sephamore road Existing rail reserve - no trains existing rail line heart street existing freight line victoria road causeway road potential tram line port river express way sephamore road Existing rail reserve - no trains existing rail line heart street existing freight line commercial road victoria road current situation - transport network current situation - Site current situation - primary road network causeway road current situation current situation current situation port river port river port river potential tram line port river express way existing rail network mclaren warf and cruickshanks corner existing primary road network project boundary potential tram route sephamore road newport future Existing rail reserve - no trains development precinct existing rail line birkenhead bridge newport future (vehicles) port river expressway heart street commercial road development precinct existing freight line newport quays stage 2 newport future jervois bridge (vehicles) train crossing (marina cove) developmentvictoria precinct road (vehicles) newport quays stage 1 (edgewater) current situation - transport network current situation - Site current situation - primary road network newport future development precinct (hart’s mill precinct) current situation potential pedestrian crossing causeway road (none present currently) current situation current situation port river port river port river potential tramexisting line rail network mclaren warf and cruickshanks corner existing primary road network port river express way potential tram route project boundary port adelaide station * newport future development precinct birkenhead bridge newport future (vehicles) port river expressway development precinct newport quays stage 2 newport future jervois bridge (vehicles) train crossing commercial road (marina cove) development precinct (vehicles) newport quays stage 1 (edgewater) current situation - transport network current situation - Site current situation - primary road network newport future development precinct (hart’s mill precinct) potential pedestrian crossing current situation (none present currently) current situationcurrent situation - port river crossing current situationcurrent situation - newport quays current situation - port adelaide ac framework port river port river port river existing rail network currentmclaren situation warf and cruickshanks corner currentexisting situation primary road network current situation portproject river boundary port river port adelaide stationportpotential river tram route existing crossings newport quays development port* adelaide ac framework newport future potential crossings development precinct birkenhead bridge newport quays future developmentnewport future (vehicles) port river expressway development precinct newport quays stage 2 newport future jervois bridge (vehicles) train crossing (marina cove) development precinct (vehicles) newport quays stage 1 (edgewater) 1km radius - adelaide brighton cement adelaide brighton cement dolphin interpretive centre? newport future international hotel? dock 2 development precinct (hart’s mill precinct) potential pedestrian crossing current situation - port river crossing current situation - newport quays current situation - port adelaide ac framework (none present currently) existing maritime museum current situation current situation * current situation port river port river port river * port adelaide station existing crossings newport quays development port* adelaide ac framework potential crossings newport quays future development 1km radius - adelaide brighton cement adelaide brighton cement dolphin interpretive centre? dock 2 international hotel? sephamore road Existing rail reserve - no trains existing rail line current situation - port river crossing current situation - newport quays existing maritime museum current situation - port adelaide ac framework heart street existing freight line current situation - industrial neighbours victoria road current situation - tourism current situation - port river interface current situation current situation * current situation port river port river * port river current situation current situation current situation existing crossings newport quays development port adelaide ac framework causeway road port river port river port river potential crossings newport quays future development industrial neighbours potential tram line maritime museum interface with port river 1km radius Adelaide Brighton Cementport river express way 1km radius - adelaide brighton cement adelaide brighton cement dolphin interpretive centre? dock 2 international hotel? existing maritime museum current situationcommercial road - industrial neighbours current situation - tourism current situation - port river interface current situation - transport network current situation - Site current situation - primary road network * current situation current situation * current situation current situation current situation currentport situation river port river port river port river port river port riverindustrial neighbours maritime museum interface with port river existing rail network mclaren warf and cruickshanks corner existing1km primary radius road Adelaide network Brighton Cement project boundary potential tram route newport future development precinct birkenhead bridge newport future (vehicles) port river expressway development precinct newport quays stage 2 newport future jervois bridge (vehicles) train crossing (marina cove) development precinct (vehicles) current situation - industrial neighbours current situation - tourism current situation - port river interface McLaren Wharf, Adelaide Port Adelaide was once the major Cruickshank’s Corner, situatednewport quays stage on 1 the The Master Plan aims to provide an (edgewater) thriving industrial port for South northern side of the River, opposite investment strategy to assist in the Australia. The relocation of Port McLaren Wharf, providesnewport future an opportunity revitalisation of the Port Adelaide Centre. development precinct current situation current situation current situation (hart’s mill precinct) potential pedestrian crossing activities, as well as the proximity of to generate activity along the waterfront (none present currently) port river port river port river other regional centres such as West and draw people through to McLaren The Port Adelaide Centre Vision and industrial neighbours interface with port river Lakes and Arndale (offering a greater Wharf and ultimately the Port Adelaide Framework established the following maritime museum range of retail facilities and services), Centre through improved connections. 1km Urbanradius Adelaide Brighton Cement has led to a decline in the Port Adelaide port adelaide station The Design Principles are: The McLaren Wharf Precinct, located * Regional Centre over recent decades. adjacent the Port Adelaide Centre, is Two key study locations were identified; 1. Celebrate the Waterfront considered to be prime public waterfront McLaren Wharf and Cruickshank’s 2. Enhance City Streets area hosting the historic Customs House Corner Precincts. Accordingly, 3. Support a Diverse Community and Fisherman’s Wharf Markets, yet it approaching these two precincts as a 4. Promote the Port’s History is characterised by fragmented land 5. Provide a Welcome for Visitors ownership and current situation - port riversingle crossing master planning study optimises current situation - newport quays current situation - port adelaide ac framework development outcomes and achieves a 6. Facilitate Coming and Going under-developed land holdings. 7. Ensure a City for People high quality urban environment. Tract’s Master Plan capitalising on current situation current situation current situation the strategic location of the McLaren port river port river Wharf Precinct, provides an excellent port river existing crossings newport quaysopportunity development to facilitate the revitalisation port adelaide ac framework potential crossings newport quaysof the future Port Adelaide development Centre. 1km radius - adelaide brighton cement adelaide brighton cement dolphin interpretive centre? dock 2 international hotel? existing maritime museum * * current situation - industrial neighbours current situation - tourism current situation - port river interface current situation current situation current situation port river port river port river industrial neighbours maritime museum interface with port river 1km radius Adelaide Brighton Cement.
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