"COED" EDITION THE WEEKLY SPECTRUM EDITED AND CONTROLLED BY THE STUDENTS OF NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Vol. XXXII ,No. 22 NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, WEDNEDAY, APRIL 17, 1918. Five Cents a Copy ++++++++44+++4444+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1111H1 NOT GIBE' 9 9 THE PHI UPSILON ATHLETICS? The "Farmerette OMICRONFRATERNITY At last—a chance to let the world The Phi Upsilon Omicron Fraternity know of the immense possibilities of April nineteenth at the is a national, home economics pro- girls' athletics. Do you realize the fessional, social organization which extent of its accomplishments during was founded at the Agricultural the past year? Have you followed Little Country Theatre College at the University of Minne- its progress thru the headlines of sota, February 10, 1909. It has since the Weekly Spectrum? Nb! for it ADMISSION TWENTY CENTS established five chapters with im- was 'not there. You see this is an f+++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mediate prospects for more. At pres- Agricultural College and never before ent there are chapters at the Minne- was an Agriculturtl College so truly sota Agricultural College, the Uni- an Agricultural College. A war that versity of Wyoming, the Ohio 'State makes the girls the College's main A.C.WIDELIADIER- University, Montana State College, source of support does not alter the MISS ARNOLD and here at the Agricultural College. cause. The few remaining fellows are There is only one other similiar or- lauded, just that much more indi- ganization in existence and that is vidually. AT THE R. C. TISED BIIESTA STEER Omicron Nu, a purely Home Econom- If you, do not want a large attend- ies professional fraternity. The following is a clipping from a ance of young women at this school Noted Woman Speal:is on the Campus We feel that the existence of our magazine: "Miss Vesta Steer, the just keep on; you are exactly on the organization is justified, and though only woman attending the State right track to diminish their num- The students, faculty, extension de- Home Economics is a new and recent-, Agricultural School of North Dakota, ber. It is not in their nature to partment, and all who may have ly developed line of work, no field is fitting herself to manage a stock want to feel neglected. Why there chanced to hear her, were very ex- has at present more possibilities for farm. She recently defeated fifty- is not so much as a Girl's Athletic ceptionally privileged in hearing Miss advancement. The world was just seven men in a cattle-judging con- Association at this institution, Sarah Louise Arnold, widely known beginning to realize the importance test." Similar notices have appeared the North Dakota University train- as the Dean of Women at Simmons of a Home Economics education for in several papers and magazines. Well ing much more the type of girl who College, Boston, who spoke several girls when the war broke, and it has they are exaggerating Miss Steer's fears to exert her physical self lest times on the Campus a short time ago since been trying to grasp the full uniqueness but we are all justly her hair be disarranged, has had a and of which, as yet, no mention has significance of this work. proud of Vesta Steer, who has made well-supported Athletic Association been made in the Spectrum. We aim, through our Fraternity, such a name for herself and the A. for years. And so have all schools, Miss Arnold is one of the foremost to in some way help to advance the except this one. Why haven't we? C. as well. Have you heard Vesta science of Home Economics as a pro- authorities on 'Home subjects being tell about how the boys looked after In our efforts to investigate we an important magazine contributor fession. We feel that we are not find that it is primarily because the her when in Chicago? You would useless in this connection. But there of such subjects. She has volunteer- have thought she was some great faculty objects. The next step is to ed, her splendid services to her gov- are two mines of wealth which make try to discover the Why of the ob- notable or heiress, the great style for true success in life. One in life. ernment and is now travelling all in which she was kept and the way jections. We are told that quite One is a girl's command, of actual over America to explain the great her opinion was meekly sought for some years ago the girls used to need for Food Conservation. While knowledge, based on her education play preliminary basketball games the way they should spend leisure and experience. The other is her here she gave a number of forceful hours. when the boys played. But the pub- addresses, one to the women and girls, power to meet and grasp situations, lic was not rightly impressed, in This the first time in history that to mix with people, to maintain a another to the general, public to the women were represented, on a stock- fact the game came to reflect upon Armory, a direct and personal talk proper balance between those things the good reputation of the school. judging team which is only one more which are worth while and those to the extension workers and Home indication of the part women are to Is it any wonder then that this Economics, giving them opportunity which are valueless. This necessitates learned faculty, having once seen take in the nation's affairs in the fu- a sincerity and squareness with the to bring up personal problems, "be- ture. the effects of this form • of amuse- sides numerous private conferences. world that we believe a Fraternity ment for girls, should now refuse,to Miss Arnold is a New England can give. These considerations are as consider the matter? CADET BATTALION essential to life as education, for they woman and all the characteristics of REORGANIZED I do not suppose that a fourth of that type of woman, as dignity, cul- are a training for life itself. the faculty right now know that our ture, and ease of manner, were hers. Success in our undertaking depends, girls play girls' rules in basketball, She was not the woud-be or seemed- Because ost of Companies C and D of course, upon the spirit and the have left school as well as part of ore even know that the objection of to-be but the true Aristocrat. interest of the girls. Of material health authorities for athletics for A. and B. there has been a reorgan- there is no lack. It was fixed deeply in the minds ization so that now there is only one girls is the very fact that they are of everyone of how tremendously ho- often permitted, to play^boys' .rules. company, that being Company A. Be- "THE FARNIERETTE" pressed she was with the importance cause there is now only one company Have you seen a game of twentieth of her mission as she delivered her many of the officers have been reduc- The annual Y. W. C. A. play will century girls' basketball? If you, matreial before her audience. Her haven't it might be of real value to ed in rank. The following are the be given Friday evening, April the wide experience makes her able to offices now held: nineteenth, at eight o'clock in the' see one once. It might also be edu- speak effectively: before women and cational to, read a few current ar- Major and assistant, Culver Ladd. Little Country Theatre. The play college girls. She is meeting with Lieutenant and Adjutant, A. S. Heid- to be presented this year is "The ticles on the subject. There is no- great response as was shown at Min-. thing like keeping up to .date in this ner. Farmerette" by Evelyn Gray Whit- neapolis where she spoke seven times Captain, R. S. Lewis. ing. The cast chosen is as follows: age of unlimited discoveries. in one day she spent there. Not infrequently one hears the re- First Lieutenant, Paul Elliot. Jane Wellington..Marion Pannebaker The Home Economics department Second Lieutenant, Mortimer Keely. Jocelyn Wellington. ...Esthey Woldy mark that basketball is absolutely at a luncheon for Miss Arnold to ruinous to a girl's good health. And First Sergeant, Hugo Pearson. Elenora Wellington.. Marion Johnson which the extension women were also if you set out with that as a main Sergeants: Mrs. Beckwith Nettie Thompson guests. purpose one can certainly accomplish 0. Loftus. T. C. Buxton Nan Wellington Louise Rusch it as readily along this line as any R. Mares - E. C. Breyer Minnette Wellington Lawson.... other. However, one might as well For two years not a single new Corporals: ,..Margaret Chandler argue that girls should never be al- pleasure motor car has been made R. Irick T. Strate Francis Ann Bean..Nelle McCarthy lowed to attend college; many a girl in England. Luxury business has S. Kelly G. Bohlig The price of admisision is twenty- has absolutely ruined her health in ceased. The English are leading F. W. Roberts L. Croal cents. Tickets may be obtained (Continued on page 7) strenuous lives, but are prospering. G. Bohnsack. from Miss Neth let Ceres Hall. ▪ ' 2 THE WEEKLY SPECTR UM .„,„,„„,„,„„„„„„„„„„„,„,„,„,„,„„„„„„.„,„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„,„,„,„„„i,„„„„„„„,„,„„,„„„„„„„„„„„„,„„„„„„„„„„„,„„„„„„„,,_ ,.. pearian comedy will be the spring EI1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: s term presentation of the Edwin • E Booth Dramatic Club. This produc- 'OCIETY tion will be unusual in as much as DRUGS = it will be given on the college rg et gt git at 91 eft gt 92 kg gi green.
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