. Page Eight THE VILLANOVAN Tuesday, March 21, 1950 WiM««r wHtn br fix H:9r»t \iAji:;mjiiLi4Miit^ The Library Comer. ^wp^^ VILLANOVAN • Volume 25—No. 17 VILLANOVA COLLEGE, VILLANOVA, PA. Tuesday, March 28, 1950 Buddy Williams To Play At Seminary Guild's Variety Show In Field House are associated with St. Jerome The crucifix also was not in ; mous as the "Painter of the Ed Roecker To Sing At Annual Affair For only by tradition. One of these use as an emblem of devotion Conceptions", since the Immac- The Benefit of Augustinian Seminary after the of St. Je- is the use of the Cardinal's until death yjate Conception was the most j rome, but like the robes, were office of St. ••;:?>' Madonna of the Choir robes. In reality, the frequent subject he depicted in 'em," a typical expres- has Jerome attached to him by pious tradi- "Wow man promised a suitable Cardinal was not in existence oils. He has also painted sev- tion. sion in show business, is the forecast for the big night, Tues- Perhaps you have noticed that the Library by Princess Ruspoli centuries after his until three eral well-known pictures of St. perfect way to describe the Aug- Painter Of The C.m.eeptlonH day, April 18th., or Paul Arizin in the Reading Room of the Li- of the House of Ruspoli in Rome, death. When the office was i Thomas of Villanova, the patron ustinian Seminary Guild's va- night plus one. : V brary, on the wall between the Italy. created for advisers to the Pope Murillo, is perhaps most fa- saint of this college. *..*• riety show. Carefully planned Nationally known Buddy Wil- '".: the robes were probably given two main doors, there hangs an SymboliHni In Art to Jerome because of the high to entertain and lift the strain liams, who began his career in oil painting of a Madonna, en- Alter the BasketboU Games Come this worked his If it is symbolism that you position the "Cardinal of Beth- from everyone's shoulders, Philadelphia and way • closed in a large ornate, gold TO year's complete change trom the to the top, via Glenn Miller, the like to see in a painting, you lehem" held in the early Church, [ frame. So striking are both the and because he at one time had old time bingo-card parties of Dorsey brothers, Paul Whitman, would no doubt appreciate the HAMBURG HEARTH picture the frame they served Pope Dalmasius in an of- the past sixteen years is ex- and other great band leaders of and 839 Vz LANCASTER AVE.. BRYN MAWR. PA. picture of St. Jerome on view correspond pected to draw more people to our time, will be one of the "big- must have aroused some curi- fice that would today Bryn Mawr 2314 opposite the portrait of Fr. Fed- to the one of Cardinal. the Villanova Field House than name" attractions to be in the osity in regard to the story be- igan at the stair landing in the NFCCS Begins Drive On any other one-night stand in the show. As M.C. for the evening. hind them. It is true that this Library building. This picture building's history. Buddy will be using his regular picture, like all others, tells a is belived to be an original by Cooperating to the fullest ex- talent, "One Ton of Fun!", and .Campus For Old Clothing Page 7) story better than a thousand Murillo, the Spanish painter of At BARNARD and Colleges ohd Universities tent, as everyone is, the weather (Continued on three centuries ago. If not an words, but the story it tells is least fine original, it is at a • Passion Week drive of spir- body during the week. Students of itself. examine A not We may copies the reproduction that itual and material charity began Belle Masque Receives Plaudits are asked to list the spiritual ex- the painting itself for the emo- style of Murillo. •; sponsorship Sunday, under the ercises which they have offered tional effect the artist portrays the throughout the country CHESTERFIELD Saint Jerome was one of of the Villanova chapter of the for the Pope's intention, so that For Success of Elizabethan Comedy in his subjects, but for informa- Fathers of the Church, and au- National Federation of Catho- thor of the Vulgate, the Latin Villanova's contribution can be tion about the artist and back- 'lic College Students, and will translation of the Scriptures. In added to the national totaL ground of the picture, we must continue until next Sunday, this picture he is shown in a The materia] aspect of the V « April 2. sources. is the largest-selling cigarette. consult other penitential pose, kneeling with a Passion Week drive will be a A campaign of spiritual ex- From encyclopedias of art and crucifix in his left hand, naked collection of used books and ercises "for Christ, for Peace" other books on the subject, except for a cloth that covers • clothing for the intellectual and will unite Villanova men with here's what we have found : The his loins and the red robe of a JANE WYATT physical relief of displaced stu- 200,000 Catholic college students original painting, of which the in Ehuope whose education Cardinal over his shoulder. On famous Barnard Alumna says: dents ' throughout the country in an one that hangs in the Library the rock at which he kneels has been interrupted by war and \:l offering of Masses, Communions, is an exact duplicate, is one of there is a thick book, and on top Chesterfields nlWfliys (five me a lift. exile. rosaries, and other spiritual acts the Madonnas, The Madonna of of the book, a human skull. In They're wonderfully mild and they taste An NFCCS spokesman pointed as a Holy Year gift from Ameri- the Chair, painted by Raphael, his right hand he holds a stone. so good. They're my favorite cigarette.' out that the Federation's Over- ^can Catholic collegians to the a famous painter of the Italian The Saint is shown in this seas Service Program is trying Holy Father, Pope Pius XIL Renaissance in the early 16th. picture, as he is traditionally to provide for all the needs of blanks will century. shown in all his portraits, as an Spiritual bouquet as many students as possible, in with a bald head and *be distributed to the student (Continued on Page 7) Raphael'ii MadonnaH old man long beard, atttred in the robes STAKkING IN Most of Raphael's original of a Cardinal. The death's head HOUSE BY THE RIVER" works were portraits of the Publisher's Wife Will is an allusion to his conquered ; A Hi i'ihlh: imcturk Give Blessed Mother with the Infant, fear of death, and the stone in as is this picture that we are his hand, is a token of the pen- *8y R«c«nt Notionol Survey Final Pre-Cana Lecture discussing. All of these repre- ance he inflicted upon himself sentations were characteristic- during hts solitary life. ally gentle and lovely, and the Culmination is inevitable, but seldom so notable, as the final Several Anarhronlsms . t* Madonnas themselves have been • conference, in the Pre-Cana series given on Sunday afternoons of described as, "... more hu- of these Lent, is held next Sunday in the Commerce and Finance Audi- Actually, several lAKNARD HAll man than pious, yet more ideal symbols are anachronism, and lARNARO COUEGI A torium at 3 : 00 P. M. The speaker will be the well-known author- * than realistic. They are all har- lecturer-publisher, better known to her public as Maisie Ward. moniously balanced, and have JEANNETT'S Her subject will be "liarriage and the Home." pure, oval faces, with refined, * Co-founder of the Sheed and Ward Publishing house, Maisie BRYN MAWR FLOWER SHOP regular features." . Ward has lectured in this country and in Canada, from coast to Specitdiats This Madonna the Chair is Corsage England and Scotland, and at the American College in of FREE DELIVERY • ^oast, in ;• one of the most characteristic Louvain. She has also lectured 823 LAMCASTEB AVE. and deservedly popular of BRYN MAV^R, PA. Cana Speaker at the English Seminary where Raphael's numerous versions of Bryn Mawr 1(78 Flowers by Wir« her grandfather, although a lay- the Virgin and Child motif. It man, was Professor of Theology. was painted during his visit to The five conferences thus far Rome, four years before his For have all been given by qualified death in 1520. In it, the Virgin, Convenient speakers who had a real interest seated in a chair, clasps Jesus Expert in their listeners, as was notice- to her bosom with both arms, Attention . * • able in their attitudes. Such will leaning her head on his. At the also be the case when Mrs. right the infant St. John is de- Sheed, who has had twenty-eight picted with his hands clasped in years of experience on the out- adoration. door platforms of the Catholic The copy in the Library, like Evidence Guild, talks to the the original in the Palazzo Pitti, betrothed. Florence, is approximately thirty She has written many well- inches in diameter. Its frame known books, including "Gilbert is also a copy of the frame on Keith Chesterton," "The Splen- carved, and 8fce««d wM he the original, hand Mm. »talile Ward dor of the Roaary," "Insurrec- tfce oure^ gold leaf to form |h« final krturrr In covered with tion Verses Resurrection," and THE CAMPUS Lentrn. Pre - Oi>« a fitting enclosure for this "mas- i^i'TST which »re hrtd In Umj.C * F Amik^ "This Burning Heat," to mention indescribable charm; terpiece of BARBER SHOP torhnn.
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