THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 43: ISSUE 33 · THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9. 2008 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Lugar calls for urgent action on energy policy Indiana senator says next president must. make issue a top priority cles and societal inertia to scarce supplies of energy," By AARON STEINER address the growing energy Lugar said. News Writer supply problems. As a nation, he· said, the Lugar spoke to students, United States must put high The United States' current faculty and administrators emphasis on the energy energy dilemmas will at Washington Hall during a issue, whiGh is tied to a mul­ require "game-changing daylong visit to Notre titude of other issues includ­ policies," Sen. Richard Dame's campus. ing foreign policy and the Lugar, R-Ind., said "America's voracious economic crisis. Wednesday. He added that appetite for energy exists in But with the challenge the country must work to a world of unpredictable overcome technical obsta- competition for increasingly see LUGAR/ page 4 Vzsit includes time with students, Jenkins and a trip to ND Energy Center make a difference everyday," he Energy Patriot Award after his By AARON STEINER said during opening remarks at speech. Lugar cited the group's News Writer a speech at Washington Hall, work on game day recycling ini­ after visiting with University tiatives, nominating dorm sus­ Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind. got President Fr. John Jenkins, tainability commissioners and an inside look at Notre Dame's speaking with student leaders installing over 1,400 energy work - both on-campus initia­ and visiting Notre Dame's efficient light bulbs. tives and academic research - Energy Center, a research insti­ GreeND president Lourdes on energy issues Wednesday, tution on campus. Long and vice president Colleen DAN JACOBSffhe Observer and he praised the University Lugar formally recognized the Kelly accepted the award on Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., spoke Wednesday in Washington Hall on for that work. student group GreeND by pre­ Notre Dame's campus about energy policy. "This University continues to senting the group with a Lugar see VISIT/page 6 ELECTION 2008 BoARD OF GOVERNANCE Professors debate role of abortion in election Budget Catholic committee members for McCain, Obama argue about role of moral responsibility decision of a Catholic citizen in a natural law ... or any society's [abortion] policies," he said. "It 111otion fails By MADELINE BUCKLEY packed auditorium in McKenna legal code," Bradley said. is wrong to support this sinful News Writer Hall Wednesday. The moral responsibility for structure." Bradley, a supporter of the injustice of abortion is not In order to determine if, as a to pass Notre Dame law professors Republican candidate Sen. John limited to the pregnant woman Catholic, a person should consid­ Gerard Bradley, a member of McCain, spoke first, representing and those immediately involved er voting for a pro-choice candi­ the Catholics for McCain the pro-life side of the issue. He in the action, he said. The date, Bradley said the person By LIZ HARTER and ASHLEY National Steering Committee, said the pro-life stance is based responsibility extends to the should apply the Golden Rule - CHARNLEY and Vincent Rougeau, a member on two beliefs - human life society that allows the act to to treat others as you would like News Writers of Democratic presidential can­ begins at conception, so aborting happen and the voter that puts to be treated - to the situation. didate Sen. Barack Obama's a fetus is killing a person, and it pro-choice candidates in office, He said this rule makes people The Saint Mary's Board of Catholic National Advisory is morally wrong to kill an inno­ Bradley said. walk in others' shoes. Governance (BOG) voted Council steering committee, cent person. "It is wrong, in my opinion, to "We have the tendency to dis- Wednesday against passing debated the role the abortion "You can figure out that killing support a political candidate the Student Government issue should play in the voting is wrong by reflecting on the that approves or supports these see ABORTION/page 6 Association's (SGA) budget, a motion discussed last week at its meeting. The motion, which needed 16 votes to receive the two­ thirds majority, did not carry Community celebrates Yom Kippur with a 15-9 vote. Gruscinski said the motion will be pre­ sented to BOG again next week. Jewish students, faculty observe holiday The vote took place because By ROBERT SINGER day by fasting and praying at it was brought to the Executive Board's attention News Wrirer a synagogue in South Bend with the local Jewish commu­ that BOG might be required to nity. give final approval to the Starting at sunset Sharratt explained that budget as directed by the SGA Wednesday, members of Notre today's holiday marks the Constitution, student body Dame's Jewish community conclusion of the "10 Days of president Mickey Gruscinski will officially begin obser­ Repentance," which began said. vance of Yom Kippur, also last Tuesday with Rosh "There's a discrepancy in known as the "Day of Hashanah. the Constitution," student Atonement," onn of' the most "Hosh Hashanah is the Day body vice president Sarah important holidays in the of Judgment - the Jewish Falvey said. "In some places it Jewish faith. New Year," he said. "It means says the execs approve it as Traditionally. Jews observe that for Jews, the entire year the budgeting committee and Yom Kippur by spending time is evaluated on that day to see in some it says that Board of in prayer, abstaining from how they did." Governance has a say." work and fasting for the day. On Rosh Hashanah, Gruscinski read the section Notre Dame junior Damian Sharratt said, the first of the VANESSA GEMPISffhe Observer of the Constitution about the Sharratt, who is Jewish, said l.eft: to right, Adam Miller, Dan Smith, Tiffany Nelson, Jenna Zigman and he will be observing the holy see HOLIDAY/page 4 Sara Felsenstein gather in South Dining Hall for a Yom Kippur dinner. see BOG/page 4 . ~ . page 2 Thursday, October 9, 2008 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? A girl's guide to footall Qunstion: What's tlw one place in Notrn Damn Stadium whnrn, at halftime, tlw nwn's room has a linn and the Adam Miller Keith Hetrick Kelly Jones Tommy Osberger wonwn's room is dnsertnd? Answer: Thn pn~ss box. junior freshman sophomore senior I usually get some friendly jabs from Carroll Keenan Howard Zahm my fnliow sports writers in The Observer oflien dun to my gender, mainly center­ ing on how the sports guys must not "Special K with "Honey Bunches "Morning "Cookie Crisp. I have bnen paying attention when they berries, of Oats for its Harvest ... know everyone knpt me on stall' rather than sending me because it's because of the who reads this to News or Senne. goldeny berry-licious!" goodness ... and blueberries. " will think it's For the most Laura Myers part, though, I its tremendous not funny. " don't think my health benefits. " presence in the .. press box on foot­ Sports Writer ball Saturdays is very dillimmt from that of any other writer. Granted, I don't think Bill Brink would prodaim a desire t.o marry Michanl Floyd, but that's his loss. (By the way, Mike, the oll'er stands.) I'll admit, my knowledge of football IN BRIEF isn't nearly as complete as that of most boys. I compan~ it to a foreign language Free flu shots will be provid1~d - 1wnn though I've studind it. for years, I by University llealth snrvices will never be at tlw level of a natural­ today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at born speaker. the Joyce Center to Notrn Dame llownver, I have plenty of female students, staff, faeulty, retirees friends who know a lot less than I do. I and spouses of retirees. don't blame thmn: I'm pretty sure I'm one of' fin1r girls at ND who didn't eome Notre Dame Law School will f'rom an all-girls Catholic school. host a leeture by Columbia Law Cirls ask me all the tinw to explain School professor Kent something to them, to give them a talk­ Greenwalt called "Heligion and ing point or even to explain who the the Constitution: Volume: 2: players are. So here's my attempt to put Establishment and Fairness" a few necessary Irish football faets into today at 4 p.m. in tho Eck laywoman's terms. Visitors' Center Auditorium. First. the ofl(msive line. This little tout­ nd group is the most important part of' "Bach's Lunch: A Noontime the football team. An efTeetive line Concert," a short dassical con­ blocks the other team's dof'ense from cnrt featuring advancnd studenl'i getting to the playmakers. Thus, the from the Department of Music quarterback doesn't get sacked (our line will takn plaee Friday at 12:10 is doing well on this so far) and the run­ p.m. in Penote Perf(lrmer's Hall ning hacks havn a place to run (not quite in DeBartolo Performing Arts as well. but still better than last year). Center. The audience is wekome Without the offensive line, Jimmy TOM'LA!The Observer to bring their luneh to this eVfmt. Clausen would be getting knocked over Keenan Resident Assistant Jim Nugent awards sophomore Paul Hotovy with the morn than Charlie Weis. "Hoodrat of the Fortnight" trophy, given to the most valuable resident every two The Institute for Latino Studies Second, USC.
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