Costume designer AT EMPLOYERS WIN FREE * * dresses actors in O U R R E S U M E TICKETS GO TO HOMETOWNLIFE.COM TO ENTER authentic style SUNDA P fffli May 29,2011 WESTLAN EXCLUSIVE The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Volume 47 Number 2 O bserver $1.00 hometownlife H com a gannett company IN BRIEF Pared-down W-W language in new budget Uf* feiw liV With the help of about 450 BY SUE MASON deputy director for administrative and student to offset a sharp increase in ify for the dashboard best practice, “but volunteers, Life Remodeled OBSERVER STAFF WRITER business services. “We’re struggling to retirement costs and another $100 if the other four, we’re not even close.” completed construction of a keep our heads above water with the districts meet five best practices relat­ “These are huge cuts,” he said. new home in Norwayne.over t Wayne-Westland school officials are challenges this year and with what ed to service consolidation, bidding out If the district qualifies for the $200 six days in April relieved that the new school aid budget we’ll face in 2012-13.” of non-instructional services, employ­ extra, the lo ss w ould be $608 per stu ­ Get a look at the real­ includes a partial restoration of its $6 The budget th a t w as sign e d into law ees paying 10 percent of their health dent, but w ithout the best practice ity show filmed during the million equity funding. But beyond Thursday w ill cost Wayne-Westland care, the district being the health care money, the loss is $708 per student. project at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. that, there’s not m uch to celebrate. between $7-7 m illion and $9 million. policy holder and a dashboard on its “These are being used as one-time Wednesday, June 2, at the “We’re happy to get it, but it’s one­ Per-pupil funding w ill still be cut $470, website. m oney to soften the blow,” M a r tin said. Emagine Theater on Ford, time money. Even the state language b u t there’s the potential to get $2 00 A cco rd in g to Supt. G reg Baracy, w ith east of Lotz, in Canton. is one time only,” said Gary Martin, back. The state is offering $100 per some tweaking, the district could qual­ Please see BUDGET, A2 Admission is $1 per person. Life Remodeled is hoping to sell its reality show to a cable network and help fund future projects. Jisst a m iiite f Westland spared massive flooding after heavy rainfall Westland city offices, BY LEANNE ROGERS including the library, recy­ OBSERVER STAFF WRITER cling center and 18th District Court, will be closed Monday, W hat a difference from a year ago. May 30. The library will be Unlike some surrounding communi­ closed Sunday, May 29. ties, Westland avoided any widespread And for residents with a problems after heavy rains last week. Monday refuse collection “We’re pretty stable. W e h a d 6 0 -8 0 day, there will be no rub­ hom es th at experienced flo od in g. A, bish or recycling picked up lo t o f it w as W ednesday night,” sa id Memorial Day. Those col­ Westland Mayor W illiam Wild. “Most lections will be picked up of it was in the north end of town all Tuesday and refuse collec­ the w ay across to In k ste r R o a d along tion will be delayed by one Hines Park.” day for the remainder of the In June 2010, approximately 2,000 week. hom es around the city reported base­ ment flooding following a tremendous mm cmmh % 7-¾. .. rainfall. In this case, W ild said the f , v V r , V - 1 rainwater overwhelmed the Wayne - Four WaynevWestland County interceptor in Hines Park middle school students will . — the Rouge River was reported to be , enjoy a week at camp as part five feet above its normal level for this of a partnership between the time of year. V - phj^HHstrict, Nsrtft^os.- . “At some point between 5 : 3 0 - 9 : 3 0 p.m., Wayne County bypassed the interceptor and pumped the water into «fC60t the river. That got things moving,” said W ild . City crews worked on diverting water ' " ■ V O / 1 'Construction equipment in Hines Park was submerged by flood waters as the Middle Rouge River overflowed its banks. The park is a flood plain •atfff^von ■ for the river which crested at 10.6 inches Thursday morning, just above its 10-foot flood stage. Please see FLOODING, A2 Page and Justin : Zarzycki Ywm M C A ofFrank|jn Middle School will attend Hearing delayed in WYAA one*week sessions at YMCA Zumbathon raises money, camps. "On behalf of all of the embezzlement case employees and customers, we're happy to support the awareness of sarcoidosis YMCA and young people in BY LEANNE ROGERS The hearing was adjourned OBSERVER STAFF WRITER until Thursday, June 16. the community,” Doug North BY LEANNE ROGERS Currently residing in said. "I attended camp and I OBSERVER STAFF WRITER T h e p re lim in a ry exam i­ Garden City, Huren is free on remember it to this day." n a tio n fo r a form er athletic the $10,000/10 percent bond. The students had to write As a Zumba instructor, Derica Wade works association president charged H e h ad w aived h is rig h t to essays about.either some­ to get people fit an d m oving. w ith em bezzling fro m the prelim inary examination^ one who inspired them to be Now Wade is using Zumba to raise money group has been delayed within 14 days of arraign­ a leader in the community' and educate people about sarcoidosis, a poten­ again. m ent. or about a camp whicfyjhey tially fatal systemic disease that can affect any Galen Huren Jr., 46, had T h e charge is th a t m oney would enjoy and how if organ. been scheduled to appear w as stolen fro m W Y A A would have an impact on “M y mother-in law has the disease — it runs before 18th District Court fro m Jan u a ry to J u ly 2010. their life. Rice was the onl] all through my husband’s fam ily and we’ve lost Judge Mark McConnell According to police, cash col­ one to write about a leader fam ily members to it,” said Wade. “It’s really Thursday for preliminary lected for registrations were Rosa Parks, and how atten4 near and dear to my heart.” examination on a charge n ot deposited in to the b a n k ing a YMCA camp would The Z um b ath o n for Sarco ido sis w ill be held of embezzling more than W Y A A pu t the fig u re fo r the make her a better leader like 2-4 p.m. Sunday, June 5, at Skateland West, $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 fro m the W e stlan d the late civil right's activist. 37550 C h erry H ill, W estland, where W ade Youth Athletic Association. Please see HEARING, A2 Dean wrote aboutwant- teaches Zum ba four days a week. The doors ing to attend a babfsittmg open at 1:30 p.m. It’s open to all ages and a $15 camp to le a rn th/skills \donation is requested. that would maie her a good \ “We average more than 100 people for a baby-sitter, page expressed 2ym ba party. I hope we w ill get at least 2 0 0 © ParfeideD l x -a ; • e a m ; interest intending a camp people for the Zum bathon,” said W ade. that wou^ teach him more A lo n g w ith the Z u m b a fu n d ra ise r to b e n­ Family Dentistry • Orthodontics * Cosmetic Dentistry about# creative arts, efit \he Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research, «hileiirzycki wants to learn W ade sa id p a rt o f the event is aim e d at edu­ cating the public about the disease. If the New Patient Special abQ-^ survival m the woods. Instructor Derica Wade is using a Zumba-thon to aver age person has heard of the disease, she Includes regular cleaning, The camps offer every- notes thit it is likely because that is what raise money and educate people about sarcoidosis, a potentially fatal systemic disease. complete exam & x-rays rfing they're looking for and caused the death of comedian and actor vill truly change their lives,” n o w o n ly . 3 P B e rn ie M a c. if said Doug Overton from the In saicoidosis, the immune system doesn’t isn ’t know n and there isn ’t a cure. Livonia Family YMCA. I Saving You OVER $2001 I function properly and blood cells become “There isn’t a lot of awareness. It’s a horrible I I ^Not only did North spon- W ith this ad • Expires 6-12-11 overactivfe, releasing chemicals which cause disease. They used to think it was genetic but L _____ l : 'for them for the camps, he in flam e d tissue to fo rm ih the body’s organs. now it affects all ethnic groups... It used to also presented them with Common symptoms are vague, such as fatigue occur more in ethnic minorities,” said Wade, Sedation Dentistry • Dental Implants • Emergencies Welcome canvass bags, packed with a u nchanged by sleep, la c k o f energy, w eight loss, w ho hopes to have a couple o f sarcoid osis suf­ sleeping bag, hat and beach aches and pains, arthritis, dry eyes, swelling of ferers speak at the event.
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