General Excellence Louisiana Press Association CENTRALCENTRAL CITYCITY National Newspaper Assn. Hard Hat Edition Central’s Trade & GUIDEGUIDE Industry Guide® — Section B ® See Pages 5-12 Inside • Great Central Businesses! NNEWSEWS& The Leader Thursday, March 8, 2012 • Vol. 15, No. 5 • 32 Pages • Circulation 11,000 • www.centralcitynews.us • Phone 225-261-5055 $46 Million Facility for 2,400 Students Nearly Complete School Complex Rises Photo by Woody Jenkins Woody by Photo CENTRAL SCHOOL COMPLEX NEARING COMPLETION — The $46 million, 87.5-acre Central School Complex on Sullivan Road is nearing completion. The facility will include Central Middle School and Central Intermediate School. With a capacity of 2,400 students, the complex will begin with 900 middle schoolers and 1,000 intermediate schoolers. Full-Court Press to Finish Construction by May Craftsmen Flood Construction Site To Complete New $46 Million Facility Woody Jenkins Editor, Central City News CENTRAL — The new Central School Complex, currently under construction on Sullivan Road, is a beehive of activity as the general contractor and its subcontractors fight to finish the project by late Photo by Woody Jenkins Woody by Photo May. On any given day, hundreds of workers are at the building site, CONSTRUCTION coordinator Ross Bogan inspects entrance to Central Middle School. including masons, plumbers, elec- tricians, and craftsmen installing CENTRAL — Here are some facts When: Completion set for floors and finishing walls. Outside about the new Central School late May or early June. Move-in the buildings, dirt and concrete Complex now under construction: planned for early June in anticipa- work is continuing. Central School Complex tion of school opening in August. School officials hope to start Jenkins Woody by Photo Size: 87.5 acres stretching from Where: 12636 Sullivan Road in moving in by early June and be FINISHING TOUCHES — A craftsman the City of Central, LA. See $46 MILLION on Page 8 See A FIRST on Page 4 works on ceiling at Central School Complex. Cafeteria Will Seat 1,200 for Community Meetings Photo by Woody Jenkins Woody by Photo DINING HALL IN CAFETERIA BUILDING — The new Central School Complex on Sullivan Road will include a 32,316-square-foot Cafeteria Building with a capacity of serv- ing 2,400 meals at lunchtime. The dining hall, shown above, can be divided into three separate sections or can be opened up to seat up to 1,200 people for community events. 2 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, March 8, 2012 CENTRAL CITY NEWS® and The Leader • Vol. 15, No. 5 No. 314 13567 Hooper Road Post Office Box 1 Central, LA 70818 Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 Phone (225) 261-5055 • FAX 261-5022 Email stories and photos to [email protected] Published 2nd and 4th Thursdays, January through July Weekly from 2nd Thursday of August through 4th Thursday of December. The Leader was founded April 30, 1998, and the Central City News was founded April 21, 2005. They merged May 4, 2006. The Central City News also publishes the Central Community Directory & Yellow Pages and numerous special editions throughout the year. Editor & Publisher Woody Jenkins Business Manager Candi Lee Graphic Artist Terrie Palmer Business Specialists Shara Pollard, Jolice Provost Member, Louisiana Press Association, and National Newspaper Association Deadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Mondays $40 a year by subscription in advance • $50 a year outside East Baton Rouge Photo by Woody Jenkins Woody by Photo LES BUECHE RECEIVES LeSAGE AWARD — Les Bueche (right), the Voice of the Central City News Endorsement Wildcats, was honored for his dedicated service to Central football with the LeSage Award, presented by Coach David LeSage (left). Coach Sid Edwards praised Bueche for his service. Santorum Is Best Choice in March 24 Primary It was Gov. Romney who pushed spend — probably four times what A True Conservative, through Romneycare, the mandato- Romney will have. If Romney is the ry health care legislation upon which nominee, Obama will spend most of Obamacare was based. that $1 billion attacking Romney. Rick Santorum Has It was Gov. Romney who came And Gov. Romney will be de- out and openly supported the Wall stroyed. He won’t be a strong nom- Best Chance to Win Street Bailouts. inee but a weak one. Why? First, It was Gov. Romney who ran for Romney won’t have the best issues a Over Barack Obama Governor on a pro-abortion plat- Republican can run on this year. form, saying, “I support Roe vs. Gov. Romney won’t be able to run Hang onto your hat! Wade.” against Obamacare, because Romney In anticipation of Louisiana’s It was Gov. Romney who said he authored Romneycare, upon which March 24 Presidential Primary, you believes in man-made global warm- Obamacare was modeled. are about to be deluged with $3 to $5 ing. Gov. Romney won’t be able to run million in hateful, negative advertis- It was Gov. Romney who said, against Wall Street Bailouts, because ing coming from Gov. Mitt Romney while running against Sen. Ted Ken- he supported them. and his SuperPac. nedy for the U. S. Senate that “I am And he won’t be able to run on Gov. Romney has in his gunsights more liberal than Kennedy.” jobs, because Massachusetts was on former Sen. Rick Santorum, whom In his attack ads against Sen. San- among the worst states in America in he will label “fiscally irresponsible” torum, Gov. Romney will cherry job creation when he was governor. and not a “true conservative.” Noth- pick isolated votes from Santorum’s Obama will take every liberal ing could be further from the truth! record over a 16-year period. statement Romney has ever made The voting record of Rick San- Today, Gov. Romney is running and run it in 30-second spots. torum is one of the finest by any as a conservative, and that’s a good By the time Obama is through, member of Congress in the past gen- thing. We hope he has changed his conservatives will be so disillu- eration. He has been a stalwart con- beliefs. But we strongly disagree sioned with Romney that some will servative leader on issue after issue. with his high-handed attacks against Jenkins Woody by Photo stay home. They will say, “There’s Before you fall for Gov. Romney’s a proven conservative with a splen- not a dime’s worth of difference!” attacks, please consider the source. did conservative record. Santorum is Sen. Rick Santorum And that’s all Obama needs to get Gov. Romney has never been an honorable man with high morals reelected. Just a few staying home. known as a conservative. and an unblemished character. Gov. Romney’s attacks are unfair From the standpoint of Central, and down-right wrong. Rick Santorum is just like us — a The main thing going for Gov. blue collar conservative Christian Central City News’ 2012 Publication Schedule Romney is the mantra — repeated who thinks right on social and eco- over and over again — that he is the nomic issues. January 2012 - July 2012 - 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month strongest candidate to oppose Obama He’s a warrior, a visionary, a prin- Deadline: 5 p.m. Thursday seven days before publication this November. cipled conservative, young and at- August 2012 - December 2012 - Every Thursday Quite frankly, that is ridiculous! tractive, and a great debater. He’ll from August 9, 2012 through December 20, 2012 In this primary season, Gov. Rom- be a great President. ney has been able to use his enor- And he can win! Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday the week before publication mous personal wealth and the wealth He can win for two reasons: of his friends who donate to his Su- First, he will motivate Republican Thursday, March 8 Hard Hat Edition Thursday, June 28 Central Home Edition perPac to throw mud at his opponents voters to enthusiastically work for Thursday, March 22 Cookin’ in Central Thursday, July 12 Health and Fitness Guide — millions of dollars in mud in each his election. Thursday, April 12 Health and Fitness Guide Thursday, Aug. 9 Back-to-School Edition separate state. As each challenger Second, he will bring blue-collar Thursday, April 26 Festival of Two Rivers Thursday, Sept. 6 Central Football Preview has arisen, Romney has attacked and Democrats into the Republican fold Thursday, May 10 Graduation Edition Thursday, Sept. 20 Hard Hat Edition destroyed him with vicious, negative — the people Romney can’t bring — Thursday, May 24 Professional Services Thursday, Oct. 4 Health & Fitness Guide campaigns. who are essential to victory. Thursday, June 14 Hard Hat Edition Tuesday, Nov. 20 Christmas Gift Guide But here’s the problem: In the fall, Don’t be deceived by Romney’s Obama will have over $1 billion to mailouts and 30-second attacks, Sa- torum is our best candidate to beat Obama this fall. COVENTRY APARTMENTS 6707 Morgan Rd. Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 Tel: (225) 261-1800 TTY: 1-800-846-5277 Applications in Laundry Facility Two Bedrooms • Appliances Free Pest Control • Laundry Facility Water/Sewer • Trash Removal Handicap Accessible Units On-Site Mangement Rent Range $0 - $724 (For Qualified Applicants) This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, March 8, 2012 3 Complex Includes 256,431 Square Feet Under Roof School Complex Nearing Completion CentralCentral Career Gym SchoolSchool ComplexComplex Classrooms Completion Set Cafeteria For June 2012 CentralCentral MiddleMiddle SchoolSchool Classrooms Classrooms CentralCentral IntermediateIntermediate SchoolSchool Entrance Entrance Classrooms 12636 Sullivan Road City of Central, LA Entrance Central to Elect Member Of GOP Parish Committee CENTRAL — Republican voters in East dream of homeownership, but also a de- Baton Rouge Parish will go to the polls teriotion of our economy.
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