Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-1-1967 The Ledger and Times, April 1, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 1, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5628. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5628 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 41111111,111111111111.111 • tte.ec'td .15 11 !kitMl 1E21;e11%eft:', pwsmillwwwwwwwIlmsmiNG The Only Largest Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Both In City, • Calloway County And In County In Our 88th Year United Press International Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, April 1, 1967 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 77 Mrs. Perry Brandon Hundreds Here Dies Early Seen& Heard Today Mrs P,rry B. Brandon of Mur- Human Wave of Viet Cong For Festival ray, Route 4, passed away at the • .:•Around.> Murriy-Calloway County Hospital this morning at 3 25 a.m.- At University Survii,-,,:s are her husband, Per- MURRAY ry B. Biandon of Murray, Route Repulsed by GI's;580 Are Four, two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Hum- Otweys of Paris, Tenn., and Mrs. The following was written by Mrs. About 1,500 West KentuAry ;stu- Dona Johnsonius of MdEenne, dents J P Strickland, wife of the as- from 17 athools were in Tenn. Murray sistant principal of a Reno, Nevada Friday and today for the She was a member of the First Cut Down In second consecutive weekend music Assault public school. Meal-is:tat Church in Murray, the festival at Murray State Univer- Garden DeparUnerst of the Murray sity. • • Woman's Club and the' W.S.CI3. of "I am a Housewife. 'a Tired Couple Observes 67th The festival got under-way at the Methodist Church. Arrangements are incomplete at Americans Counterattack To I am tired of trying, in this land 4 00 Friday afternocn with brief Wedding Anniversary tits tune of abundant food, to balance my performances by 11 school bands Friends may call at the J H. budget when milk prices jump and orchestras Fifteen bands and Mr and Mrs arteries Stewart orchestras are scheduled to Churchill Funeral Home after 3:00 of 310 North Sixth Rout 2500 Crack Red Troops three cents on the half-gallon. per- Street are pm. today and meat which was NS per form today. observing their 67th wedding an- pound goes to 89c in Put one niversary today, Saturday. April By BRYCE MILLER reams bombing as close as they The groups will play In the uni- 1. week's tune versity auditorium. United Press International could to the GI positions. Mrs. Birdie Maddox The couple has three children, The Commutate took it for an Flora Moore of 406 North Fifth, Anothce- phase of the festival- Funeral Set Today SAIGON elle - About 2,500 Viet hour and a half. Then they ran. .1 I am tired of 5t8)Log home while Inez Stewart of 310 North Sixth human waves competition In the vocal solos and - ---- --- Cong in assaulted Gave Chase my husband burns the midnight and Col. R, C Stewart of North v(cal ensembles divisions - will Funeral services for Mrs. Birdie the 1st US. infantry division on oil studying, so that he can make Springfield, Virginia and Wash- The The outruenbered American be held this morning at Uplversity Lali Maddox will be held today three sides tcday. Americans the next pay step-up - - only to ington, D. C. They have three went after them, spokesmen said. School e$ -3J0 pm at the shape of the killed at least 580 of them and find these added earnings gobbl- granddialdren. counter-attacked in a First reports said 518 Coninuin- J It Chureull Funeral Home with almost car- ed up by increased taxes rug Schools particenattri aie tea- bon copy of war's greatest late had been killed. The count Res Williamn Al Porter officiating. the rising living costa. -,a1 are Cs...way County High was expected to rise dramatieally .I Pallbearers will be Ekner Col- victory. ....nristtan County High F'uneral Of Mrs. when the Americans have erne lins. Bill Whttnela Allen licC,oy, I am tired of "experts" calling Oingibell Kish, Fulton Oity Mgt. In the same area 11 days ago for careful body checking. There Claude Vaughn. Rudy McDougal, Cooper Will Be conmentious mothers neurotic for Heath Meth, Livingston County outnumbered GI's killed 622 and was no immediate word on US. Italyd Coleman McKeel Interment maisting that their offspring toe H. Lone Oak High Mayfield Held On Monday possibly 900 attacking Commun- casualties, • II be in the Murray Ceeneter3'. ists for the Vietnam 41 the line ?SO, Worgandield ?Ugh Mur- conflict's re- Mrs. Maddox age 90, died Ple- erupted in the thick ray MOIR, Murray University High, Mrs. Lula. Cooper of 106 Spruce cord. The battle at the Weaves Nursing miles northwest fa I'm tired of attorneys and social North Marsha Math. Paducah Street died Thursday at 8.20'p.m , jungles 30 Rime She is survived by her Desperately preesing for a bad- where 50,000 American troops workers and courts who continue Ttighman High, Reldllend High, at the Murray-Calloway County gon hu.band, Ray Maddox, 411 North ly needed win, • crack gileralla driving through a longtime ob- to hand down candy-coated sent- South Marshall H3ols. Tiles COWS- Hospital the was 76 years of age are 4,h Street, one daughter, Mrs. regiment unleashed a pre-dawn in Operation Junction City. ences because, they claim, the Sy High. and Union County Man and a member of the Freewill jective mortar and unprecedented howt- dist- Robert Bear IMaurice Crass of Murray Route Baptise Church. Today's fight carne a short poor dear hoodhirn wasn't brought The judges win be has re- Mime aidd Hodges, a pupil of Mrs. John Winter, Hee one soil. Bennie Maddox of sr barrage and then stormed at ance from the spot where a week up in the right environment - and Larne N Clerk, both of Mur- Survivors are teree daughters. ceived a week's (scholarship to Egyptian Music Camp at Du Quoin, billurray Route Five: four grand- two companies of the US. 1st In- 600 to 900 Viet Cong were an environment that half the ray State University; K V Bry- Mem Lola Mae Cooper and Mrs. ago M., after winning the annual contest sponsored by the Meths fantry Division near the Cambod- battle. Mt Vernon Bigh School, Mt thildren ten great grandchildren. Bobby Lee Thorpe of Murray and killed in a record world would be envious to entre. ant. Woman's club. Department of Murray In charge Of arrangements is Mrs. Roseanne Taylor of East ian border 70 males northwest of Vernon. Ind.; Leo Silva, Olney Ceminitation Funeral Home: Saigon. New • Oty &taxes, Olney, III: and T. *le J H Churthle Chicago. Ind,: one hall-sister. airs. e, I'm tired of hearing of se the US. commanders said at one A Siwickl. Paris City &tools, Connie Olver of Louisville. two Thirty minutes away by heli- aus' which are supposed to Hospital Report point Communist troops knocked Pars, Term. grandeuldren. Mrs. Lula Mae copter, in Season, Gen, Nguyen take the piece of the ideals and Miss Hodges Winner Professor Will out -two bunters of one Amer- Smith of Cairo, IC and JohrinY South Vietnam's chief iderie propounded by our Gad- Van Thieu, Richard Farre/1, professor of Of Egyptian Music Address MSU Faculty Lee Cooper of Murray. eight ican company with "pogo sticks." law a new forefatteers, who died that of state - awned into fearing music at AlISU is manager of the Visiting Hours' 2:3C pm. to mall hand-carried rockets, _end Camp Scholarship great-grandchildren: aevereal Wee- Oonalattithon in • palace ceremony. we might be free I'm tired of 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 pm to $10 Dr Florence atraterneyer pro- brake through the ors defense regiorial tournament es and nephews. The bask Mw. a major step to- hav.nir these liberties take n away — — - pm. Ulmallies are urged to 'Weft education at the Teach- perilnelor there they died. fessor of Rev. Fred O'Neil of St. Louts. ward democratic civilian govern- from my ehikt-en step-by-step In observe time visiting hours The Morders, nt•gely_, draft. ago Haiti lio..rkerelMfaof College. Columbia, Itmegity, MO- will Gift& at _ the eageral ment, probably nwed much of its the sine of IOC111.1 benefits *dr de VIM tr*Aike th won the faciaey of Uw- tale cuf -*own 60 &'"Inellist Proolamatiott Bee and Mrs Paul Hodges. will speak to services a• Freewill Baptist being to Such operations as the stays brief. Patients must have University at its March on the ilitot- UK. «ere- • scholarship to the Egyptian ray State Citsureh adosiliga Were 3, die time Cult fight six intes from the 0/robed- Pm Mid of beau told that, it. quiet in order to get Wall and atesedeet Tom Corpora reported Mune Cump at Du Quoin, Minds. meating Friday is to be inlinineed. border. may or fad hat to believe in presence doctors and nurses must have the lay = • To al tO whom these In • contest ihoneored by the _ Dr. lotzetemeyer is the co-ituth- Friends meg call at the resid- the leistrila dad "stacked God's Way - and that God is time to administer proper triode Coin- shah come: Miele Department of Murray Wd- or of a textbook.
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