' ‘ CH U RCH ES AN D AN T I Q U I I I ES WALLO E C U RY G U N , C IN THE LI ZARD DISTRI T, I NCLUDI N G L O C A L T R A D I T I O N S . U MM I N GS ALFRED HAYMAN F , E R . ' the B ti h ha lo i l s tion i r a t Paul J Tram q/ ri s A w c g m As ocia ; V ca f s . , . te r n l and la Vica q/Cmy and Gu mal ac. E h R BORO H CO . LON DON . MA L U G , W. E R RO. LAK , T U TH E RI GHT REVEREND FREDERI CK R I P T LO D B SH O OF H E DI OCESE, OF W I U AN D GU W LL M A PART H CH C RY N A OE FOR , TH I S EFFORT TO PRESERVE SOM E OF TH E ANCI ENT TRADI TI ONS OF WEST CORNWALL I S AFFECTI ONATELY AN D RES PECTFU LLY DEDI CATED BY TH E A U T H OR. 4 0 1 0 1 0 O N C TE N TS . Saint Corantyn Cury Church Restoration of the Church B ochym Ancient Stone I mplements and Celtic Remains B onyth on Antiquities of Cury and Gunwalloe Cury Great Tree Saint Winwaloe Gunwalloe Church Wreck s Wreck of the Coquette The Dollar Wreck H oly Well at Gunwalloe The Caerth of Camden Reminiscences of the C ornish Language West Country Folk The Supernatural Traditions and Old Customs Manor of Wynyanton Looe Pool Whereby may be discerned that so fervent was the zeal of those ' elder times to ods service and honour that the freel endowed G , y y the Church with some part of their possessions and that in those ood works ev en the meaner sort of men as we as the ious g , ll p ” ’ o nders w —D u d s A i uit f u ere not bac ward. alc at . , k g g ' 1 1 y a bien des auteurs dans lesquels on trouv e des choses singu ’ lieres uine se recontrent as ailleur CelaIne fait dire u on ourroit q p s. q p faire nu livre -fort curieux ui contiendroi 7 a 0 77 , q t, 4 ’ ’ ” les chos ui n u é dit u i — es o t ét es une fo s. M ena c q q g . P R E F A E C . HE following pages are not put forth as containing very great discoveries or much that is new they were commenced at a time when the restoration of one of the was Oldest churches in the Lizard district in hand, and the interest excite d by one or two archz ologi cal discoveries in the parish seemed to favour the presumption that a permanent record Of these would be acceptable to many beyond the immediate o neighbourho d . o Thus the n tes, which were intended by the writer o for w at first nly private use, gre and multiplied, until at length they are suffered to appear in their present form . Of es o In several instances things great inter t w uld, few o fo in a m re years , have been entirely rgotten —as a z o of g , the cust m keeping Gunwalloe Day, on 1 8 o described page 5 , and the exact positi n of a l d o C circ e calle Earth, menti ned by amden, but for v fii PR EFACE . the last fifty years known only to two inhabitants of o Of o now the parish, b th wh m are nearly ninety years Of age . These particulars Of historic interest I have eu deav oured to f o o to o rescue r m Oblivi n, and stere type the record Of others which might be in danger f fo o O being rg tten . In collecting together particulars and items t e two a not o specting the p rishes, which might be nly Of o o to eneral l cal interest, but entertaining als the g o Of our o a reader and visit r C rnish districts , I h ve availed myself freely of all the existing authorities within my reach for while the large and cumbrous o o o o hist ries , wh se place m re pr perly is in the public or o Of f Of library the h uses the rich, are ull the o of fo a o oa richest st res in rm ti n, they are appr chable ew not a nd Of w by the f , the m ny, a much hat they o not a o c ntain is gener lly kn wn and received . I have drawn then upon the information con tained in such books as are given in the list a o e are to appended, and my ckn wl dgments due each . ’ F or King Charles letter and its translation I H e mncr E s of to m . am indebted jy y , q, the MSS who n department British Museum , has ki dly given n o on Cor me every assista ce, and wh se paper the nish language read before the Philological Society PR A EF CE . ix has materially aided me in co mpiling the few notes I have made concerning the Old language of C orn wall . Much Of the information here respecting B ochym has been most ably and willingly contributed by a a . o Rich rd Davey, Esq , wh se kindness dem nds a o o Of o m re than passing n tice, the plate the mansi n Of Boch m n to wo b and y being give this rk y him , he having lent the B ochym Celts for the purpose Of o on o to repr ducti in heli type, illustrate the paper On them . I have also to acknowledge the kind aid and f . o o . o suggesti ns W . P C urtney, Esq , the talented ” o of o Cornubiensis edit r the Bibli theca . T O of fo Messrs . Parker Ox rd I am under Obliga tion for the ready way in which they placed at my f a n n or o o . I disposal the block the illustr ti s p O. All the heliotype plates have been prepared from a for o photographs t ken especially the w rk by Mr . Beringer Of Helston . TO all the subscribers my apologies are due for r the somewhat delayed publication of the wo k . It n a o Of o a a was comme ced in peri d c mp r tive leisure, and when there was every prospect of its comple tion at or about the same time as the restoration Of the church at Cury. With very little warning the writer was removed PREFACE f ’ f o the o o o to . r m seclusi n a c untry parish S Paul s , o r oo o o for Trur , a ve y p r and p pul us district ; and months literally no opportunity was afforded of putting pen to paper to complete what had been already begun . ur o a v o The church at C y needed c nst nt super isi n, and amid the many cares and incessant labour Of a town parish the projected book had to be laid aside . o s o The pr spectuses were i sued , and subscripti ns had c or o a o been re eived , in all pr b bility the w rk o o had never been published . Its c mpleti n has, o o of o e to h wever, been a s urce great enj ym nt the f a o writer, and in the ullest sense a recre ti n in the o f o midst f a toiling and busy li e . It is h ped that its many imperfections may be overlooked in the n good Object which prompted the undertaki g. ’ . A S R RO S P UL , T U , ' Ckn stmas I 8 . , 74 LIST OF WORKS REFERRED TO . ’ N or en s Surve of ornwa on on 1 2 8 d y C ll L d , 7 ’ am en s B r tann a fol. on on 1 8 C d i i , L d , 7 9 ’ arew 3 Surv e of Cornwa on on 1 6 C y ll L d , 7 9 ’ Polwhele s Cornwall . 1 80 3 1 80 6 ’ Stav e e 5 H stor of hurches I n E n an 8vo 1 l y i y C gl d , 773 ossar of oth c Arch tecture rd ed. 8v o Oxfor 1 8 0 Gl y G i i , 3 , d, 4 ’ Wh ta ers Anc ent Cathe ra Of ornwa on on 1 0 i k i d l C ll L d , 8 4 J ournal of the B riti sh Archaeological A ssociation ’ B ht s Church es of West ornwa 8v o Oxfor 1 lig C ll, d, 865 ’ B light s Crosses and Antiquities Of Com wa and ed. 1 ll, 872 ’ LObineau 5 (Don Gui Alexis) H istoire de B reta ne 2 vo s fo io ar s 1 g , l , l P i , 70 9 ’ Lyson 5 H i story Of Cornwall London ’ B loxam5 r nc es of oth c ArchI tecture P i ipl G i , 8th ed.
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