Telethon Speech Hearing Lucky Sip Wine 2019 Winners LUCKY SIP WINNERS 2019 Ticket First Name Surname Wine Value 110 Fran Ackermann Crittenden Estate The Zumma Pinot Noir$ 342.00 57 John Adcock 2015 John's Blend Cabernet Sauvignon$ 210.00 12 Garry Addison Moss Wood Ribbon Vale SBS $ 384.00 148 Mel Ashton Alkoomi Icon Melaleuca Riesling$ 204.00 13 Malcolm Baird Purple Hands 2016 After Five Wine Co Serata$ 270.00 146 Ron Baldini Lamonts Winery Assorted fortifieds$ 420.00 129 Nola Banasik 2016 Diamondtina Sparkling Dry White$ 210.00 8 Kate Baumwol Hay Shed Hill Cabernet Merlot 2017$ 264.00 78 Lisa Bayakly Heartland Directors Cut Shiraz$ 200.00 120 Alexander Beer Chateau Yaldara Reserve GSM 2016$ 300.00 71 Gavin Black 2018 Pierro LTC$ 456.00 15 Terri Booth Fermoy Estate Reserve Chardonnay$ 360.00 92 Tim Borzecki Gibson Wines 2016 My Darling Merlot$ 290.00 131 Amanda Boyd 2017 Filius Cabernet Sauvignon$ 336.00 74 Scott Brandreth Evans and Tate Redbrook Estate Cabernet Merlot$ 240.00 70 Kevin Bridgeman Austins & Co Pinot Noir 2017$ 210.00 94 Mark Brims 2017 Woodhenge Shiraz$ 420.00 72 Matthew Bruce Saracen Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2012$ 360.00 66 Lesley Bulloch Redbrook Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon $ 390.00 116 Kendra Buss Henschke 2017 Stone Jar Tempranillo$ 300.00 16 Jodie Caine Cowaramup Reserve Semillon Sauv Blanc 2014$ 275.00 58 Rodney Cavanagh Peter Lehmann Mentor Cabernet Sauvignon$ 270.00 61 Melanie Cave Ribbon Vale SBS $ 384.00 33 Simon Chester The Coppermine Rd Cabernet Sauvignon$ 450.00 32 Simon Chester Devil's Lair Cabernet Sauvignon$ 300.00 31 Simon Chester Xabregas Figtree Riesling 2018$ 227.00 34 Simon Chester Green Bay Semillon Sauvignon Blanc$ 200.00 24 Patti Chong Gibson Road 2018 Discovery Rd Fiano$ 290.00 1 Michael Clarke 2018 Pierro LTC$ 456.00 47 Angela Coleman Castelli Silver Series Shiraz Malbec 2017$ 264.00 87 Michael Connor Old Kent River 2017 Shiraz$ 300.00 43 Maxine Constantine Chateau Yaldara Reserve Chardonnay 2016$ 300.00 39 Ken Cook Grace Farm Cab Sauv 2016$ 360.00 35 Ken Cook Scarborough Wine Company Mixed case $ 340.00 36 Ken Cook Talijancich Assorted fortifieds$ 286.00 37 Ken Cook Greenpiper Five Moons Cabernet Merlot (16 bottles)$ 240.00 38 Ken Cook Angove McLaren Vale GSM$ 200.00 125 Tim Cooney John Duval 2016 Plexus SGM$ 240.00 20 Sarah Cox Hutton Triptych Reserve MR Chardonnay$ 450.00 101 Julie Cox 2016 Langmeil Orphan Bank Shiraz$ 330.00 60 Julie Cox Grace Farm SBS 2017$ 276.00 19 Sarah Cox Peter Lehmann 8 Songs Shiraz$ 270.00 90 Julie Cox West Cape Howe mixed reds ‐ Malbec & Tempranillo$ 264.00 96 David Cross Xabregas Figtree Riesling 2018$ 227.00 121 Troy Dandie Windows Estate SSB & Basket Pressed Cab Sauv.$ 392.00 122 Troy Dandie Cowaramup Reserve Semillon Sauv Blanc 2014$ 275.00 81 Louise De Chiera 2016 Curly Flat Pinot Noir$ 624.00 135 Maggie Dent 2017 Charles Melton "The Kirche" $ 250.00 40 Natalie Dormer 2018 Ashton Hills Piccadilly Valley Pinot$ 420.00 3 Neil Dorrington La Prova Sangiovese$ 312.00 4 Neil Dorrington La Prova Sangiovese$ 312.00 134 Joe Dos Santos St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 2016$ 300.00 Page 1 of 3 Telethon Speech Hearing Lucky Sip Wine 2019 Winners 56 Richard Dowle Drayton's Family Vineyard Reserve Semillon$ 210.00 52 Marie Finucane Paxton Jones Block Shiraz$ 270.00 14 John Fitti Plantaganet Three Lions Shiraz$ 300.00 51 John Flood Bunkers Bears Cabernet Merlot 2015$ 240.00 151 David Forrest McHenry Hohnen Laterite Chardonnay$ 480.00 25 Carole French Purple Hands 2016 Barossa Valley Mattaro‐Grenache‐Shiraz$ 360.00 128 Anna Gelavis 2018 Pierro LTC$ 456.00 26 Graham George Drayton's Family Vineyard Reserve Shiraz$ 210.00 127 Wendy Gibbons Geoff Merrill Jacko's Shiraz 2014$ 372.00 80 Wendy Gibbons 2016 Langmeil Orphan Bank Shiraz$ 330.00 64 Ian Gilmour McHenry Hohnen Rocky Road Cabernet Merlot 2016$ 300.00 97 Jennifer Griffin Price Austins & Co Pinot Noir 2017$ 210.00 115 Rachel Hackwill St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 2016$ 300.00 48 Janene Hall La Prova Sangiovese$ 312.00 42 Barry Halligan Woody Nook Kelly's Farewell Semillon Sauv Blanc$ 288.00 98 Joel Hansen Old Kent River 2016 Diamondtina Sparkling$ 210.00 75 Rayleen Hargraeves Xabregas Figtree Riesling 2018$ 227.00 10 Steven Harris Moss Wood Ribbon Vale SBS $ 384.00 28 Fiona Harris Woody Nook Kelly's Farewell Semillon Sauv Blanc$ 288.00 7 Bill Harris John Kosovich Reserve Cabernet Malbec 2015$ 240.00 53 Kevin Higgins Vintners Ridge Estate 2015 Cab Sauvignon$ 240.00 103 Cameron Hill Castelli Silver Series Shiraz Malbec 2017$ 264.00 2 Mark Holland St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 2016$ 300.00 68 Michael Hortsmann 2017 Cullen SBS$ 378.00 89 Olivia Johnston St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 2016$ 300.00 50 Mark Jolly Elderton Wines Command Shiraz Magnum 1.5L$ 280.00 18 Jodie Kasatchkow 2018 Singlefile Great Southern Chardonnay$ 360.00 102 Ian Kennedy Balnaves of Coonawarra 2013 Cab Merlot$ 200.00 105 Lorraine Kerrigan Marq Wines 2018 The Farm SSB$ 240.00 109 Melanie King 2017 Singlefile GS Cab Sauv Merlot$ 300.00 30 Walter Koenders Red Baron Shiraz 2017$ 210.00 108 John Lackey Plantaganet Three Lions Shiraz$ 300.00 73 Helen Lenyszyn 2018 Singlefile Run Free Pinot Noir$ 300.00 124 Judy Ley Cowaramup Reserve Semillon Sauv Blanc 2014$ 275.00 114 Marie Limb Mount Trio Merlot$ 210.00 144 Luke Lustini Woody Nook Kelly's Farewell Semillon Sauv Blanc$ 288.00 143 Luke Lustini Willow Bridge 2018 Dragonfly Shiraz & Dragonfly Cab Merlot$ 264.00 149 Tim Macintyre Redbrook Estate Shiraz $ 240.00 85 Simone Maclean John Kosovich Aged Chenin 2012$ 210.00 100 Kirstin Mardardy Vasse Felix 2018 Filius Chardonnay$ 336.00 99 Kirstin Mardardy Xabregas Figtree Riesling 2018$ 227.00 45 Leiarne Marshall Katnook Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2016$ 240.00 23 John McGrath Chateau Yaldara Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon$ 300.00 147 Catherine McMahon Windance Estate 4 bottles each SBS, Cab, Shiraz$ 280.00 95 Peter Mihalic Chandon Vintage Brut 2015$ 210.00 113 Alison Mijacika Forester Estate 2018 Semillion Sauvignon Blanc$ 276.00 67 Kevin Mootoosamy Gibson Wines 2017 Dirtman Shiraz (x6) and Gibson Riesling (x12) $ 400.00 150 Robyn Moriconi Shingleback Kitchen Garden Mataro 2016$ 300.00 132 Jayne Morrone Kalleske 2016 JMK VP$ 276.00 11 Andrew Mostyn Devil's Lair Chardonnay$ 300.00 65 Roberth Murphy Five Moons Cabernet Merlot (16 bottles)$ 240.00 77 Denis Murray Plantaganet Three Lions Sauvignon Blanc$ 276.00 6 Theresa Newman Alkoomi Icon Melaleuca Riesling$ 204.00 88 Julie Ng Purple Hands 2016 Old Vine Barossa Valley Grenache$ 360.00 Page 2 of 3 Telethon Speech Hearing Lucky Sip Wine 2019 Winners 104 Debbie Nice 2016 Flowstone Sauvignon Blanc$ 384.00 49 Arty Novotny Alkoomi Icon Melaleuca Riesling$ 204.00 54 Elizabeth O'Neil Hutton Triptych Reserve MR Cabernet 2016$ 510.00 107 Stanley & ElizabethO'Neil Saracen Estate Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2012$ 360.00 59 Stanley O'Neill Chapel Hill "Hill Block" Shiraz 2015$ 240.00 41 Ross Perkins Abbey Creek Sauvignon Blanc$ 300.00 111 Cara Philpott Mandoon Estate 2016 Old Vine Shiraz $ 354.00 112 Dana Pollard 2016 Gomersal Wines Premium Shiraz$ 240.00 106 Susanne Rees Capel Vale Regional Series Mount Barker Shiraz$ 323.40 152 Phil Renshaw Schwarz Wine Company 2017 GSM & 2017 Shiraz$ 360.00 93 Greg Rickie 2016 Langmeil Orphan Bank Shiraz$ 330.00 17 Joanne Robertson 2014 Flowstone Queen of the Earth Cab Sauv$ 450.00 29 Stephen Rodrigues Mc Henry Hohnen Rocky Road Cabernet Merlot 2016$ 300.00 46 Judy Rothaker Old Kent River 2017 Shiraz$ 300.00 62 Sandro Sandri Noble One Botrytis Semillon 2010$ 360.00 79 Nick Sciorilli Heartland Cabernet$ 228.00 69 Alan Shaw Marq Wines 2016 DNA Cabernet$ 210.00 137 Cameron Shephard Woody Nook Kelly's Farewell Semillon Sauv Blanc$ 288.00 91 Bruce Sherwood Saracen Estate Rose 2017$ 240.00 136 Brian Sierakowski Marq Wines 2018 Serious Rose$ 300.00 139 Adam Sierakowski 2016 After Five Wine Co Shiraz$ 270.00 140 Adam Sierakowski Katnook Estate Shiraz 2016$ 240.00 117 Tanya Sikirich 2016 Langmeil Orphan Bank Shiraz$ 330.00 21 George Sim Chateau Yaldara Reserve Shiraz 2016$ 300.00 27 Angie Sindall Alkoomi Icon Melaleuca Riesling$ 204.00 63 Gregory Sivwright Tomasi Merlot 2014$ 300.00 153 John Spence McHenry Hohnen Laterite Chardonnay$ 480.00 86 Ben Spitteler Redbrook Estate Chardonnay$ 240.00 133 Edy Srblin Five Moons Cabernet Merlot (16 bottles)$ 240.00 22 Craig Standley 2017 Flowstone Gewurtztraminer$ 384.00 76 Diane Stevens Heartland Shiraz$ 228.00 84 Laurier Tatam 2014 Flowstone Cab Sauv Touriga$ 432.00 123 Nathan Taylor La Prova Sangiovese$ 312.00 9 Rebecca Thyer Cowaramup Reserve Semillon Sauv Blanc 2014$ 275.00 119 Sherene Till 2018 Singlefile Great Southern Riesling$ 300.00 126 Jurgen van der Sloot 2018 Pierro LTC$ 456.00 44 Charlie Viiala Lashings Cabernet Merlot 2014$ 200.00 145 Phil Webster Saracen Estate Chardonnay 2017$ 420.00 55 Paul Wedd Plantaganet Three Lions Sauvignon Blanc$ 276.00 130 Paul Wedd Heartland Spice Trader Cabernet Shiraz$ 204.00 83 Ben Williams Mandoon Estate 2018 Sauvignon Blanc$ 276.00 82 Ben Williams Saracen Estates Sparkling Maree 2010$ 210.00 142 Ross Wilson Chain of Ponds Black Thursday Sauvignon Blanc $ 240.00 141 Daniel Wise John Kosovich Reserve Cabernet Malbec 2015$ 240.00 138 Ron Wise John Kosovich Aged Chenin 2012$ 210.00 118 Nick Wyatt Leeuwin Estate 2016 Art Series Shiraz$ 450.00 5 Djordje Zlatkovic Moss Wood Ribbon Vale SBS $ 384.00 Page 3 of 3.
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