ISBN number: 978-93-81991-01-5 National Conference 2015 Trends, Issues and Future of Physical Education and Sports th th 27 – 28 February 2015 Chief Patron Dhananjay Damle Conference Chairman Dr. Madhuri Waghchoure Organizing Secretary Dr. Mahesh Deshpande Organizing Committee Members Dr. Sopan Kangane, Dr. Arun Shinde, Dr. Balaji Pote, Dr. Sharad Aher, Dr. Ujwala Raje, Dr. Shrikant Mahadik,Dr. Shraddha Naik, Dr. Yogesh Bodke, Dr. Ameet Prabhu, Mr. Shirish More, Prof. Beulah Sebastian, Prof. Kumr Upadhay, Prof. Dadasaheb Dhengale Advisor Dr. Nayana Nimkar Venue Maharashtriya Mandal’s Chandrashekhar Agashe College of Physical Education Gultekadi, Mukundnagar, Pune 411 037. Published by Phone: 020-24261872, 24263012 Times Books Publishers & Distributors, Pune Email: [email protected] In Association with [email protected] Swastik Publications, New Delhi Website: agashecollege.org ISBN number: 978-93-81991-01-5 Table of Contents SN Section I: Physical Education 1 Dispositions Assessment in Physical Education Teacher Education: Developing an 1 assessment instrument for the college classroom and the field. Himanshu B. Tiwari 2 Effectiveness of Gymnastics Teaching for Future Teachers. 6 Dr. Mahesh Sawata Khetmalis 3 Impact of Mentoring on Protégés’ Physical Education Teaching Experience. 12 Edrina Menezes & Dr. Shraddha Naik 4 Jump Rope Activity and Its Impacts on the Cardiovascular Endurance. 17 Maxia B. Fernandes & Dr. Mahesh Deshpande 5 Use of technology and Gadgets in Training Physical Education Teachers: Perception 22 of Faculty members. Nishigandha R. Patil & Dr. Shraddha Naik 6 Effect of video feedback teaching on knowledge of Basketball skill learning. 27 Dr. Gurunath Pawar & Dr. Mahesh Deshpande 7 Teachers’ Attitude towards Teaching Physical Activity and Physical Fitness: A study 30 of Attitudinal Change. Vishnu U. Pethkar Section II: Fitness 8 Comparison of Fat Contents of Different Sportsmen with that of Mountaineers. 36 Dr. Ameet D. Prabhu 9 Status of Health Related Physical Fitness of Students of Bharati Vidyapeeth 39 University. Mr. Amitahamad N. Tamboli 10 Effect of Selected Yoga Practices on Health Related Physical Fitness Components 42 and Personality Factors of School going Children. Dr. Alka B. Kudale & Dr. Madhuri Waghchoure 11 A Comparative Study of BMI and Fat Percentage of Rural, Tribal and Urban School 46 Going Boys. Dr. Pramodb Khaire 12 Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Health Related Physical Fitness of Junior 51 Collegiate Students in Pune City. Mr. Utpal Pal & Mr. Pradeep Patil 13 Study of Cardiovascular Fitness of School Students from Nashik District. 55 Dr. Sopan Kangane, Dr. Sunil More Section III: Sports 14 Efforts Made by Government and Private Sectors in India for Scouting and 58 promoting Sport Talent. Mr. Anand B. Lunkad, & Dr. Mahesh N. Deshpande 15 Physical and Physiological Profile Status of Indian Elite Road Cyclists. 65 Dharmender Lamba & Dr. Nayana Nimkar 16 Trends and Future of Sports Associations in the State of Goa: An Analysis. 69 Ramlal Saji Vernekar, Dr. Mahesh N. Deshpande & Avinash V. Raikar 17 The Effect of Pranayama on Psycho-Physiological Aspects and Performance Ability 75 of State Level Weightlifters. Dr. V. R. Parihar & R. D. Gaikwad 18 A Comparative Study of Nutrients Value of Volleyball Players and Football Players 80 of I.D.C.P.E at Inter Collegiate Level. Ananda Sinha & Abu Hossain ISBN number: 978-93-81991-01-5 19 Genetics of Sports and Fitness. Dr. Ashish Phulkar 84 20 Trends, Issues and Future of Sports arena in the State of Goa: An analysis. 88 Ramlal Saji Vernekar & Vikrant V P Mudliyar 21 Relationship between Anthropometric Variables and Medium Fast Bowling in 97 Cricket. Dr. S. Glady Kirubakar 22 Effect of Cycling and Swimming on the selected Physiological Variables Among 102 Long Distance Runners. Dr. J. Glory Darling Margaret 23 Construction of Ball Badminton Skill Test. Sandeep Ghike & Dr. Deepak Shendkar 108 24 Competition Anxiety among Batsmen and Wicketkeepers in Cricket – A 112 Comparative Study. M. Kumar 25 Effect of Yogic Practices on Selected Football Skills of Intercollegiate Players. 115 P.G. Dhanave & Dr. Deepak Mane 26 A comparative Study of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity of Athletes and Non- 119 Athletes. Khursheed Ahmad Bhat & Rameez Raja 27 Study of Correlation between Long Jump Performance and his Anthropometric Body 123 Measurement. Sachin Chamle & Dr. Manoj Reddy 28 The Study of Causes and Prevalence of Physical Injuries in Women Kabaddi Players. 126 Prof. Shendkar Sheetal Laxman 29 A Comparative Study on Anxiety Profile Among Different Ball Games Players. 130 Mr. Suman Ghosh & Dr. Vinay Pawar 30 Effect of Cycling and Swimming on the Selected Physiological Variables among 133 Long Distance Runners. Dr. J. Glory Darling Margaret 31 Construction and Standardization of Korfball Skill Test for Collegiate Women 140 Players of Pune University. Dr. Surekha S. Daptare Section IV: Innovative Practices in PE & Sports 32 Standardization of Wellness Inventory for Adolescent School Children. 144 Mr. Dhengale Dadasaheb & Dr. Kangane Sopan E. 33 Effect of Educating and Involving Parents to Enhance Outlook of Parents towards 149 their Child Participation in Physical Activity. Nishigandha R. Patil & Dr. Deepak Shendkar 34 Application of Bahiranga Yoga in the Tribal Students, Healthy Social Life. 155 Dr. Rajendra Waman 35 Effect of Individual Asanas on Blood Pressure Post Aged Adults. 159 Dr. Sandipraj S. Autade, 36 Impact of Aerobic Dance Intervention on Self-concept in Adolescent Girls. 163 Dr. Bular Sunil Suresh & Dr. Kangane S. E. 37 Effect of Yoga Exercises on Self Concept of High School Girls. 167 Prof. Savita B. Phalke 38 Ability to Cope with Problem Emotions (ACPE). 171 Dr. Anap Uttam Damu & Dr. Maduri Waghchaure Section V: Articles 39 Focus On “WHAT” You Can Control – To Improve Your Sports Performance. 174 Mrs. Anjushree Augustine & Mr. Anthony Augustine ISBN number: 978-93-81991-01-5 40 Sports and Media. Mr. Shantaram D. Dhamale 179 41 Need and Role of Psychological Preparation for Sports. 183 Dr. Uttam Damu Anap & Dr. Madhuri Waghchoure 42 Sport and Physical activity is a new lease of life for People with Disabilities. 186 Dr. Mane Manohar M Section VI: Regional Languages 43 oejH$ àoejUmWvMr Amam{½`mg§]§oYV emarnaH$ V§XwéñVr d 192 gO©ZerbVm `m§Mm ghg§]§YmË_H$ Aä`mg. S m°. ]mcmOr gQ>dmOr [m{Q>{ 44 òªî¨÷î¾ ÙðÏðóâð ±ðð÷âðüÇð¸ðó ¨îÜÂðð-Úðð ®ð÷úðÀõüµÚðð ¨îðÚðáÙððÐððµðð Øððâðð Ò÷î¨îóÃðóâð 196 ¨îðÚðáÙððÐððäðó çðèçðü×ðüÏð. çðüòÇÑð µððüÇõ¸ðó âðð÷üÁ÷ ãð Àðù. Ùðè÷äð Ç÷äðÑððüÀ÷ 45 òãðÇÚððÆÚððáïüµð÷ ÙðÏðâÚðð çðô¾¾þóÃðóâð äððÜóòÜ¨î £ÑðªîÙð ãð èðâðµððâðóüµðð ÑߨîðÜ ¡ðòÂð çÃðÜ 201 Úððüµðð òãðäâð÷æðÂððÃÙð¨î ¡ØÚððçð. ¡êðÚð òãðâððçð Øðô¸ð×ðú ãð Àðù. äðÜÇ ¡ðè÷Ü 46 SaarIirk saudRuZta maapnaasaazI ‘A^MD/a^[D maaobaa[la A^p’. Da^.saaO.]jvalaa rajao 205 47 Òî±ÚðôáçðÐð ÙðèðòãðÌððâðÚð, ÑðôÂð÷ Úð÷Æðóâð ®ðð÷-®ðð÷ µð÷ £±ðÙðçÆððÐð. 211 Àðù. Ùðð÷èÐð ÐððÙðÇ÷ãð ¡ðÙðöú÷ ãð Àðù. 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Àðù. åó¨îðüÃð ÙðèðÀó¨î ãð ¡Ùðð÷âð ³ðð÷À¨÷î 51 òäðãðð¸ðó òãðÇþÚððÑðó¿ ¡ðüÃðÜòãðØðð±ðóÚð Òôî¾×ððùâð ®ð÷úðÀôüµÚðð çÑðÏð÷áÑðôãðóáµÚðð òµðüÃð÷µðð ¡ØÚððçð 230 ò¸ðÃð÷üÍ Üð¸ððÜðÙð µððø±ðôâð÷ ãð ÑßäððüÃð ò×ðØðóæðÂð Ñðð¾óâð ISBN number: 978-93-81991-01-5 Physical Education: “The Present and Future “ Dr. Nayana Nimkar 1. Introduction Physical Education has seen many initiatives, influences and developments, which have variously shaped, national systems. There are different and various forms of structures and practices evident across the world in which amongst diversity there are some elements of congruence in PE and school sport concepts and delivery. Physical education is often advocated as a source of positive developmental characteristics from early childhood, through adolescence to late teen-age and now, when it is perceived to be a lifelong process, throughout adulthood, resulting in a ’physically literate person’. The perceived role of physical education has expanded over the years and to some extent there has been a re-affirmation of its purposes. Over the past century and a half, there have been several contradicting physical education curriculum themes: inter alia physical, educational, social control (order, discipline and obedience to authority), physical fitness (labour productivity, military defense and strong mothers), health (therapeutic), body shape, competitive performance-related sports and associated physical/motor skills development, play and movement concepts, personal, psychosocial, social and moral development (collectively promoting character building), adventure education, individual, lifetime, or recreational activities, antidote to inactivity and sedentary lifestyle illnesses as well as an alleged obesity epidemic. As a school subject, with such broad scope and potential, physical education is in a relatively unique and indispensable position with characteristics
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