VOLUME 47 . NUMBER 2 . CIRCULATION 2,200 A FREE PUBLICATION Temagami Times THE VOICE OF THE TEMAGAMI LAKES ASSOCIATION (TLA) SUMMER 2017 Whitefish Bay, Looking North (photo by Kelly Romans Bancroft) By Rob Corcoran Lake Temagami’s This invasive species can be transported from one infected water body to the next. In the Summer of 2015, our spiny water- TINY INVADERS One means of transfer for spiny waterfleas flea article highlighted the potential nega- is via fishing tackle and lines. They can tive impact of this invasive species, and the also collect on the loose strands of anchor We noted the very significant impact that spiny fact that it had already been identified in lines. So, be sure to clean any off your gear before you waterfleas have had on Lake Nipissing – which Lake Temagami some years before (see the Ontar- store it, and leave it out in the sun to dry. seemed to show some of the most deleterious impacts io’s Invading Species Awareness Program website Invasive species are real, and they are here. in Ontario, based, apparently, upon some unique as- at www.invadingspecies.com). Because they thrive When you are fishing, watch for tiny creatures curled pects of Lake Nipissing’s size, depth, temperatures, in colder, deeper, oligotrophic (low-nutrient) water around your fishing lures and fishing lines. and undoubtedly, ecosystems. bodies such as Lake Temagami, it is unlikely that we You may even find a few which Following a number of requests for will be able to get rid of them in the future. make it up to your reel. If you information from the MNRF, we encounter areas where finally received the results of your lines are fouled their 2014 testing program. IN THIS ISSUE: with spiny waterfleas, While detailed reports are please report these TLA Business....................................p. 4 not yet available/accessi- to the TLA. While Be Bear Wise ....................................p. 6 ble, MNRF staff were able the MNRF may not to confirm that spiny wa- Clean, Drain, and Dry! ........................p. 8 have as detailed a terfleas had been detected Build a Canoe; Preserve a Tradition ........p. 9 data set as we on at several test locations in TAFIP Update (April 2017) ............... p. 14 Lake Temagami would Lake Temagami. Although like to see, the roughly The White Pine’s Cousin, Jack ............ p. 15 the spiny waterflea is in the area, 600 members from whom The Shoreline Activity Area ................ p. 18 we can now say that “so far” Lake such information may be pro- Ice Diving in Temagami ..................... p. 21 Temagami has not seen nearly the Spiny Waterflea (Bythotrephes vided could encompass the Return of the Peregrine ...................... p. 25 impact that has occurred with Lake longimanus) Adults (photo by Gary entire Lake. Nipissing. Montz, 144, Bugwood.org) continued on page 3 Temagami Lakes Association • 1720 Lake Temagami Access Road, Temagami, ON P0H 2H0 • (705) 237- 8927 • Fax 877-281-4687 • www.tla-temagami.org page 2 Temagami Times Summer 2017 President’s Letter The Temagami Times Dear TLA Members: With so many of us appealing our MPAC assess- ments, it is clear that there are some serious disagree- Summer 2017 Issue As I looked at the recent photographs of the ice ments over property valuations. As TLA members, we This publication is published in the breaking up in Temagami, my pulse picked up a beat agreed that we would pay increased taxes in return for Winter, Summer, and Fall by the in anticipation of the coming summer on the Lake. I enforcement of the “Official Plan” – which includes TEMAGAMI LAKES ASSOCIATION. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT know many of you will be making your first trips of the the “Tenets for Temagami”. Since the services that we NO. 40050220 season soon, and the Board wants to wish everyone a receive are limited, it seems reasonable that our expec- PreSortation services provided by happy and healthy spring. tations for a continued, pristine wilderness experience Flagship Software Ltd. Over the past few months, I have been contacted should be met. EDITOR: Linda Bangay, OCT by several Lake residents who took me up on my of- At the same time, the TLA Board is determined to LAYOUT: Imaginus North Inc. ADVERTISING: Peter Healy fer to keep an open channel of communication. I have work with the Municipality to support activities that 705-237-8927; Fax: 877-281-4687 been told that there is a bit of a disconnect between will ensure the sustainability of the Temagami region [email protected] full-time residents and those of us who are on the Lake for future generations. To this end, I will be meeting DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: for only a couple of weeks or months out of the year. I with various members of the permanent residents’ com- September 15, 2017 heard that there is a real desire to grow the various busi- munity this summer. I remain confident that we have The opinions expressed by the authors nesses in Temagami, which is something that all of us much more in common than both “sides” often real- or advertisers in this edition are not necessarily those of the Temagami Times or the TEMAGAMI LAKES who are part of the larger community believe in. Many ize. The Lake depends on our ability to work together, ASSOCIATION. As contributing authors write articles permanent residents think that the TLA is opposed to and we have every intention of making the relationship for the Times on a voluntary basis, the TLA cannot all development. I have made it clear that that is not mutually beneficial. take responsibility for errors or omissions which may accidentally appear in these articles. true, and that we have, and will, continue to support I look forward to seeing everyone at the AGM on the commercial interests of the Municipality. July 29th. THE TLA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Will Goodman 1st Vice-President: Peter Whyte Will Goodman, TLA President Treasurer: Andrew Zyp Directors: Amelia Brooker Allan Eustis Brit Hyde Chip Kittredge Justin Metz Tim Richardson The term-of-office for a Director is 3 years. Elections are held every year in the summer. printed on FSC-certified paper The TEMAGAMI TIMES welcomes signed letters or e-mails on any subject. The editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity, and relevance. Letters containing libelous remarks, personal attacks, or inaccurate infor- mation will not be published - nor will The Southwest View from Island 817 (photo by Marty Martelle) open letters or copies of letters sent to public officials or governments. The opinions expressed are the letter writers’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the TEMAGAMI TEMAGAMI LAKES ASSOCIATION: LAKES ASSOCIATION. As contributing Now The Life and Times of a Cottage Community authors write articles for the Times on Available Available at the TLA building, the Annual General Meeting, a voluntary basis, the TLA cannot and TLA events. take responsibility for errors or omissions which may accidentally $40 ($10 discount for TLA members) appear in these articles. SKYLINE RESERVE TENETS FOR TEMAGAMI tained and new ones are to be installed to The mainland surrounding Lake Tema- prevent new public access roads to Lake gami and Cross Lake is to be zoned as Temagami and Cross Lake. a landscape ecology zone to preserve the New ski-doo trails accessing Lake Tema- beauty, restore the integrity and preserve gami/Cross Lake are to be no wider than the wilderness aspect of the Temagami ten feet and for winter ski-doo use only. Forest. This ecology zone would consist Proposals for these access points to Lake of 2 reserves which would be protected Temagami and Cross Lake are to be re- from natural disturbance e.g. fire and viewed and sites inspected by the new insect infestation, but would have sepa- governing body prior to construction. rate management goals and prescriptions. The two reserves would be the following: 2. Ecological Buffer Reserve: This gami and Cross Lake is supported by our MAINLAND DEVELOPMENT would surround the skyline reserve to three groups. We define the existing public There should be no mainland develop- 1. Skyline: The Lake Temagami and protect the natural forest and wildlife road access points to consist of the village ment on Lake Temagami and Cross Lake Cross Lake reserves must protect any habitat ecosystems of the Temagami re- waterfront, Finlayson Park, Strathcona with the exception of those potential lots part of Lake Temagami or Cross Lake gion. It would have a broader range of Landing and the Lake Temagami Access immediately adjacent to the Township of Temagami that are able to be serviced by with no visual evidence to the naked eye controlled activities but no new public Road landings. We agree that, where the Township’s central sewage treatment that any activities such as timber cutting roads would pass through it except in the possible, parking areas must be screened facility. All other future development or mining have taken place. The mini- village of Temagami. from the main body of the Lake. Shin- mum dimension would be 200 metres. ingwood Bay, Cross Lake, Austin Bay, will occur on islands, the number and location to be determined by the revised It would be preserved in its natural state ROAD ACCESS Blue Bay and any other illegal access official plan which will be sensitive to and its permissible uses would be very The current ban on construction of new points are to be closed using scarification current ecological standards. limited. public road access points to Lake Tema- methods. Existing gates are to be main- Visit the Temagami Lakes Association website: www.tla-temagami.org Summer 2017 Temagami Times page 3 are often found with their stomachs containing a also be reviewing the impacts that they have had on Lake Temagami’s significant number of undigested spiny waterflea other lakes in Ontario where they’ve been present for Tiny Invaders tails.
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