Thoughts on the Nebular Theory of our Planetary System Formation Thierry De Mees e-mail: thierrydemees (at) telenet.be The Nebular Hypothesis For the protoplanetary disk, a large number of hypotheses follow subsequently to explain how the small dust would be The hypothesis of a Solar Nebula, also known as the Kant- clumping and form planets. Laplace hypothesis, is currently the most accepted explanation I enumerate here some of the keywords and key phrases that for the origin of the Solar System. are usually needed to explain that evolution: turbulence, viscosi- The theory was invented by Emanuel Swedenborg in 1734. ty, transport of the mass, gas drifting outwards, growth of both Immanuel Kant extended Swedenborg's theory further in 1755. the protostar and of the disk radius, mixing of materials, coagula- He thought that if nebulae and gas clouds rotate slowly, they tion, gravitational instability, migration to another orbit, frag- would slowly contract and flatten under their own gravitational mentation into clumps, some will collapse, stochastic growth, force, and eventually the central star and planets of the solar sys- nearly circular orbits, more eccentric orbits, oligarchic growth tem would be formed. A similar model was proposed in 1796 by stage, natural growth restriction, natural sphere of influence, Pierre-Simon Laplace. frost line, by the Solar wind all the gas from the protoplanetary According to the hypothesis a planetary system like the Solar disk is blown away, collisions between protoplanets, the System begins as a large, approximately spherical cloud of very protoplanets disrupt each other's orbits with their gravity, cold interstellar gas. Such a cloud is just heavy enough for its "sweep up" of planetesimals by gravity, stable orbits. own gravitational contraction. This can’t be called one theory. It is made up from a dozen theories. There are numerous totally different suppositions or hypotheses needed to explain the formation of the planets out of a protoplanetary disk. Although it is clear that the proto-disk hypothesis could be probable for galaxies (at a certain stage of their evolution and in some cases), there is no similitude whatsoever between a galaxy and our planetary system. In the next section, I will enumerate the main problems of the planetary nebular theory. Criticism of the planetary nebular theory There are many problems with the theory, or should I say ‘theories’. 1) In the first place, a disk of dust doesn’t become turbulent just like that. A rotating Sun could create some turbulence close to it, that’s all. Let us compare it with a fast spinning star, which Fig.1 Planetary Nebular Hypothesis, schematically Credits: gives a clearer view of what really happens. With a fast spinning http://jupiter.plymouth.edu heavy star in the middle of an accretion disk, the effects are The nebula becomes hotter, because the kinetic energy of the magnified, and we can analyze them closely. The accretion disk, particles in the nebula increase at the expense of the potential which generally is the remnant of a dead companion star, is in- energy in the gravitational field. In the center of mass of the neb- fluenced by the fast rotation of the, say, clockwise spinning star: ula formed an increasingly heavier "protostar" due to contrac- close to the spinning star and in the plane of its equator, the ac- tion. cretion material that approaches to it is deviated counterclockwise , 1 Febr.17th , 2014 in that same plane, and is creating counterclockwise vortices. Ac- 12) The blowing away of the gas from the protoplanetary disk cretion material that is further away just orbits about the BH with by the Solar wind is possible, but the "sweep up" of planetesimals a decreasing counterclockwise vortex amplitude. Most of our plan- by gravity doesn’t make any sense, since asteroids are present in ets rotate clockwise instead. the Solar system, be it with a marginal total mass. If asteroids 2) Even if close to the Sun, the vortices would create friction, occur at some places and are absent at other places, there must collisions and heat, how could such heat be generated at larger exist a precise reason for it. distances from the Sun? It is clear that the theory needs numerous artifacts, whereof 3) The accretion disk is radially symmetrical. Close to the star, none is found by common sense, but instead, only made of many counterclockwise vortices occur. There is absolutely no screwy fantasy. reason to get only one planet at each orbit. Instead, several plan- But isn’t it easy to criticize? If a protoplanetary disk isn’t ets on the same and on several orbits should be able to occur, just possible, would there be an alternate possibility? We have to look like it would be with a disc galaxy. at a solution where not a whole disk, but only a disk sector has 4) The accretion disk cannot become hot like the Earth’s inte- been occupied by matter. Why not a solar explosion? rior, just by kinetic, potential or gravitational action from the Alternate theory: a Solar explosion? Sun. There simply is no critical density involved with such tiny core-planets and there is no strong angular momentum from the The Sun is known to be highly magnetic. The sunspots, main- Sun that can have been transmitted by gravity to an outside disk, ly made of iron and metals, concentrate the magnetic lines by such as it happens in galaxies by their central bulge’s stars. their high magnetic permeability. Between two sunspots, mag- 5) It is also highly speculative that the gravitational compres- netic lines are linked through space. sion inside the planets alone could heat up their core up to the We know from observation of, for example, the magnetic known temperatures. lines of the Earth, that electrons follow these lines in a special 6) There is no reason at all to get small and iron-rich planets way: they are screwing around the line from one place to anoth- close to the Sun and large rocky gas-planets far from the Sun. er. By their tiny mass and by their electric charge, the screwing path is very close to the magnetic line. The betatron radius is 7) The planets are situated at very large distances from each- small. With protons, we get a screwing path in opposite direction other. There is absolutely no reason why there is no dust or no with loops that are farther away from the line, because of the (mini-)planets between them. proton’s mass that is much heavier, causing a much larger 8) Jupiter has its Trojan asteroids at fixed distances on its or- betatron radius. bit. These asteroids will never form planets or moons and will It is observed that the Sun is subject to continuous ejections of never disappear. Why are there only these Trojans present and matter in the shape of loops, which are called prominences or aren’t there asteroids close to all the planets, and between them? protuberances. There are also solar flares and filaments, which Is being at Lagrange points a sufficient reason? Why would only are other forms of prominences and eruptions. All these types of Jupiter not be able to eliminate them, but all other planets would eruptions are governed by the solar magnetism. instead? Why is the Asteroids Belt present between Mars and Jupiter, but is there no Belt elsewhere between the planets? The reason why the Sun is very magnetic is the presence of ions inside the Sun. Because of the Sun’s heat, most of its matter 9) The theory pretends that matter would migrate from one is ionized. orbit to another. However, there are huge amounts of energy involved to that. The energy needed to increase the distance be- What would happen if the Sun would locally explode, let’s tween the Earth and the Sun with 10 cm, is 3.5 x 1027 joules. That say, if the local conditions at the surface of the Sun would be is 7 million times the total energy consumption by men on Earth such, that 0.15% of its mass could be ejected in one event? per year. Or 3500 times more than what is necessary to heat up Let us gather all the data about the Sun up to now, and relate all water on Earth with 1 degree Celsius. it to a general solar explosion, eruption, or prominence: 10) The theory considers that larger clumped objects would 1) the explosion occurs in a magnetic environment, where ion- orbit in a circular way and, at the same time, that smaller ized matter is involved; clumped objects would orbit along an elliptic path. They would 2) when magnetic explosions occur, sunspots are found to be then clash and form other configurations. But where does that involved; sudden asymmetry of orbits come from? 3) ionized matter will follow the magnetic lines and screw, de- 11) There is absolutely no foundation of the split into a group pending from their charge sign in a right or left direction; of core planets close to the star and a group of gas planets far If we can set up a scenario that seems to fit, we need a series from the star, by pretending that there would be a natural reason of tests to check the theory: for it. Besides, several exo-gas-planets (hot Jupiters) have been found in the mean time very close to their stars, while their for- 1) the Sun’s temperature should comply with the resulting dy- mation by this theory should be far away from the host star.
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