The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884 THE VOL. CXXXX NO. LAWRENTIAN8 APPLETON, WISCONSIN MAY 28, 2021 $15 Minimum Wage Movement THIS WEEK IN PHOTOS: sets agenda for coming months Family Cookout The Black Student Union (BSU) and Committee Caleb Yuan the administration in the next benefits. Staff Writer academic year, the initiative will During the conversation be- on Diversity Affairs (CODA) collaborated to host _________________________________ present their concerns to LUCC in tween the two groups, the Union an end-of-the-year cookout on May 22. The event The “Pay Us 15” initiative, the hope of gaining potential sup- of Grinnell Student Dining Work- founded by junior Barrah Sham- port, according to Freeman. Their ers offered some suggestions, such featured food, music and games held on the Quad. oon, continues its effort towards list of concerns addresses issues as focusing on a specific worker raising student workers’ mini- including the impact of a low pay demographic before expanding mum wage in Spring Term, under rate on the mental well-being of the campaign, doing mass move- the leaderships of Students for a those who come from underprivi- ment such as distributing fliers Democratic Society (SDS), Sun- leged backgrounds, decreased and holding demonstrations, as rise Appleton and Student Libera- financial aid packages for interna- well as waiting for administrative tion Front (SLF). tional students and the disparities changes in National Labor Rela- As of now, the initiative has between student’s received wage tion Board (NLRB) during this set several agendas including ap- and the cost of tuition, books, summer. Following these sugges- proaching the Lawrence Univer- clothing, food, transportation and tions, the initiative will be consol- sity Community Council (LUCC) entertainment. idating specific plans during the at the end of this academic year As part of their efforts, the “Pay summer, according to Freeman. and potentially forming a stu- Us 15” initiative reached out to the The initiative is also hoping dent worker union at Lawrence Union of Grinnell Student Din- that the incoming staff in NLRB University in the next academic ing Workers, an undergraduate will come to recognize undergrad- year, according to junior Terrance student worker union at Grinnell uate student workers, Freeman Freeman, the co-chair of SDS. The College in Grinnell, Iowa, accord- said, which is why the endeavor initiative will be consolidating ing to Freeman. The National La- to form a student labor union will more plans of action at the end of bor Relation Board (NLRB) would take place next year. Spring Term, Freeman said. not recognize an undergraduate Alongside with administrative As a recent development on student union alone, Freeman changes, the initiative remains campus, the “Pay Us 15” move- said; however, in 2016, the forma- uncertain about how Laurie Cart- ment held its first event, a cam- tion of student worker union in er, the incoming president for pus demonstration, on April 16 Grinnell was approved by NLRB Lawrence University, will stand near the Warch Campus Center, under the agreement of Grinnell on this movement in the next in order to raise awareness of this Administration. academic year. However, Free- initiative and call for the Law- According to their official web- man stated, it could be possible rence administration to increase site, the Union of Grinnell Student that Carter, as a new President, student workers’ minimum wage Dining Workers made a contract will seek to develop a close rela- to $15 per hour. They view this in- with the Grinnell Administration, tionship with the student body crease as a response to students’ which raised hourly wage for stu- and may be willing to support this financial difficulties, including dent workers to $10 per hour and movement if a considerable por- their tuition fees alongside their guaranteed experience bonuses, tion of student body is advocating academic life. grievance procedure, better food for a higher pay. Before directly approaching safety training as well as other Features Highlights: LUaroo 2021 to make history this weekend For the full piece on the music festival, submitted by the Band Booking Committee and the Committee on Diversity Affairs, flip to our features section. BBC and CODA festival highlighting BIPOC and The lineup this year features a Guest Submission LGBTQ+ artists. The two student few names that Lawrentians may _________________________________ groups then saw the opportunity remember — CJ Run performed Just like everything else this to combine forces, leading to this on campus in February 2020 at year, Lawrence’s student-run year’s lineup featuring only acts WLFM house. Minnesota trio music festival will look different that met certain criteria. Gully Boys were part of the 2018 from years past (and hopefully, “In years past, it has always LUaroo lineup. Although they from years to come). In recent been important to us that we were not announced before the years, the festival has hosted highlight performers of color festival was cancelled, Nur-D over a dozen traveling perform- and LGBTQ performers, but this and Glitter Moneyyy were slated ers on the quad over Memorial is the first time we’re giving them to perform at LUaroo in 2020. Day weekend, supported by ad- our focus exclusively,” said Geor- This year’s virtual lineup also in- ditional performances by Law- gia Greenberg ‘20, festival co-di- cludes Bradie Blaze, Fana Hues, rence students. rector from 2018-2020 and cur- Kelechi and Sammy Rae & The One big change this year is rent alumni advisor. “In order to Friends. the festival’s partnership with not be tokenizing to artists, it is In addition to the new book- the Committee on Diversity Af- (ABOVE) Attendees approach the table where the cookout’s food is being served. important to have a real curios- ing strategy, the festival will be Photo by Alana Melvin. fairs (CODA). The student group ity about what’s out there now. partially virtual. On Saturday, approached the LUaroo organiz- (MIDDLE) Students form a line as they start to dance to the music. The lineup is entirely selected by May 29, Lawrentians around the Photo by Alana Melvin. ers, the Band Booking Commit- Lawrence students, and we get to globe can join the livestream o tee (BBC), for advice when they look deeply and get excited about (TOP) Senior Shaun Brown grills food for the cookout. Photo by Alana Melvin. wanted to create their own music all the artists we find and invite.” See page 7 Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed Milo, the calf, & Weight Photo Feature by Astra Universal Heartthrob: Department of Theatre Arts We should absolutely Training Theory Medeiros Kevin Goggins performs The Domino Effect continue debating... PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 6 PAGE 8 PAGE 10 THIS WEEK 2 NEWS May 28, 2021 THE LAWRENTIAN Viking Room reopens patio seating to on-campus students Luther Abel that have some worried about the Staff Writer danger of COVID-19 spread at the _________________________________ VR. In a poll of 129 students post- Shuttered since the end of Win- ed in the Lawrence Shoutbox Face- ter Term 2020, the doors to the book group, the most frequently Viking Room — Lawrence’s bar raised concern was that of mask- and social meeting place — were lessness combined with proximity thrown open to student patronage among the attendees. There was on May 12. Fourteen months have passed since the last droughts To view the VR’s were poured in that space. Instagram account While the Viking Room has scan the QR code: been the home to pints and con- versations on-campus many a night since 1969, the world has changed in the past year, and so the Viking Room has changed with it. According to the VR’s staff supervisor Greg Griffin, social dis- tancing, masking indoors, limited capacity and outdoor-only seating are the rules for the Spring Term 2021 in order to keep the doors worry that the VR’s opening was open and students healthy. premature and should be pushed When VR leadership was look- to next school year. ing for the optimal time to reopen, However, for many other Law- Customers wait while bartenders prepare drinks at the Viking Room’s newly reopened bar. Griffin said, campus safety was a rentians, the VR’s opening ap- Photo by Pei Robins. key consideration. The conclusion pears to be a welcome move that they came to was to wait until Wis- allows them to socialize and enjoy consin’s weather would allow for the warming of Wisconsin. 88 per- patron comfort outdoors, where cent of those polled favored the Weekly updates on the the possibilities of transmission opening. status of COVID-19 at COVID-19 are most reduced, according to “I think it’s great that [the VR] Griffin. reopened,” senior Hannah Rauch Lawrence Per Griffin, those returning to ON CAMPUS said. “I know that many seniors the VR after its hiatus will find the have been desperate to reconnect patio furnished with added seating before we graduate and this gives and tents to offer some protection us a safe place to socialize…[this from inclement weather, particu- could] be used as an incentive to TESTS TOTAL POSITIVE larly spring rains. get vaccinated, especially if they ACTIVE CASES: Veteran bartender, senior Zoe CONDUCTED: CASES: open up the inside for fully vacci- Adler was likewise optimistic nated students.” about the reopening. To the possibility of indoor Total LU tests: Active LU cases: Total LU cases: “It has gone very well,” Adler seating opportunities, Griffin 20,847 0 144 said. “[The staff] have all done an thought September was feasible excellent job adjusting to current but dependent on the status of circumstances.
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