining qualified professional training. education (Berufsoberschule). leaving certificate can be attained This qualification can be attained • at an intermediate secondary school with • When a student graduates from a higher 4 Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg Educational pathways in Baden-Württemberg (further explanations see page 3) Entrance qualification for university University entrance qualification (Abitur) Special needs education and or University of Applied Sciences advisory centre (SBBZ) (Hochschulreife / Fachhochschulreife) The special needs education and Higher vocational school advisory centre is a specific type of for general education school which offers both its own (Berufsoberschule) educational services and supports mainstream schools in the education 2 years 6 years of young students who need special Higher vocational secondary school educational advice and support or (berufliches Gymnasium) 3 years 3 years 3 years who are by acknowledgement Intermediate secondary University entrance qualification University entrance qualification entitled to special-needs education. school-leaving certificate (University of Applied Sciences) (University of Applied Sciences) The special needs education and (mittlerer Bildungsabschluss) (Fachhochschulreife) (Fachhochschulreife) advisory centres differ according to Intermediate vocational Senior vocational Advanced vocational their main focus of support. Some of school for general education school (Fachschule) school (Berufskolleg) these offer the same education as (Berufsaufbauschule) 1, 2 years 1, 2, 3 Jahre mainstream schools, so that the 1 year school-leaving certificates shown in Higher vocational secondary school (berufliches Gymnasium) the chart can also be attained at these schools. The SBBZs which offer the same education as Intermediate secondary Intermediate secondary school-leaving certificate (mittlerer Bildungsabschluss) mainstream schools and whose 7 years school-leaving certificate students aim at the same qualifica- (mittlerer Bildungsabschluss) Full-time Full-time General secondary Intermediate Joint secondary Higher academic tions, follow the same educational Vocational school vocational school vocational school school / secondary school school secondary school objectives, but also adhere to special curriculae according to the respec- (Berufsschule) 1 year full-time (Berufsfachschule) (Berufsfachschule) Intermediate (Realschule) (Gemeinschafts- (Gymnasium) tive focus of support. In addition, + on-site training vocational school + on-site training 2 years secondary school 6 or 5 years schule) 8 years* 1 they offer their own educational 2- 3 /2 years (Berufsfachschule) 1, 2, 3 years with vocational 6 or 5 years qualifications in the field of learning orientation and intellectual development. A (Hauptschule / Advanced secondary school (Aufbaugymnasium) (with boarding school) Werkrealschule) transfer from a special needs 6 or 5 years education and advisory centre to a mainstream school, or vice versa, is possible. The transition is prepared and monitored according to individual needs. General secondary school-leaving certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) * As part of a trial, students at 44 model schools can attain the university entrance qualification (Abitur) after 9 instead of 8 years. The first group of 22 schools began the trial at the start of the schoolyear Vocational preparation courses 2012/2013, the second at the start of the (Berufsvorbereitende Bildungsgänge) schoolyear 2013/2014. Primary school (Grundschule) and the higher secondary level (Sekundarstufe II) where available. Primary school (Grundschule) Primary, general secondary, joint secondary No school-leaving qualification General secondary school-leaving certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) usually
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