《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 CHINESE SCIENCE ABSTRACTS (Monthly, Established in 2006) Vol. 10 No. 3, 2015 (Sum No. 105) Published on March 15, 2015 Chinese Science Abstracts Competent Authority: Contents China Association for Science and Technology Hot Topic Supporting Organization: Department of Society Affa irs and Academic Activities 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry——Super-resolved Fluorescence China Association for Science and Technology Microscopy…………………………………………………………………1 Sponsor: 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine——Positioning Science and Technology Review Publishing House System in the Brain……………………………………………………………12 Publisher: High Impact Papers Science and Technology Review Publishing House Highly Cited Papers TOP5……………………………………………………26 Editor-in-chief: CHEN Zhangliang Materials Science Coatings Films (26) Materials Science Composites (27) Chief of the Staff/Deputy Editor-in-chief: Materials Science Multidisciplinary (29) Materials Science Paper Wood (30) SU Qing [email protected] Materials Science Textiles (32) Mathematical Computational Biology (33) Deputy Chief of the Staff/Deputy Editor-in-chief: Mathematics Applied (35) Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications (36) SHI Yongchao [email protected] Mathematics (37) Mechanics (38) Medical Informatics (40) Deputy Editor-in-chief: SONG Jun Medical Laboratory Technology (41) Medicine General Internal (44) Deputy Director of Editorial Department: Medicine Legal (46) Medicine Research Experimental (48) WANG Shuaishuai [email protected] Metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering (49) WANG Xiaobin Meteorology Atmospheric Sciences (51) Microbiology (53) Microscopy (55) Mineralogy (57) Mining Mineral Processing (59) Executive Editor of this issue: Multidisciplinary Sciences (61) Mycology (63) WANG Shuaishuai Nanoscience Nanotechnology (64) Neuroimaging (66) Neurosciences (67) Director of Circulation Department: Nuclear Science Technology (69) Nursing (71) Nutrition Dietetics (72) YU Hui [email protected] Obstetrics Gynecology (74) Oceanography (76) Oncology (78) Editorial Department: Ophthalmology (80) Optics (82) Ornithology (83) Orthopedics (85) 010-62172009 [email protected]《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 Otorhinolaryngology (88) Paleontology (90) Parasitology (92) Circulation Department: Pathology (94) Pediatrics (96) Peripheral Vascular Disease (98) 010-62194182 [email protected] (for subscriptions) Pharmacology Pharmacy (99) Physics Applied (101) Address: No. 86, Xueyuan South Rd., Haidian Physics Atomic Molecular Chemical (102) Physics Condensed Matter (103) District, Beijing 100081, P.R.China Physics Fluids Plasmas (105) Physics Mathematical (106) Postcode: 100081 Physics Multidisciplinary (107) Physics Nuclear (109) Website: www.csad.org.cn Physics Particles Fields (110) Physiology (112) Plant Sciences (113) Sina Micro-blog: http://weibo.com/u/3809662148 Polymer Science (115) Primary Health Care (117) Distributor: All Local Post Offices in China Psychiatry (118) Psychology Applied (121) Psychology Biological (123) Distribution Codes: Psychology Clinical (124) Psychology Experimental (126) 80-487 (Homeland) M1993 (Overseas) Cover Papers Distributor in China: Beijing Publishing Bureau Cover Papers………………………………………………………………… Distributor Abroad: 128 Agronomy (128) Basic Science of Agriculture (128) China International Book Trading Cooperation Basic Theory of Environmental Science (129) Biochemistry (129) (No. 35, Chegongzhuang West Road, Haidian Chemical Industry (130) Chemistry (131) Ecology (134) District, Beijing 100044, P.R.China Engineering Sciences (135) Engineering Thermophysics (136) Printing: Beijing Jinghua Hucais Printing Co., Ltd. General Industrial Technology (136) Geology (137) Genetics (137) Periodical Registration: ISSN 1673-4084 Metallography and Metalwork (138) Molecular Biology (138) CN 11-5411/N Microbiology (139) Oceanography (139) Oncology (140) Price: RMB 40.00 (P.R.China) Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry (140) Pharmacy (141) US$ 40.00 (Abroad) Physics (141) Preclinical Medicine (142) System Science (142) ⅰ 中国学术期刊文摘(英文版) (月刊,2006 年创刊) 第 10 卷第3 期(总第 105 期) 2015 年 3 月 15 日出版 《中国学术期刊文摘》(英文版) 主 管:中国科学技术协会 目 次 支持单位:中国科协学会学术部 热点追踪 主 办:科技导报社 出 版 者: 科技导报社 2014 年诺贝尔化学奖(超分辨率荧光显微技术)………………………………1 2014 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖(构成大脑定位系统的细胞)…………………12 主 编:陈章良 社长/副主编 高影响力文章 苏青 [email protected] 各学科高被引论文 TOP5………………………………………………………26 副社长/副主编 材料科学,涂料和薄膜 (26) 复合材料学 (27) 史永超 [email protected] 材料科学,综合 (29) 材料科学,造纸材 (30) 副主编:宋军 材料科学,纺织 (32) 数学计算生物学 (33) 应用数学 (35) 数学,综合应用 (36) 数学 (37) 力学 (38) 医学信息 (40) 编辑部负责人: 医学实验室技术 (41) 内科学 (44) 法医学 (46) [email protected] 王帅帅 医学实验研究 (48) 冶金与冶金工程 (49) 编辑部副主任: 气象学与大气科学 (51) 微生物学 (53) 显微镜 (55) 王晓彬(兼) 矿物学 (57) 矿业与矿物加工 (59) 综合科学 (61) 真菌学 (63) 纳米科学与纳米技术 (64) 本期执行责任编辑: 王帅帅 神经影像学 (66) 神经科学 (67) 核科学与技术 (69) 发行部负责人: 护理学 (71) 营养学 (72) 妇产科学 (74) 海洋学 (76) [email protected] 于辉 肿瘤 (78) 眼科 (80) 光学 (82) 鸟类学 (83) 骨科 (85) 编辑部: 《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅耳鼻咽喉 (88) 古生物学 (90) 寄生物学 (92) 病理学 (94) 010-62172009 [email protected] 儿科学 (96) 外周血管疾病 (98) 药理学和药学 (99) 发行部: 应用物理学 (101) 物理,原子分子化学 (102) 010-62194182 [email protected](网上订刊) 凝聚态物理 (103) 物理,流体与等离子体 (105) 地址:北京市海淀区学院南路 86 号 数学物理学 (106) 综合物理 (107) 核物理 (109) 邮编:100081 物理,粒子和场 (110) 生理学 (112) 植物科学 (113) 网址:www.csad.org.cn 高分子科学 (115) 初级卫生保健 (117) 精神病学 (118) 新浪微博:http://weibo.com/u/3809662148 应用心理学 (121) 生物心理学 (123) 临床心理学 实验心理学 订阅:全国各地邮局 (124) (126) 邮发代号:80-487(国内),M1993(国外) 封面文章 中国总发行:北京市报刊发行局 封面文章………………………………………………………………………128 海外发行总代理:中国国际图书贸易集团有限公司 农学(农艺学) (128) 农业基础科学 (128) 环境科学基础理论 (129) (北京市海淀区车公庄西路 35 号,邮编 100044) 生物化学 (129) 化学工业 (130) 化学 (131) 生态学 (134) 广告经营许可证: 京海工商广字第 0035 号 工程科学 (135) 工程热物理 (136) 一般工业技术 (136) 印刷装订:北京京华虎彩印刷有限公司 地质学 (137) 遗传学 (137) 金属学与金属工艺 (138) 标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1005-8923 分子生物学 (138) 微生物学 (139) 海洋学 (139) 肿瘤学 (140) CN 11-3501/N 石油、天然气工业 (140) 药学 (141) 物理学 (141) 定价:40.00 元(国内) US$ 40.00(国外) 基础医学 (142) 系统科学 (142) ⅱ Vol. 10, No. 3, 2015 www.csad.org.cn Chinese Science Abstracts Hot Topic 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry ——Super-resolved Fluorescence Microscopy ·Editor's Note· October 8, 2014, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Eric Betzig (Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA, USA), Stefan W. Hell (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, and German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany), and William E Moerner (Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA), for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy. Surpassing the limitations of the light microscope, their research has brought optical microscopy into the nanodimension. breakthrough optical microscope resolution can not be higher than 0.2 μm scientific limitations, the optical microscope technology to the nanometer scale, so that scientists can observe the aggregation of the protein, and can track cell division at the nanoscale. Scientists visualize the pathways of individual molecules inside living cells and can track proteins as they aggregate. The super-resolved fluorescence microscopy refers to fluorescence microscopy which resolution surpassing the diffraction limitation. In 17th century, when scientists firstly studied red blood cells, bacteria, yeast cells and other living organisms under the optical microscope, the optical microscopy became an important tool for life science research. For a long time optical microscopy was held back by a presumed limitation: that it would never obtain a better resolution than half the wavelength of light. Until Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell, and William E Moerner bypassed this limitation. Due to their achievements the optical microscope can now peer into the nanoworld. Two separate principles are rewarded. One enables the method stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy beams are utilized; one stimulates fluorescent molecules to glow, another cancels out all fluorescence except for that in a nanometer-sized volume. Scanning over the sample, nanometer for nanometer, yields an image with a resolution better than Abbe’s stipulated limit. Eric Betzig and William Moerner, working separately, laid the foundation for the second method, single-molecule microscopy. The method relies upon the possibility to turn the fluorescence of individual molecules on and off. Scientists image the same area multiple times, letting just a few interspersed molecules glow each time. Superimposing these images yields a dense supertime. In 2006, Eric Betzig firstly put single-molecule microscopy techniques into practical application.《中国学术期刊文摘》赠阅 The history of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy is short. The ensemble-fluorophore STED-microscopy was implemented in the year 2000 and single-fluorophore based methods in the year 2006. In spite of this, the rapidly developing techniques of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy are already applied on a large scale in major fields of the biological sciences, like cell biology, microbiology and neurobiology. At this point there is all reason to forecast that this development, already producing hosts of novel and previously unreachable results, will accelerate over the next decades. This development is expected to revolutionize biology and medicine by, not the least, eventually allowing for realistic, quantitative descriptions at nano-scale resolution of the dynamics of the complex, multidimensional molecular biological processes that define the phenotypes of all life forms. This issue was greatly supported by Professor XI Peng (Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University). ·Data Rankings· By January 20, 2015, according to China Knowledge Resource Integrated
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