Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 14 1882 ( 389 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbot, Aichbp., 130, 166-7 ; Damaris, Appledore, 47, 53, 96, 323-4; Church, 130 ; Lord Tenterden, 60. 91-97 ; Rood-screen, 371-3 ; Chapel Abel, Jno., Parson of Waldershare, at Home's Place, 363-7. 259-60. Appleton, 120. Abei'un, Ingeh'am de, 328. Arblastier, Thos. le, 328. Acreman, Adam, 262-3 ; Edith, 262-3. Archipole, Ricd., of Strood, 291. Acstede, Milioent, 255 ; Robt. de, 255. Architecture, Examples of, Pre- Adams, Jno., 94 ; Mary, 94; Thos., Noiraan, 107, 109, 281; Norman, 94 ; William, 214. 104, 109, 111, 168, 281, 282 ; Tran- Addington, 226, 239. sition, 158, 283 ; Early English, Adesham, 277 ; see Adisham. 109, 158, 283-4 ; Decorated, 19, 91, Adisham, Church, 157-161, 371; 109, 159, 284-5, 371; Perpendicular, Eectors, 116, 126, 133, 162-8, 354-5. 28, 91, 109, 285-8, 376-8. Akevs-Douglas, Aretaa, 75. Argier, Brief for redeeming captives Alard, Hy., 246, 250; Isabella, 246, in, 118. 250; Johanna, 250; John, 246, Aron, Jno., Brief for, 214. 250 ; Robt., 246, 250. Ash, 225, 238-9 ; Church and lights Albon, Robt., 254, 259. therein, 223 : called Peters Ash, Alcock, Thos., 234. 226 ; near Sandwich, 132, 134, 252; Aldelose, Jno. de, 244 ; Matilda, 244. near Wrotham, 223-4, 235-6, 240; Alderman, Nicholas, 256 ; Robt., 256, Registers, 235 ; South, 226-7. Aldington, 41, 47, 52, 249, 260, 273. Ashburnham, Ann, 366 ; Thomas, 366. Aldyng, 334-5 ; see Yalding. Asherinden, East, 49, 50. Aldynton, 249 ; next Hethe, 249 ; Ashford, 26, 100. 347, 359 ; Brief for, next Bmeeth, 273. 208 ; Rood-lofts, 371. Alen, George, 292. Asketyn, Hamo, 193 ; Ricd., 197. Alesse, Jno. (1526), 164. Asshenton, Richard, 318, 320-1. Aleyn, Godfrey, 244 ; Jno., 244, 376 ; Assize-butt at Tenterden, 45. Juliana, 376. Astley, Bridget, 361 ; John, 361. Allard, Robt., 274, 305 ; see Alard. atte Berton, Matilda, 254; Robert, Allen, John, 380 ; Parnell, 380. 254. Allenson, Rev. Gilbert, 388; Rev. atte Brome, Robt., Canon of Wingham, James, 388. li. Alleyan, Anne, 177 ; Jno., 177. atte Celer, Isabella, 279 ; John, 279 ; Allin, Sam., Brief for, 212. Warin, 279. Alsatia, Brief for the Reformed Church atte Childryn, William, 280. of Strasburg in, 183, 207. atte Churche, Robert (1387-8), 178. Ammory, Roger D', 330. atte Crouche, Margeria, 255 ; Thomas, Andreu, Hy., 186, 194-5, 197, 203. 255. Andrews, Jno., 179. Ate Doune, John, 198, 372 ; Robert, Anglesea, Prior of, 341. 198 ; Roger, 187, 198. Antoninus Pius, Coin of, found at ate Dune, Gilbert, 198; Thomas, 198. Wingham, 139. ate Forde, Allan, 195-197; Henry, Apeltre, 247 ; see Appledore. 197. 390 GENEEAL INDEX. Atte Forstall, Wm., 196. Baker, John, 301, 320 ; Sir John, 49, ate Gate, WiUiam, 192. 165 ; Sarah (allied to Barrett), 124. Attegore, Adam, 248 ; Alianora, 248. Bakere, Andrew le, 255 ; Emma le, atte Halle, Clement, 279 ; John, 272 ; 264 ; Johanna, 265 ; John, 264 ; Margeria, 272. Loretta, 255 ; Michael le, 245 ; Atkinson, Ricd. (Rector of Wood- Robert le, 264 ; Eoger le, 2ti5. church), 355. Balcanquell, Dr. Walter (1618), 166. atte Knolle. Agnes, 249 ; John, 249. Baldok, Lecia, 192, 200 ; Simon, 186, at Le, Thomas (1429), 121. 188, 190, 192, 195, 197, 200. atte Loft, John, 278. Bancroft, John, Bishop of Oxford, ate Melle, 203 ; Stephen, 186, 194. 289, 356. atte Meuthe, Arnaldus, 275-6, 278-9 ; Banquell, Thomas de, 259. Johanna, 275-6, 279. Banwell Rood-loft, 370. atteNobright, Katerina,276; Stephen, Baracre (Bargar), 173. 276. Barber, Hugh le, 267 ; John, 193-5, atte Noke, Alice, 243 ; Simon, 243. 203 ; William le, 194, 203. Ate Pirye, Emma, 196 ; Eicd. de, 205 ; Barbour, Johnle, 193-195, 257 ; Roger William de, 205. le, 257 ; Thomas, 223 ; William, ate Eye, Walter, 192. 223. Ate Sindane, Eicd., 193, 203. Barfreston, see Berefreyston and atte Sole, Constance, 241 ; Eicd., 261. Brerefreyston. ate Stapele, 202 ; Thomas, 192. Bargar, 173 ; Mrs. Angell, 174. atte Ware, Adam, 271-2; Margeria, Bargrave, Angela, 174 ; Charles, 384 ; 271-2 ; Walter, 271-2. Isaac (the Dean), 173 ; John, 173 ; Atwater allied to Hales, 62. Rev. John, 174; Robt., 174. at Well, James, 372 ; Thomas, 320. Barham, 132 ; Brief for, 183 ; Down, ate Welle, John, 192. 181 ; sen Berham. Ate Wode, Bartholomew, 385 ; Peter, Barham, Wm., of Tenterden, 79. 192, 205 ; Stephen, 196, 205. Barkley Hundred, 42. Atvvood, Eevd. Samuel, 227. Barming, East, see Estbarblenge. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 325, 381, 387 ; Barnes, Win., 319, 821, 323. Hatton, 381; Heniy,246; Nicholas, Barneuile, Jno. de, 261. 246 ; Rev. Robert, 381 ; Sir Thomas Barnfield Hundred, 42, 198; set Fitz, 311. Bern ef eld. Audeley, Hugh de, Earl of Gloucester, Baron, Eevd. Thos. (1535-47), 129. 330-2, 334 ; Sir Thomas, 342. Barr, Ann, 240 ; Eobert (1716), 240. Augustine Canons, of Beaulieu, 169 ; Barrett, Arms, 123 ; Anne, 123-4 ; of Tonbridge, 326-43. Eliz, (ob. 171)8), 124; George (ob. Aunsel, Johanna, 278 ; Eobert, 278. 1709), 124 ; Paul (nat. 1656), 124 ; Austen, 119; Elizabeth, 120; James, Sir Paul (1633-86), 116-7, 122-3-4; 160 ; John of Bexley, 78, 80, 82 ; Sarah, 123-4; Thomas (1552), 316, John, of Adisham, 165 ; Ricd., 120, 320 ; Thomas (nat. et ob. 1723), 165; Eobt., 120; Thos., 165; 124; Thomas (ob. 1757), 123-4 ; Valentine, 160 ; Wm., 64. Thomas (ob. 1803), 124. Austin, George, 289 ; Harry G., 289. Barrow, Wm., of Borden, 378-9. Awdley, Thomas (allied to Harlacken- Barry, Johanna, 250 ; Ralph, 250. den), 361. Barton, Rev. Henry, 382, 388 ; Rev. Aylesford, 242 ; Priory, 223. John, 3X2, :!88. Aylesmersh, Johanna de, 252. Barun, Johanna, 274 ; Robt., 274. Basing, Sir John de, 200 ; Solomon Ba, or Baa, Thos. de, 119 ; Walter de, dc, 200. 119. Baslnge, John de, 188, 200 ; Thomas Baa or Bay Chancel in Ickham do, 186, 190, 191-2, 200; William Church, 118. de, 200. Babbynge. Henry de. 272. Basinges, De, 247 ; Adam, 200 ; Ed- Bacheler, Isabella, 203 ; John, 263. mund, 248 ; Margaret, 200, 247 ; Backhouse, Rev. Dr. William (1771- Ralph, 247; Reginald, 248; Thomas, 1776), 133. 248 ; William, 247-8. Badelesmere, 202, 242 ; Wm. de, 192. Batecok, Alicia, 192, 195, 199 ; Elena, Bagnal, Helen (Lady Hales). 64. 199; Roger, 188, 199; Thos., 195-6, Bainton, John (1706), Brief for, 212. 199. Bakchild, 243, 265. Batlescomb, Andrew de, 188, 199. GENERAL INDEX. 391 Batson, William, 318. Bernefeld, W., 187; Wm. de, 188-9, Battely, Archdeacon, 159, 167. 191, 198. Battle, Abbot of, 47. Berners, Wm., 316, 325. Baudethoun, Wm., 278. Bertelot, Simon, 254. 'Bawle, Vincent, 302. Bertha, Queen, 104,108, 112. Bayham Abbey, 140, 148. Bery, Alice, 268 ; John de, 268. Baynard, John, 227. Bethersden, 41. Beache, Walter. 296. Betlessangre, Manor and Church of, Beake, Eobt., 118. 269. Bealde,Mabilla,195,197,200; Bichard, Betteshanger (J. Boys), Rector of, 174, 195-7, 200 ; Thomas, 193-5-7, 200 ; 269. Walter, 186, 188-9, 190-2, 195, 200 ; Beverley, Provost of (J. Maunsell), 45. Wolmer le, 186, 188. Bevyn, Walter, 259. Beale, Eobt., 100. Bexley, 78, 19&, 278. Sealing, Mary (Lady Hales), 64. Bexter, Reginald, Brief for, 206. Beamstone in Westwell, 51. Biddenden, 26, 39, 53, 65,323-4,355-7, Bean, Rev. Charles (1720-31), 132 ; 371-2. Lucy, 132. Bifrons, xlvii, 169, 173-6 ; Chapel, Beards in Ightham, 230-1. 180. Beauchief, 146. Bil, Robert, 192 ; W., 188 ; see Bille. Beaulieu Priory, 169, 170. Bille, Doctor, 325. Beaumundestone Manor, 51. Billyng, Ricd., 304. Beckett. Bliz. (1712-61), 76. Bilsington, 244, 247. Bedel, John, 280 ; Thomas, 280. Binbury, see Bengbery. Bedfordshire, Briefs for places in, 181, Bird, Rev. Richard, 356. 183, 208-9. Birling, see Byerlynges. Bedgebury, in Gondhurst, 16. Birston, Thos. de, 257. Seek, Johanna, 274 ; Stephen le, 274. Bishopsbonrne, 270 ; Church, xlvii ; Beere, Thomas, 95. Rectors, 132, 166; Rectory, xlviii; Beigham (Bayham) Abbey, 341. Rood-loft, 372. Beke, John, 125. Bisshop, Alice, 248 ; John, 248. Belamy, John, 242 ; Peter, 242. Bisshopesgate, 257. Belknap, Sir Robt. (1380), 5. Bisshoppeston, 279. Bellaviewe, 79. Blackbourne Hundred, 42. Bell, John (1528), 367. Blacke, William, 297. Bells, 93, 101, 111, 114, 160, 171, 345, Blackheath, Rebels at, 5. 378. Blackmansbury (Bridge Place), 181. Benenden, 3, 39, 65, 323-4 ; Brief for Blackmore Priory, Essex, 341. the Church, 182. Blake, Johanna, 264 ; Thos., 264 ; Benet, John, 254. Thos. le, 264. Beneyt, Henry, 258 ; Johanna, 258 ; Blakebroke,Thos. de, 330. Jno., 269 ; William, 258. Blakeman, Wm., 186. Bengbery, Manor of, 256. Blakcnam, Nicholas de, 329. Benge, Wm. (1437), Brass of, 355. Blakstan, Wm. de, 245. Benger, Ricd. (1526-45), 355. Bland, Jno., Rector of Adisham (1642- Bentele, Anabilla, 248 ; William de, 55), 160, 165. 248. Blankpayn, Wm. (1386-90), 127. Benynden, William de, 265. Blobbere, Celestris, 197, 201; Henry, Benyndene, Roger de, 46. 186, 192 ; Henry le, 188, 201 ; Beracre, 170 ; Dionisia de, 170 ; Ricd. Lawrence le, 201 ; Robt. le, 201. de, 170. Blodwell, David (1456), 164. Bereford, Ricd., 201 ; Wm. de, 189, Boan, Elizth., 95 ; Thos. 95. 190, 201. Bobbing, 189, 245, 249, 251, 272-3. Berefreyston, 257, 269 ; sec Barfreston. Bocher, Wm., 351. Bereham, 270, 274 ; see Barham. Boclande. 190. Beresford, Ann, 122 ; Michael, 122. Bocton, Malherbe, 268,271. Berham, 245 ; ace, Barham. BQctone, 67, 247. Berkeley, Elizabeth, 379; Thos., Boctun, Alulphi, 252, 280. 379. Bodcgesham, 330 ; see Bodesham. Berkshire, Briefs for places in, 183, Boden, John, 295. 206, 208, 217-20. Bodesham, 341 ; see. Bodegesham. Berkyng, 278. Bodleian Library, 327, 332. 392 GENERAL INDEX. Bokelond, Cecilia, 243 ; Salomon de, Braems, Sir Arnold, 179, 180-1 ; Mar- 243. garet, 179 ; Walter. 179. Boklond, Johanna, 269 ; John de, 269. Bramling, 113, 118, 120. Boklonde, 245, 248 ; Church, 269. Brampton, Alice, 259 ; Wm. de, 259. Bokton under the Blean, 256, 280. Braced, 228 ; fee Brailested. Bolde, Jno. (1481), 163. Bredeherst, Hredhurst, 258. Bolynger, Peter le, 267. Bregge, 258, 270. Bonho, John, 277 ; Ricd., 277.
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