182 Sources Summer 2009 World Wide Web: www.dalecurd.com rectory, an extensive web site, annual con- Dale Curd, Counselor, Director, The ference and quarterly magazine, Company. Men’s Program/Men’s Issues Expert, Co-author of Courage to Succeed. Winner of Co-Host, Guy Talk, Newstalk 1010 the Entrepreneur of the Year Award, 2009 – CFRB, Author of The Shrink is in, Oakville. www.beer.com World Wide Web: Phone: (416) 409-9700 www.companyofwomen.ca E-mail: [email protected] Anne Day, Founder Phone: (905) 338-1771 Drake International FAX: (905) 338-3018 320 Bay St., Ste. 1400, D E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, ON M5H 4A6 Drake’s operating philosophy is based on the principle that organizations achieve the Debt Freedom Canada highest level of performance when they are staffed with the right people, working with Financial Services the right skills, knowledge and behaviors, 5500 North Service Rd., Ste. 101, using the best processes and technology- Burlington, ON L7L 6W6 driven solutions, over an extended period of Debt Freedom Canada is a Canadian com- time. 191 New Toronto St., pany founded specifically to help middle- Our unique suite of innovative staffing and Toronto, ON M8V 2E7 income families regain control of their finan- HR consulting solutions can be customized Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, cial futures. Its purpose is to educate Cana- for any organization to generate Exponential charitable organization that is fighting to end dians on how to manage their personal debt Impact™ by improving performance, pro- hunger in our communities. Last year, over load in a business-like manner and to offer ductivity, recruiting, retention, organiza- 950,000 people across the GTA relied on proactive solutions to the ultimate elimina- tional culture and leadership while improv- food banks. Daily Bread serves the majority tion of debt. The company’s mission is to ing the bottom line. of these people through neighbourhood food help every client eliminate debt, build Members of the Drake International Group banks and meal programs in its 160 mem- wealth and live life. Today, Debt Freedom is of Companies are global leaders in the field ber agencies. Daily Bread Food Bank fights saving homeowners an average of $500 to of human resources, performance improve- hunger by providing food and resources for $1,000 a month in unnecessary interest pay- ment, consultative management, staffing and hungry people; mobilizing greater commu- ments. technology solutions. nity support; and creating social change World Wide Web: www.debtfreedom.ca World Wide Web: www.drakeintl.com through research, education and advocacy. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 216-1000 World Wide Web: www.dailybread.ca FAX: (416) 216-1109 Bruce Stock, Director, Corporate Phone: (416) 203-0050 Communications Mark Coetzee, President FAX: (416) 203-0049 Phone: (905) 319-7748 Phone: (416) 216-1112 Gabrielle Chackal, Communications and FAX: (905) 319-7152 E-mail: [email protected] Marketing Officer E-mail: [email protected] Tony Scala, Vice-President, Marketing Ext. 238 and Public Relations E-mail: [email protected] Ann Douglas, Author Phone: (416) 216-1153 Michael Oliphant, Director of Research 3108 Frances Stewart Rd., E-mail: [email protected] and Communications Peterborough, ON K9H 7J8 Ext. 256 Author of 28 books, including the E-mail: [email protected] bestselling “The Mother of All®” Books se- Gail Nyberg, Executive Director ries: The Mother of All Pregnancy Books, Ext. 230 The Mother of All Baby Books, The Mother E-mail: [email protected] of All Toddler Books and The Mother of All Parenting Books. Latest books are Sleep So- lutions for Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler and Mealtime Solutions for 2000 Simcoe St. N., Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler. Fre- Oshawa, ON L1H 7L7 quently featured in the print and broadcast Highly rated by students, employers and media in Canada and the U.S. Expect prac- graduates, Durham College offers nearly tical tips, lively anecdotes and “real world” 100 top-notch programs, new and expanded advice. facilities, an employer guarantee and a Skills World Wide Web: Training Centre. The college’s Oshawa cam- Anne Day – Company of www.having-a-baby.com pus is also home to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. Get immediate Women Ann Douglas commentary from experts in numerous 1353 Cleaver Dr., Oakville, ON L6J 1W5 Phone: (705) 742-3265 fields. FAX: (705) 742-9672 Anne Day is the Founder of Company of World Wide Web: www.durhamcollege.ca Women, an organization that supports, con- E-mail: [email protected] nects and promotes women in business or [email protected] Phone: (905) 721-2000 through monthly events, online and print di- FAX: (905) 721-3155 E-mail: [email protected] Summer 2009 Sources 183 Don Lovisa, President Toronto Office: Phone: (905) 721-3217 Phone: (416) 429-3330 Communications and Marketing: or (416) 696-3000 Donna McFarlane, Vice-President, FAX: (416) 429-3794 Communications and Marketing Bill Weiland, Managing Principal Phone: (905) 721-2000, ext. 2952 Phone: (416) 696-3011 E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Asset Consulting Tawni Shepperdson, Executive Assistant Greg Malone Phone: (905) 721-2000, ext. 3610 easyDNS Technologies Phone: (416) 696-3098 E-mail: Inc. Communications [email protected] Paul Harrietha 219 Dufferin St., Ste. 304A, Phone: (416) 696-3064 Toronto, ON M6K 3J1 E easyDNS has been a leading provider of Financial Services outsourced DNS services and domain name Bill Weiland E.K. Gillin & Associates registrar since 1998. Every organization has Phone: (416) 696-3011 at least one domain name or web address. Pensions and Benefits 356 Ontario St., Ste. 362, Every e-mail, instant message or web site Todd McLean Stratford, ON N5A 7X6 access requires functional DNS. easyDNS Phone: (416) 696-3059 E.K. Gillin & Associates Inc. (EKG) is demystifies both the technical underpin- Canada’s leading environmental health & nings of the internet as well as the wider in- Technology safety consultancy and training firm. Our tellectual property, security, economic and Sean Keys experts are available 24/7 for commentary cultural issues as they relate to an increas- Phone: (416) 696-3054 on everything from workplace ergonomics ingly inter-networked world. Vancouver Office: to industrial accidents, mould remediation Jeftovic explains the technology and the Richard Border to chemical spills. Call us for a story idea ramifications in simple, easy-to-understand Phone: (604) 682-1381 today; we’d love to hear from you! language with a rare no-nonsense delivery. FAX: (604) 669-1510 World Wide Web: www.ekginc.com Former Director to the Canadian Internet Winnipeg Office: Registration Authority (CIRA), participant Toll free: 1-888-771-6754 Doug Poapst in Industry Canada’s anti-spam task-force FAX: (519) 662-6595 Phone: (204) 988-1576 working group and frequent media com- E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (204) 988-1589 mentator on internet issues (ITCanada.ca, Contact for all: Global News, CTV, internet.com, WIRED, Montreal Office: Scot Magnish, Corporate Business Week, etc.). Nick Bauer Communications Phone: (514) 879-8721 World Wide Web: www.easydns.com Phone: (519) 662-3819 FAX: (514) 878-9169 FAX: (519) 662-6565 Phone: (416) 535-8672 Pensions and Benefits E-mail: [email protected] Toll free: 1-888-677-4741 Gilles Bouchard Mark Jeftovic, Founder and President Phone: (514) 879-8722 Ext. 225 Halifax Office: E-mail: [email protected] Peter Hayes Phone: (902) 490-3310 FAX: (902) 454-9398 Electricity Distributors Association 111 Peter St., Toronto, ON M5V 2H1 3700 Steeles Ave. W., Ste. 1100, Earth Day Canada, a national environmen- Vaughan, ON L4L 8K8 tal charity, provides Canadians with practi- Consultants and Actuaries, The Electricity Distributors Association LISTINGS cal knowledge and tools to support the en- 110 Sheppard Ave. E., Ste. 900, (EDA) is the voice of Ontario’s local elec- vironment. In 2004 it received the top envi- Toronto, ON M2N 7A3 tricity distributors, the publicly and pri- ronmental education organization in North • Consulting to insurance companies/finan- vately owned companies that safely and re- America award. In 2008 it was chosen as cial institutions on mergers, acquisitions, liably deliver electricity to over four million Canada’s “Outstanding Non-profit Organi- valuations, etc. Ontario homes, businesses and public insti- zation” by the Canadian Network for Envi- • Pensions and benefits tutions. The EDA provides members with ronmental Education and Communication. • Employee communications advocacy and representation in the legisla- • Asset consulting tive and regulatory environment. World Wide Web: www.earthday.ca • Healthcare management Christine Hallas, Manager, Phone: (416) 599-1991 • Technology Clients: corporate employers, govern- Communications and Media Relations FAX: (416) 599-3100 Phone: (905) 265-5322 E-mail: [email protected] ments, financial institutions, multi-em- ployer trusts, universities, unions, lawyers, FAX: (905) 265-5301 Keith Treffry, Communications Director associations. E-mail: [email protected] Ext. 107 E-mail: [email protected] World Wide Web: www.eckler.ca 184 Sources Summer 2009 Eluta.ca 21 New St., Toronto, ON M5R 1P7 Eluta.ca is a search engine for full-time jobs from direct Canadian employers. Eluta.ca uses proprietary algorithms, tech- nology and human editing to connect job- seekers to employers, bypassing traditional job boards. Eluta features exclusive edito- rial content highlighting best practices from 480 University Ave., Ste. 1000, Canada’s Top 100 Employers competition, Engineers Canada / Toronto, ON M5G 1V2 managed by Eluta’s parent company. The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ingénieurs Canada Ontario represents more than 73,000 public World Wide Web: www.eluta.ca 180 Elgin St., Ste. 1100, elementary school teachers and education Kim Peters, President and CEO workers across Ontario and is the largest Ottawa, ON K2P 2K3 Phone: (416) 987-1459 Engineers Canada is the national organi- teacher federation in Canada.
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