Page 59 "Mel" Anderson suffered a near- SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE tragedy when, while driving with his famlly, his automoblle caught Are FT. SCOTT, KANS. from defectlve wiring. No doubt his presence of mind, in jerking the BLANCHE BICKNELL, Reporter wiring loose, prevented serious dam- age. "Nel" sustalned a slight injury Jack Dalton, prlvate secretary to to his hand and a badly shocked Superintendent Bevans, 1s getting nervous system. He is to be congratu- along nicely at the company hospital lated upon his ability as a wire-puller. In Springfield, after his recent opera- The Sunnyland Club has organized a tion for appendlcitis. He will probably baseball team. And If their flrst en- be able to report for duty In about counter is any indication of the team's flve weeks. Chester Fulton is sub- strength, it is a mighty good ball club. stituting for Jack while he is con- They won their flrst game played valescing. against Sugar-Creek with a score of The Frisco handled a soeclal train 21 to 9. There was some dispute as from Neodesha to ~ittsburgfor the to the final score. Sugar Creek fans accommodation of students and teach- claimed that our club run in one of ers who attended the spring- - musical their men who was coaching on thlrd festival. base and in the excitement an extra Miss Blanche Bicknell and MYss Hes- run was counted. In any event our ter Roberts visited in Pittsburg, Kans. rted unchanaed. team won by a safe margin. Newton Carlton, previdenr of the wish to-extend our sympathy to Western Union Telegraph Company, r. William Zimmerman, Locust street and party, traveling in Mr. Carlton's 1-oasing flagman, in the death of his GENERAL AGENT buslness car 100, passed through the city over the Frisco, en route from Ilrlre. KANSAS CITY, MO. Oklahoma City to Kansas City. E. A. Miller, general agent, and wife 1 TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT DAVID H. TODD, Reporter attended t'he Kansas City-Chlcago ex- ' KANSAS CITY, MO. hibition ball game in Kansas City. Rodgers Illingworth, of this office, W. F. Kirk, general superintendent gi W. A. YOUNG, Reporter was married to Miss Betty Gill. May 4, of the Missouri Paciflc. Kansas Citv. at the Gordon Place Methodist Protest- and party, covering line on bridge in- 'Allen" Goble has taken up golf! ant church in Kansas City, Kans. The spection, passed through Fort Scott pa~d his nrst game. You should have happy couple went to St. Louis. Mo.. njg.ht of April 14 riding Frisco train wn his first game. He played his on thelr honeymoon. 118. round with a foursome. He la- Joe Kramer is the proud possessor The Frlsco landscape gardener, who pr:md patiently and hard, trying to of "Henry's" 1930 model, while John has charge of company parks. Is ex- wwct with the elusive pellet, and Ronne purchased an "Oldsmobile pected in ForK Scott in the next few iually his perseverance won. How- COUD~." days to superlntend the work on the l% k, once or twice he trled to cover Did you ever hear of missing a park norih of the superintendent's of- r remainlng distance by klcking the funeral? Joe Kramer has, but how flce. 1.After being informed that this about a wedding? Ask Frank Martin, The regular monthly Better Service r3s aga~nstthe rules he did not again he knows. and Accident Prevention meetlng, held 'v his bet. When the scores were We began using our last ton of coal in Fort Scott, was interesting and well & (sled and "Allen" found his score in the offlce today, since blackberry attended. M. M. Sisson, assistant gen- 1" ,as 118 as Rgainst his nearest oppon- winter is now upon us. eral manager, H. K. Hays, freight *[a 91 he thought that he had won We understand that two more of our superintendent of claim losses and v match. Imagine his chagrln when members are going to join the ranks damages, Wm. Morrill, accident pre- was told that It was the low score, of the Independent Order of Dock vention agent, all of Springfield, were .ilead of the high, that won. Jumpers. in attendance. Deposit 10% of Your Salary, Each Month, in a FIRST NATIONAL 1"Savings Account, and Spend What Is Left. A Good, Sound, Sensible Plan . Try It! FIRST NATIONAL BANK BROADWAY - LOCUST - OLIVE aOPEN MONDAYS UNTIL 6:30 O'CLOCK Page 60 JOPLIN, MO. Donald 0. Bnrrett, son of switchman \V. 0. Barrett, of 81.5 Sergesnt avenue, graduates from Senlor High school. ROGER C. FLETCHER, Reporter Leo C. Spindler, son of dispatcher W. E. Spindler of 922 Chestnut, graduates from Senior High school. He is a mem- James Bryant. firebuilder, was off ber of the R. 0. T. C. for several days the middle of April. Max Carrithers, hon of switchman His olace was filled by Ernest' Rule. Porter C.lrrithers, graduates from the R. L. Carpenter, assistant car fore- Senior High school man and piece work checker at Ruth Daun Baney, d.~ughtcr of L. S. Baney, yards, was transferred to JIen~phisto graduates from Sor'tli Junior Hlgh check piecework on the new cars at school. that point. He will probably remaill George C. Allison, so11 of engineer A. until the middle of July. His position L. Allison, graduated from the Unl- at RuCh yards is being fllled by L. 0. versity of JIissouri as a civil engineer. Foster, air man. He is employed at present by the Nis- Mr. Harrison, of the Accident Pre- souri State Highway Commissron, lo- vention department, was a visitor in cated at Westphalia. 310. Joplin for a while on May 11. Each of these students are to be Mr. I\-, Bf. Sharp, instructor rvith the congratulated and we feel sure that Oxweld Company, was a visitor on all our Frisco Family is proud of them. May 13. On April 21, James .\I. Boyd, brother The first of Mas, brought quite a of U. G. Boyd. at the rounilhouse d~etl change at' the passenger statior~. Thc suddenly in a Eroccry store at 2117 express company took over the han- Empire avenue. 3Ir. Boyd had been dling of all baggage. Mr. L. S. Baney. bllntl for about thlrty-five years. He for twenty-eight years baggage master lost his sight while working in the at Joplin, elected to take a job in the mincx at Galena, Kdns., when he went ticket office as ticket seller, displacing baclc on a shot wh~cllexploded. He D. A. Stevens, who in turn displaced was buried in Oak Hill cemetery at W. XI. Sweazey. Mr. Sweazey took the Galena. job of ticket agent at Webb City. Mrs. Josephine West, mother of Mrs. Miller Moore, third trick baggage George L. Sennor, wife of the general man, went over with the express corn- foreman at the roundhouse, dled at her pany. home in Galena, Kans., on April 25. A. C. Jones, second trick baggage Y1.s. West had been in poor health for man, took a thirry-day leave of ah- the last two years. Hcr husband, sence before he exercises his bump. \roorhees IVest, dled about a year ago. Mrs. L. S. Baney has been in Farnl- Funernl services were held in Galena. ington, New Mexico, for the pas1 month, having been called to the bed- side of an aunt. Niss Elizabeth Bethel, daughter of OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF Sam Bethel, fireman, was admitted to TERMINALS, KANSAS CITY P'reeman -hospiral. April 18, for an emergency operation. The operation was 'entirely successful and recovery' H. R. SPENCER, Reporter was so rapid, she left the hospitd in near recoca time. We are glad to state The fast talking of Che nuto sales- that she is almost completely recovered man Hnally won our boss, J. \\'. at this time. Skaggs, over to a new Dodge eight. Earl Lynch, formerly of Joplin but It was evldent for a long time that he now .of Che~ryuale.was visitin~friend* had his mlnd made 'up'vn'the Dodge. in Joplin recently. But the demonstration rides is all that Philip Conboy, retired engineer, paid held him baclc. The first day the boss a visit to the rouphouse. Just can't drove his new car down to the officc stay away from his first love"-the it rained. So he had to put in half the enmnes. night polishing it. Charles Perry, son of engineer The Frisco at Kansas City has or- with patented Charles Perry, is at Nayo hospital for ganized a ball team and have elected treatment. Charles is a licensed radio H. J. Hoke, chief clerk to the superin- Cigarette Pocket operator. employed at the local broad- tendent, as their buslness manager. casting station, WNBH. and A. .T. Finn, roadmaster, formerly of Made so you can push a si~ Miss Gladys Nelsoii, daughter of A. the Southeast league, as their field unbutton: W. Nelson, inspector, broadcast several manarer and catcher. cigarette up, without vocal numbers over the station at H. -R. Spencer, chief caller, and flap. Eleven other big featuresr Clay Center, Neb., Sunday, April 26. family spent Sunday, May. 11, in Ash your Several, of her Frisco friends received Grove. Mo.. visitine- Mr. J. R. Shockle~~also win favor. and enjoyed t'he broadcast. Miss Nel- and famil$. son is instructor of voice at the Account resignation of JTr. D. H. 12 Big Yank Feature Hastings conservatory of muslc in Swindell. BIr. Tom Kelcoe has taken Hastings. Neb. Recently her studio position .as stenographer in the super- 1. Sweat Resisting 6. Triple St~tc was nearly wrecked by a terrific storm intendent's office.
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