ILKKA SILLANPÄÄ Implementing supply chain strategy ACTA WASAENSIA 310 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 126 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION III Julkaisija Julkaisupäivämäärä Vaasan yliopisto Marraskuu 2014 Tekijä(t) Julkaisun tyyppi Artikkelikokoelma Ilkka Sillanpää Julkaisusarjan nimi, osan numero Acta Wasaensia, 310 Yhteystiedot ISBN Vaasan yliopisto ISBN 978–952–476–560–2 (print) Johtamisen yksikkö ISBN 978–952–476–561–9 (online) ISSN PL 700 ISSN 0355–2667 (Acta Wasaensia 310, print) 65101 Vaasa ISSN 2323–9123 (Acta Wasaensia 310, online) ISSN 1235–7871 (Acta Wasaensia. Business administration 126, print) ISSN 2323–9735 (Acta Wasaensia. Business administration 126, online) Sivumäärä Kieli 208 Englanti Julkaisun nimike Toimitusketjun strategian implementointi Tiivistelmä Toimitusketjun strategian implementointi on prosessi, joka yhdistää strategisen johtamisen, toimitusketjun johtamisen ja toimittajien kehittämisen. Aiempi kirjallisuus strategian imple- mentoinnista ja toimitusketjun johtamisesta on hajanaista ja käsittää vain osittaisia sekä irralli- sia näkökulmia. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että useasti strategian implementointi epäon- nistuu. Tästä syystä tutkimuksen päätavoite on integroida aiheeseen liittyvät teoriat sekä luoda toimitusketjun strategian implementointiin viitekehys. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen usean tapauksen tutkimus, joka noudattaa hermeneuttista tutki- musparadigmaa. Tutkimus on empiirisesti fokusoitunut ja koostuu useista eurooppalaisista ja aasialaisista yrityksiä. Tutkimus koostuu johdannosta, teorian muodostuksesta sekä kuudesta artikkelista. Tulokset syventävät ymmärrystä toimitusketjun strategian implementoinnista ja muodostavat toimitusketjun strategian implementoinnin viitekehyksen, mikä yhdistää ala-viitekehykset, jotka ovat toimitusketjun strategian viitekehys, valmistaa tai ostaa päätöksenteon malli, toimi- tusketjun strategian implementoinnin haasteiden viitekehys, toimittajien kehittämisen viiteke- hys sekä toimitusketjun suorituskyvyn mittaamisen viitekehys. Tutkimuksen uutuusarvo on tutkimuksessa kehitetty toimitusketjun strategian implementoin- nin viitekehys, jota voi käyttää toimitusketjun strategian implementointiin yrityksen sisällä, mutta myös strategian implementoinnissa yrityksen toimittajaverkostoon. Asiasanat Strateginen johtaminen, strategian implementointi, toimitusketjun johtaminen, toimit- tajien kehittäminen V Publisher Date of publication Vaasan yliopisto November 2014 Author(s) Type of publication Selection of articles Ilkka Sillanpää Name and number of series Acta Wasaensia, 310 Contact information ISBN University of Vaasa ISBN 978–952–476–560–2 (print) Department of Management ISBN 978–952–476–561–9 (online) ISSN P.O. Box 700 ISSN 0355–2667 (Acta Wasaensia 310, print) FI-65101 Vaasa ISSN 2323–9123 (Acta Wasaensia 310, online) ISSN 1235–7871 (Acta Wasaensia. Business Finland administration 126, print) ISSN 2323–9735 (Acta Wasaensia. Business administration 126, online) Number Language of pages 208 English Title of publication Implementing supply chain strategy Abstract Supply chain strategy implementation is the process which merges together strategic management, supply chain management and supplier development. The prior literature on strategy implementation and supply chain management is fragmented and provides only partial and often disconnected views. There is also evidence that much strategy imple- mentation fails. Therefore the main objective of this research is to integrate related theo- ries and configure the supply chain strategy implementation framework. This study is a multiple qualitative case study research with hermeneutic research para- digm. The research is empirically focused and uses case studies from several companies in Europe and Asia. The study consists of an introduction, theoretical development and six journal articles. The results deepen knowledge of supply chain strategy implementation and create a sup- ply chain strategy implementation framework, which merge together sub-frameworks: supply chain strategy framework, make or buy decision-making model, supply chain strategy implementation challenges framework, supplier development framework, supply chain information integration framework and supply chain performance measurement framework. The results highlight the importance of the different approaches and sub- framework of the supply chain strategy implementation framework. The originality and the value of the research is a developed supply chain strategy imple- mentation framework, which could be used when supply chain strategy is implemented inside a company and into the company’s supply chain network. Keywords strategic management, strategy implementation, supply chain management, sup- plier development VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The story behind this thesis began with a Management conference in Slovenia in 2011. At that time I had recently completed my first Ph.D. (eng.) thesis in the field of Industrial engineering and management. I had also started to write a number of journal and conference articles. Business administration and especially strategic management has been my ambition while studying, but I had never had the possibility to deepen my knowledge in that field. During that conference I met a very special person, Professor Dr. Josu Takala and we had great discussions during that time. He encouraged me to start a second Ph.D (econ.) research, because it could be done at the same time as doing post- doctoral research. This idea was so good that we decided to start the journey. Quite soon after that Professor Takala introduced me to Professor Dr. Marko Kohtamäki, who was interested in my research topics and plans. The University of Vaasa nominated Professor Kohtamäki and Professor Takala as my supervisors officially in 2012. This research journey has been very interesting because of my background in en- gineering. The main challenge for me has been how to change my engineering focus into an economic one. Professor Kohtamäki and Professor Takala have been very successful in changing my way of thinking in the economic field. Both of my supervisors have been more than just supervisors: they have been mentors! It has been my pleasure to work with these gentlemen! During my research I have met so many great people, some of whom I would like to introduce and give special thanks. It is quite some time since I started this pro- ject, I met Dr. Jari Koskinen who had a somewhat similar background and way of thinking to me: working in the global business environment. We have also anoth- er similar interest: Lapland, where we have met many times. Khuram Shahzad I met for the first time when I started this research. I was lucky because Khuram was planning to start Ph.D research soon and we had a similar research area. Dur- ing research I also met Nurul Aida Binti, who came from Malaysia to Vaasa. Thank you all for your cooperation and assistance! I would like to thank my cousin Sebastian Sillanpää. We realized that we did re- search in the same field and cooperated well together. My sister Elina Sillanpää has been a great support during the whole research period. She was at first a full time researcher, but after a while we were in the same situation: both working in private companies and doing research as a hobby. Elina has been one of the best opponents ever and I hope I can help her to finalize her research. VIII The most intensive period during my research was in a research exchange in Cor- vinus University Budapest Hungary in spring 2014. That’s why I would like to give special thanks to Professor Takala, who made this possible together with Professor Imre Ferto from Corvinus University. Also thanks to my Corvinus Uni- versity co-workers and the whole team, including Professors Szilárd Podruzsik, Andrea Gelei, Krisztina Demeter, Zsolt Matyusz and many others. Special thanks also to Petra Csobanka, who organized everything what we needed in Budapest and made Budapest feel as our home. Special thanks also to my pre-examiners Professor Dr. Stefan Bojnec and Profes- sor Dr. Joanna Paliszkiewicz who gave me very good comments and feedback from the thesis. I was lucky to have you both as pre-examiners! Thanks to Alan Pembshaw who has been my mentor during the last 6 years. Alan has been also a language consultant during my research and helped me a lot! He is an very inspir- ing mentor and it has been my pleasure to learn many aspects of leadership from him. Thanks to the case companies which took part in this research and thanks to all those people who were interviewed. My fiancée Paula Hakso needs also special thanks for her great support to me in making this research possible. Because her background is from a totally different field, she has also been a great opponent. We had a very special period in our life during spring 2014, when we were on research exchange in Budapest. During that time we learned a lot from life and we will never forget that period. Thanks to my mother Päivi Sillanpää and my father Markku Sillanpää who have been support- ing and encouraging me to do further studies and this research. My mother has taught me how important it is to study and develop yourself. Also thanks to my family, relatives and friends for the support; without your support I would not have been able to complete this project! This journey has been something special. Even though this is the second time to complete a thesis, this was totally different to the first one and I would certainly do this whole journey again! Life is a learning journey! Budapest 31.5.2014
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