December 8, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2915 the Arboretum’s mission. The nonprofit organi- of 31–24 at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tusca- namic and committed public servant like zation Friends of the Arboretum has helped loosa, Alabama. The Warriors finished the Millbrae Mayor Robert Gottschalk. preserve this valuable ecological resource season with a record of 15–0, making them Mayor Gottschalk is stepping down after both by fundraising for the Arboretum and the only undefeated team in the state. eight years on the City Council, including two through volunteer work. Those efforts, and the The Warriors are coached by Tripp Curry, stints as Mayor. Bob’s tenure on the council work of many others, have made possible in- and the school’s principal is Doug Davis. I’d has been defined by his steady advocacy for valuable scientific research and unique com- like to congratulate the football team, coaches the people of Millbrae, giving special emphasis munity opportunities. and high school students and staff on this out- to youth and senior programs, improving Of course, Madison’s Arboretum may not standing achievement. All of us across Cher- downtown and mitigating the impact of BART have been possible without the initial commit- okee County and East Alabama are deeply on Millbrae residents. ment of 200 hardworking individuals from the proud of these talented young Alabamians. Mayor Gottschalk graduated from San Jose Civilian Conservation Corps. During the Great f State University and went on to receive an Depression, the efforts of these young govern- M.B.A. in Finance from the University of Cali- HONORING COLONEL JONATHAN fornia at Berkeley and a J.D. from UC ment workers produced a natural sanctuary FLAUGHER free from encroaching development and bio- Hastings College of the Law. He served our logical contamination. Just a few years after nation with distinction, retiring as a Captain from the U.S. Navy Reserves and worked for its dedication, the Madison Arboretum became HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH OF CALIFORNIA 21 years in banking before becoming an attor- the site of several important ecological experi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ney. ments on conservation and restoration. One Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Mayor Gottschalk represents Millbrae on the historic study conducted on the Arboretum’s Association of Bay Area Governments, Penin- Curtis Prairie helped establish the use of fire Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise sula Congestion Relief Alliance and the Joint as an effective prairie restoration technique, a today, along with my colleague JIM COSTA, to Powers Authority for County Emergency Med- method now widely recognized. Those 60 commend and congratulate COL Jonathan ical Response. He has also served as a mem- acres of Curtis Prairie today comprise the old- Flaugher upon being recognized as a ‘‘Citizen ber of the Millbrae Community Preservation est restored prairie land in the United States. Soldier’’ by Fresno City College. Colonel Commission and was citizen advisor to the As University of Wisconsin scientists con- Flaugher was recognized on Friday, Novem- San Mateo County Transportation Authority. tinue to develop and enhance methods of eco- ber 6, 2009 at the annual Veterans Peace Me- Madam Speaker, I have worked closely with logical restoration, the Arboretum remains an morial event held at Fresno City College in Mayor Gottschalk and my impression of him important resource in the research process. Fresno, California. can be summed up as ‘‘leadership with a vel- The Arboretum now contains several pre- COL Jonathan Flaugher assumed command vet glove.’’ Bob has always led with gentility served forests, prairies, and other lands, of the 144th Fighter Wing, California Air Na- and a sense of decorum and the simple fact spread over hundreds of acres, which make tional Guard in Fresno, California in October is that Millbrae, California is a better place to possible influential ecological studies. Since 2004. He is a ‘‘Command Pilot’’ with over live because of his work. I know of no better the Civilian Conservation Corps first began re- 4,000 hours of Air Force jet and fighter time, barometer for public service than that. introducing native flora to the various eco- and is currently an F–16 Instructor Pilot. He f systems of the Arboretum, it has grown to graduated from North Carolina State Univer- house over 300 different species of plants. sity in 1977, with a bachelor of arts degree in HONORING JERRY ‘‘ICEMAN’’ BUT- Though urbanization and the invasion of new History, and entered the United States Air LER ON THE OCCASION OF HIS plant types have provided new, modem chal- Force through the ROTC program. 70TH BIRTHDAY lenges for this space, the commitment of uni- Colonel Flaugher was on active duty until versity workers and community volunteers, 1995, and he has been with the 144th in Fres- HON. BOBBY L. RUSH such as those from Friends of the Arboretum, no ever since. Prior to his assignment as the OF ILLINOIS have kept the Arboretum strong. In addition to 144th Wing Commander, Colonel Flaugher IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scientific research, Arboretum workers and served as the Active Duty Advisor, 194th Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Squadron Flight Commander and Operations volunteers facilitate a variety of community Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, I rise today to events, and offer unique educational opportu- Officer, 144th Logistics Group Commander, 144th Maintenance Group Commander and pay tribute to and honor a legendary singer nities in the field of ecology. and songwriter, Jerry ‘‘Iceman’’ Butler, on the Today, Madison’s University of Wisconsin 144th Operations Group Commander. He graduated from the United States Air Force Air occasion of his 70th birthday today. An award- Arboretum contains the single most com- winning performer, producer and composer, War College in-residence program at Maxwell prehensive assortment of restored ecosystems and one of the architects of Rhythm and Air Force Base, Alabama in 1998. Previous and a highly dedicated group of supporters. I Blues, Mr. Butler, has enjoyed a 51-year ca- assignments include a staff tour with HQ therefore honor the 75th anniversary of the reer that began at the young age of 18, when USAFE and flying assignments in the F–16 at University of Wisconsin Arboretum, and com- he and Curtis Mayfield formed a rhythm and Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany, the F– mend both Friends of the Arboretum and all blues group, The Impressions, in Chicago in 106 at Griffiss Air Force Base in New York. other Arboretum volunteers. The sustained 1958. commitment of numerous community mem- After pilot training at Williams Air Force Base The same year, Butler wrote a song titled bers has maintained and enhanced a truly in Arizona he was assigned to the T–33 at For Your Precious Love, which became ‘‘the priceless natural resource. Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. His first Air first of the Soul Music recordings’’ and a Force assignment was with the 726th Tactical f ‘‘landmark recording,’’ according to Rolling Control Squadron base at Homestead Air Stone Magazine. The single, on Vee-Jay IN RECOGNITION OF CHEROKEE Force Base in Florida. Records, became the first for The Impressions Madam Speaker, Mr. COSTA and I rise today COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL WINNING to ‘‘go Gold.’’ THE ALABAMA 4A STATE FOOT- to commend and congratulate COL Jonathan Mr. Butler, named ‘‘The Iceman’’ in 1959 by BALL CHAMPIONSHIP Flaugher upon being recognized as a ‘‘Citizen Philadelphia radio personality Georgie Woods Soldier.’’ I invite my colleagues to join us in for Butler’s ‘‘cool as ice’’ delivery and debo- wishing Colonel Flaugher many years of con- nair, effortless style has had numerous million HON. MIKE ROGERS tinued success. OF ALABAMA selling recordings (‘‘Gold’’) during his career: f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For Your Precious Love (with The Impres- sions, Vee-Jay, 1958); He Will Break Your Tuesday, December 8, 2009 IN APPRECIATION OF MILLBRAE MAYOR ROBERT GOTTSCHALK Heart (Vee-Jay, 1960); Moon River (Vee-Jay, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, 1961); Never Gonna Give You Up (Mercury, I would like to request the House’s attention HON. JACKIE SPEIER 1976); Hey Western Union Man (Vee-Jay, today to pay recognition to the Cherokee OF CALIFORNIA 1968); Brand New Me (Mercury, 1969); Only County High School football team in Centre, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Strong Survive (Mercury, 1969); and Ain’t Alabama, which recently won the 2009 Ala- Understanding Mellow (Mercury, 1973). bama 4A State Football Championship. Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Nominated for three Grammys for singing On Decemer 3, the Cherkoee County War- Ms. SPEIER. Madam Speaker, every com- and composing, Butler is the recipient of nu- riors defeated Jackson High School by a score munity should be so fortunate as to have a dy- merous awards, including several from VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:24 Dec 09, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08DE8.034 E08DEPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E2916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 8, 2009 ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Au- Boys and Girls Club on Taylor and Racine. He COMMENDING AND CONGRATU- thors and Publishers) for his songwriting and helped to promote the rehabilitation of Holy LATING THE HONORABLE ROB- publishing work; two Billboard Magazine Family Church by soliciting donations and ERT WEXLER Awards as a writer and artist; two Humani- other forms of marketing. tarian Awards and several BMI (Broadcast Madam Speaker, Sal retired in 2008, yet he HON. MICHAEL E. McMAHON Music Inc.) Awards as a writer and publisher. continues to donate food and time to local OF NEW YORK Butler was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall charities. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Fame in 1991 as ‘‘.
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