T.. vA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 19fli ^AGE TWENTY-EIGHT iianrV 0lifr lEtrrnfttg liw alb ) / Manchester Stores Open to 9 Tonight for Christmas mg The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ VFW Poet will aponoor a Hie Crisrtoforo Colombo So­ sor a card party tomorrow at Christmas dance Saturday a t 9 ciety will hold a special meet­ About Town ing Sunday at 2 p.m. at the the po.st home at 8 p.m. There p.m. at the post home. FYarvk sge Daily Net P r e ie will be, a Christmas party, and Sturgis of Walerbury, depart­ Italian Amertcan Club to elect Ron The Weather •Hi* Oo«Kftcttcut Club c t For the Week EMed IkMton OoUfl^e will sponsor a the players are reminded to ment commander, and Mrs. Mil­ offlcefa for the new year. Forecast of U. 8. Weather Bnreso Wmitar Hottday Ball Saturday, bring a grab bag gift. Refresh­ dred Rogola of Middletown, de­ N ovem ber 16, 1968 ae, at the K of C Home. ments will be served. partment re.«;ldent, will be Orford iParish. Daughtera of R o ^ Rd., Ea»t Haven. guests, Refre.shments will be the American Revolution, will Clear, hitter cold tonight. Zero The Mmmtain Laurel Chapter served. Edwin Eldwards is chair­ meet tonight at 7:30 at the 13,891 to 6 above. Saturday sunny, een- Oharie^ DortneUy and hie or- home of Mre. .Harry Fraser, cheatra <>411 play for dancing of Sweet Adeline.s, Inc., wtlj hold man and Mrs. George Ecabert Member of the Andlt tlnued cold. High 20 to 2S. l.s co-chairman of the event. 192 Hartford Rd. The meeting HOUSE HALE Boresn of drcnlatloii from 8 p.m.xto ,1 a-m. Tickets Its annual Christmas party for ^ members and hu.4Hands only to­ .was originally scheduled for Manchester— A City of Village Charm may be obtalfted from Jean last Tuesday. OoaMUn, »B6 rafrolngton Ave., night St 8 p.m. at the Irish The Polish Women’a Al­ MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER B riatel. Amerioan Home, 69 Grove St.. liance, Group 246, will meet Hartford. Memher.s are remind­ Sunday at. 2 p.m. at the club­ VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 69 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963 (daselfled Advertising on Page SS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS The Manchester Square Dance ed to bring a gift for the grab house, 10.1 Clinton .St. Mem­ Chib will hold a closed dhiic^ bag. bers are remlnderr to bring a Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Wail* gift for the grab bag. dall School. Members are re­ Sgl. William C. Roharge, son minded to bring canned goods of Mr. and Mrs, Psiil R. Ro­ The VF^' will sponsor a Events for Chrlsttmaa baskets to be berge; .">47 Center SI., and a Christmas Dance Saturday at ■ SPECIAL PURCHASE- Attributed to i>eed>’ families for memheri of the 1st Calvary of the Post Home. Charlie Var- the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis the XTniited States Army, re­ rick'.s Orchpjitra will play for Yuletide ‘Star’ in Orbit, Smith, refreshment chairmen, cently tooI<' paid in Rxerci.v dAncing from 9 p.m. to 1 am. In State wlIll be adWsted by Mr. and Strong Shield; a two-week Tickets are available at the HOTLINi; TO CULTURE Mbs. Walt SmoUnskl and Mr. training nmneuvec, . in South Post Homo. The event is open Phone 9 8 7 -6 M 3 lor H.rrlford s and Mna John Snuffer. Korea, to members and guests. Pnncip.il Events o( the D.iy Tremendous Savings Police Tell Banks Dust Off Advice May Be Visible at Dusk On On Holdup Acts HARTT’ORD (AP> Con­ Famous necticut bank officials have Balloon H as been urged to review s pre­ cautionary program set up several years ago. The action Diameter of follows the large number of Name bank robberies this year. 2 There nave been ’2 bank T w e 1V eFeet l.oldups and one bank burg­ lary in 1963. The total loot JEWELRY from the jobs is $171,947. said 1 POINT ARGUELLO. state police. Calif. (AP)—The “Christ- The latest bank holdup oc­ I mas Star" .satellite ha.8 Just in time for the holidays, we have made a special purcha.se curred two days ago when two I achieved orbit and should of famous name salesmen sample jewelry . one of a kind . men, one dre.ssed a.s a woman, held up the Oakville branch of be visible at twilight over all in perfect condition, all as bright and beautiful as the day it the W’aterbury Savings Bank the holiday sea.son—and was made and all at fantastic savings . in Watertown and e.scaped for years after, it was an­ with $20,201. nounced today. State Police Commi.ssloner A National Aeronautics and 1/2 PRICE Leo J. Mulcahy said yester­ Space Administration spokes­ day the matter of bank hold­ man said both the 12-(oot di­ Yes, one-half the original cost for necklaces, bracelets, pins, ups i.s a serious one and "we ameter balloon and the canni.s- are, of course, very conscious ter from which it was ejected earrings, rings—singly and in sets—Just one look and you will of the problem.” in apace were sighted with bi­ Vf- want it all! He also said that the 11 noculars at an optical tracking y state police troops in Con­ station in Australia. necticut have been instructed The satellite was launched to "communicate with their lo­ Thursday and until llie sighting Pinebvrsf Special Pre-Holiday Feature cal bankers and review the It was in doubt whether it had, program.” ‘ 1. achieved orbit, 2. inflated as He explained that the pro­ ; planned. u U. S. CHOICE, SELECTED. TENDER Mrs. Elizabeth Bingel is greeted by her daughter, Katherine, at control point gram. set up shortly after he I The silvery, polka-dotied bal- after daughter entered East Berlin today. They were separated 28 months. became commissioner several I loon should be vislblle when- (AP Photofax.) years ago, gives advice on how I ever Its orbit aroiuid tha bank personnel should "han­ earth’s poles coincides with dle themselves” in the event of twilight nmving around tha a holdup. globe. It has no internal Illumi­ He said that to reveal the nation but can be seen as a details of the program would moving pinpoint of light when Red Carpet Spread nullify its effectiveness. struck by rays from the sun ju.st below the horizon. Charge ^Sharn* The “Christmas Star” polka-dot covered plastic sphere, which was launched by A spokesman said the carmis- HARTFORD (AP) — The missile today from Port Arguello, Calif. (AP Photpfax.) ter probably cannot be seen State Federation of Teachers by the naked eye because It is For Sunday or holi­ WHOLE OR BUn HALF. leveled a charge of ’’Sham” to­ smaller ahd leas reflective. For Berliners Visits day at the rival Connecticut Prosperous Civilians Now Scientists lost, the 17-pound day meals wa ofFer Serve new Green Giant butj^ered peas or tiny limas with Education AMociaUon's threat Johnson Asks •satellite for hours because an your leg of lamb. to expel any CEA member ac­ internal radio beacon ceased .<^t the West, were proclaimlng^Wettern visitors. They helped cepting a job inWaterbury working shorUy after tho the finest roady-to- BERLIN (AP) — Loud-< Congress Stay launch Thursday morning. speakers boom^ out a the ChrtsUnas truce. people with parcels, lifted baby solux)la, tom by a budget dis­ But the Reds were not miss­ carriages tor mothers. pute. Auschwitz Aides They knew approximately oat Morrell shank- PRICE Communist welcome today where to look for it, however, FOR EASY TO SERVE SATURDAY ing any chance to drive home The Oonununists were ob­ Arthur Kevorkian, president PINEHURST FRESH to West Berliners entering their politic&l eoncepUon of the viously determined that no To Pass Bills because they were receiving less, hockless ham plug tax hitch would sour the atmos' of the AFL-CIO affiliated fed­ signals from 4 radio beacon on OR MONDAY DINNERS East Berlin for the first division of Germany. eration, said the OEIA Is "ex­ PORK IS A GOOD Their descrlpUmi of East Ber­ phere after they had Uvishly WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ the cannister which carried tho time since the Red wall was lin as the capital of the Com­ praised themselves for "a hu­ ploiting the entire city of folded balloon into space on the . First Prlxe Hams BUY 8 In 1 BLEND OF GROUND Waterbury as a matter of sim­ dent Johnson urged congres­ built 28 months ago. munist republic conflicts with mane and generous action." sional leaders not to adjourn nose of a Scount rocket. Every elevated train that ar­ the Western conception that At the elevated station, guides ple expediency.” without settling the foreigpi aid The National Aeronautics and and In cans. Mor­ 5-RIB CUT BEEF, PORK and VEAL lb. 75c rived from the West In the East Berlin is under four-power rule stepped up to people and said: Thursday, the OEIA, the Space Administration said tho ROAST ...............lb. 29c state's largest, teacher organ­ dispute and passing a farm ap­ FRANKFURT, Germany (AP)—Nazi SS guards fac­ successful launch achieved one E Elerlln station at Frledrich- and should never have been "Welcome, can I help you?” propriation bill, It was learned ing court today in Germany’s biggest war crimes trial rell m 3s and 5s, strasse was greeted with the divided in the first place. Some visitors were sistonlshed ization, made its expulsion today.
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