i . ' * ... ^ ' (see Aztecs, Waves Invade Poly SPORTS) CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE# VOL. 10 — NO. 16 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1969 Convention Activities San Jose Ringmen Regal Court Tour Defeat Mustangs Near Half-W ay Point By 7i-5i Margin Princesses Inspect "Dsnta'a Inferno” was tha theme of the annual Young By Kd Islsr Farmers dance, held at Crandall gym last night. More than Han Jose’s boxing team, coached 160 Young Farmers and 60 of thair wives, the Young Dae Portal, defeated tha Cal Poly Royal Domain Homemakers, attended tha dance, tha introductory event y ringmen, 7J4-6W, before a of tha 10th annual California Young Farmers association Urge ana enthusiastic crowd Wed­ Four newly-choaan 1960 Poly Royal prlncaaaaa — Loll nesday night In Crandall gym. convention, now meeting on t t e # Three of tha Spartan victorias Kirchner, Bevnrly Caligari, Jnnnt Brocklebank and Mary Cal Poly campua. The Cal Poly cam# by way of tha TKO routs. Jean Doll — vialtad the campua laat Tueaday morning. Moat Collegians played for tha danoars Locals Fact Hsavy John Elder, fighting In tha 106 of their brief etay wae devoted to posing for publldly pi* from 9 to 1. pound class for roly, got tha Mus­ turea, and then they were eacortea around the oampue by Delegates from mors than 06 tangs off to a fast start by daei- ♦ Dave Btrathaarn, Poly Ro/al an- separata chapters registered In the Hardwood Schodvlt *lomng San Joe*’* Mika Rivera. irlntendant, ami Bam Moldam lobby of the Administration build Poly’s Prank Wilson, 180 pound lek Peabody and Robin Baldwin, Ing yesterday morning. At iiM Coach Ed Jorgensen's varsity division, fought to a hectic draw 65 Loans Meet BPoly Royal board morn be re. pm, Han Lula Oblapo Mayor basketball team is In for a bu*y with Was Mathews. Wilson had Peabody, apodal aventa chair­ Timothy O’Reilly, President Julian time during the next Avs day*. tha fight won from hare to Tim­ man for the 1060 Poly Royal, ar- A. McPne* and Bob Bowman, ABB Tonight th* Mustangs face ths buktu until ha tired badly In the Fund Approval rangtd for tho prlncoaaea' ap­ resident, offered welcoming ad- Pepperdln# Waves from Los Ang­ third round. pearance hart. Two af tho firla, rasees to the Young Farmers and eles. Ban Diego invades Crandall Poly Forgas Ahead Hlxty-flvs student* war* loaned Miss Klrchnor and Mlaa Callgan, {Young Homemakers. Following gym tomorrow evening for a. re­ Tha Mustangs' Bob Spink, 186, a total of $1,600 during th* period art from Ban Lula Oblapo nigh this, the Young Homemakers ad- turn engagement with tha locals. deciaionad Mickey Mlramont# to Jam 1 to >7, Inclusive, through achoolj while Mlaa Brocklebank Both or tha southern teams urned to room 114, library, and give Poly a two-point advantage. various loan funds of the college, and Mlaa Doll are attending Baa hold win* over Poly. Paul rlshback, 146,'copped a acordlng to Harry Wlneroth, super­ Lula Oblepo junior collego. tUr held a tea. ' , N a t Tuesday, Fab. 7, tha Mus­ decision from Jim McDonald In visor o f studsnt dormitories. Perfect Da to Business and committee meet­ tang* Journey to Frsano where one of the best bouts of tha eve­ These 66 application! war* ings were conducted by the Young they will face tha Bulldog quintet ning, approved from a group of II stu­ When aakod about their prefor- Farmers for the remainder of the for tho second time. Poly won tha nan Juan's John Johnson put dents who applied for short-term oneoa for escort* during Pole afternoon. initial encounter by a score of tha Hpartans back In the meet by loans. Of the 17 remaining appli­ Royal timo, tho prlncoaooo unaal- A one-hour business meeting 06-00. Hlnca then, tne Fresno out­ TKOIng Gilbert Shu* In another cants, four failed to return com­ moualy agreed that tho Idoal oo- will reopen tha convention this fit has defeated everything It haa bout In tha 146-pound class. Hhua plete papers, two cancelled appli­ cort muit, A ret, bo e good danee»| facod and la currently tha hottest walked Into a Sunday punch In cation* upon racslpt of other funds, aoeond, havo a pleasant person­ morning at 0. Certain conatitu ality; and, third, ohould he hand* tlonal changes wort considered, teem In ths confarenca. tha third round and wound up on on* student auld ho could obtain One of th* main reasons for th* Borne. along with committee reports end queer street. - money more easily from tha Bank announcements. sudden rise in basketball fortunes . Cliff Tucker, 166, of 9}n Jose, of America, on* found tha form Tha prlncaaaaa are each year,-, of the Frankns baa been the addl- docMoned Bob 'Comall. too hard to All out and nlnt wore rhoaen from tho downtown nigh "Agriculture Is Big Business," tion of Hob Kloppenburg, former Spartans I’ull Rven refused loans for various reason* achool and Junior collage. They t lyniiMi-ium moderated by Bldncy Houthorn California wartime Aaah. The Spartan’s Don LaClaqus, In line with tho loan committee pol­ errvt tha quean aa attendant* I. Sutherland, toucher trainer from In 1946, Kloppenburg set a naw 166, TKfi’d Floyd, Huffman to icy. during Poly Royal, participating Davis, follows the business session. high school scoring record for Lo* oven matters. One of thu most outstanding In all aotlvltloa of tho a n n u a 1 J. I. Thompson, livestock special­ Angeles. Bob tallied a total of 47 Bill l.idderdalr. 166, TKO'd th# loans of th* month waa a long-term "Country Pair on a College Cam­ ist. Bute Bureau of Agricultural point* In one contest and actually Spartan's* BUI Mendoaa In the 6000 loan which waa anprovad and pus " April SB and 00 are the dates Education| Ralph H, Taylor, ox- played only half the game. Arst round. taken from tho California Poly­ for the I960 calibration. scuUve secretary of the Agricult­ After getting off to a successful Ron Perrlgo, 106. of Ban Jose, technic Woman's club fund. Nurao, Inatractor ural Council of California | Robert start, ths Mustangs hava gone Into grabbed a close derision from Bill During tha asm* period of time, R. lockhart, vice president of tha a tallspln and are knocking on tho Trlvslpiece. Mlaa Calif art, 17, of Ban Luis 40 loans ware paid In full to tte Oblapo, la tho daughter of Mr. end Bank of America! A. R. McCor­ collar door of tho CCAA. A win Don Harryman. 176, of tha atudont agency, and IS othar stu­ mick, Internal Revenue) James P. or two definitely would put a naw Hpartan’s defeated Leon Jarkaon Mra. Jamaa Caligari. A flat i n f l ­ dents mad* partial payments f t ation from high achool, ah* plane Merson, Cal Poly ag mechanic* de­ breath of Ufa Into tte local* and in a surprising upset. loan* for a total of $l.o:«i 16. Insure a higter standing in tte Roger Buck wits, 176. of Poly to atudt dental nuralng. She is partment head, and A, J. Bchrepfer. Total amount of loans mad* dur­ a brunette. Caleve Growers of California and laagua. Tte Polyltaa hava Anlshsd declslonsd Dusty Rhoades. ing th* month waa 11,600 against In tte cellar for tha last two Les Penterman, 176, of San Josa, Mlaa Kirchner, 16. of Ranahita (Continaod an Page •) tha total of $1,666.76 paid into tte Santa Fa, la a blonde young Udy — term j defeated Tom Olson. welfare treasure. (For wore details on thee* Lou Agnelli closed out the eve- who la no atrangar U d jN e jjC S Tuft Tutt TtiH gawas, so* Bporte). (Continued aa Page $)• Naturalist-Author December. Her s m b lu ia *!* ho Starkey Settles study physical education at Baa Talks Wednesday Joaa Bute, eventually becoming Seating Set-Up Howard Btegner, park natural- nn Instructor. She la the daughter Aa aaawer was Issued this week lat of loquola and Kinga Canyon of lit. and Mra. Prank w T K ira * {e criticism because that there National parka, will talk on "Your net. Teacher, OMae have been several occasion* this Woatorn National Parka* at tha reason when all the student eoata regular aaaambly naxt Wadnatday Mlaa HrucklehankTjT, Cambria, at 11 a.m. It will b* undar ths la tha daughter of Mr. and M l* ft tha basketball games have not John E. Hrocklebsnk. Hhe Intends man Ailed to capacity, auaplooa of tha Natural Hlatory biological aeianea dapartmant. to become a teacher, She (■ blond*. According to "Tut" Starkey, Mlaa Doll, 16. la the daughter of rraduate manager, if there art Naturallat-Author Btagner ha* explored tha llttla known areas Mr. and Mra. Floyd K Doll, Arro­ vacant seat* In the etudent see. yo Grande. A brunette, aha plana -ten at the beginning of the game. of tha waatarn national parka. In addition to Baquola and King* to eomploU her present commer­ ABB card holders, regardless of cial curriculum at the junior col­ •mtloa numbers, will be allowed Canyon, Stagnar haa boon ata- lege end to seek n career in te-^'Arst come -first served"— tlonad In Ranlar and Olaolar na­ business. vntll all these seats ar* Ailed. tional parka and haa IB yoara of service In national parka. Tha Natural Hlatory oluh and (Undents holding student body tha biological solans* dapartmant Seniors, Faculty **rd* numbered J, 4, 0, or 11 alao hava arranged for Btagnar to Jill hi admitted to the Cal Poly- appear at tha local high achoota Receive Proofs O f y w rd ln a game thf* evening.
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