TV Group Ownership Journal Communications Inc

TV Group Ownership Journal Communications Inc

TV Group Ownership Journal Communications Inc. Stns: 6 TV. CHAN -2, Bowen Island, BC; CHAN -5, H KSTP(AM) Saint Paul, MN; KSTP -FM Saint Paul, MN; Brackendale, BC; CHAN -1, Chilliwack, BC; CHKM -TV, WIXK(AM) New Richmond, WI. Kamloops, BC; CHAN -3, Squamish, BC; CHAN -7, Whistler, HITV License Subsidiary Inc., 1100 Wilson Blvd., Suite Stanley S. Hubbard, chmn/pres/CEO; Stanley E. Hubbard BC. 3000, Arlington, VA, 22209. Phone: (703) 247-7500. Fax: II, VP; Virginia H. Morris, VP; Robert W. Hubbard, VP; Brett Manlove, VP sis; Roy Gardner, gen mgr; Fatbir (703) 247 -7505. Web Site: Ownership: Julia D. Coyte, VP; Gerald D. Deeney, sr VP /treas/CFO; Nijjar, VP finance; John O'Connor, VR HITV Operating Co. Inc., 100% of votes. Harold C. Crump, VP; C. Thomas Newberry, VP; Linda S. Tremore, VP; VP; Edward Aiken, Stns: 3 TV. KGMD, Hilo, HI; KGMB, Honolulu, HI; Sue J. Cook, J. VP; Kari Global Television, (a division of CanWest MediaWorks Rominski, sec; Gary R. Macomber, asst sec. KGMV, Wailuku, HI. Inc.). 81 Barber Greene Rd., Don Mills, ON, M3C 2A2. Michael McHugh, pres. Canada. Phone: (416) 446 -5311. Fax: (416) 446 -5447. Web Site: Ownership: CanWest Global Hearst-Argyle Television Inc., 300 W. 57th St., 39th FI., Communications Corp., 100% (see listing). New York, NY, 10019. Phone: (212) 887 -6800. Fax: (212) Stns: 9 TV. CIII-2, Bancroft, ON; CIII-7, Midland, ON; 887 -6855. Web Site: Ownership: ION Media Networks Inc., 601 Clearwater Park Rd., West CIII -29, Oil Springs, ON; CIII -6, Ottawa, ON; CIII -4, Owen The Hearst Corp., 65 %. Palm Beach, FL, 33401 -6233. Phone: (561) 659 -4122. Sound, ON; CIII, Paris, ON; CIII -27, Peterborough, ON; Stns: 35 TV. KOAT, Albuquerque -Santa Fe, NM; KOCT, Fax: (561) 655 -7246. Fax: (561) 659 -4252. E -mail: CIII-22, Stevenson, ON; CIII -41, Toronto, ON. Albuquerque -Santa Fe, NM; KOVT, Albuquerque -Santa sethgrossman Web Site: W.K. Hunt, VP /gen mgr; Kathleen Dore, pres. Fe, NM; WBAL, Baltimore, MD; WCVB -TV, Boston Ownership: Publicly traded (Manchester, NH); WMUR, Boston (Manchester, NH); company on the Amex ticker (ION). Note: ION Media Granite Broadcasting Corp., 767 Third Ave., 34th FI., WNNE -TV, Burlington, VT- Plattsburgh, NY; WPTZ, Burlington, Networks also owns Inform!! TV Network, three state radio New York, NY, 10017. Phone: (212) 826 -2530. Fax: (212) VT- Plattsburgh, NY; WLWT, Cincinnati, OH; KCCI, Des networks (Alabama Radio Network, Florida Radio Network, 826 -2858. Web Site: Moines -Ames, IA; KHBS, Ft. Smith -Fayetteville Tennessee Radio Network), three rgnl sports networks Stns: 10 N. WBNG, Binghamton, NY; WKBW, Buffalo, -Springdale- Rogers, AR; KHOG-TV, Ft. Smith -Fayetteville (University of Florida Sports Network, University of Miami NY; WMYD, Detroit; KBJR -N, Duluth, MN- Superior, WI; -Springdale- Rogers, AR; WXII, Greensboro-High Sports Network, Penn State Sports Network), outdoor adv. KRII, Duluth, MN-Superior, WI; KSEE, Fresno -Visalia, CA; Point -Winston Salem, NC; WYFF, Greenville- Spartanburg, Stns: 57 TV. WYPX, Albany -Schenectady -Troy, NY; WISE -TV, Ft. Wayne, IN; WEEK, Peoria- Bloomington, IL; SC- Asheville, NC- Anderson, SC; WGAL, Harrisburg WPXA, Atlanta; WPXH, Birmingham (Anniston, Tuscaloosa), KBWB. San Francisco -Oakland -San Jose; WTVH, Syracuse, -Lancaster- Lebanon -York, PA; KHVO, Hilo, HI; KIN, Honolulu, AL; WPXG, Boston (Manchester, NH); WBPX, Boston NY. HI; WAPT, Jackson, MS; KMBC -TV, Kansas City, MO; (Manchester, NH); WPXJ, Buffalo, NY; KPXR, Cedar W. Don Comwell, chmn/CEO; Larry Willis, CFO; Stuart KCWE, Kansas City, MO; WLKY -TV, Louisville, KY; WISN, Rapids -Waterloo -Iowa City & Dubuque, IA; WLPX, Beck, pres; Ellen McClain, CEO; John Deushane, COO. Milwaukee, WI; KSBW, Monterey -Salinas, CA; WDSU, Charleston- Huntington, WV; WCPX, Chicago; WVPX, New Orleans, LA; KOCO -TV, Oklahoma City, OK; KEN, Cleveland -Akron (Canton), OH; KPXD, Dallas-Ft. Worth; Grant Communications Inc., 915 Middle River Dr., Suite Omaha, NE; WESH, Orlando- Daytona Beach -Melbourne, KPXC, Denver, CO; KFPX, Des Moines -Ames, IA; WPXD, 409, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33304. Phone: (954) 568 -2000. FL; WKCF, Orlando -Daytona Beach -Melbourne, FL; WTAE -N, Detroit; WZPX, Grand Rapids -Kalamazoo -Battle Creek, Fax: (954) 568 -2015. Ownership: The Milton Grant Living Pittsburgh, PA; WMTW, Portland- Auburn, ME; KC/CA, MI; WGPX, Greensboro-High Point- Winston Salem, NC; Trust, Jack L. Lewis, business trustee. Sacramento- Stockton -Modesto, CA; KCRA, Sacramento WPXU -TV, Greenville -New Bem- Washington, NC; WEPX, Sins: 7 TV. KGCW -TV, Davenport, IA -Rock Island -Moline, -Stockton -Modesto, CA; WMOR, Tampa -St. Petersburg Greenville -New Bem -Washington, NC; WHPX, Hartford & IL; KUB -TV, Davenport, IA -Rock Island-Moline, IL; WZDX, (Sarasota), FL; KMAU, Wailuku, HI; WPBF, West Palm New Haven, CT; KPXO, Honolulu, HI; KPXB, Houston; Huntsville- Decatur (Florence), AL; WLAX, La Crosse -Eau Beach -Ft. Pierce, FL. WIPX, Indianapolis, IN; WPXC -TV, Jacksonville, FL; KPXE, Claire, WI; WEUX, La Crosse -Eau Claire, WI; WFXR -TV, KHOG -TV Fayetteville and KHBS(TV) Fort Smith, both Kansas City, MO; WPXK, Knoxville, TN; WUPX -TV, Lexington, Roanoke -Lynchburg, VA; WWCW, Roanoke -Lynchburg, AR; KCRA -DT Sacramento, KCRA -TV Sacramento and KY; KPXN, Los Angeles; WPXM, Miami -Ft. Lauderdale, VA. KSBW(TV) Salinas, all CA; WESH(TV) and WESH -DT FL; WPXE, Milwaukee, WI; KPXM, Minneapolis -St. Paul, Mark Ryan, CFO. Daytona Beach, FL; KHVO(TV) Hilo, KHVO -DT Hilo, KITV(TV) MN; WNPX, Nashville, TN; WPXN, New York; WPXV, Honolulu, KIN -DT Honolulu, KMAU(N) Wailuku and Norfolk- Portsmouth- Newport News, VA; KWWT, KMAU -DT Wailuku, all HI; KCCI(TV) Des Moines, IA; Gray Television Inc., Box 1867, Albany, GA, 31702 -1867. Odessa- Midland, TX; KOPX, Oklahoma City, OK; WOPX, WLKY -TV Louisville, KY; WDSU(TV) New Orleans, LA; Phone: (229) 888 -9390. Fax: (229) 888-9374. Web Beach-Melboume, FL; Site: WBAL -DT and WBAL -TV Baltimore, MD; WCVB -DT and Orlando-Daytona WPPX, Philadelphia: E -mail: cindy.holden WCVB -TV Boston, MA; WAPT(TV) Jackson, MS; KMBC -TV KPPX, Phoenix (Prescott), AZ; KPXG, Portland, OR; WDPX, Ownership: Bull Run Corp., Datasouth Computer Corp. Kansas City, MO; KETV(TV) Omaha, NE; KOAT -TV Providence, RI -New Bedford, MA; WPXO, Providence, and affiliated companies. Other interests: Porta Phone Albuquerque, KOCT(TV) Carlsbad, KOFT(TV) Farmington RI -New Bedford, MA; WRPX, Raleigh- Durham (Fayetteville), Paging Inc. and Lynqx. and KOVT(TV) Silver City, all NM; WPTZ (TV) North Pole, NC; WFPX, Raleigh- Durham (Fayetteville), NC; WPXR, Stns: 34 TV. WRDW -TV, Augusta, GA; WBKO -TV, NY; WXII(AM) Kemersville and WXII -TV Winston -Salem, Roanoke- Lynchburg, VA; KSPX, Sacramento both NC: WLW1 and WLWT -DT Cincinnati, KOCO Bowling Green, KY; WSAZ-TV, Charleston- Huntington, OH; -TV -Stockton -Modesto, CA; KUPX, Salt Lake City, UT; KPXL, Oklahoma City, OK; WGAL(TV) Lancaster, WTAE -DT WV; WCAV, Charlottesville, VA; KKTV, San Antonio, TX; KKPX, San Francisco -Oakland -San Jose; Colorado Pittsburgh and WTAE -TV Pittsburgh, all PA; WYFF(TV) KWPX, Seattle- Tacoma, WA; KGPX, Spokane, WA; WXPX, Springs-Pueblo, CO; WTVY, Dothan, AL; KKCO, Grand Greenville, SC; WNNE -TV Hartford, VT; WISN -DT and Junction -Montrose, CO; WITN -TV, Greenville -New WISN -TV Milwaukee, WI. Stns managed by Hearst -Argyle Tampa -St. Petersburg (Sarasota), FL; KTPX, Tulsa, OK; Bem -Washington, NC; WHSV -N, Harrisonburg, VA; WVLT-N, Television, owned by The Hearst Corp.: WwwB(TV) Lakeland WWPX, Washington, DC (Hagerstown, MD); WPXW, Knoxville, TN; WEAU -TV, La Crosse -Eau Claire, WI; WILX, and WPBF(TV) Tequesta, both FL. Washington, DC (Hagerstown, MD); WTPX, Lansing, MI; WKYT -N, Lexington, KY; WYMT -TV, Lexington, David Barrett, pres/CEO. Wausau- Rhinelander, WI; WPXP, West Palm Beach -Ft. KY; KGIN, Lincoln & Hastings- Kearney, NE; KOLN, Lincoln Pierce, FL; WQPX, Wilkes Barre- Scranton, PA. & Hastings- Kearney, NE; WMTV, Madison, WI; WTOK -TV, Heritage Broadcasting Co of MI, Box 627, Cadillac, MI, R. Brandon Burgess, CEO. Meridian, MS; WOWT, Omaha, NE; WJHG -TV, Panama 49601. Phone: (231) 775 -3478. Fax: (231) 775 -3671. Web City, FL; WTAP -TV, Parkersburg, WV; KOLO, Reno, NV; Site: Ownership: Heritage Independent Communications Inc., 2817 W. 11th St., WIFR, Rockford, IL; KXII, Sherman, TX -Ada, OK; WNDU, Broadcasting Group Inc., 100 %. Sioux Falls, SD, 57104. Phone: (605) 338 -0017. Fax: South Bend- Elkhart, IN; WCN, Tallahassee, FL- Thomasville, Stns: 2 TV. WWTV, Traverse City-Cadillac, MI; WWUP, (605) 338 -7173. E -mail: fox17 Ownership: GA; WSWG, Tallahassee, FL- Thomasville, GA; WIBW -TV, Traverse City- Cadillac, MI. Independent Communications Inc. Topeka, KS; KWTX -TV, Waco- Temple -Bryan, TX; KBTX -N, Mario F. Lacobelli, pres; William E. Kring, VP /gen mgr. Stns: 2 TV. KTTM, Sioux Falls (Mitchell), SD; KTTW, Waco -Temple -Bryan, TX; WSAW -TV, Wausau- Rhinelander, Sioux Falls (Mitchell), SD. Hoak Media Corporation, 500 Crescent Ct., Suite 220, WI; KAKE, Wichita -Hutchinson Plus, KS; KUPK -TV, Ed Hoffman, gen mgr. Wichita- Hutchinson Plus, KS; KLBY, Wichita- Hutchinson Dallas, TX, 75201. Phone: (972) 960 -4848. Fax: (972) Plus, KS. 960-4899. Web Site: International Broadcasting Corp., 1554 Bori St., San Gray Communiations publishes, through Albany Herald Stns: 17 N. KALB -TV, Alexandria, LA; KREG, Denver, Juan, PR, 00927-6113. Phone: (787) 274-1800. Fax: (787) Publishing Co., The Albany (GA) Herald & publishes, CO; KVLY, Fargo-Valley City, ND; KREX, Grand 281-9758. Ownership: Pedro Roman Collazo, 100 %. Note: Junction- Montrose, KREY, Montrose, through The Rockdale Citizen Publishing Co., The Rockdale CO; Grand Junction- Pedro Roman Collazo. as an individual, owns WVOZ(AM) The Past, CO; KHAS, Lincoln & Hastings -Kearney, NE; KMOT, Citizen, Conyers, GA & Gwinnet#Daily Lawrenceville, San Juan, PR. GA. Gray Communications also publishes The Goshen Minot -Bismarck -Dickinson, ND; KFYR, Stns: 3 TV. WVEO, Aguadilla, PR; WVOZ, Ponce, PR; News, Goshen, IN.

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